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Skeletal and Extraskeletal Actions of Vitamin D:

Current Evidence and Outstanding Questions
Roger Bouillon,1* Claudio Marcocci,2* Geert Carmeliet,1 Daniel Bikle,3 John H. White,4
Bess Dawson-Hughes,5 Paul Lips,6 Craig F. Munns,7,8 Marise Lazaretti-Castro,9

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Andrea Giustina,10 and John Bilezikian11

Laboratory of Clinical and Experimental Endocrinology, Department of Chronic Diseases, Metabolism and Ageing, 3000
KU Leuven, Belgium; 2Department of Clinical and Experimental Medicine, University of Pisa, 56126 Pisa, Italy; 3Veterans
Affairs Medical Center and University of California San Francisco, San Francisco, California 94121; 4Department of
Physiology, McGill University, Montreal, Quebec H3G 1Y6, Canada; 5Jean Mayer USDA Human Nutrition Research
Center on Aging at Tufts University, Boston, Massachusetts 02111; 6Department of Internal Medicine, Endocrine
Section, VU University Medical Center, 1081 HV Amsterdam, Netherlands; 7Children’s Hospital at Westmead, Sydney,
New South Wales, Australia; 8Sydney Medical School, University of Sydney, Sydney, New South Wales 2006, Australia;
Division of Endocrinology, Escola Paulista de Medicina, Universidade Federal de São Paulo, 04039-032 São Paulo, Brazil;
Chair of Endocrinology, Vita-Salute San Raffaele University, 60-20132 Milan, Italy; and 11Department of Endocrinology,
Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons, New York, New York 10032
ORCiD numbers: 0000-0002-6446-3763 (R. Bouillon); 0000-0001-6568-8588 (C. Marcocci);
0000-0001-8324-4462 (G. Carmeliet); 0000-0002-1040-475X (D. Bikle); 0000-0002-4785-2687 (J. H. White);
0000-0002-2627-8145 (P. Lips); 0000-0001-9186-2834 (M. Lazaretti-Castro).

(*R.B. and C.M. contributed equally to this study.)

ABSTRACT The etiology of endemic rickets was discovered a century ago. Vitamin D is the precursor of 25-
hydroxyvitamin D and other metabolites, including 1,25(OH)2D, the ligand for the vitamin D receptor (VDR). The
effects of the vitamin D endocrine system on bone and its growth plate are primarily indirect and mediated by its
effect on intestinal calcium transport and serum calcium and phosphate homeostasis. Rickets and osteomalacia can
be prevented by daily supplements of 400 IU of vitamin D. Vitamin D deficiency (serum 25-hydroxyvitamin
D ,50 nmol/L) accelerates bone turnover, bone loss, and osteoporotic fractures. These risks can be reduced by 800 IU
of vitamin D together with an appropriate calcium intake, given to institutionalized or vitamin D–deficient elderly ISSN Print: 0163-769X
ISSN Online: 1945-7189
subjects. VDR and vitamin D metabolic enzymes are widely expressed. Numerous genetic, molecular, cellular, and
Printed: in USA
animal studies strongly suggest that vitamin D signaling has many extraskeletal effects. These include regulation of cell This article has been published
proliferation, immune and muscle function, skin differentiation, and reproduction, as well as vascular and metabolic under the terms of the
properties. From observational studies in human subjects, poor vitamin D status is associated with nearly all diseases Creative Commons
Attribution License (CC BY;
predicted by these extraskeletal actions. Results of randomized controlled trials and Mendelian randomization studies
are supportive of vitamin D supplementation in reducing the incidence of some diseases, but, globally, conclusions are licenses/by/4.0/), which
mixed. These findings point to a need for continued ongoing and future basic and clinical studies to better define permits unrestricted use,
whether vitamin D status can be optimized to improve many aspects of human health. Vitamin D deficiency enhances distribution, and reproduction
in any medium, provided the
the risk of osteoporotic fractures and is associated with many diseases. We review what is established and what is
original author and source are
plausible regarding the health effects of vitamin D. (Endocrine Reviews 40: 1109 – 1151, 2019) credited. Copyright for this
article is retained by the
Received: 10 April 2018

A causal role of vitamin D for bone health is well

established, as vitamin D deficiency is the cause
of most cases of rickets and osteomalacia. Vitamin D
also plays a major role in the pathogenesis of renal
osteodystrophy, and its deficiency can accelerate bone
loss and osteoporosis of the elderly. Preclinical data
Accepted: 17 July 2018
First Published Online:
12 October 2018

doi: 10.1210/er.2018-00126 1109


· Vitamin D prevents and cures nutritional rickets but implementation of an adequate prevention strategy is still
problematic in many countries or for subgroups of the world population
· The near universal distribution of the vitamin D receptor and vitamin D metabolizing enzymes CYP24A1 and CYP27B1,
along with the large number of genes under direct control of 1,25(OH)2D, all argue for a wide diversity of actions of the
vitamin D endocrine system
· Most animal data are in line with human data on the role of vitamin D in helping to regulate calcium and bone
·· Many observational studies link a poor vitamin D status to major human diseases
About 38 Mendelian randomization studies have addressed, in the past several years, a link between genetically lower 25-

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hydroxyvitamin D concentration and skeletal or extraskeletal health outcomes; the best documented link so far is found
for multiple sclerosis
· Intervention studies for extraskeletal health effects are so far inconclusive, but the results of several ongoing randomized
clinical trials may help to delineate these effects more clearly

suggest that severe vitamin D deficiency may have in the glomerulus. Most other cells only have access to
extraskeletal effects. Many observational studies also free OHD except maybe for a few cells with low
link a poor vitamin D status to a wide variety of expression of megalin (placenta and parathyroid cells).
extraskeletal diseases. However, cause and effect have Therefore, free OHD and the extrarenal expression
not been confirmed, and therefore the optimal vitamin of CYPB define the local production of ,(OH)D
D intake or optimal levels of the major circulating outside the kidney. Only kidney-produced ,(OH)D
metabolite -hydroxyvitamin D (OHD) to achieve can be exported to the bloodstream. Free ,(OH)D
clinically detectable nonskeletal effects are not known. then can gain access to the target tissues, activate the
The origin, transport, metabolism, and action of VDR, and thereby regulate gene transcription. A very
vitamin D have many similarities with those of iodide/ large number of genes (~% of the human genome) are
thyroid hormones. Therefore, we compare both en- under the direct or indirect control of the active hor-
docrine systems in Table . Vitamin D is either of mones, suggesting a broad spectrum of activities
dietary origin or can be synthesized in the skin under (Table ). ,(OH)D may also activate nongenomic
the influence of UV-B light. The dietary intake of pathways either by binding to the VDR or another
vitamin D (mostly D and minimal amounts of D) is receptor () located in lipid rafts in caveolae, thereby
usually low. Similarly, iodide intake is variable and transiently regulating ion channel activity (especially
depends on geography and dietary habits. For both chloride and calcium channels), kinases, and phos-
systems, a complex system allows first the storage of phatases (). The biological consequences of VDR
precursor molecules in tissues (Table ), followed by activation are well understood and described in greater
secretion of a prohormone in the blood where it is detail in this review. The biological implications of
bound to specific transport proteins. Thereafter, the nongenomic actions for tissue or whole-body physi-
hormone precursors (OHD and T, respectively) ology are poorly understood. We mention two exam-
can be activated into the hormone [a,-dihydroxy- ples. First, the in vivo administration of a bolus of
vitamin D (,(OH)D) and T  , respectively] or ,(OH)D can rapidly and transiently increase in-
inactived into other metabolites [initially mainly testinal calcium absorption in chicks. Second, the
R,(OH)D and reverse T, respectively, but fol- absence of FAMB, a membrane receptor for
lowed later by many other metabolites]. The active R,(OH)D, results in a transient delay in fracture
hormones have a high affinity for their respective healing, similar to the same phenotype as found in
nuclear receptors [vitamin D receptor (VDR) and cypa-deficient mice (). We will survey the well-
thyroid hormone receptor] but much lower affinity for documented and potential benefits of vitamin D and
their serum transport proteins, thereby favoring the the risks associated with vitamin D deficiency with the
selective nuclear uptake of the hormones whereas the goal of identifying a vitamin D status that is effective
precursor preferentially remains in the bloodstream. and safe in protecting health globally. First, we sum-
The essential aspects of vitamin D metabolism and marize data related to metabolic bone diseases and
action are presented in Fig. . OHD can enter the thereafter summarize the present state of the art re-
renal tubuli as free [not bound to the vitamin D– garding the possible extraskeletal actions of the vitamin
binding protein (DBP) or not bound to proteins in D endocrine system. Throughout this review, preclinical
general] via the bloodstream or as a complex with DBP data are briefly summarized, whereas human data are
by uptake mediated by megalin/cubulin after filtration discussed in somewhat greater detail. Observational

1110 Bouillon et al Skeletal and Extraskeletal Actions of Vitamin D Endocrine Reviews, August 2019, 40(4):1109–1151

studies are briefly summarized whereas we focus more population. Therefore, large-scale genetic studies can
on Mendelian randomization (MR) trials and ran- define whether such genetically predisposed lower
domized controlled trials (RCTs) and their meta- serum OHD concentrations are linked to specific
analyses. Indeed, apart from an ongoing discussion health outcomes, thereby avoiding the problem of
about the relative value of observational vs RCTs (, ), reverse causation, residual confounding, or limited
most governmental authorities consider RCTs the most duration of observation or interventions. MR studies
convincing way to demonstrate the role of vitamin D in dealing with vitamin D status, however, are limited
health. There is increasing attention to the use of MR by the relatively low predicted differences in serum
studies to evaluate the lifelong consequences of ge- OHD (usually ,% of total variation). Addi-
netically predisposed lower or higher serum OHD tionally, such studies evaluate only linear correlations
concentrations and health outcomes (). and cannot detect effects above or below a certain
Indeed, serum OHD concentrations are under threshold ().

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genetic control, and several large-scale genome-wide Finally, we present the major outstanding re-
association studies (GWASs) have consistently search questions. For the purpose of this review,
identified a number of single nucleotide poly- we define vitamin deficiency by serum OHD
morphisms (SNPs) around genes involved in vitamin , nmol/L (or  ng/mL) and severe vitamin D
D synthesis, metabolism, and transport, which alone deficiency by values , nmol/L (or  ng/mL). A
or in combination modify serum OHD concen- more extensive analysis of the assay methodology to
trations (, ). Such data allow identifying subjects estimate the vitamin D status () and the definition of
with genetically predisposed serum OHD sig- vitamin D status () is discussed in other recent
nificantly lower or higher than the mean of the studies ().

Vitamin D Is Essential for Skeletal Health indirect and caused by a negative calcium balance
resulting from reduced vitamin D action in the intestinal
Preclinical data mucosa. This conclusion is based on several observa-
tions. First, the osteomalacia of mice with systemic
Growth plate inactivation of Vdr signaling can be rescued by a diet
The abnormal structure of the growth plates is one of the containing high calcium and lactose, similar to the
major clinical, radiological, and histological hallmarks of restoration of the growth plate phenotype (, ). More
rickets observed in humans and mice with vitamin D precisely, the rescue in Vdr-null mice was complete, but
deficiency or inactivation of the VDR or a-hydroxylase not in Cypb mice (, ), and an explanation for this
(CYPB) (–). This phenotypic characteristic, different response may be found in ligand-independent
however, does not result from direct VDR actions in effects of the Vdr or differences in genetic or housing
growth plate chondrocytes but from the hypo- protocols. Second, mice with global Vdr inactivation and
phosphatemia that decreases the cell death of hyper- selective reintroduction of the Vdr in either the whole
trophic chondrocytes (, ) and from hypocalcemia intestine () or only of the distal part of the intestine do
blocking chondrocyte differentiation. The growth plate not develop a skeletal phenotype (). Finally, selective
structure, along with secondary hyperparathyroidism and deletion of the Vdr in the intestine generates severe
hypophosphatemia, can be normalized by a very high oral osteomalacia and decreased bone mass ().
calcium supply or by intravenous calcium administration, These data clearly indicate that the intestine is the
as demonstrated in humans and experimental animal primary target tissue for vitamin D action in calcium
models (). Indeed, chondrocyte-specific deletion of Vdr homeostasis and show that intestinal vitamin D sig-
or Cypb in mice does not generate a rachitic growth naling is necessary for adequate active transcellular
plate (, ). Alternatively, local production of hormonal and possible paracellular calcium transport (, ).
,(OH)D (or calcitriol) or Vdr action in chondrocytes During a negative calcium balance, but with a
has temporary paracrine and endocrine actions. Mouse normal active vitamin D system in mature osteoblasts
genetic studies show that the absence of vitamin D and osteocytes, vitamin D signaling in bone cells has a
signaling specifically in growth plate chondrocytes role in maintaining serum calcium homeostasis by
generates a transient increase in bone mass related to
increasing bone resorption and impairing bone
decreased production of pro-osteoclastogenic factors by
mineralization (). These findings demonstrate that
mutant chondrocytes. Additionally, serum phosphate
levels are transiently increased, as FGF production by under these conditions, the vitamin D endocrine
osteocytes and osteoblasts is decreased (, ). system primarily defends a normal serum calcium
homeostasis, if needed, at the expense of bone.
Bone and bone cells During a normal calcium balance, implying normal
In conditions with defective systemic vitamin D sig- intestinal calcium absorption, the absence of the Vdr
naling, the effects of vitamin D on bone are largely in osteoblasts, osteocytes, or osteoclasts does not

doi: 10.1210/er.2018-00126 1111


Table 1. Comparison Between the Vitamin D and Thyroid Endocrine Systems

Vitamin D Endocrine System Thyroid Endocrine System Comment

Substrate Dietary vitamin D3/D2 or 7DHC Iodide • For both systems the availability of the substrate
and UV-B light is irregular, as most food items contain little
substrate (D3/D2 or iodide)

• UV-B light for vitamin D synthesis is also

dependent on geographic, seasonal, climatic,
and cultural factors

• Around the world the total supply of both

substrates varies from very low to very high

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Storage of inactive precursor Vitamin D in fat, liver, muscle Tg in thyroid colloid • Storage of vitamin D in different tissues and its
dynamics back to the plasma pool are poorly

• Active accumulation of iodide in Tg allows for

storage of iodide for several weeks or months of
thyroid hormone synthesis

First metabolic activation Conversion of vitamin D into Digestion of Tg into T4 • Synthesis of 25OHD is poorly regulated except by
into plasma prohormone 25OHD by CYP2R1 and other the dynamics of CYP2R1 and other CYPs with
CYPs little or no feedback regulatory control

• Conversion of Tg into T4 is regulated by

endogenous feedback systems (TRH–TSH–TSH

• Both mechanisms create a large plasma pool of

prohormone with long half-life (2 wk for 25OHD
and 1 wk for T4)

Second metabolic 25OHD can be activated by Tg or T4 activation into T3 or • Activation or inactivation is strongly controlled
activation/inactivation CYP27B1 into 1,25(OH)2D or inactivation into reverse T3 by hormones
inactivated into 24R,25(OH)2D
by CYP24A1 • For vitamin D, PTH and FGF23 are the main

• TSH is the main regulator for thyroid hormone


Tissues involved in Kidney is the major regulator for Thyroid gland and muscle are major
activation/inactivation synthesis of 1,25(OH)2D for tissues of synthesis of T3 for export
export to plasma; many other to plasma pool; most tissues have
tissues can produce this local deiodinases for activation/
hormone for local autocrine/ inactivation of T4
paracrine action

Control of metabolism PTH and FGF23 are major TSH is major regulator of metabolism
regulators for metabolism in in thyroid gland; other hormones
kidney; several cytokines regulate and cytokines regulate iodinase
synthesis in other tissues activity in other tissues

Hormone action

Binding to NR as ligand 1,25(OH)2D binding to VDR T3 binding to TR • Both hormones bind with high affinity to their
of NR respective receptors whereas the circulating
hormone precursors have a much lower affinity
for the receptors

• VDR and TR are both members of the large family

of nuclear receptors and use the same
heterodimer partner (RXR) and coactivators or
repressors, and they bind to similar
hexanucleotide sequences in DNA (direct repeat
hormone-responsive elements) separated by
three or four nucleotides, respectively
(Continued )

1112 Bouillon et al Skeletal and Extraskeletal Actions of Vitamin D Endocrine Reviews, August 2019, 40(4):1109–1151

Table 1. Continued
Vitamin D Endocrine System Thyroid Endocrine System Comment

Genomic action Gene regulation Gene regulation • Both hormones regulate a very large number of
genes (.1% of the human genome), suggesting
a broad spectrum of activities, using a complex
gene transcription mechanism similar to ligands
of other NRs

Nongenomic action Second signaling pathways Second signaling pathways • As for other hormones, nongenomic actions are
operational but their clinical implications are
incompletely understood

