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PERCUSSION [TRAP DRUM SET AND MALLET INSTRUMENTS] You’re A Good Man, Charlie Brown [Revised] Based on The Comic Strip “Peanuts” ‘Charles XL Schulz, Book, Music and Lyrics Clark Gesner Additional Dialogue by Michael Mayer Additional Music and Lyrics by Andrew Lippa Orchestration by Michael Gibson Original Direction for this version of “You're A Good Man, Charlie Brown” by Michael Mayer Originally Produced in New York by ‘Arthur Whitelaw and Gene Persson Book Copyright © 1967 by Clark Gesner Copyright © 1998, 1999 by Clark Gesner and United Peature Syndicate, Ine ‘Music and Lyrics Copyright © 1971 by Jeremy Music Inc Copyright © 1998, 1999, 2000 by Jeremy Music Ine. and United Feature Syndicate Inc. “Tams Witark Muse Library te, sexta i Ney Neen Yr 002 percussion legend MALLET INSTRUMENTS. (“KAT” PERCUSSION SYNTHESIZER) BELLSIGLOCKENSPIEL | Maen TRAP DRUM SET MESHIONE ones HRENCH TORN TIMPANI OBOE svaRE DRUM SMALLTOM TOM JUNGLE TOMS | TRIANGLE. SNARE DRUM [eroes sticks} FLOOR TOM TOM. 3: = at ——— = == as 3 =z = assonunt susrenen cypats fae oe aoe conse isreasuy ay00 O os 2 rout ‘Woon sLocK DUCK QUACK See ed = d. esas, = = SS : oe respon mar anny serLTmER =‘ UFLLTREE suanote sine wats sae ree = -_ - nm ra ydd~ a pee ¥ = = cot > sane SANDPAPER BLOCKS sue une lo. 1 Opening Grandly {ecouste] CYM. BELLS. VIBES cm. [5] = f weuis vas » BELLS h Kat: FRENCH HORN (arop sticks) _ {play w/hands} Cue to end fermata: SP — voice pickup: _geaeibeat | T'm more than five You're a HIGH-HAT voice pickup: A\_[toTrap Se] A_[tight]_+ + fy _You'rea [dialogue] [dialogue] Idialogue} nf downbeat: voice pickup: — downbeat: od ‘good man ‘You have hu~ mili Ross ~ voice pickup: QiitOR HH OHHHOHHEE a myers idialoguey [32] Tempo (J=160) [dialogue] downbeat: Cue t0 stop vamp: vamp the sun’s so bright a [dialogue] oR Pesan Atiacea 4 No. 2 “You’re a Good Man, Charlie Brown” [2] Bright march (/-160) HH cyM. SFX: arm cock CYM. HLL f _ [10] wea stick] = hice 7 nf oat g > a. P , 134] others play more smoothly SMALL TOM Ea CYM- At oti (CRASH) HL [42] Bet ston) ICRASHI st a ot sp. uf HH cm, Hy CBR. Persion + 2-"You' tet Good Min, Cate Brows 5 (52), A bit faster Ix stick] Hen [estick) a 2 f Ue stick) mf + cyM, e f [60], Hatttime fet {x stick} + bxstick) te [76], _Halfime fet f simile ¢ ‘cresc” +Y zw aa saa aes: (CBR- Pescssion 6 -3-*You'te a Good Man, Che Brown” [98] ¢ 2 2 2 A Sx:tus tom building Z subp — crese. [109] wba 7 my _ TT wo tes ee gy 1 [127] [CRASH] [RIDE] Half rime feel _FI-ToM (CRASH) (RIDE) tseLy [138] rane HH o FLT. crest. tcrasuy IPE) FILL oP [RIDE BELL] FILL ies i ee or oe a ‘Applause CBR Peresion Se — segue No. 2a Good Man Playoff (¢=160) (CRASH) yu cYM. . f [CRASH] Ley [dialogue] a — Segue No. 2b Before Lunch Hour (2-160) -HAI (rghq \'T : om mp rit, — CBR - Pecusion 8 No. 2c After Lunch Hour (d=160) (ight H-HAT aoe light CR] ™P tx sticky 61 mf Half time feel gg ——_ICRASHI YM. gentle HL-HAT [RIDE] [tight] — a es Segue 0. 3 “Schroeder” Adagio sostenuto (J=64) leaceth 5 16] 9 [15] 9 224] 8 a 7 wa Ter ro ‘Segue 0.4 Quick Changes - Spaghetti Swing eighths (J=120) Swing eighths (Brshegon SD] > (aiatogue) ay BrtesogsP fy Adagio cantabile (4=48) 7s (7) Adagio cantabite a [dialogue} a [15] In six WOOD BLock [to Kat; BELLS] vamp - mf [19] g_ Kat BELLS 4, vamp Tam 7 (irstie only) Segue (CBR - Percussion No. 5 “Snoopy” Pensively jryedium mallets — VIBES @ motoronnedumsped) 13] Andante con moto (4=126) fa mp BELLS 10] mp mf mp mf : (321 AS20012 TMT (concert pitch) Subito “spanish”, 3 — piano trill starts) SNARE KAZOO + me it gare SMivisictsl 4 (a) 4 ae cee cu ae 0535) opp ——= ve wi aa ICRASH] |” Ferociously [tempo di Paso Doblé} TAMBOURINE jd: > feces sees > eee mounted} sgl te. f 1477 2 [59]; TAMB. aD bff can- Recasion 10 [TAMB.1 [CRASH] JUNGLE TOMS [79] a nf mamas > > > [toKat: VIBES} a [dialogue} Andante con moto _—] _vipes 2S SS uv 2p 2 [103] dictated pr or eee de ewer (CBR -Peesion . 