Instruction Key Brasil SAP

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Instruction Key

Posted on02 de Nov de 2007 às 04:21 | 288 Views

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Hi all,
I have a question regarding payment runs. Is it always that the "Instruction Key" must be defined for
payment runs.
Is this especially true in the case for Brazil?
FIN (Finance) | SAP ERP

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 Marssel Vilaça

Posted on02 de Nov de 2007 às 06:13

Instruction Key tell to bank what kind of operation Payment Medium do
each Home Bank by Eletr. Bnk. Sttmnt.
In this case you are configuring FEBRABAN / ITAÚ banks in CNAB 240
format (240 columns in eletronic bank statament).
Please, follow these steps:
1- Menu Path:
Acc Rec and Acc Pay > Business T > Incoming Pay > Auto Incoming Pay
> Print > Define Instruction Key
PM - IK - Description - Instruction (respective position to column order)
A - 02 - DUPLICATA - FEBRABAN / ITAÚ - (100000)
B - 02 - BOLETO - FEBRABAN / ITAÚ - (100000)
M - 02 - DOC COMPE - FEBRABAN / ITAÚ - (000200)
S - 02 - TED - STR - FEBRABAN / ITAÚ - (000400)
T - 02 - TED - CIP - FEBRABAN / ITAÚ - (000300)
3 - Afterwards go to FBZP home bank and assign IK 02 to yours.
Hope I help you!

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1 Comment

o Former Member
02 de Nov de 2007 às 07:20
Hi Marssel,
Thanks. I gave black star.
Have a nice weekend

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Former Member
Posted on02 de Nov de 2007 às 09:23
Instruction key for data medium exchange
For automatic payment transactions, this field (along with the house bank
country and the payment method determined by the payment program)
controls which statements are given to the participating banks when
carrying out the payment order. This field is used in countries such as
Germany, Austria, the Netherlands, Spain, Norway, Finland, and Japan
as well as for the internnational SWIFT format, MT100.
Selecting the instruction key
If data medium exchange is used (as well as in special cases when using
document-based payment orders) the instruction key must be maintained
in the customer/vendor master record, or in the system configuration for
data medium exchange data for the house bank. The following holds
regarding the instruction key:
1. If the instruction key is maintained in the master record, then this
instruction key is used.
2. If no instruction key exists in the vendor master record, then the default
instruction key defined for the house bank is used.
Consequently, it is not necessary to provide all business partners with an
instruction key; only the exceptions need to be maintained.
Note 1
If it is necessary to specify an instruction key for a business partner's
house bank that differs from the instruction key defined in the master
record, this can be done when editing the payment proposal.
Note 2
The instruction key must be entered in the document for one-time
Note 3
The four instruction key fields belonging to the instruction key can be
overridden by entering instruction keys in the document (the "Additional
Data" screen in the customer or vendor line).

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