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The origin of the substrate is irregular for most subjects. Therefore, evolution created a tissue storage of inactive precursors and a large circulating pool as a prohormone (25OHD and
T4, respectively) with a long half-life. Thereafter, the prohormone can either be activated or inactived either for systemic transport or for local autocrine/paracrine actions. Both systems
use a gene transcription regulatory mechanism based on strongly related nuclear receptors and use the same heterodimer partner (RCR) and similar hormone response elements to
regulate a very large number of genes.
Abbreviations: 7DHC: 7-dehydrocholesterol; FGF23, fibroblast growth factor 23; NR, nuclear receptor; RXR, retinoic acid receptor; T3, triiodothyronine; T4, thyroxine; Tg, thyroglobulin;
TR, thyroid hormone receptor.

phenocopy rickets and osteomalacia, indicating a rather (, ). Systematic daily supply of  IU of vitamin
redundant role of the vitamin D endocrine system in D can prevent nutritional rickets, as was clearly
bone cells (–). Nevertheless, mouse genetic studies demonstrated in Turkey where the incidence of rickets
have shown that both the absence and overexpression was reduced from % to .% (). However, rickets
of the Vdr in osteoblasts increase bone mass mod- can still develop independent of vitamin D status with
estly, in part by decreasing the expression of pro- an intake of calcium of ,/ mg daily (up to
osteoclastogenic factors (, ), but the exact  months and after  months of age, respectively)
mechanisms are incompletely understood. Moreover, (, ). Nutritional rickets is a risk factor for fractures
the presence of the Vdr in osteoblasts mediates the in children and adolescents, and it can also have major
bone anabolic action (in mice) of some vitamin D consequences for tooth development (). Despite
analogs (). Finally, the roles of local production of well-established consensus guidelines on how to
,(OH)D in bone cells and its autocrine and eliminate nutritional rickets, many infants and chil-
paracrine effects have been suggested by in vitro data, dren are still at risk for this disease owing to the lack of
but they need to be confirmed by in vivo experiments. implementation of simple interventions (, ).
The skeletal effects of moderate vitamin D deficiency
Human data in adults or elderly subjects are mainly caused by an
increase of the serum PTH concentration, leading to high
Pathophysiology bone turnover and associated cortical bone loss (). In
Severe vitamin D deficiency ( nmol/L) in infants or the MORE study, the groups with vitamin D deficiency
children can cause rickets (–) (Fig. ). The vitamin (serum OHD , nmol/L, n =  and OHD  to
D endocrine system plays a limited role in prenatal life  nmol/L, n = ) both show significantly higher
but becomes active shortly after birth. Because fetal serum PTH (. 6 . and . 6 . pmol/L, respectively)
serum OHD reflects that of the mother, maternal compared with people with OHD . nmol/L (n =
vitamin D deficiency increases the risk of nutritional , serum PTH . pmol/L). Both groups show a
rickets and hypocalcemia in the first months of life. significant decrease of serum PTH after treatment with
The vitamin D content of mother milk or nonfortified vitamin D (% and % lower serum PTH, P , .),
cow milk is low, and exposure of infants or small suggesting that serum PTH was elevated on an individual
children to direct sunlight may be dangerous. The level in most patients (). Very similar observations were
incidence of rickets in Western populations is low made in the bazedoxifene trial in . participants ().
owing to the widespread vitamin D supplementation This study shows thresholds for PTH and bone mineral
of  IU/d in most Western countries for many density (BMD) at serum OHD of  or  nmol/L,
decades. When this is not done, for example, in the respectively. The Longitudinal Aging Study Amsterdam
case of a macrobiotic diet or in children of non- (LASA) confirms these thresholds for PTH and BMD
Western immigrants, the incidence of rickets in- (). Additionally, vitamin D deficiency may increase the
creases sharply (, ). Low adherence rates to risk of falls (as discussed below). Severe vitamin D de-
vitamin D supplementation in the very young in the ficiency may cause mineralization defects in some cases.
United Kingdom have been leading to a resurgence of An increase of osteoid volume (.%) was observed in
rickets and even casualties due to cardiomyopathy. % of hip fracture patients having a serum
Part of this is due to an increase of the nonwhite OHD , nmol/L (), and in a very large post-
population, rising from .% in  to % in  mortem series, an osteoid volume .% was observed in

doi: 10.1210/er.2018-00126 1113


Figure 1. Metabolism and

action of vitamin D and its
metabolites, with special
focus on renal and
extrarenal production of
1,25(OH)2D and the
genomic or nongenomic
pathways of vitamin D

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.% of cases (). This study caused serious discussion Epidemiologic studies
because of uncertainties about the accuracy of blood In the National Health and Nutrition Examination
OHD measurement in postmortem samples and the Survey (NHANES), an association between BMD and
use of histological criteria for osteomalacia, which do not serum OHD was observed. BMD of the hip in-
correspond to the standard criteria (, ). creased . g/cm in whites between  and  years

1114 Bouillon et al Skeletal and Extraskeletal Actions of Vitamin D Endocrine Reviews, August 2019, 40(4):1109–1151

of age when serum OHD increased from  to incidence was observed, either with annual injection or
 nmol/L (). In older persons, the BMD increase with a -monthly oral dose (, ). The three other
was somewhat less. In the LASA study, BMD of the hip trials with vitamin D alone were negative (–). In
increased . g/cm when serum OHD increased  RCTs, vitamin D and calcium were combined. The
from  to  nmol/L (, ). A similar relationship greatest effect was observed in the first trial in a very
was found in the bazedoxifene study (). The LASA deficient French nursing home population (mean age,
study also found an association between vitamin D  years) treated with vitamin D ( IU/d) and
deficiency and fractures. Serum OHD levels below calcium ( mg/d) vs double placebo. In this trial, a
or equal to  nmol/L were associated with an in- considerable and significant decrease of hip fracture
creased fracture risk [hazard ratio (HR), .] in persons incidence (2%) and other fracture incidence
aged  to  years (). Similarly, increased fracture (2%) was observed (), as well as an increase of
risk was observed in subjects with the lowest vitamin D BMD at the hip of % (see above). In two other trials

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status in several long-term follow-up studies (). Two the combination of vitamin D and calcium showed a
recent RCTs confirmed a positive effect of vitamin D significant decrease of fracture incidence (, ). In
supplementation on BMD in subjects with a baseline two other trials the combined therapy showed a
serum OHD , nmol/L (, ). borderline effect, the first in a similar French nursing
home population (P = . for nonvertebral fractures)
MR studies (), and the second from the Women’s Health Ini-
Two MR studies have evaluated the impact of ge- tiative () (hip fractures, intention-to-treat: HR, .;
netically low serum OHD concentrations, as pre- % CI, . to .; per protocol analysis in adherent
dicted by polymorphisms in four genes (DHCR and subjects: HR, .; % CI, . to .]. Because of the
CYPR involved in synthesis of vitamin D metab- coadministration of vitamin D and calcium, it is not
olites, and GC/DBP and CYPR involved in possible to define the relative contribution of vitamin
transport and metabolism of vitamin D) (, ). A D and calcium supplementation. Six trials did not
small-scale [Table  (–)] Chinese study of  show a significant effect of vitamin D and calcium on
postmenopausal women did not find an effect of fracture incidence (, –). Two RCTs, however,
genetically predicted lower serum OHD on BMD at showed an increase in fracture incidence, both
lumbar spine or femoral neck (). A much larger employing a very high single dose (, and
study in subjects of European descent similarly did not
find an effect of the same polymorphism in four vi-
tamin D–related genes on either BMD or ultrasound
characteristics of bone ().

Many RCTs have been performed with vitamin D,
usually combined with calcium, on BMD and frac-
tures as outcome criteria (). The effects on BMD
are best visible at the femoral neck, +.% on average
(range, .% to .%) according to a recent meta-
analysis (). However, this meta-analysis did not
include the Lyon clinical trial (). In this trial in a
very vitamin D–deficient population, the difference
in total hip BMD between vitamin D and the control
group was .%.
In the large VIDA study of adults in New Zealand
(mean age,  years; mean baseline serum OHD,
 nmol/L) (), a modest increase in BMD at the
femoral neck (+.%) was observed overall in the
group treated with , IU of vitamin D per
month for  years. In the subgroup with a baseline
serum OHD , nmol/L, BMD remained stable
during  years in vitamin D–supplemented subjects,
whereas a % decrease was observed in the control Figure 2. Radiologic image of nutritional rickets. A radiologic image of a 19-mo-old child with
nutritional rickets is shown. The child was born from Indian parents, living in Australia, after a
group. The effect of vitamin D on fracture incidence
normal pregnancy of 40 wk and received exclusive breastfeeding for 18 mo without vitamin D
was studied in at least  RCTs. In these trials, vitamin supplementation. Height and weight were around the 50th percentile. Medical attention was asked
D was given with different intervals, from daily to once because of genu varum and delayed walking. Serum calcium (2.01 mmol/L; 2.10 to 2.65) and
per year. In five trials, vitamin D was given alone. In phosphate were slightly decreased. Serum 25OHD was ,18 nmol/L and alkaline phosphatase and
two of these, a significant decrease of fracture PTH (126 pmol/L; 1.0 to 7.0) levels were high.

doi: 10.1210/er.2018-00126 1115


Table 2. MR Studies: Vitamin D Status and Clinical Endpoints

Disease Population Polymorphism Results

→ Cancer

Chandler et al. European women 5 SNPs All cancers: HR, 1.01 (NS)
N = 23,293 Breast: HR, 1.02 (NS)

Subgroup with validation SNPs–25OHD Colon: HR, 1.06 (NS)

Lung: HR, 1.00 (NS)

Cancer deaths: HR, 1.00 (NS)

Downloaded from by guest on 20 February 2020

11 nmol/L difference highest/lowest NSP score

Dimitrakopoulo Genetic networks 4 SNPs OR for predicted, 25 nmol/L

et al. (50)
GAME-ON Consortium Difference

GECCO Consortium Colorectal cancer: 0.92 (NS)

PRACTICAL Consortium Breast cancer: 1.05 (NS)

MR-based platform Prostate cancer: 0.89 (NS)

N = 70,563 cancer cases Lung cancer: 1.03 (NS)

N = 84,418 controls

Wang et al. (51) Women of African diaspora 2 SNPs vitamin D Cancer: NS

1657 Cases of breast cancer SNP for
2029 Controls pigmentation OR, 1.54 (P , 0.08)
Total of 3686 participants

Ong et al. (52) N = 31,719 whites (10,065 cases vs 21,654 controls) 3 SNPs OR per 20 nmol/L

Ovarian cancer (all types) Lower 25OHD:

High-grade ovarian cancer OR, 1.27 (1.06–1.51)

OR, 1.54 (1.19–2.01)

Trummer et al. Prostate cancer 1 SNP NS


Theodoratou Colorectal cancer 1 SNP NS

et al. (54)
2001 Cases (Scotland)

Comments: higher measured serum 25OHD associated

with lower colorectal cancer incidence

Dudding et al. Oral or oropharyngeal cancer 5 SNPs OR, 1.01 (NS) (confirmed in validation
(55) cohort of 585 cases from UK Biobank)
N = 5133

N = 5984 controls (Europe, North and South

America, all with .70% European origin)

Sun et al. (56) Lung cancer 3 SNPs Genes explained 3.4% of 25OHD
HR, 0.96 (NS)
N = 676 cases

N = 54,580 controls
(Continued )

1116 Bouillon et al Skeletal and Extraskeletal Actions of Vitamin D Endocrine Reviews, August 2019, 40(4):1109–1151

Table 2. Continued
Disease Population Polymorphism Results

→ Neurologic diseases

Parkinson disease

Larsson et al. (57) 5333 Parkinson cases 4 SNPs OR for 10% lower predicted

12,019 Controls Serum 25OHD, 0.98 (NS)

Alzheimer’s disease

Mokry et al. (58) Internal genomics of AD Consortium 4 SNPs from 1 SD lower predicted

Downloaded from by guest on 20 February 2020

N = 17,008 cases SUNLIGHT 25OHD: OR for AD,

Versus 37,154 controls (N = 33,996) 1.25 (P , 0.02)

CaMos; n = 2347 cases

Taylor et al. (59) Schizophrenia NS


Gianfrancesco Early onset 3 SNPs Higher predicted 25OHD:

et al. (60)
(Pediatric) MS OR for MS, 0.72 (0.55–0.94)

N = 394 United States vs 10,875 controls

N = 175 Sweden vs 5376 controls

Mokry et al. (61) Canada 4 SNP 1 SD predicted lower

N = 33,996 and 2347 cases? Log 25OHD: OR for MS, 2 (1.7–2.5) (P = 10212)

Rhead et al. (62) N = 1056 cases vs 9015 United States 3 SNPs OR for highest predicted
controls (non-Hispanic whites)

N = 6335 cases vs 5762 Sw controls 25OHD, 0.85 (0.76–0.94) (P = 0.003)

→ Diabetes and metabolic syndrome

Cooper et al. Type 1 diabetes 5 SNPs (including OR, 1.07 cases/controls (P = 0.007)
(63) CYP27B1)
n = 720 + 8517 cases OR, 1.10 family study (P = 0.001)

n = 13,438 controls

(White Europeans)

Afzal et al. (64) 96,423 Danish subjects with/without T2DM SNPs in DHCR7 and 20 nmol/L genetically lower 25OHD
OR for T2DM, 1.51 (DHCR7) (P = 0.04)

OR for T2DM, 1.02 (CYP2R1) (NS)

Ye et al. (65) T2DM 4 SNPs NS for T2DM or fasting blood glucose

28,144 cases T2DM

76,344 controls

Comments: lower measured serum 25OHD

associated with risk of T2DM
(Continued )

doi: 10.1210/er.2018-00126 1117


Table 2. Continued
Disease Population Polymorphism Results

Vimaleswaran Obesity 4 SNPs (vitamin D) NS link with BMI significantly lower measured 25OHD
et al. (66) concentrations when SNPs for higher BMI
21 Cohorts of European origin 12 SNPs (BMI)

N = 42,024

Comment: genes for higher BMI are associated with lower

measured serum 25OHD, but genes for lower 25OHD
concentrations are not significantly associated with higher

Downloaded from by guest on 20 February 2020

Husemoen et al. Adiponectin as marker of metabolic syndrome 1 SNP (DBP/GC) Genetically twofold higher 25OHD associated with 1.6-fold
(67) higher serum adiponectin
6405 + 2656 Danish subjects

Comment: a 1.6-fold higher serum adiponectin level could

explain a twofold lower risk for T2DM

Wang et al. (68) Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease 4 SNPs NS

9182 Subjects from East China


• No link between eight SNPs predisposing for nonalcoholic

fatty liver disease and measured serum 25OHD

• Link between four SNPs for vitamin D and serum 25OHD

concentrations confirmed in Chinese subjects

→ Cardiovascular events

Manousaki et al. SUNLIGHT Consortium 4 SNPs NS

N = 33,996

Canadian artery disease NS

N = 22,233 cases vs 64,762 controls

Brøndom- Denmark 4 SNPs in two genes NS

Jacobsen et al.
(70) N = 92,416 total participants

N = 14,455 with ischemic heart disease Comparison: lower measured serum 25OHD Lowest/
highest quartile: HR, 1.82 for ischemic heart disease
N = 7061 with myocardial infarction (1.42–2.32)

Leong et al. (71) Cardiovascular and metabolic disease 1 SNP (DBP/GC) NS

2254 Canadian subjects
Comments: no link between this SNP and fasting blood
glucose, insulin, BMI, cardiovascular diseases, and stroke

Ooi et al. (72) Nonfasting remnant cholesterol concentration 4 SNPs NS*

85,869 Whites (Denmark) for lipoproteins Measured nonfasting cholesterol remnants inversely
associated with measured serum 25OHD

25,862 Whites (Denmark) for 25OHD Genes for higher cholesterol remnants associated with
lower serum 25OHD

Comments: genes related to higher nonfasting cholesterol SNPs in vitamin D–related genes are related to serum
remnants are associated with lower serum 25OHD 25OHD but only marginally with measured serum HDL
concentrations and thus may partially explain epidemiologic
links between lower vitamin D status and cardiovascular risks
and diseases and higher prevalence of low-grade
(Continued )

1118 Bouillon et al Skeletal and Extraskeletal Actions of Vitamin D Endocrine Reviews, August 2019, 40(4):1109–1151

Table 2. Continued
Disease Population Polymorphism Results

Vimaleswaran Hypertension 2 SNPs (DHCR7 and 10% Genetically higher serum 25OHD is associated with
et al. (73) CYP2R1) 0.3 mm Hg lower diastolic and systolic blood pressure
142,255 Danish subjects and lower risk for hypertension

Skaaby et al. (74) Cardiovascular risk factor (lipid profile) SNPs for fillagrin Loss of fillagrin mutations result in 10% higher measured serum
25OHD (possibly related to higher UV-B–induced efficacy
11,983 Subjects of North European origin in vitamin D production) and better lipid profile (higher
high-density lipoprotein, lower low-density lipoprotein, and
lower very-low-density lipoprotein and triglycerides)

Downloaded from by guest on 20 February 2020

→ Bone: BMD

Li et al. (75) 1824 Chinese postmenopausal women 4 SNPs NS

Serum 25OHD (measured) positively associated

with BMD of lumbar spine (P = 0.003), femoral
neck (P = 0.006), and total hip (P = 0.005)

Larsson et al. (76) 2 Cohorts of European descent 5 SNPs linked to four NS

D–related genes

→ Eye: myopic refractory disease

Cuellar-Partida CREAM = 33,382 European and 8376 Asian 4 SNPs Refractory error: 0.01 to 20.02 diopters per 10 nmol/L
et al. (77) participants predicted increase in serum 25OHD (NS)

→Immunological events

Asthma and atopic dermatitis

Manousaki et al. SUNLIGHT, GABRIEL, and EAGLE (eczema) Consortia 4 SNPs OR for disease per SD
Asthma (N = 146,761) OR, 1.03 (NS)

Childhood onset asthma (N = 15,008) OR, 0.95 (NS)

Atopic dermatitis (N = 40,835) OR, 1.12 (NS)

Elevated IgE level (N = 12,835) Effect size, 0.40 (NS)

Mao et al. (79) Asthma GABRIEL database of 10,363 European 4 SNPs NS

cases vs 16,110 controls

Inflammation (C-reactive protein)

Liefaard et al. Rotterdam study on 9649 participants 4 SNPs NS

(80) Measurement of C-reactive protein as marker of


Viatte et al. (81) RA outcome 493 + 2924 cases of RA (United Kingdom) 4 SNPs NS

Comments: study of outcome (signs and symptoms)

of RA and not of prevalence or incidence of RA

→ Skin aging

Noordam et al. Rotterdam and Leiden studies ? SNPs NS

N = 3831 and 661

Facial skin aging features

Perceived age, wrinkling, pigmented spots

Serum measured 25OHD associated with skin aging: higher

serum 25OHD, higher skin aging (P . 1026)
(Continued )

doi: 10.1210/er.2018-00126 1119


Table 2. Continued
Disease Population Polymorphism Results

→ Mortality

Ordóñez-Mena German older adults (ESTHER) 4 SNPs NS

et al. (83)
N = 8417

2 SNPs associated with lower serum 25OHD

Lower serum 25OHD associated with higher mortality

Afzal et al. (84) 3 Danish cohorts 4 SNPs in two genes

Downloaded from by guest on 20 February 2020

N = 95,766

Follow-up 9–19 y

Genetically low serum 25OHD: per 20 nmol/L lower serum


All-cause mortality: 1.3 (1.05–1.61)

Cardiovascular mortality: NS

Cancer mortality: 0.43 (1.02–1.99)

Additionally measured serum 25OHD in 35,334 subjects

Per 20 nmol/L lower measured serum 25OHD

All-cause mortality: 1.19 (1.14–1.25)

Cardiovascular mortality: 1.18 (1.09-1.28)

Cancer mortality: 1.12 (1.03-1.22)

Trummer et al. Mortality in 3316 German adults undergoing a coronary 4 SNPs NS

(85) angiography (age 63 y) and followed up for 10 y

→ Kidney function

Teumer et al. Glomeral filtration rate 16,442 + 5123 objects of European 3 SNPs Negative effects of higher 25OHD on estimated glomerular
(86) ancestry filtration rate (P = 0.003)

→ Conclusions 1. Genetically low 25OHD associated with all-cause and cancer mortality

2. Observational low 25OHD associated with all-cause, cardiovascular, and cancer mortality

Overview of MR studies dealing with polymorphism in genes related to vitamin D synthesis, transport, or metabolism and serum 25OHD vs different biological endpoints or diseases.
Unless mentioned otherwise, SNPs mentioned in this table refer to polymorphism in genes for 7-dehydrocholesterol-reductase (DHCR7), CYP2R1 or 25-hydroxylase, DBP/GC, the
major serum transport protein for all vitamin D metabolites, and CYP24A1, the major catabolizing enzyme for 25OHD and 1,25(OH)2D.
Abbreviations: NS, not significant; T2DM, type 2 diabetes mellitus.

, IU) once per year (, ). One of these also Meta-analyses
showed an increased risk of falls (). In the most Many meta-analyses have evaluated the effect of vi-
recent VIDA study (), no effect of vitamin D tamin D on BMD and fracture incidence (,
supplementation on fractures or falls risk was observed –). The outcomes of meta-analyses vary greatly
during a .-year follow-up of New Zealand adults (). In general, the meta-analyses show that the
(mean age,  years) with a baseline serum OHD of effect of vitamin D is greater when () given to older
 nmol/L. Whether this null result was due to the ( to  yrs or $ years) than to younger subjects
good vitamin D status at baseline, the use of mono- ( to  years), () given to those in a residential care
therapy with vitamin D without calcium supple- setting than to independently living elderly (), or
mentation, or the high intermittent dose of , () the daily dose is at least  IU or when baseline
IU/mo is unclear. Intermittent high-dose vitamin D serum OHD is low. The Cochrane systematic review
may paradoxically and transiently increase the fracture and meta-analysis stated that vitamin D alone is
risk (and falls; see below) (, ). unlikely to be effective in preventing hip fracture or

1120 Bouillon et al Skeletal and Extraskeletal Actions of Vitamin D Endocrine Reviews, August 2019, 40(4):1109–1151

any new fracture. However, it also showed that supplementation to prevent fractures. To improve the
combined vitamin D and calcium supplementation efficacy of vitamin D, the treatment should be targeted to
induces a % decrease in hip fracture risk, a % the most vulnerable groups, with the institutionalized
decrease in new nonvertebral fracture risk, and a % group ranking highest (, , ).
decrease in risk for any fracture (). To avoid one
hip fracture,  older persons must be treated for  Conclusions
year. Treatment is much more efficacious in high-risk Vitamin D deficiency increases serum PTH, but most
persons, such as the institutionalized, where ~ vitamin D–deficient subjects do not have PTH con-
persons must be treated for  year to save one hip centrations above the normal range. This results in
fracture. This number decreases further when other progressive bone loss and, when severe, also miner-
nonvertebral fractures are included. Side effects of alization defects. Epidemiologic studies show that
calcium and vitamin D include hypercalcemia (rare) vitamin D deficiency is associated with lower BMD

Downloaded from by guest on 20 February 2020

and renal stones. Mortality decreases by %, but this and fractures. These consequences can be avoided by
was not significant (). One meta-analysis con- modest doses of vitamin D and calcium supplements
cluded that the effect was trivial as the decrease in (, ). RCTs have shown that vitamin D decreases
fracture incidence was not .% (). However, it the incidence of hip fractures and other nonvertebral
may be argued that a % to % decrease of fracture fractures by ~%, with the effect being greater in the
incidence is considerable, as this therapy can be + years of age and  to  years of age persons than
implemented in a very large number of subjects at risk, in persons aged  to  years, in the institutionalized
at very low cost and with limited side effects. group than in community living elderly, when com-
bined with calcium and when compliance is .%.
Research agenda Vitamin D supplementation should be advised in all
Despite major progress during the last decades in institutionalized and frail older persons. There is great
understanding the role of vitamin D and its metab- unanimity that serum OHD concentrations
olites on calcium and bone homeostasis, many im- , nmol/L should be corrected. Serum OHD
portant questions remain incompletely answered. levels , nmol/L should be avoided. For subjects
There is at least one missing player in our un- with limited exposure to sunlight this requires a daily
derstanding of the role and mechanism of action of the vitamin D intake of ~ IU/d. This advice is generally
vitamin D system on transepithelial calcium transport in line with most governmental guidelines (), ex-
in the intestine. The precise role of the vitamin D cept for the UK Scientific Advisory Committee on
endocrine system in other calcium-transporting or Nutrition () who recommended serum OHD
calcium-sensing systems, such as kidney, placenta, concentrations . nmol/L and a vitamin D intake of
breast, and parathyroid glands, is also still incomplete.  IU/d for all subjects of whatever age at risk for
The role of ,(OH)D production in calcium- vitamin D deficiency. This conclusion also does not
transporting or calcium-sensing tissues and its contradict the conclusion of the United States Pre-
autocrine/paracrine effects should also be defined. ventive Services Task Force dealing with a younger
Additionally, the precise contribution of the vitamin D community dwelling population (mostly postmenopausal
system on overall phosphate homeostasis is in- women) with a much better vitamin D status than the
completely understood. A better understanding of the elderly or institutionalized subjects ().
risk factors for the development of nutritional rickets
beyond vitamin D deficiency is required, for example,
dietary calcium intake, iron deficiency, and genotype. Extraskeletal Actions of Vitamin D
The effect of vitamin D status on skeletal development
during fetal life, childhood, and adolescence requires The potential extraskeletal actions of vitamin D have
greater clarification. Most RCTs used daily doses of generated considerable excitement during the last
vitamin D between  and  IU. The effect of couple of decades, with a rapidly expanding number of
higher doses is not well known. The effect of vitamin D studies using cell-based experiments and preclinical
metabolites or analogs on bone structure, turnover, and models of diseases. These studies were spurred in part
fracture incidence is not clear. Most trials did not select by observations that both the VDR and CYPB are
participants with a low serum OHD level. Forthcoming present in a large number of cells and tissues not
trials should select participants based on low baseline related to the classical target tissues for vitamin D
serum OHD. Individual participant data meta-analyses (). Additionally, many observations from gene
should be performed selecting vitamin D–deficient expression profiling studies indicate that ,(OH)D
subjects only. It may be worthwhile to model the effects regulates the expression of numerous genes (from
of vitamin D supplementation according to age, sex, zebrafish to mice and humans) unrelated to calcium
residence, baseline serum OHD, vitamin D dose, homeostasis (). It is fair to say that the position of
and the addition of calcium supplements. Additionally, the Institute of Medicine committee, as well as nearly
specific risk groups should be defined for vitamin D all official guidelines (), of not considering a

doi: 10.1210/er.2018-00126 1121


potential role for vitamin D extraskeletal health () previtamin D under influence of UV-B and sub-
was greeted with some consternation among enthu- sequently isomerized to vitamin D. Vitamin D plays
siasts for its “nonclassical” actions. Differences in important intracrine, autocrine, and paracrine ac-
opinion have led to extensive and lifely debates in tions in the epidermis (Fig. ) (). Indeed, the
journals and handbooks (, ). Therefore, we crit- dominant cells of the skin, the keratinocytes, are able
ically assess the accumulating preclinical and clinical to produce the active hormone ,(OH)D, by their
evidence for a role of vitamin D signaling in physio- own -hydroxylase (CYPA) () and a-hy-
logical systems independent of calcium homeostasis. droxylase (CYPB) enzymes (). Moreover,
keratinocytes express the VDR, which is most
Skin as origin and target of vitamin D abundant in the stratum basale and in the stem
cells of the hair follicle (). The active vitamin D
Preclinical data locally produced does not appear to contribute to the

Downloaded from by guest on 20 February 2020

Vitamin D is produced mainly in the epidermis, circulating levels under normal circumstances, but it
where -dehydrocholesterol is converted to is involved in epidermal differentiation and

Figure 3. Regulation of keratinocyte differentiation by calcium and 1,25(OH)2D. Calcium and 1,25(OH)2D interact to regulate
keratinocyte differentiation at multiple steps. 1,25(OH)2D acts via its nuclear hormone receptor, VDR, to directly regulate gene
transcription. Among the genes that it regulates are involucrin and loricrin, which encode major constituents of the cornified envelope
(CE) as well as transglutaminase (TG) that crosslinks these proteins and others to form the CE. Although the effects of calcium on gene
transcription do not appear to be direct, calcium is likely to act at least in part through protein kinase C, which phosphorylates and so
activates transcription factors of the AP-1 family critical for the induction of these genes. Not shown is that 1,25(OH)2D also induces
genes that encode enzymes that produce the long-chain lipids required for “waterproofing” the CE. 1,25(OH)2D also induces the
calcium sensing receptor (CaR) that responds to extracellular calcium by activating phospholipase C (PLC). PLC, by cleaving
phosphatidylinositol bisphosphate (PIP2), releases two important signaling molecules: diacylglycerol (DG) and inositol trisphosphate
(IP3). The latter releases calcium from intracellular stores such as the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) and Golgi through the IP3 receptor
(IP3R). DG works in conjunction with calcium to activate protein kinase C. 1,25(OH)2D induces both the b and g forms of PLC, but
calcium is required for their activation. The CaR also activates Src/Fyn, which phosphorylate the catenins, including b-catenin, to enable
their binding to and formation of the E-cadherin complex in the membrane. Both calcium and 1,25(OH)2D are essential for the
formation of this complex: 1,25(OH)2D induces E-cadherin, whereas calcium promotes its translocation to the membrane. Not shown is
that a-catenin binds to b-catenin, linking the E-cadherin/catenin complex to the cytoskeleton, critical for cell migration. The E-
cadherin/catenin complex also contains two enzymes, phosphatidylinositol phosphate 5 kinase 1a (PIP5K1a) and phosphatidylinositol
3 kinase (PI3K), that sequentially phosphorylate PIP to PIP2 to PIP3. PIP3 is the major activator of PLC-g1 during keratinocyte
differentiation, which in addition to promoting the cleavage of PIP2 to IP3 and DG also activates at least one of the calcium channels,
TRP3. [Reproduced with permission from Bikle DD. Vitamin D, Calcium. and the Epidermis. In: Feldman D, Wesley Pike J, Bouillon R,
et al., eds. Vitamin D. 4th ed. London: Academic Press; 2018:527-544.]

1122 Bouillon et al Skeletal and Extraskeletal Actions of Vitamin D Endocrine Reviews, August 2019, 40(4):1109–1151

proliferation, wound response, and tumorigenesis, tumors in animal models (, ). VDR activation
acting on keratinocytes and their neighboring cells. controls the Wnt/b-catenin and sonic hedgehog
The Vdr-null mouse shows signs of disrupted pathways, which are overexpressed in VDR-null an-
epidermal differentiation (namely, low levels of lor- imals, leading to uncontrolled keratinocyte pro-
icrin, involucrin, and profilaggrin), which can be liferation and tumor formation (, ).
partially rescued with a high calcium diet. In Cypb-
null mice, the disorders in epidermal differentiation Clinical data
were not reversed with a high calcium diet (). In Despite the abundance of preclinical data regarding
vitro and in vivo studies revealed that ,(OH)D and vitamin D and skin cell interaction, it remains spec-
calcium stimulate keratinocyte differentiation in a ulative whether low vitamin D status has a causative
synergic and somehow redundant way at different role in the pathogenesis of cutaneous diseases in
levels by: () transcriptional control of cell cycle humans or, as suggested for other diseases, it is a

Downloaded from by guest on 20 February 2020

regulatory proteins; () stimulation of proteins crucial marker of ill health and inflammatory status ().
for cornified waterproof envelope formation; () in- Psoriasis. The relationship between vitamin D
duction of the E-cadherin/b-catenin complex, re- and psoriasis has been extensively investigated. Indeed,
quired for epidermal differentiation and keratinocyte it is well known that psoriasis is characterized by
cell-to-cell adhesion (); and () maintenance of increased proliferation and decreased final differen-
calcium gradient along epidermis layers, which is tiation of keratinocytes, but inflammation and auto-
critical for the correct differentiation process from the immune reactions also contribute to its clinical
basal cells to the cornified cells (–, –). VDR expression. No association was found between vitamin
functions seem to be different in each layer of epi- D intake (dietary and/or supplemental) and psoriasis
dermis owing to the recruitment of specific modula- incidence in a long-term study of ., US female
tors and coactivators (). nurses enrolled in the Nurses’ Health Study ().
As discussed below, innate and acquired immune Early intervention studies with oral calcitriol therapy
responses are modulated by ligand-dependent VDR were found to improve the clinical course of psoriasis
functions, and ,(OH)D is involved in the process (, ). These benefits have been confirmed by
of wound repair and host protection. This is true also more recent studies in a small cohort of psoriatic
in the skin. Indeed, recent studies showed that in both patients (, ), as well as by a study in which
Vdr-null mice and in vitamin D–deficient mice normal . mg of calcitriol daily was combined with acitretin
macrophage recruitment and formation of granulation (). More recently, beneficial effects have been
tissue after a cutaneous injury are impaired. This demonstrated with the topical application to psoriasis
phenotype is due to the disruption of VDR–TGF-b plaques of ,(OH)D or analogs such as calcipotriol,
interaction, which seems to be crucial for wound maxacalcitol, tacalcitol, and hexafluoro-,(OH)D.
response (). VDR expression within the kerati- The calcitriol analog calcipotriol is ideal for topical
nocytes is also necessary for the re-epithelialization of treatment owing to its low affinity for DBP. Its efficacy
wounds (). Moreover, as discussed below, active and safety were demonstrated in prospective clinical
vitamin D and its analogs have been shown to trials (). A recent meta-analysis confirmed that
stimulate keratinocyte production of cathelicidin, an topical treatment with vitamin D analogs is as effi-
antimicrobial protein that improves angiogenesis and cacious as topical corticosteroid therapy alone, with
re-epithelialization in the skin after injuries as well as the advantage of the “steroid-sparing” effects (avoiding
protection from invading organisms (–). side effects of topical glucocorticoids), and that the
One of the most dramatic features of Vdr-null mice combined therapy further increases the beneficial ef-
is the development of alopecia  to  weeks after fects (). Nowadays, the use of topical vitamin D
birth, which cannot be rescued with a high-calcium derivatives is becoming the most common treatment
diet. This particular type of alopecia is not observed in of psoriatic lesions (, ). In combination with
vitamin D–deficient mice or in Cypb-null mice, topical steroids, it may be particularly helpful in hard-
suggesting that the action of the VDR in the hair to-treat areas of the skin ().
follicle cycle is independent from its ligand (). The Skin cancer. The role of vitamin D in skin
VDR plays its role in the keratinocyte stem cell cancer is still a matter of controversy. There is no
population located in the bulge of hair follicles, where doubt that UV-B light, responsible for the local
it is crucial for the capacity to start a new hair cycle, production of vitamin D, is carcinogenic. Vitamin D
after the first hair coat is lost. ,(OH)D seems to be metabolites, however, also display anticarcinogenic
not involved, but cofactors and interacting molecules activities by activating the repair mechanisms of DNA
that can change VDR conformation and gene tran- damage (, ). A photoprotective effect of
scription need to be further investigated (, ). ,(OH)D and several even nongenomic agonists
The VDR is also considered as a tumor suppressor in was also found in mice exposed to UV-B light ().
the skin. Indeed, in the absence of the VDR there is an Several studies have investigated the association be-
increased susceptibility to chemical- or UV-induced tween vitamin D status and nonmelanoma skin cancer

doi: 10.1210/er.2018-00126 1123


(NMSC). In a sample of the Osteoporotic Fracture in and when associated with steroid therapy in a Chinese
Men study, an inverse association between serum population ().
OHD levels and the incidence of NMSC was found Skin cancer. A study in a German population
(% lower odds for men in the highest quintile has shown an association between the Apa and Taq
compared with those in the lowest quintile) (). genotypes with basal cell carcinoma, but not with
However, another study in a health maintenance squamous cells carcinoma (). Alternatively, the
organization cohort showed that values of serum BSM genotype has been associated with both types of
OHD .. nmol/L were positively associated with tumors. Several studies have looked at the association
an increased risk, even after adjustment for additional between VDR polymorphisms and melanoma. A re-
risk factors (, ). In these studies, the contri- lationship between sun exposure and VDR genotypes
bution of confounding factors such as UV-B ex- was evaluated in a case-control study in melanoma
posure is difficult to analyze, and conclusive data are survivors. The authors found that the Bsm variant

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still lacking. As far as the relationship between vi- was associated with the occurrence of multiple pri-
tamin D and melanoma is concerned, there is evi- mary melanoma (). A meta-analysis of six studies
dence of a protective effect of vitamin D, but UV that investigated the association between five VDR
radiation, which is a principal source of vitamin D, polymorphisms (TaqI, FokI, BsmI, EcoRV, and Cdx)
is mutagenic (). In a post hoc analysis of a large and the risk of melanoma also showed that the Bsm
sample (n = ,) of postmenopausal women, genotype was associated with an increased risk of
enrolled into the Women’s Health Initiative, there melanoma development (). Such an association has
was no difference in the incidence of melanoma been recently confirmed by a meta-analysis, which
between women receiving daily low-dose vitamin D reviewed  studies in European populations and
( IU) plus calcium ( mg) supplementation analyzed the association between VDR FokI, BsmI,
compared with placebo during a follow-up period of TaqI, ApaI, and EcoRV polymorphisms and suscep-
 years. Alternatively, the incidence of melanoma tibility to melanoma ().
was lower in a group at high risk, with a history of So far, there is only one MR trial looking at vitamin
NMSC, receiving calcium and vitamin D supple- D status and skin phenotype (Table ). Noordam et al.
mentation (). () studied facial skin aging features in ~ Dutch
Miscellanea. Despite the experimental evidence adults and found that higher measured serum OHD
of an established role of vitamin D in hair follicle concentrations were associated with perceived age,
cycling, few clinical data are available in humans. A skin wrinkling, and pigmented spots, but they ge-
cross-sectional study on  healthy men did not netically predicted that serum OHD was not linked
show any association between severity and extent of with these skin characteristics. This seems to indicate
baldness and serum OHD levels (). Moreover, that exposure to UV-B light rather than serum
calcipotriol failed to improve alopecia in a placebo- OHD concentrations are causally linked with skin
controlled study on patients with scalp psoriasis (). aging.
Finally, some data suggest a possible protective role of
vitamin D in acne vulgaris but an adverse effect in Conclusions
patients with rosacea (). Skin provides an excellent and well-established ex-
ample of the nonskeletal actions of vitamin D sig-
Genetic data naling. The skin is indeed the only tissue capable of
Psoriasis. Two recent meta-analyses of the synthesizing all important vitamin D metabolites and
most widely studied VDR gene polymorphisms and is also a major target for vitamin D and its metabolites.
psoriasis risk have been performed, which to some Skin keratinocytes express all enzymes of the vitamin
extent provide contradictory results. One study D metabolic pathway and can produce hormonal
showed an association between Apa and Taq ,(OH)D in the presence of sufficient UV-B ir-
polymorphisms and psoriasis in whites (), and the radiation. ,(OH)D thus produced controls ker-
other concluded that no robust and reproducible atinocyte proliferation and differentiation, as well as
association exists between Apa, Bsm, Fok, and epidermal barrier integrity (, ). Clinically,
Taq and psoriasis, or, at most, only a weak association topical application of vitamin D analogs shows clear
present only in specific ethnic groups (). Previous efficacy in alleviation of symptoms of psoriasis, which
studies found no association between VDR poly- likely arises from their effects on epidermal cell pro-
morphisms and the clinical response to topical vitamin liferation and, as discussed below, their anti-
D at least in Korean patients (). Moreover, Kontula inflammatory properties.
and Mee showed no association between BsmI and UV-B light is essential for endogenous production
response to calcipotriol therapy in psoriatic patients of vitamin D, but the same wavelengths are also
(, ). Alternatively, more recently, VDR Fok oncogenic. UV-B exposure indeed causes DNA
and Cdx polymorphisms were shown to influence the damage and p expression, which are associated with
individual response to calcipotriol in monotherapy systemic production of endorphins, which then can

1124 Bouillon et al Skeletal and Extraskeletal Actions of Vitamin D Endocrine Reviews, August 2019, 40(4):1109–1151

produce an addictive behavior [well documented in found that supplementation with  IU of vitamin
mice (), but likely also in humans]. Moreover, mice D when compared with placebo significantly reduced
deficient in vitamin D signaling overexpress the on- body sway in  Brazilian women with a low mean
cogenic transcription factor cMYC () and are more baseline serum OHD level of . nmol/L. A similar
susceptible to skin carcinogenesis than are their wild- conclusion was reached by Lips et al. () in older
type counterparts (). There is thus a very difficult adults treated with a once-weekly dose of  IU of
trade-off between safe exposure to sunlight as to vitamin D compared with placebo.
produce sufficient vitamin D while avoiding long-term Based on an extensive meta-analysis, muscle (es-
risks of skin damage and skin cancer. VDR and pecially proximal muscle) strength may modestly
,(OH)D action in the skin may generate some improve with vitamin D supplementation of elderly
protective mechanisms against UV-B damage. subjects with serum OHD levels , nmol/L ().
Consistent with this concept, the same RCT from

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Brazil found that supplementation with  IU of
Muscles and Falls vitamin D per day for  months significantly reduced
first fallers by nearly % and all falls by even more
Preclinical data ().
The expression of the VDR in muscle is hotly debated, Several trials have examined the effect of vitamin D
as some experts could not detect VDR protein in adult supplementation on incident fallers and fall rate. A
multinucleated human or rodent skeletal muscle (), meta-analysis of nine RCTs showed that daily sup-
whereas others found it to be widely expressed at the plementation of ,IU of vitamin D was ineffective
mRNA and protein levels (, ). In immature whereas  to  IU significantly decreased the fall
muscle cells or its stem cells, the VDR is probably risk (). A Cochrane review concluded that vitamin
expressed at a low level in comparison with the in- D supplementation reduced the risk of falls in in-
testine (-fold lower mRNA and protein level), and stitutionalized care patients (highly likely to be vitamin
it is probably absent or nearly so in mature multi- D deficient) [relative risk (RR), . (. to .)]
nucleated cells (, ). ,(OH)D has clear (). In ambulatory subjects, vitamin D supple-
antiproliferative effects on cultured muscle cells and mentation did not decrease the risk of falls in a meta- “There is at present no
regulates several genes involved in muscle cell mat- analysis of all RCTs combined, but it decreased the consensus regarding the
uration, including a negative regulation of myostatin risk of falls and fallers [RR, . (. to .) and RR, potential beneficial effects of
(, ). Systemic Vdr knockout mice have smaller . (. to .), respectively] in subjects with a vitamin D supplementation on
and immature skeletal muscle cells, especially of fast- baseline serum OHD concentration , nmol/L muscle function, balance, and
risks of falls.”
twitch (glycolytic) type II fibers (, , ), and (). A more recent meta-analysis of RCTs found
selective Vdr deletion in cardiomyocytes generates a that supplementation with vitamin D reduced the fall
clear phenotype of hypertrophy and fibrosis (see rate only in subjects with a starting serum OHD
“Cardiovascular System” below). concentration , nmol/L (). In contrast, Bolland
et al. () concluded from their meta-analysis that the
Human data effect estimated for vitamin D on falls lies within the
Observational data suggest that severe longstanding futility boundary, which they defined as not altering
vitamin D deficiency is associated with muscle relative risk by % or more. A recent post hoc analysis
weakness and cardiomyopathy in infants (). Such of falls in a large New Zealand (VIDA) study revealed
severe muscle weakness is also seen in patients with that supplementation with , IU monthly for .
congenital absence of CYPB or in patients with years had no effect on risk of falling or fractures ().
severe renal osteodystrophy. Rapid improvement of The mean baseline serum OHD level of these
muscle function has been reported after vitamin D or subjects was  nmol/L, and less than one-third of
,(OH)D supplementation to such patients. Vita- all participants started with serum OHD levels
min D insufficiency has been associated with reduced , nmol/L.
muscle performance and loss of fast-twitch type II High-dose vitamin D supplementation, however,
muscle fibers. Vitamin D may also be important for may increase the risk of falling. This was first observed
balance as measured by quantifying sway. by Sanders et al. () in elderly subjects treated with a
Several intervention studies have looked at dif- single oral dose of , IU of vitamin D or placebo
ferent endpoints. Vitamin D supplementation (given once a year. The vitamin D–treated group had sig-
daily) in deficient elderly subjects improves balance as nificantly more falls and fractures during the first
measured by sway (, ). Pfeifer et al. () found  months after each loading dose during the -year
that in vitamin D–deficient elders, with a mean age of treatment period compared with the placebo group.
 years and a mean baseline serum OHD level of Smith et al. () found that supplementation with
 nmol/L, treatment with  IU of vitamin D per , IU of vitamin D annually by intramuscular
day significantly reduced body sway, when compared injection had no effect on fall risk but increased
with the placebo group. Similarly, Cangussu et al. () fracture risk. In elderly women with baseline vitamin

doi: 10.1210/er.2018-00126 1125


D deficiency, monthly doses of vitamin D greater than produce ,(OH)D locally and, more importantly,
the equivalent of  IU/d for  year increased the risk that expression of CYPB is regulated in these cells
of falls from % in the group treated with , IU by a network of immunoregulatory rather than cal-
monthly (equivalent to  IU/d) to % in the group cium homeostatic inputs (, ). These include
treated with , IU/mo (equivalent to  IU/d) signaling by pattern recognition receptors, vanguards
and % in the group treated with , IU of vi- of innate immune responses to pathogen threat (),
tamin D plus  mg of calcifediol per month (). as well as by cytokines produced by T cells of the
The authors concluded from a post hoc analysis adaptive immune system (). In vitro studies of
that serum OHD concentrations higher than induced CYPB expression in myeloid cells are
. nmol/L may be associated with an increased risk consistent with clinical observations of excessive
of falls. Ginde et al. () treated  long-term care production of ,(OH)D by macrophages in gran-
seniors with , IU of vitamin D per month or ulomatous diseases such as sarcoidosis (). These

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placebo for  months. The monthly vitamin D de- regulatory events are important because they mirror
creased the rate of acute infections by % (primary one of the central pieces of evidence for a physiological
endpoint) but doubled the rate of falls (secondary role of vitamin D signaling in calcium homeostasis,
endpoint). Smith et al. () examined fall rates in  that is, the regulation of renal CYPB production by
elderly white women (mean baseline serum OHD calcium regulatory hormones. Other laboratory work
level of  nmol/L) treated with a full range of daily has provided evidence that, once activated, the VDR
vitamin D doses (from  to  IU) or placebo for regulates innate immune responses upstream and
 year. Falls were assessed by daily calendar and phone downstream of pattern recognition receptor signaling
calls every three months. They found a U-shaped by activating the transcription of several genes
association with falls, the nadir of which occurred in (summarized in Fig. ). These encode the pattern
the dose range of  to  IU/d. Fall rates in the recognition receptor nucleotide oligomerization do-
higher doses,  and  IU/d, were significantly main protein  (NOD), the Toll-like receptor cofactor
higher than those in the nadir. In contrast, among  CD, antimicrobial peptides cathelicidin (CAMP,
African American women in the same study, there was LL-) and DEFB/HBD, as well as multiple cyto-
no U-shaped association. Rather there was a pro- kines, chemokines, and other signaling molecules
gressive decline in percentage of fallers with increasing (–). Notably, a combination of ,(OH)D
vitamin D dose, with the lowest rate occurring in the and IL-b induced by ,(OH)D in macrophages
women taking  to  IU/d (). This study stimulated paracrine antimicrobial peptide production
had a small sample size for the number of dose groups in epithelial cells (Fig. ). In vitro studies analyzing
but high-quality fall assessment. induced antimicrobial peptide gene expression showed
that conditioned media of ,(OH)D-treated epi-
Conclusions and perspectives thelial cells acquired the capacity to kill bacteria such
There is at present no consensus regarding the po- as the lung pathogen Pseudomonas aeruginosa ().
tential beneficial effects of vitamin D supplementation Importantly, such findings were recently supported by
on muscle function, balance, and risks of falls. results from a placebo-controlled, double-blind RCT,
However, overall the data seem to indicate that modest which provided evidence that vitamin D supple-
doses and daily provision of vitamin D supplemen- mentation enhanced antimicrobial activity in pul-
tation of elderly vitamin D–deficient subjects may monary surface airway fluid ().
modestly improve muscle function, improve balance,
and decrease the risks of falling. The optimal dose and Clinical data
dose frequency for maximal fall reduction remain to Vitamin D and respiratory infections. Nu-
be established, as high intermittent dosing or high merous clinical studies have revealed associations
serum OHD concentrations may increase the risk of between vitamin D deficiency and increased risk of
falling in white elderly subjects. Its effect in other infections, particularly of the upper respiratory tract
ethnic groups remains to be explored. (URT) (). Connections between vitamin D in-
sufficiency and infections can be traced back to the
s with the recognition that sunlight was beneficial
Immunity for patients suffering from tuberculosis (TB). Asso-
ciations between vitamin D deficiency and TB sus-
Innate immune system ceptibility were made in the s (, ), as was
the observation that ,(OH)D inhibits the growth
Preclinical data of Mycobacterium tuberculosis in cultured human
VDR and vitamin D metabolic enzymes are present in macrophages (). Since then, many preclinical and
virtually all cells of the innate and adaptive arms of the clinical studies have investigated the potential of vi-
immune system (, ). Importantly, there is tamin D supplementation to prevent or treat TB (,
compelling evidence that cells of the immune system –). Notably, Martineau et al. () observed in a

1126 Bouillon et al Skeletal and Extraskeletal Actions of Vitamin D Endocrine Reviews, August 2019, 40(4):1109–1151

double-blind RCT that a single dose of , IU of VDR (), revealing that ,(OH)D signaling ac-
vitamin D enhanced antimycobacterial immunity in tivates the extremities of the NOD–DEFB innate
healthy tuberculin skin test–positive donors. immune pathway. The gene encoding programmed
Apart from TB, multiple RCTs have provided death ligand  (also known as B-H) is also a direct
evidence for vitamin D supplementation of deficient target of the VDR (). Programmed death ligand 
populations in preventing infections. A highly pub- interacts with its receptor programmed death  on
licized trial published in  concluded that vitamin T cells to suppress inflammatory T cell responses in
D supplementation reduced the risk of seasonal in- peripheral tissues, and its intestinal epithelial ablation
fluenza infections in Japanese children, with the effect in mice leads to inflammation via defects in innate
being most pronounced in children who had not been immunity (). These findings are intriguing in light
previously supplemented (). Other studies have of a recent GWAS study of  individuals that
provided evidence for the benefit of supplementation linked VDR gene variants to alterations in the human

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in populations at elevated risk for URT or ear in- gut microbiome (). The study also found that VDR
fections due to vitamin D deficiency or a history of was upregulated in colonic biopsies of IBD patients,
recurrent infections (–). However, results of including those with CD. However, others found lower
such trials are not unanimous. For example, one study VDR levels in patients with CD or IBD, but confirmed
in a healthy population showed no benefit of sup- that colitis is enhanced in the absence of the intestinal
plementation on rates of URT infections (), per- VDR and tapered down when the intestinal VDR is
haps because the baseline serum OHD level in the overexpressed (). A role for vitamin D signaling in
population studied was  nmol/L. Consistent with all control of inflammation is also supported by clinical
of the above, a recently published review and meta- data. A large prospective cohort study of ,
analysis of individual participant data from  RCTs women in the Nurses’ Health Study documented 
concluded that vitamin D supplementation was safe cases of CD and found that for women with predicted
and provided modest protection (adjusted OR, .) serum OHD levels of  nmol/L the multivariate-
against acute URTs (). However, subgroup analysis adjusted HR for developing CD was . (% CI, .
showed that beneficial effects were observed in patients to .) when compared with those with predicted
receiving daily or weekly doses (adjusted OR, .) but levels of , nmol/L. Retrospective cohort studies
not in those receiving bolus doses. Moreover, in concluded that vitamin D deficiency was common
groups receiving daily or weekly doses, effects were among CD patients and was independently associated
most pronounced in patients who were vitamin D with greater disease activity (, ), as well as in-
deficient (, nmol/L; adjusted OR, .). creased levels of markers of intestinal inflammation
Vitamin D and inflammatory bowel disease. (). Importantly, intervention trials have also pro-
Another indication where vitamin D supplementation vided positive results, with one finding a significant
may be of therapeutic benefit is in the treatment of association between supplementation (P = .),
patients with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), in
particular Crohn disease (CD). Although CD is often
considered an autoimmune condition, it is likely
driven by defects in intestinal innate immunity ().
The genetics of CD are compelling, as they reveal the
importance of variations in innate immune signaling
pathways, notably those controlling autophagy, in the
etiology of the disease (, ). Vitamin D deficiency
is frequent in patients with CD owing to the com-
bination of chronic inflammation, intestinal malab-
sorption of vitamin D, and lifestyle. Although vitamin
D deficiency has long been associated with CD, recent
evidence provides a strong mechanistic basis for a role
of deficiency in the pathogenesis of CD (). For
example, the gene encoding the pattern recognition
receptor NOD (also known as IBD) is a direct target
of ,(OH)D signaling (). GWASs revealed that
NOD gene mutations disrupting its pattern recog-
nition domain contribute strongly to CD development
(, ).
Moreover, signaling downstream of NOD acti- Figure 4. Vitamin D metabolism and signaling in innate immunity. The figure depicts intracrine
vates transcription of the gene encoding the antimi- production 1,25(OH)2D from circulating 25OHD in macrophages and DCs, as well as the effects of
crobial peptide DEB/HBD, which is also a CD 1,25(OH)2D signaling on expression of several classes of proteins implicated in innate immune
susceptibility locus () and a direct target of the signaling. See text for details.

doi: 10.1210/er.2018-00126 1127


circulating serum OHD levels (P , .), and independent studies (, ). In other work, dietary
disease quiescence in pediatric IBD patients (). ,(OH)D reduced arthritic lesions in two mouse
Others found that supplementation was inversely models of autoimmune arthritis, murine Lyme ar-
correlated with use of multiple fee-based services by thritis, and collagen-induced arthritis (). Very
IBD patients () and reduced rates of surgery in CD similar data have been made for experimental allergic
patients (). Two double-blind, placebo-controlled encephalomyelitis [a mouse model for human mul-
RCTs in CD patients have been published to date. tiple sclerosis (MS)] and IBDs. These data provide
Ninety-four patients in remission were randomized to support for human studies exploring a role for vitamin
receive either placebo or  IU/d for  months. The D in the prevention or therapy of autoimmune dis-
relapse rate was reduced from  of  in the placebo eases such as type  diabetes, IBD, MS, rheumatoid
group to  of  in the treatment group (P , .) arthritis (RA), and systemic lupus erythematosus (, ).
(). A small-scale, double-blind, placebo-controlled

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RCT of  CD patients in remission showed that  Human data
IU/d of vitamin D for  months was sufficient to Observational data have consistently confirmed an
significantly increase serum OHD levels (), and association between poor vitamin D status and all
that supplementation enhanced circulating levels of major autoimmune diseases. As detailed above, topical
the antimicrobial peptide LL- (cathelicidin, CAMP) ,(OH)D or its analogs have demonstrated efficacy
and maintained intestinal permeability (whereas it was against psoriasis, which is characterized by increased
increased in the placebo group). Moreover, in patients keratinocyte proliferation, but has inflammatory and
whose serum OHD levels were at least  nmol/L, autoimmune components as well. The relationship
treatment was associated with higher quality-of-life between vitamin D deficiency and MS has also
scores (). These findings provide strong support for attracted extensive interest. A large nested control
conducting large-scale RCTs to examine the thera- study in US white army recruits demonstrated that a
peutic efficacy of vitamin D supplementation in CD. It low vitamin D status (defined by serum OHD
will be important to account for possible malab- levels , nmol/L) at the time of recruitment
sorption in a CD patient population and to use suf- conveyed a nearly twofold risk of later onset of MS
ficiently robust levels of supplementation. compared with whites with a better vitamin D baseline
status (). The Finnish Maternity Cohort study
Vitamin D, adaptive immunity, and autoimmunity reached similar conclusions (). A similar study in
patients with type  diabetes generated similar results
Preclinical data (). Several retrospective studies, albeit not opti-
We have known since the s that the VDR is mally designed, showed that that vitamin D supple-
present in T lymphocytes and that ,(OH)D is an mentation early in life reduced the risk of developing
inhibitor of T cell proliferation and activation (, type  diabetes later in life by ~% (). The dose of
). T lymphocytes are composed of several subsets, vitamin D required for this effect has not been clearly
including CD+ helper T cells, cytotoxic CD+ T cells, defined but a daily dose (up to  IU) during the first
regulatory T (Treg) cells, natural killer cells, gd T cells, year of life was most effective. This dose is markedly
and memory cells. The effects of vitamin D signaling higher than the presently accepted or recommended
on T cell subtypes have been reviewed extensively dose for infants ( to  IU/d). There are also well-
elsewhere (, , ) (Fig. ). In general terms, established links between vitamin D deficiency and
vitamin D acts to suppress T cell–driven inflammation RA. In ., women followed for  years, RA (
and enhance the effects of suppressive Treg cells. The cases in total) was inversely associated with intake of
communication between antigen-presenting dendritic vitamin D (highest vs lowest tertile) (). A small-
cells (DCs) and T cells appears to be particularly scale MR study did not find a link between genetically
important in this regard. The intracrine production of predicted serum OHD and outcome parameters in
,(OH)D induces a more tolerogenic DC pheno- patients with RA, but the study did not evaluate the
type, characterized by the production of IL- (Fig. ), risk of developing this disease (Table ).
which stimulates the production of Treg cells (, MR studies in Canadian, Swedish, and US cohorts
). Recent studies have suggested that ,(OH)D have clearly shown an association between the pres-
controls the phenotype of DCs by altering their ence of genes predisposing to lifelong lower serum
metabolic profile (). These anti-inflammatory ef- OHD concentration and later onset of MS (Table ).
fects of vitamin D signaling on DCs and T cells have In the Canadian study (), four SNPs known to be
stimulated extensive interest in the relationship be- related to lower serum OHD were all independently
tween vitamin D status, inflammation, and autoim- associated with a significantly increased risk of MS. By
munity. In autoimmune diabetes-prone NOD mice extrapolation,  SD lower serum OHD concentra-
vitamin D deficiency early in life only (with normal tion would imply a doubling of the risk of MS. In a US
intake later on) substantially and highly significantly cohort and a Swedish cohort (total number of .
increased the subsequent risk of disease in two cases vs ., controls), similar results were

1128 Bouillon et al Skeletal and Extraskeletal Actions of Vitamin D Endocrine Reviews, August 2019, 40(4):1109–1151

obtained using three SNPs related to serum OHD the incidence of allergy (asthma) in their offspring (up
status. The overall OR was . for subjects without to age ) and the combined results showed small
SNPs coding for higher serum OHD concentrations beneficial effects (, ).
(). Similar conclusions (OR, .) were reached
when only pediatric onset (, years of age) cases (n = Vitamin D, atopy, asthma, and atopic dermatitis
) of MS were analyzed (). The largest study () Atopy is a predisposition to develop allergic diseases
identified an additional synonymous variant in the such as asthma and atopic dermatitis, and it is gen-
coding region of CYPR, present in ~% of in- erally characterized by increased serum IgE concen-
dividuals of European origin (and much lower in trations. The vitamin D system has a number of effects
Africans and Asians). This variant was associated with on immune cells and cytokines implicated in atopy
significantly lower serum OHD concentrations (, ). A poor vitamin D status has usually been
and a .-fold increased risk of vitamin D deficiency, associated with increased risk of wheezing or asthma

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and in addition with a .-fold OR of developing MS. and other aspects of atopy, although the opposite has
These data thus strongly support the idea that lifelong
lower vitamin D status due to genetically decreased
serum OHD levels (albeit only about #. nmol/L
compared with subjects with genetically higher serum
OHD levels) is a risk factor for autoimmune diseases
such as MS. For type  diabetes, only one MR has been
published () dealing with a very large number of
patients (.). Using five SNPs predicting a lower
lifetime serum OHD concentration, a significantly
higher relative risk of type  diabetes of . was found
in cases vs controls and of . in a family study.
Although there are preclinical and observational
data to suggest that maintenance of vitamin D suffi-
ciency should help prevent the onset of autoimmunity,
current evidence for the therapeutic benefit of sup-
plementation is inconclusive, and many studies are
limited by group sizes. For example, in MS, a number
of trials of vitamin D supplementation have been
performed, generating contradictory results concern-
ing parameters such as size of MRI lesions, rates of
relapse, and effects on functionality (). However,
studies with type  diabetes [many of which used
,(OH)D supplementation], although inconclusive,
are more promising as they suggest that early in-
tervention may preserve b-cell function ().
Moreover, ,(OH)D induces a VDR-dependent
transcriptional program underpinning b-cell sur-
vival (). One trial concluded that a protective effect
of ,(OH)D only occurred in cases with recent (,
year) onset of the disease (). These findings are in
line with the idea that vitamin D supplementation may
contribute to prevention of type  diabetes (, ),
but lose its benefit once b-cells are largely destroyed.
RCTs are needed to confirm this observation and, if so,
to define the optimal timing (e.g., early in life?) and safe
dosage. As type  diabetes as well as MS have a long
silent evolution before the onset of clear clinical Figure 5. Vitamin D metabolism and signaling in the acquired immune system. In antigen-
symptoms, such studies may require a long follow-up presenting cells (including DCs), 1,25(OH)2D3 inhibits the surface expression of major
of subjects at increased risk for such diseases. histocompatibility complex II (MHC-II)–complexed antigen and of costimulatory molecules, in
For other autoimmune disorders, no reliable in- addition to production of the cytokines IL-12 and IL-23, thereby indirectly shifting the polarization
of T cells from a Th1 and Th17 phenotype toward a Th2 phenotype. Additionally, 1,25(OH)2D3
tervention trials are yet available, but the preclinical
directly affects T cell responses by inhibiting the production of Th1 cytokines (IL-2 and IFN-g) and
data and observational studies on IBD are promising Th17 cytokines (IL-17 and IL-21), as well as by stimulating Th2 cytokine production (IL-4).
so that such trials deserve a high-priority score. Two Moreover, 1,25(OH)2D3 favors Treg cell development via modulation of DCs and by directly
large-scale studies also evaluated the preventive effects targeting T cells. Finally, 1,25(OH)2D3 blocks plasma-cell differentiation, IgG and IgM production,
of vitamin D supplementation during pregnancy on and B cell proliferation.

doi: 10.1210/er.2018-00126 1129


also been reported. A Cochrane meta-analysis of two described for the first time the presence of the VDR
RCTs concluded that vitamin D supplementation in a breast cancer cell line. They later showed that these
reduced atopic exacerbations (), but more recent receptors were present in many, but not in all, cancer
data did not confirm this conclusion (). High-dose cell lines and tissues, thus concluding that the VDR
vitamin D supplementation during pregnancy showed was not a marker for malignancy but might play a role
a small benefit in reducing wheezing in the offspring at in the pathogenesis or evolution of cancer. Addi-
age , at least when the results of two independent RCTs tionally, CYPB is expressed in many cancers, often
are combined (, , , ). A large MR study at higher levels than in the surrounding normal tissue.
(dealing with ., patients of all ages) showed that Subsequently, Abe et al. () and Colston et al. ()
serum OHD, predicted based on four SNPs, did not demonstrated a clear inhibition of cell proliferation of
influence the risk for (adult or pediatric onset) asthma, myeloma or melanoma cells, respectively. The anti-
atopic dermatitis, or increased serum IgE (). A similar proliferative effect of ,(OH)D on cancer cells has

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conclusion was reached in another MR study on the since been confirmed in most normal and cancerous
same topic (), and in another MR study of the cells whereby ,(OH)D especially inhibits cell cycle
GABRIEL asthma database (). In a small-scale MR progression at the G stage. This effect usually requires
analysis of Dutch participants, genetically predicted se- nanomolar concentrations of ,(OH)D. Therefore,
rum OHD was not linked to an inflammation marker, many synthetic analogs have been developed ()
C-reactive protein () (Table ). aiming to find a molecule with a better ratio of an-
ticancer vs calcemic effects (e.g., EB, inecalcitol)
Conclusions (), and some of them have already been tested in
There is broad and growing evidence that VDR and humans (). Some malignant cells may lose their
vitamin D metabolic enzymes are present in the innate sensitivity to ,(OH)D through loss of VDR ex-
and adaptive arms of the immune system, and, more pression. However, many cancer models are wholly or
significantly, that vitamin D signaling in the immune partially resistant to the antiproliferative effects of
system is physiologically important and of clinical ,(OH)D in spite of retaining intact vitamin D
significance in patients with deficiencies. Overall, the signaling (, ). In contrast, overexpression of the
data suggest a role of vitamin D status in sensitivity to catabolic enzyme CYPA is fairly frequent in ma-
infections and autoimmune diseases, whereas the risk lignant cells and was even described as an oncogene in
of atopic diseases is less evident. Three MR studies all breast cancer screening (). The inhibition of cell
showed a clear significant link between genetically cycle progression can be explained by the effects of
predicted lower serum OHD concentrations and the ,(OH)D on a very large number of genes that
prevalence of juvenile or adult onset MS. Intervention are coherently regulated. ,(OH)D regulates EF
studies to date show particular promise in CD. transcription factor function, Rb phosphorylation,
However, similar to RCTs in other immune-related cyclin-dependent kinase activity, cMYC expression, and
disorders, definitive conclusions concerning thera- TGF-b and prostaglandin signaling. Moreover
peutic benefit are limited by study sizes. Nonetheless, ,(OH)D can inhibit angiogenesis, induce apoptosis,
the data are sufficiently compelling to merit larger- and decrease inflammation, invasion, and metastasis
scale RCTs for CD and other immune conditions, in () (Table ).
particular in patients with early stage type  diabetes or Animal models with knockout of the VDR have
in patients at risk for developing the disease. been used to understand the consequences of the lack
Thus, a link between the vitamin D endocrine of genomic effects of ,(OH)D on cell differenti-
system and the immune system is highly plausible, but ation. Although Vdr-null mice do not spontaneously
whether vitamin D deficiency in humans has real develop more cancers, they are more prone to a variety
implications for infections or autoimmune diseases of malignancies, such as breast (), colon (), and
has yet to be confirmed by large-scale RCTs. It will be skin (, ) cancer, when exposed to carcinogenic
important to perform such trials because data accu- conditions, such as oncogenes, loss of antioncogenes,
mulated to date indicate that low vitamin D status or exposure to carcinogens or UV-B light (, ).
enhances the risk of upper respiratory infections and Overexpression of Cypa in mammary cells makes
that vitamin D deficiency during early life predisposes such animals more sensitive to breast cancer (). A
the immune system to a higher later risk of autoim- recent study in mice with genetic absence of Cypb
mune diseases or allergy. kept on a rescue diet to maintain normal calcium
homeostasis for  year demonstrated a higher in-
cidence of a variety of cancers compared with wild-
Cancer type mice or null mice treated with ,(OH)D ().
Several animal studies [Table  (, –)]
Preclinical data showed some beneficial effects of less hypercalcemic
In , Eisman et al. () suggested a possible as- vitamin D analogs on the evolution of transplanted
sociation between vitamin D and cancer, when they tumors, but efficacy is nonetheless limited by potential

1130 Bouillon et al Skeletal and Extraskeletal Actions of Vitamin D Endocrine Reviews, August 2019, 40(4):1109–1151

hypercalcemia (, ). Indeed, a large number of

studies in different experimental models have dem- Table 3. Mechanisms of Vitamin D Tumor Suppression
onstrated positive effects of the active form of vitamin Effect Mechanism
D against tumor growth or progression of metastases,
Antiproliferative 1. Arrest of cell cycle: G0/G1 and G1/S
together with histological signs of decreased cell
proliferation rate, inhibited angiogenesis, and in- 2. Dephosphorylation of FOXO
duction of cell differentiation (). Active vitamin D
3. ↓ Levels of myc, fos, and jun
metabolites and analogs have been tested in clinical
trials as adjuvant treatment against cancer, although, 4. ↓ Activity of growth factors: IGF-1, IHH, and EGF
similar to preclinical models, their efficacy is limited by 5. ↑ Activity of TGF-b
the development of hypercalcemia () (Table ).
6. ↓ Activity wnt/b-catenin signaling

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Human data Apoptosis 1. ↑ Expression GOS-2 and Bax, ↓ expression Bc12 and Bc1-xL
Epidemiological data have described associations be-
tween solar radiation and cancer incidence and 2. ↑ Expression DAP-3, CFKAR, and FADD, ↓ caspases
mortality, suggesting a possible role of vitamin D. The 3. ↑ Expression PTEN
first hint for a link between cancer mortality and sun
exposure was already mentioned in  (). The 4. ↑ Autophagy
Garland brothers () expanded these studies in  DNA Repair 1. ↑ Clearance of cyclobutane pyrimidine dimers and pyrimidine-(6,4)-
and reported that US populations with lower solar pyrimidone photoproducts (in UV-B–irradiated skin)
radiation had higher rates of mortality from colon
2. ↓ Oxidative DNA damage by ↑ expression antioxidant enzymes
cancer. Subsequently, many other types of cancer were
described regarding similar associations to sun ex- 3. ↑ Expression of DNA repair enzymes XPC and DDB2
posure (), followed by dozens of meta-analyses
Prostaglandin 1. ↓ COX2 expression
looking for associations between low levels of serum
OHD and higher incidence and mortality for dif- 2. ↓ Prostaglandin receptors
ferent types of cancers, some with controversial results
3. ↑15-PDGH expression
(). This was observed in North American as well as
with European whites and Japanese subjects Angiogenesis 1. ↓ Proliferation of endothelial cells
(–), and it was concluded that a low vitamin D
2. ↓ VEGF expression
status was associated with a higher risk of bowel
cancer, although the data for other cancers were in- Metastasis 1. ↓ Cell migration and invasion capacity
consistent. This inconsistency was also noted in the
2. ↓ Expression of laminin and its receptors
 Institute of Medicine report () and the UK
consensus vitamin D position statement from a large 3. ↑ Expression of E-cadherin
number of UK scientific organizations, including 4. ↓ Expression of CEACAMI
Cancer UK (). However, the association between a
low vitamin D status and colon cancer is fairly con-
sistent, as reported in several meta-analyses (). The
relationship between vitamin D status and prostate serum OHD concentrations (). Although an
cancer incidence or aggressive types of prostate cancer inverse correlation between UV radiation and mor-
is more complex, as different studies have found more tality for prostatic cancer was also described (), a
prostate cancer in subjects with low as well as high recent meta-analysis found a higher risk for prostate
vitamin D status. Several studies also suggest that the cancer at high levels of serum OHD (), but this
prognosis of patients with existing cancer may be relationship seems to be dependent on the grade of
better when they have a better vitamin D status (). aggressiveness of the prostatic cancer. Higher serum
In a systematic review, van der Rhee et al. () OHD levels might be associated with an increased
concluded from epidemiological data that chronic (not incidence of less aggressive tumors, whereas lower
intermittent) sun exposure is associated with a reduced levels substantially increased the risk of higher-grade
risk of colorectal, breast, and prostate cancers and non- (Gleason score  to ) prostatic cancers (). Overall,
Hodgkin’s lymphoma, but the relationship with higher several meta-analyses provided a fairly consistent re-
levels of serum OHD could be demonstrated only lationship between vitamin D status and colorectal
for colorectal and breast cancer risks. Similar to data cancer (–) [Table  (, –)]. For other
cited above, prostate cancer seems to behave differ- tumors, such as breast, bladder, or lung tumors, the
ently. In Nordic men from Finland, Norway, and evidence is weaker or inconsistent (). Most studies
Sweden, the correlation between prostate cancer risk are limited to white elderly women, with scarce data
and serum OHD concentrations showed a U-sha- for younger men and other ethnic groups such as the
ped curve, increasing risk for lower as well as higher black population. Most of the studies concluded that

doi: 10.1210/er.2018-00126 1131


Table 4. Selected List of Animal Studies on the Use of Vitamin Metabolites or Analogs on Cancer
Cancer Author Study Design Results

Colorectal Newmark et al. (273) Western diet Ca + D prevents

Murillo et al. (274) Chemical induced D prevents

Yang et al. (275) APCmin + Western diet Ca + D prevents

Xu et al. (276) APC + D-deficient diet D + 1,25(OH)2D prevents

Zheng et al. (277) APC min

in VDRKO ↑ Cancers
Huerta et al. (278) APC + D-deficient diet 1,25(OH)2 D prevents

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Breast Lipkin and Newmark (279) DMBA + Western diet Ca + D prevents

Zinser and Welsh (280) DMBA + VDRKO ↑ Cancers

Zinser and Welsh (281) MMTV-neu + VDRKO ↑ Cancers

VanWeelden et al. (282) MCF-7 xenografts EB1089 ↓ growth

Ooi et al. (283) Tumor inspections D deficiency ↑

El Abdaimi et al. (284) Xenograft breast cancer EB1089 ↓ growth

Prostate Bhatia et al. (285) Xenograft prostate cancer EB1089 ↓ growth and mets

Zheng et al. (286) PC3 cells in bone Deficiency ↑ growth

Mordan-McCombs et al. (287) LPB-tag model 1,25(OH)2D ↓ progression

Krishnan et al. (288) TRAMP model 1,25(OH)2D ↓ growth

Chung et al. (265) TRAMP model + VDRKO ↑ Angiogenesis

high serum OHD levels are associated with im- in ., cancer cases compared with .,
proved cancer outcome and, less consistently, with controls. Theodoratou et al. () also did not find a
lower cancer risk (). Several studies also suggest link between genetically predicted serum OHD and
that the prognosis of patients with existing cancer may colorectal cancer in  Scottish cases, although
be better when they have a better vitamin D status higher measured serum OHD was associated with
(), and these results were confirmed using vitamin lower risk of these cancers (Table ). Dudding et al.
D pathway genetic variants analysis (). () also did not find a link between genetically
In this regard, MR studies have, however, generated predicted serum OHD and oropharyngeal cancer in
inconsistent results (Table ). Ong et al. () found patients of mostly European descent living in Europe
that genetically low serum OHD concentrations (as or the Americas. Finally, Sun et al. () did not find a
based on four SNPs) increased significantly the OR for link between genetically predicted serum OHD and
ovarian carcinoma in a large (.,) group of lung cancer.
whites, as well as for all types of ovarian cancer (OR, The real answer, however, about a causal role of
.) as for high-grade cancers (OR, .). Three other vitamin D status on cancer has to come from RCTs.
MR studies dealing with breast cancer or prostate Only a few studies have so far addressed this question.
cancer, however, did not find a relationship with SNPs Nine of  such RCTs [Table  (, –)] did not
associated with lower serum OHD (, , ). demonstrate a clear benefit of vitamin D supple-
Additionally, two MR studies have evaluated all cancer mentation ( to  IU/d for up to  years of
types in relationship to four or five SNPs related to follow-up). The large Women’s Health Initiative trial
vitamin D status in a very large group of patients. did not demonstrate a beneficial effect of combined
Chandler et al. () studied , European women vitamin D ( IU/d) and calcium supplementation
and found no significant link with genetically pre- on cancer in general () or on colorectal cancer
dicted serum OHD concentrations for all types of (). Two subsequent studies of the Women’s Health
cancer, nor for specific (breast, colon, and lung) Initiativedata, either excluding women who took
cancers or cancer deaths. Similarly, Dimitrakopoulo calcium or vitamin D supplementation at baseline
et al. () found no link between predicted serum () or excluding women who took hormone re-
OHD and colorectal, breast, prostate, or lung cancer placement therapy during the study (), revealed a

1132 Bouillon et al Skeletal and Extraskeletal Actions of Vitamin D Endocrine Reviews, August 2019, 40(4):1109–1151

better effect of vitamin D and calcium supplemen- within the first year showed a significant difference
tation on colorectal cancer, albeit still being a non- between groups (x, .% vs .%; P = .). In
significant decrease [RR, . (. to . (not proportional hazards modeling, the HR was . (%
significant) and RR, . (. to .], respectively, of CI, . to .). A limitation of this study was that
the risk of colorectal cancer (Table )]. However, most of the women included were not vitamin D
excluding women on hormone replacement therapy deficient at baseline (serum OHD  6  nmol/L);
revealed that vitamin D and calcium supplementation mean 6 SD), although, as expected, at the end of the
modestly but significantly decreased the risk of breast study the vitamin D–calcium group reached higher
cancer or all invasive cancers () (Table ). Trivedi concentrations of serum OHD than did the placebo
et al. () randomly treated  elderly individuals group ( and  nmol/L, respectively; P , .).
( men and  women, aged  to  years) with Besides, all participants, including those from the
, IU of vitamin D every  months or placebo for placebo group, were allowed to take vitamin D sup-

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 years and found no differences on cancer incidence plements of up to  IU/d of vitamin D and up to
or mortality. Another extensive study dealing with  mg/d of calcium in addition to dietary intake.
colon adenoma and colon cancer did not reveal a Moreover, even in situ cancer cases were included. In
beneficial effect of daily  IU of vitamin D sup- line with the data described above, a meta-analysis
plementation during  to  years, even in a high-risk concluded that vitamin D or vitamin D and calcium
population (). Two smaller studies from Omaha, supplementation did not decrease the risk of all types
Nebraska (, ), provided more optimistic results of cancer ().
on overall incidence of cancer after combined treat-
ment with vitamin D and calcium. In the first one Conclusions and outcome
(), a group of women treated with  IU/d of A wealth of preclinical data support a possible role of
vitamin D plus calcium for  years showed a significant ,(OH)D on cell cycle progression and control of
reduction on cancer incidence compared with the tumor growth. Total loss of vitamin D signaling also
placebo group, with a RR of . (CI, . to .; P = predisposes mice to the development of a variety of
.). However, when compared with the calcium- cancers when exposed to carcinogenic agents or genes.
supplemented group or the combined placebo– Poor vitamin D status is strongly linked to colon
calcium control groups, the significant difference was cancer. MR studies suggest a link between lifelong
lost (Table ). Alternatively, the results of an RTC, lower vitamin D status and risks of cancer (especially
which included  elderly women from rural colon cancer). However, the existing intervention
counties of the United States, showed that  IU of studies so far could not demonstrate a clear benefit of
vitamin D plus  mg of calcium per day compared vitamin D supplementation on the incidence or
with placebo had no significant effect on cancer in- evolution of major human cancers. Therefore, sup-
cidence and mortality after  years (P = .) (). plementation cannot be recommended for the sole
However, a post hoc analysis excluding those who purpose of primary or secondary prevention of cancer.
withdrew from the study, died, or developed cancer Serum OHD levels , ng/mL ( nmol/L) convey

Table 5. Meta-Analyses of Human Epidemiologic Studies Dealing With Cancer and Vitamin D Status
Cancer Author No. of Studies/Analysis Pooled RRs
There was inconsistency of the
Colorectal Ma et al. (310) 9 0.88 (0.8–0.96) Vitamin D intake association between vitamin D
status and breast or prostate
0.67 (0.54–0.80) 25OHD levels cancer, but a consistent
association with colorectal
Yin et al. (311) 10 0.82 (0.69–0.97) 25OHD levels cancer.

Breast Chen et al. (312) 11 0.91 (0.85–0.97) Vitamin D intake

8 0.55 (0.38–0.80) 25OHD levels

0.83 (0.79–0.87) Case control (5)

Gandini et al. (308) 10 25OHD levels

0.97 (0.92–1.03) Prospective (5)

Prostate Gandini et al. (308) 11 0.99 (0.95–1.03) 25OHD levels

Gilbert et al. (313) 13 1.14 (0.99–1.31) Vitamin D intake

14 1.04 (0.99–1.10) 25OHD levels

doi: 10.1210/er.2018-00126 1133


Table 6. Vitamin D Supplementation and Prevention of Neoplasia

25OHD Duration
Outcome Location, Trial Reference Population (ng/mL) Intervention (y) RR (95% CI)

Total cancers Oxford, United Kingdom, 2686 Men and women, Mean 21.4 D3 100,000 IU every 4 5 1.09 (0.86–1.36)
Triuvedi et al. (91) age 65–85 y, living in mo vs placebo
the general population

Total cancers Nebraska, Lappe 1179 Healthy Mean 28.8 D3 1100 IU/d + Ca 4
et al. (314) postmenopausal
women, mean age 67 y Versus placebo 0.42 (0.21–0.83) (P = 0.013)

Versus calcium 0.76 (0.38–1.55) (NS)

Downloaded from by guest on 20 February 2020

WHI, United States, 36,282 Postmenopausal — D3 400 IU/d + Ca vs Ca 7 0.98 (0.90–1.05)
Brunner et al. (315) women, age 50–79 y alone

Colorectal adenomas United States, Lappe 2259 Men and women, Median D3 1,000 IU/d vs 3–5 0.99 (0.89–1.09)
et al. (316) age 45–75 y, with at least 23.2 placebo
one colorectal adenoma
removed within 120 d
Ca vs placebo 0.95 (0.85–1.06)
before enrollment and
no remaining polyps D3 1000 IU + Ca 0.93 (90.80–1.08)
daily vs placebo

Total cancers (excluding Nebraska, Lappe 2303 Healthy Mean 32.8 D3 2,000 IU + Ca daily vs 4 0.70 (0.47–1.02)
skin cancers) et al. (317) postmenopausal women, placebo
mean age 65 y

Colorectal cancer WHI, United States, 36,282 Postmenopausal Mean 19 D3 400 IU/d + Ca vs Ca 7 1.08 (0.83–1.34) (NS)
Wactawski-Wende women, age 50–79 y alone
et al. (318) Comment: no effect on invasive

Colorectal breast total WHI, United States, WHI 23,561 women not Mean 19 D3 400 IU/d + Ca vs Ca 7 Colorectal:
invasive cancers Prentice et al. (319) taking calcium or alone
vitamin D at baseline 0.81 (0.58–1.13) (NS)


0.80 (0.78–0.98) (P = 0.02)

All invasive cancers:

0.88 (0.78–0.98) (P = 0.03)

Colorectal cancer WHI, United States, 8117 Postmenopausal Mean 19 D3 400 IU/d + Ca vs 7 0.71 (0.46–1.09)
Dinf et al. (320) women, age 50–79 y placebo
(excluding women on
estrogen replacement

All cancers RECORD trial, 5292 Men and women, Median 15 D3 800 IU/d vs Ca daily 3 Cancer incidence:
United Kingdom, age .70 y
Avenell et al. (321) Versus Ca daily +D: 12.8%

Versus D3 800 IU + 2D: 11.9%

Ca daily

Versus placebo HR 1.07 (NS)

Cancer mortality:

+ D: 5.7%

2D: 6.7%

HR 0.85 (NS)

Total cancers Australia (102) 2256 Healthy postmenopausal Mean 20 D3 500,000 IU once a 3–5 Seven cases in D group vs 10 in
women, age .70 y year vs placebo placebo group (NS)

RCTs with cancer as a safety or secondary endpoint with fewer than five cases of cancer per arm of the study are not included, such as in Komulainen et al. (389) and Prince et al. (390).
Abbreviations: Ca, supplemental calcium salt (citrate or carbonate); D3, vitamin D3; NS, not significant; WHI, Womens’ Health Initiative.

1134 Bouillon et al Skeletal and Extraskeletal Actions of Vitamin D Endocrine Reviews, August 2019, 40(4):1109–1151

the greatest association with cancer. A few studies also deficient participants (serum OHD ,. nmol/L))
suggested that serum OHD levels . nmol/L were more likely to have their first cardiovascular event
might also be associated with an increased risk for during a mean observation period of . years in
some types of cancer. However, such studies might be comparison with those with values $. nmol/L
problematic due to the use of assays overestimating the (HR, .; % CI, . to .) (). In the
true serum OHD values (). Larger ongoing NHANES  to  study, the prevalence of
studies are needed to provide more decisive conclu- coronary heart disease (angina, myocardial infarction)
sions, such as the VITAL study. This is a randomized, was more common in adults with serum OHD
double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trial with a levels , nmol/L compared with $ nmol/L (OR
 3  factorial design with four groups: () active adjusted for age, race, and sex, .; % CI, . to
vitamin D at  IU/d and active omega- fatty .) (, ). Adjusting for other risk factors (body
acids; () active vitamin D and omega- placebo; () mass index (BMI), chronic kidney disease, hyperten-

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vitamin D placebo and active omega-; and () double sion, diabetes mellitus, smoking, and use of vitamin D
placebo. The study population includes ., supplements) attenuated the association (OR, .;
subjects . years of age and the treatment period is  %, CI . to .). The prevalence of heart failure
years. The primary endpoints are cancer and cardio- and peripheral arterial diseases was also higher among
vascular disease (). those with serum OHD values , nmol/L (ORs,
. and ., respectively) with similar attenuation
after adjustment for other risk factors. Several ob-
Cardiovascular System servational studies also link peripheral vascular disease
with a poor vitamin D status. Indeed, an inverse dose
Preclinical data response relationship was observed, cross-sectionally,
Several genes playing important roles in the cardio- between serum OHD and peripheral arterial dis-
vascular system are targets of vitamin D signaling, eases among individuals aged  years and older in the
including those encoding renin, plasminogen activator large US NHANES III ( to ) study ().
inhibitor (PAI), and thrombomodulin. In vitro studies
demonstrate that ,(OH)D has beneficial effects on MR studies
endothelial, vascular smooth muscle, or cardiac muscle Two independent MR studies did not find a link
cells (). Vdr-null as well as Cypb-null mice between genetically low serum OHD, predicted on
develop high-renin hypertension and cardiac hyper- the basis of SNPs related to four different genes in-
trophy. This is in line with a negative regulation of the volved in vitamin D synthesis, transport, or metab-
renin gene expression in the kidney by ,(OH)D olism, and cardiovascular endpoints (, ) (Table ).
(, ). The cardiac hypertrophy and fibrosis Similarly, a Canadian MR study did not find a link
probably have a dual origin: an indirect one by sys- between SNPs in GC/DBP and cardiovascular diseases
temic high renin hypertension and a direct effect on or stroke (). Skaaby et al. (), however, found that
cardiac muscle. Indeed, cardiac muscle-specific Vdr- filaggrin-null mutations caused a % increased serum
null mice also develop cardiac hypertrophy and fi- OHD concentrations due to higher efficacy of UV-
brosis that can be accelerated by increased cardiac B–induced vitamin D synthesis, as well as a better lipid
stress (). In line with the in vitro studies, Vdr-null profile. Similarly, Ooi et al. () demonstrated that
mice show increased thrombogenesis and reduced SNPs in genes causing higher nonfasting remnant
fibrinolysis (, , ). In vitro exposure of smooth cholesterol concentrations also caused decreased se-
muscle cells to high concentrations of ,(OH)D rum OHD concentrations. These two MR studies
induces transdifferentiation into bone-forming–like suggest that the observed epidemiologic link between
cells with expression of several typical osteoblast-like serum OHD and cardiovascular risks may be more
genes, ultimately developing matrix calcifications (). complex and involve genes that predispose to both
variations in serum OHD and cardiovascular risk
Observational studies in humans factors (Table ).
Observational human studies have extensively docu-
mented an inverse relationship between vitamin D Intervention studies in humans
status and cardiovascular risk factors or cardiovascular The results of intervention studies are less convincing.
events. A meta-analysis of  prospective studies In systematic reviews and meta-analyses, there was no
(, patients) demonstrated an inverse relationship effect of vitamin D supplementation on cardiovascular
between serum OHD levels (ranging from  to outcomes, including myocardial infarction and stroke
 nmol/L) and risk of cardiovascular disease (RR, (–). A meta-analysis did not show a significant
.; % CI, . to .; per -nmol/L decrement in effect of vitamin D supplementation on several car-
serum OHD) (). diovascular risk factors such as lipids, glucose, and
A few large studies can be summarized as follows: blood pressure. In one of the larger trials included in
in the Framingham Offspring Study, vitamin D– this meta-analyses, vitamin D supplementation did

doi: 10.1210/er.2018-00126 1135


not generate a beneficial effect on cardiovascular or metabolites/analogs) in patients with chronic renal
metabolic risks after increasing baseline serum failure also generated no clear answer.
OHD levels from  to well above  ng/mL ( to
 nmol/L) (). Therefore, it is not unlikely that Excess vitamin D and cardiovascular risks
only subjects with a low vitamin D status at baseline and events
(with precise threshold still to be defined) may benefit Excess vitamin D may also have major negative effects
from such intervention. on the cardiovascular system, with ectopic (vascular)
There are several large-scale ongoing RCTs dealing calcification, organ failure, and death as a consequence.
with probably ., subjects evaluating a wide Thus, it seems that too little but also frank excess of
variety of outcomes, including cardiovascular events. vitamin D may both be deleterious for cardiovascular
The data from the VIDA trial in New Zealand adults events ().
and elderly subjects were just published (). A

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monthly dose of , IU of vitamin D during a Summary
mean observation period of . years did not affect There are good preclinical (biochemical, genetic, and
cardiovascular endpoints. Whether this is due to lack animal data) data linking total absence of vitamin D
of a causal relationship between vitamin D status and action and adverse events in the cardiovascular system.
cardiovascular outcomes or due to other factors such Human observational data also link a poor vitamin D
as the large intermittent dose raising serum OHD status with several cardiovascular risk factors (in-
to . nmol/L, to the relatively good vitamin D cluding all aspects of the metabolic syndrome) and
status at baseline (mean serum OHD of  nmol/L), cardiovascular events and even mortality. Intervention
is so far unknown. studies, however, so far are equivocal, and this may be
due to lack of causality or due to poor design of the
Hypertension and vitamin D status RCTs. A minimal effect of vitamin D supplementation
There is geographic and racial variation in blood of vitamin D–deficient subjects on systolic blood
pressure, with risk of hypertension increasing from pressure is plausible (). The causal nature of as-
south to north in the Northern hemisphere. One sociations between vitamin D and cardiovascular
proposed explanation for the association with latitude disease remains uncertain. Whether the association
is that exposure to sunlight may be protective, either differs across patient populations (e.g., different sexes
because of an effect of UV-B radiation or of vitamin D and racial/ethnic groups, chronic kidney disease, di-
(). In observational studies of normotensive or abetes) also remains to be explored (, ).
hypertensive individuals, there is an inverse associa-
tion between serum OHD concentration and blood
pressure (–). However, this link is complicated Obesity, Diabetes, and Metabolic Syndrome
by a strong negative association between BMI, a well- and Vitamin D Status
known risk factor for hypertension, and low serum
OHD levels. One very large (n = , Danish A high BMI is linked with low serum OHD con-
subjects) MR study () found that a % increase in centration in most of the studies globally ().
genetically higher serum OHD concentrations was Whether this is a causal link or not or whether in-
associated with a . mm Hg lower diastolic and creased fat mass causes the low vitamin D status or the
systolic blood pressure and a small but significantly other way around is not known. One hypothesis is that
lower risk of hypertension (Table ). A  meta- the fat-soluble vitamin D is more easily stored into fat
analysis of  intervention trials (evaluated at trial cells (sequestration) before being available for further
level or on individual patient level) did not show a metabolism. There is, however, also a possible closed
benefit of vitamin D supplementation on systolic or feedback loop between fat cells and vitamin D
diastolic blood pressure (). This meta-analysis, metabolism (in mice) of leptin–FGF–Cypb–
however, did not include a trial in  black adults serum ,(OH)D and fat mass/leptin. Indeed, Vdr-
(~% with hypertension), showing that vitamin D null mice as well as Cypb-null mice are leaner than
supplementation significantly decreased systolic controls and more resistant to diet-induced obesity by
blood pressure (2. mm Hg for each additional actions not completely understood but essentially due
 U/d of vitamin D) without affecting diastolic to a higher metabolic rate (). Therefore, such mice
pressure (). have a lower fat mass and lower serum leptin con-
Overall, a beneficial clinical effect of vitamin D centrations. Second, leptin-deficient or leptin-resistant
supplementation on blood pressure in unselected mice have higher serum levels of FGF because of
adults has not been demonstrated. It is unclear leptin’s stimulatory effects on FGF production,
whether specific ethnic groups or subjects at high risk which is known to be a major renal Cypb ex-
of vitamin D deficiency are more likely to benefit from pression (). Finally, to close the loop, low serum
vitamin D supplementation. Data on vitamin D status ,(OH)D (action) decreases fat mass in mice. These
and supplementation (with vitamin D or active observations are in clear contrast to those in humans,

1136 Bouillon et al Skeletal and Extraskeletal Actions of Vitamin D Endocrine Reviews, August 2019, 40(4):1109–1151

as a poorer vitamin D status is linked with obesity and of the metabolic syndrome (). The largest trial of
type  diabetes in humans. vitamin D supplementation for prevention of type 
Vitamin D deficiency, as well as high BMI or diabetes is the Tromso study from Norway ( white
obesity, are frequent and the (potential) consequences adults with prediabetes received , U/wk [~,
of both on health are overlapping. However, the U/d] vitamin D or placebo; follow-up ~. years for
precise contribution of a poor vitamin D status to incident diabetes) (). The risk of diabetes was lower
obesity, its complications, and health in general are not in the vitamin D–supplemented group compared with
well established. placebo; however, the difference was not statistically
The contribution of a poor vitamin D status to the significant (HR, .; % CI, . to .). Subgroup
health consequences of a high BMI or obesity is not analyses in subjects with low baseline serum OHD
known, but many consequences of both situations are yielded similar results. Three recent meta-analyses
overlapping. Indeed, all conditions known to be part of have evaluated the effects of vitamin D supplemen-

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the metabolic syndrome are associated with a poor tation on one of three aspects of glycemic control in
vitamin D status (–) in both adults and ado- patients with established type  diabetes (, ).
lescents (). One of the most consistent associations Krul-Poel et al. () evaluated  RCTs with a total of
is with type  diabetes. For example, low serum  patients with type  diabetes. No significant
OHD levels (,. nmol/L)) are associated with a effects were found on HbAc, but vitamin D sup-
nearly twofold increased risk of fasting hyperglycemia plementation decreased fasting glycemia in subjects
or diabetes and a .-fold increased risk of hyper- with poor baseline HbAc. A second meta-analysis
tension or hypertriglyceridemia (). Such low evaluated  RCTs, including  patients with type 
OHD levels are also linked to a twofold increase in diabetes, and found a modest reduction in HbAc
the overall prevalence of the metabolic syndrome (2.%), fasting blood glucose (-mg/dl), or insulin
(). Longitudinal cohort studies, summarized in resistance (all significant) following vitamin D sup-
recent meta-analyses, have estimated an ~% risk plementation with a mean daily dose of ~ IU (or
reduction for incident diabetes in the highest vs the  mg) of vitamin D. They found, however, marked
lowest category of blood serum OHD level (). heterogeneity, as only  of  studies showed a
However, the observational nature of these studies positive effect. Subgroup analysis revealed some
precludes a definitive assessment of cause and effect strange observations, as the supplementation ther-
“Vitamin D may also be
because reverse causation or residual confounding apy worked only in nonobese (BMI ,) subjects important for male and
cannot be excluded. Confounders are especially (whereas most type  diabetic patients are either female reproduction.”
problematic in this area because blood OHD level is overweight or obese) and only subjects with a normal
an excellent marker of good health. In relation to type baseline serum OHD (. nmol/L) showed
 diabetes mellitus, higher serum OHD level is an improved glycemic control, whereas no benefi-
monotonically associated with a lower diabetes risk, cial effects were seen in the vitamin D–deficient
suggesting no apparent threshold for benefit (). (, nmol/L) subjects. In a third recent meta-analysis
MR studies may help to explore the possible Wu et al. () evaluated  RCTs dealing with .
lifetime consequences of a low vitamin D status. Afzal patients with type  diabetes. Overall, mean serum
et al. () concluded, based on ., Danish HbAc levels decreased by .% overall (just sig-
subjects, that genetically low serum OHD predis- nificant), but the decrease in fasting blood glucose was
posed to later type  diabetes. Another MR trial, not significant. Subgroup analysis revealed that HbAc
however, dealing with ., cases of type  diabetes and fasting blood glucose, however, decreased sig-
using four known SNPs related to serum OHD nificantly in subjects with vitamin D deficiency at
revealed a nonsignificant OR of . (, , ). baseline (, nmol/L) or in patients with starting
Husemoen et al. () studied ~ Danish adults and BMI ,. The daily dose of vitamin D required for an
found that higher predicted serum OHD [based on improved glycemic control was $ IU/d. Both
one vitamin D related SNP (DBP/GC)] was associated meta-analyses thus showed a modest improvement in
with a .-fold increase in serum adiponectin. Such glycemic control, but the subgroup analysis revealed
higher adipokine levels could explain a twofold lower very contradictory conclusions concerning which dose
risk for type  diabetes. A large MR study of  cohorts of vitamin D is required and which patients respond to
of European descent with obesity used four vitamin vitamin D supplementation. The overall conclusion or
D–related SNPs but could not find a link between BMI interpretation of all of these data are that poor vitamin
and predicted serum OHD concentrations. Twelve D status is frequently linked with the metabolic
SNPs related to higher risk for obesity, however, were syndrome and type  diabetes. MR studies, however,
found to have a significant link with higher BMI did not support this hypothesis. Less than half of the
(Table ). existing intervention studies showed only limited
Intervention studies have not demonstrated a beneficial effects, so that large-scale studies are needed
consistent effect of vitamin D supplementation on to define its potential benefit and, possibly, its
body weight, glycemic control, or one or more aspects translation into clinical recommendations. The

doi: 10.1210/er.2018-00126 1137


Vitamin D and Type  Diabetes () study, an on- The lung is another a possible target tissue for
going trial that tests the efficacy of  IU/d of vi- vitamin D action. Observational and intervention
tamin D on prevention of diabetes in people at studies clearly demonstrated a possible link between
elevated risk, is expected to answer this question. poor vitamin D status and chronic obstructive lung
While awaiting the results from such ongoing studies, disease [as reviewed in Ref. ()]. Finally, vitamin D
it is impossible to define a serum OHD threshold for status has also been linked to a variety of other diseases
the prevention of metabolic events such as type  such as nonalcoholic fatty liver syndrome, some eye
diabetes () diseases, autism, and many other diseases, as reviewed
elsewhere (, , –).
Miscellaneous targets of vitamin D The kidney is a major partner in vitamin D ho-
As VDR is expressed in nearly all nucleated cells and meostasis, and renal diseases are frequently associated
its genomic activation regulates a large number of with lower serum OHD and lower ,(OH)D

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genes, it is plausible that vitamin D may have an concentrations. The complicated role of vitamin D in
influence on other tissues than the major target tissues this context falls below the scope of the present review.
described above. We herein only briefly summarize a One MR, however, strangely concluded that a lower
few topics. predicted serum OHD was associated with a
modestly but significantly higher estimated glomerular
Neurologic disorders filtration rate (Table ).
Low serum OHD concentrations have been found
in patients suffering from a variety of neurologic
diseases such as Parkinson disease, Alzheimer’s dis- Mortality
ease, or schizophrenia (, ), apart from MS
(discussed above in the section on immunity). MR If low vitamin D status has such broad-ranging effects
studies found clear links between vitamin D status and on so many (extraskeletal) tissues as described above, it
MS (see above) and also with Alzheimer’s disease (). would certainly increase the risk of a variety of diseases
In the latter study, dealing with , cases and and thus ultimately increase mortality risks. No pre-
, controls,  SD lower predicted that serum clinical data exist on the relationship between lon-
OHD caused a significant .-fold higher risk of gevity and vitamin D status. Many observational
Alzheimer’s disease (Table ). Two other MR trials did studies, as described above, associate a poor vitamin D
not find a link with schizophrenia () or Parkinson status with nearly all major human diseases, and
disease (). therefore it would not be surprising that a poor vi-
tamin D status would be associated with increased
Reproduction mortality risk. Indeed, most observational studies
Vitamin D may also be important for male and female found higher mortality rates in persons with the lowest
reproduction. Male reproduction is impaired in the vitamin D quartiles or quintiles in European () and
Tokyo strain of VDR-null mice, and ,(OH)D US populations (), with the highest mortality rates
directly inhibits aromatase gene expression. This is in found in subjects with serum OHD , to
line with previous studies in rodents and humans  nmol/L. These very large studies also raised con-
demonstrating the essential role of the aromatase cerns about a U-shaped mortality curve, which
enzyme for male reproduction (). A variety of data suggests a slightly increased mortality rate in partici-
also suggest that the vitamin D endocrine system may pants with the higher serum OHD levels (, ).
be operative in male reproduction (). A small-scale However, subsequent recalibration of serum OHD
RCT, however, did not show improvement of sperm determinations decreased the number of NHANES
quality in men with subfertile sperm by vitamin D participants with high serum OHD [. nmol/L
supplementation (). A poor vitamin D status ( ng/mL)], so that the apparent increased mortality
during pregnancy is associated with increased risk for in the two high serum OHD groups disappeared
the mother and child. A recent Cochrane analysis (). A meta-analysis of eight prospective studies
() and another review () found that vitamin D on . participants ( to  years of age)
supplementation may reduce the risk of preeclampsia, demonstrated a consistently higher overall mortality
increase mean birth weight, reduce the risk of small for rate in participants with the lowest serum OHD
gestational age, and reduce the risk for wheezing in the concentrations (usually well below  nmol/L) ().
offspring at age  (). This observation included subjects living in different
areas of the world (United States, Europe, and Japan).
Liver, lung, and kidney diseases Surprisingly, the Leiden longevity study found that
Although the liver has a very low or undetectable level the offspring of nonagenarians (age . years) with
of VDR expression, hepatic stellate cells are a clear at least one other nonagenarian in the family had
target, as selective VDR deletion causes hepatic fibrosis lower (not higher as expected) serum OHD levels
and a state of nonalcoholic liver disease (). ().

1138 Bouillon et al Skeletal and Extraskeletal Actions of Vitamin D Endocrine Reviews, August 2019, 40(4):1109–1151

However, MR studies provide mixed evidence for a infections, and on mortality risks. Hopefully, a large
causal relationship. A small study ( German number of ongoing (large-scale) trials will generate
adults) confirmed an association between measured clearer answers.
low serum OHD concentrations and mortality, but
it did not find an effect of genetically lower serum
OHD concentrations, based on only two SNPs, on General Summary and Conclusion
mortality (). The authors realized that this result
may well be due to underpowering of the study. The skeletal consequences of severe vitamin D de-
Another small-scale German study ( participants) ficiency are well established, as rickets was a disease
also found no significant link between predicted serum that led to a search for an etiology for many centuries.
OHD and mortality (). However, a much larger An absence of vitamin D itself or of its active me-
Danish study (n = , and  to  years of follow- tabolites or of its receptor generates the same phe-

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up) (, ) found an increased all-cause [RR, .; notype in animals as in humans. Vitamin D deficiency
confidence limit (CL), . to .] and cancer (RR, rickets can be prevented or cured by daily supplements
.; CL, . to .) mortality with lower genetically of  to  IU of vitamin D per day. There is wide
predicted serum OHD. This effect was not much consensus that serum OHD levels , to  nmol/
different from the excess mortality observed in a L ( to  ng/mL) increase the risk of rickets. The
subgroup of this study using measured serum OHD pathogenesis of the disease is impaired intestinal
concentrations (RR for overall mortality, .; CL, . calcium and phosphate absorption due to lack of their
to .). transporters, causing impaired mineralization and
Numerous RCTs designed to look at a variety of excess osteoid, whereas the typical hallmark of rachitic
endpoints (mostly fractures or falls) also evaluated growth plates is due to hypophosphatemia-induced
mortality risks as part of overall safety analysis. Three lack of apoptosis of hypertrophic growth plate
recent meta-analyses of such vitamin D supplemen- chondrocytes in combination with a hypocalcemia-
tation studies generated similar conclusions (, , induced decrease in chondrocyte differentiation.
): based on data of  RCTs on ., partic- Rickets is still endemic in some regions of the world or
ipants ( to  years of age with a median baseline in some specific risk groups owing to a lack of “RCTs using vitamin D
serum OHD of . nmol/L) and . to . years of implementation of systematic vitamin D supple- supplementation to prevent or
follow-up, vitamin D supplementation reduced all- mentation during the first years of life. There is also improve possible nonskeletal
cause mortality by % (). A Cochrane analysis, general consensus that severe vitamin D deficiency or diseases related to poor
including even more studies and ., participants, absence of ,(OH)D (as in chronic renal failure) vitamin D status have
generated mixed results.”
came to a similar conclusion: vitamin D supple- later in life can cause osteomalacia. Milder degrees of
mentation (most commonly used dosage of  IU/d) vitamin D deficiency generate secondary hyperpara-
decreased the mortality rate by % [RR, . (. to thyroidism in most but not all subjects of various ages
.)], whereas vitamin D supplementation did not and accelerates bone turnover and ultimately accel-
affect mortality, independently from calcium intake or erates bone loss and the risk of fractures in the elderly.
baseline serum OHD (). All-cause mortality is a In selected populations, RCTs with vitamin D and
hard and highly relevant endpoint and is easy to calcium supplementation demonstrated a decreased
understand for the lay public. In view of the numerous incidence of hip fractures and other nonvertebral
large-scale ongoing intervention studies, this may well fractures of ~%, with the effect being greater (i) in
become a major endpoint to define the optimal vi- + and  to  years of age persons than in persons
tamin D status and the associated recommended in-  to  years of age, (ii) in those who are in-
take to achieve this status. stitutionalized in comparison with community living
elderly, (iii) when vitamin D is combined with calcium
supplementation, and () when compliance is .%.
Vitamin D and Extraskeletal Health: Summary Nearly all major governmental guidelines () con-
firm this policy and recommend that serum OHD
The vitamin D endocrine system regulates a very large levels , nmol/L should be avoided. Some expert
number of genes in many cells and tissues not related groups (UK Scientific Advisory Committee on Nu-
to calcium homeostasis. This effect is seen early in the trition) (), however, consider this conclusion still
evolution of vertebrates and in mammals and humans. not sufficiently validated to recommend specific
Thus, it is plausible that vitamin D has nonskeletal supplementation beyond what is needed to prevent
effects. A large set of observational data and some MR rickets/osteomalacia. Other experts and grassroots
studies support this hypothesis. Intervention studies, organizations recommend much higher intake and
however, have so far been inconsistent or generated aim for much higher serum OHD concentrations
“null effects.” The strongest data for possible extra- based on observational data and comparison with
skeletal effects of vitamin D so far deal with modest serum OHD levels in individuals living in cir-
effects on muscle strength and falls, acute respiratory cumstances similar to those of early humans.

doi: 10.1210/er.2018-00126 1139


Because of the broad range of putative actions, and later autoimmune diseases. An MR study dealing
there is much less consensus about the extraskeletal with asthma was negative. Seven of eight MR studies
effects of vitamin D. Biochemical and genetic data dealing with a variety of cancers covering a total
clearly demonstrate that the vitamin D endocrine of ., cases did not find a link between ge-
system could regulate, usually in a coherent fashion, a netically lower serum OHD concentrations and
very large number of genes (~% of all genes). Evi- total or organ-specific cancer incidence or mortality
dently that includes mostly genes not related to cal- (Table ). One MR study, however, found a that a
cium or bone homeostasis (). Animal data largely lower ( nmol/L) predicted serum OHD con-
confirm a coherent action at the cellular, tissue, or centration (based on SNPs in the vitamin D pathway)
total-body level of the vitamin D endocrine system on caused a significantly increased OR of . of all types
cell proliferation, cell differentiation, the immune, of ovarian cancer and an OR of . for high-grade
muscular, cardiovascular, and other systems. These ovarian cancer (). This is unexpected, as most ob-

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preclinical observations were made either in situations servational studies showed a clear link with colorectal
of total absence of vitamin D (action) or by exposure cancer (negative in MR studies) and not with ovarian
to supraphysiologic concentrations of ,(OH)D or cancer. MR studies evaluating the link between vita-
its analogs. A wealth of human cross-sectional and min D status and several aspects of the metabolic
long-term prospective studies have linked a poor vi- syndrome or cardiovascular events have generated
tamin D status with a variety of human diseases as complex data. Gene polymorphisms predisposing for
predicted on the basis of the preclinical data, including lower serum OHD concentrations were not asso-
higher risk of cancer, infections, autoimmune diseases, ciated with higher BMI (), higher incidence of type 
cardiovascular and metabolic risk factors and events, diabetes (), or higher incidence of cardiovascular
and muscle dysfunction and falls. This has generated events (). Other MR studies, however, found a link
an intense interest and even irrational enthusiasm between lower predicted serum OHD and adipo-
about the possible health effects of vitamin D sup- nectin concentrations, which is a strong surrogate
plements. Most governmental and scientific societies predictive factor for type  diabetes. Similarly, gene
are more prudent and await further proof of causality polymorphisms causing higher nonfasting cholesterol
before formulating optimal thresholds for serum remnants are associated with lower serum OHD
OHD or optimal dosages beyond what is needed for concentrations (Table ). Hypertension was found to
skeletal effects. The proof of causality ultimately has to be associated with lower predicted serum OHD
come from RCTs, but the recent introduction of MR concentrations (), well in line with the results of
studies has opened up a new strategy. some RCTs. Mortality as studied in one large MR
About  MR studies have so far looked at the study was significantly linked with lower serum
possible health consequences of genetically lower se- OHD concentrations predicted based on SNPs in
rum OHD concentrations. Indeed, serum OHD the vitamin D pathway (), although this was not
concentrations have a strong genetic background as confirmed in two smaller German studies (Table ).
based on several twin studies. Large-scale GWASs have RCTs using vitamin D supplementation to prevent
identified so far polymorphisms in at least four genes or improve possible nonskeletal diseases related to
involved in vitamin D synthesis, transport, and poor vitamin D status have generated mixed results.
metabolism in subjects of European or Asian descent Null results were generated in  of  RCTs dealing
that are associated with serum OHD levels. Such with cancer (Table ). Similarly, most RCTs dealing
MR studies have intrinsic limitations, as the genes with aspects of the metabolic syndrome or type 
discovered so far only explain ~% of the variance of diabetes generated “null” results. A meta-analysis of
serum OHD and only allow the study of linear RCTs, however, demonstrated a modest effect on the
effects, whereas it is not unlikely that there is a risk of falls of elderly, vitamin D–deficient subjects.
threshold above which further increases in serum Vitamin D supplementation also modestly reduced
OHD would not affect the actions of the the risk of upper respiratory infections or exacerba-
,(OH)D. Nevertheless, three MR studies (all in tions of chronic obstructive lung disease patients. In
Europeans) so far demonstrated a clear association of line with an MR study mentioned above, vitamin D
genetically predicted lower serum OHD concen- supplementation may have a modest blood pressure
trations and the risk of MS, and one additional genetic lowering effect in mildly hypertensive subjects. Based
study confirmed this association. Additionally, a large on a large number of RCTs, a modest % to %
MR study in patients with type  diabetes confirmed a decrease in mortality risk has been observed when
link between low serum OHD and the risk of this elderly vitamin D–deficient subjects receive modest
disease. As both MS and type  diabetes have a well- doses of vitamin D.
documented autoimmune origin, such data, in com- Based on all of these data, the hype that vitamin D
bination with many preclinical and observational data, supplementation may be a cure for all major diseases
make a strong case for a role of lifetime lower serum of humankind is certainly not confirmed. However,
OHD concentrations (maybe especially early in life) several MR studies and RCTs suggest some (rather

1140 Bouillon et al Skeletal and Extraskeletal Actions of Vitamin D Endocrine Reviews, August 2019, 40(4):1109–1151

modest) beneficial effects of vitamin D supplemen- . High PTH, as well as low serum OHD levels,
tation for extraskeletal actions, such as muscle/falls, is associated with cardiovascular diseases. What
respiratory infections, MS, and hypertension. Local is the contribution of each hormone on the
therapy with vitamin D analogs has well-documented overall effect?
beneficial effects on the evolution of psoriatic lesions. . Is the optimal vitamin D status tissue-dependent,
According to the National Institutes of Health with different thresholds for different physiological register, ~ RCTs dealing with systems, and does it vary by age and race?
vitamin D are still ongoing, so we may hope that . Is the use of OHD supplementation advan-
within the next decade the results of these studies tageous over vitamin D supplementation?
will further clarify the possible beneficial effects of . How can we explain the interindividual differ-
vitamin D. ence in the vitamin D status and response to

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. What is the best approach to improve the
Questions for Future Research knowledge to completely understand the action
. What are the precise details of the effects of of ,(OH)D on intestinal calcium and phos-
UV light on skin production of vitamin D? phate transport?
Indeed, the vitamin D production after full- . What are the effects of vitamin D deficiency
body exposure to sunlight (below or at the during pregnancy and early life on adolescent
minimal erythema level) has been estimated to and adult outcomes?
be ., IU/d, whereas others found that . What are the mechanisms underlying tissue-
such exposure is equivalent to a daily intake of specific actions and can they be best explored by
~ IU. selective deletion of vitamin D signaling?
. Is measured or calculated free serum OHD . For most other ligands of nuclear transcription
concentration a better marker than total serum factors, such as thyroid or sex steroid hormones
OHD for vitamin D status and different or glucocorticoids, low and high concentrations
health outcomes? are found to be associated with poor health
. What is the role of the local production of outcome. Is this also true for serum OHD and
,(OH)  D for skeletal and extraskeletal other vitamin D metabolites?
effects? . There are ~ known metabolites of vitamin D.
. Which factors regulate the local activity of Do metabolites other than OHD and ,(OH)D
a-hydroxylase in different tissues? have an independent biological role?

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Kampman E, Siganos G, Njølstad I, Mathiesen EB, Saarikoski S. Prevention of femoral and lumbar bone Disclosure Summary: R.B. has received lecture fees
Kubı́nová R, Paja˛k A, Topor-Madry R, Tamosiunas A, loss with hormone replacement therapy and vi- from l’Oréal and Abiogen and is co-owner of a university
Hughes M, Kee F, Bobak M, Trichopoulou A, tamin D3 in early postmenopausal women: a patent on vitamin D analogs licensed to Hybrigenix. C.M. is a
Boffetta P, Brenner H; Consortium on Health and population-based 5-year randomized trial. J Clin consultant for Abiogen Pharma and Shire and received
Ageing: Network of Cohorts in Europe and the Endocrinol Metab. 1999;84(2):546–552. lecture fees from Shire. J.H.W. has received lecture fees from
United States. Vitamin D and mortality: meta- 390. Prince RL, Austin N, Devine A, Dick IM, Bruce D, Zhu Abiogen. B.D.-H. received an investigator-initiated grant from
analysis of individual participant data from a K. Effects of ergocalciferol added to calcium on the Pfizer. P.L. has received lecture fees from Abiogen. M.L.-C. has
large consortium of cohort studies from Europe and risk of falls in elderly high-risk women. Arch Intern received educational fees from, and is on the advisory board
the United States. BMJ. 2014;348:g3656. Med. 2008;168(1):103–108. for, Mantecorp/Farmasa and Sanofi. A.G. has served as a
386. Noordam R, de Craen AJ, Pedram P, Maier AB, consultant for Abiogen. J.B. has consultancies for Abiogen,
Mooijaart SP, van Pelt J, Feskens EJ, Streppel MT, Amgen, Radius, Ultragenyx, and Regeneron. The remaining
Slagboom PE, Westendorp RG, Beekman M, van Acknowledgments authors have nothing to disclose.
Heemst D. Levels of 25-hydroxyvitamin D in familial The authors thank Laura Macri (Pisa, Italy) for help with the
longevity: the Leiden Longevity Study. CMAJ. 2012; references. Abbreviations
184(18):E963–E968. Financial Support: This work was supported by Re- 1,25(OH)D, 1a,25-dihydroxyvitamin D; 25OHD, 25-hydrox-

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387. Chowdhury R, Kunutsor S, Vitezova A, Oliver-Williams search Foundation Flanders (FWO)/KU Leuven Grant yvitamin D; BMD, bone mineral density; BMI, body mass
C, Chowdhury S, Kiefte-de-Jong JC, Khan H, Baena CP, G0A2416N (to R.B. and G.C.); National Institutes of Health/ index; CD, Crohn disease; CL, confidence limit; DBP, vitamin
Prabhakaran D, Hoshen MB, Feldman BS, Pan A, National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney D–binding protein; DC, dendritic cell; GWAS, genome-
Johnson L, Crowe F, Hu FB, Franco OH. Vitamin D and Diseases Grant R01 AR051930 and Veterans Affairs Grant 1 wide association study; HR, hazard ratio; IBD, inflammatory
risk of cause specific death: systematic review and I01 BX003814-01 (to D.B.); National Institutes of Health Grant bowel disease; MR, Mendelian randomization; MS, multiple
meta-analysis of observational cohort and rando- DK32333, as well as grants from Genome Quebec and the sclerosis; NHANES, National Health and Nutrition Exam-
mised intervention studies. BMJ. 2014;348:g1903. Cancer Research Society (to J.H.W.); and by US Department ination Survey; NOD2, nucleotide oligomerization domain
388. Plum LA, DeLuca HF. Vitamin D, disease and of Agriculture Agriculture Research Service Agreement 58- protein 2; NMSC, nonmelanoma skin cancer; RA, rheu-
therapeutic opportunities. Nat Rev Drug Discov. 1950-7-707 (to B.D.-H.). matoid arthritis; RCT, randomized controlled trial; RR,
2010;9(12):941–955. Correspondence and Reprint Requests: Roger Bouillon, relative risk; SNP, single nucleotide polymorphism; TB,
389. Komulainen M, Kröger H, Tuppurainen MT, MD, PhD, Gasthuisberg, ON1/902, Herestraat 49, 3000 tuberculosis; Treg, regulatory T; URT, upper respiratory
Heikkinen AM, Alhava E, Honkanen R, Jurvelin J, Leuven, Belgium. E-mail: tract; VDR, vitamin D receptor.

doi: 10.1210/er.2018-00126 1151

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