5a Quick Changes - Moon Solemn HERAT [3] vem eighths @=120) i. crovne) [owbrushes] ay Moderate two (4-120) idee [5] H-H + [wisticks) 23 mp [w/rushes] sD rit. ty [10] Even eighths ry _lwisticks) [CRASH] [CRASH] [18] [muffle CYM.) BH [CRASH] ” subp (CBR - Person ae 12 This page has been left blank to eliminate some page turns in the following numbers. CBR. Pecussion No. 6 “My Blanket and Me” Freely (59-7) [9] A tempo (=128) nica cave 3 .va, Pa. 2 7 [silent] ea isilend yy (optional BELLS 8*) = tiga 2 TRIANGLE, ‘CROTALE 4g. bello cM} jer = a 4, op [dialogue 3 waterfall Ceasyt Fr BELLS Hg not t00 big to TRL} B ™P pochissimo accel. mp + FLOOR TOM Ly OSGI Tango => ‘TRIANGLE Ito sticks] ey 5 belofCYM] [40}+ light) WHAT orale (RH. to TRL, LH. SBLKS] i 3 a 35) vitard (CR -Perasion ir -2-°My Blanket and Me™ Slowly The Blanket Ballet a TRIANGLE 7 mn @ [sient] Pro. gis. fe a [72] secco, in four + SANDPAPER BLOCKS 3 _ TRIANGLE Ta mp SLIDE WHISTLE 1g) D. —_ > 6 SIREN WaistLE * w wos) [cry WOOD BLOCK 3 [chokel [SPL] [89] i 2 St —_— ice ' ce IsPLasin> ian choke) 5 (CRI [97]; swing feel iS a uhp sf ef SPLASH] Steady and ploddit (1021 ly and plodding map strict four (Ry, cresc. poco a poco Building, swing eighths FcR] >= iw [112] ‘Wild Blankets (tempo primo] ft = CBR- Percussion [Ri my Masketane 4 VARIOUS CYMBALS (ery, Tie Peal : SF (RIRE] Slower, swing it out! FOOTCYM. © 9 _ritard© ° [120] SPL] nn {choke H-14] iene straight eighths, tempo primo. sub mp cresc. FOOT CYM. 2114014 {whores} ite Foor cy. Ht Fr subsmap iw ritard TRIANGLE = @ tempo 3 “6 pp all. ‘molto rit. 150-152) Applause ~ segue No. 6a After Blanket “aenar th eo +4 ° + ott o tt Om Can -Perasion baceedtda 16 This page has been left blank to eliminate some page turns in the following numbers. (CHR. Pression No.7 Queen Lucy — Melodrama [2] {Maestoso, ma non troppo] {to CYM) a Bs & Pro, : maf [diatogue} i = = oa ae (1) Fa {to TIMP] 15] nM Tei) 0 dialogue! anf wey [22] Faster TIMP, aoe ae ents nf bate crese. [29} 3 [33] F OHH a No. 7a Quick Changes — Coathanger ‘Swing eighths [w/brushes} [dialogue] epee Sac - nf a B.D. & FOOT CYM. (CAR - Presson 18 No.8 “The Kite” COWBELL (3] Antegro comodo (152 DRUMS HH a mp crese. (SPLASH > yyy safety repeat (three times} Ichoke] af HA sma cp. WB og 07) “? choke} CYMBAL (sPLI> [w/malets] a mp ‘poco crese icrasm IseLasiy [25] }—~ i; : + + He ) 6) ~ [SPLASH] D. > k was i sD. [33] Intense 1H BH mp ft aan 35 [CRASHI 66586 Tligh) Ethereal - “we have littott” 7°" POC a tn? B.D. & FOOT W-H MARK TREE a3] MARK AT] > iwimalies] 2 2 2 [43] tisha 3 [471 7 eS — SF sempre diminuendo n-ne BELL TREE 2-The Kie™ nm = crese. aoe - SD. VN SPX: te 2 ‘asester HT is —__— Ff Applause — segue No. 8a Quick Changes — Valentines nose ‘secasia cow net. HH a i [dialogue] S.D. [whrushes] swing eighths o 2 a > >> a (4) {dialogue} 19] ~ Solo. a [dialogue] pp.) Idialogue] +, Peet 2 o + Soe ot of BD. & FH 141° 3° Segue No. 8b Before Doctor — Lucy Opens Shop CYMBAL (.- formals 2°83) a 2 —— mp ——— uf CBR Percussion if — No. 9 “The Doctor Is In” Slow, loose ad lib. tempo Pano , [9] A tempo (-82) 56) poco rit. move more rapidly 17) 5 is [23] 4 e wa Ta) Tan (326) BELLS [to Kat: OBOE] Po. 606 a F [31] Tempo, move along oe Kat: OBOE {play wihands} WoCYM] gy Bsa) [42] A tempo i CYMBAL [w/mallets] nf a [dialogue] nf —== f /—~ [to Kat: OBOE] e mp nf poco ral. [48] Faster Kat: OBOE [play w/hands} [to BELLS] 4 z ws mf (CBR Pereusion +2. The Dacor ela” a [56] A tempo BELLS =~ TIMPANI poco rall. nf $= 3 5 (oem [64] {10 XYLO} 68 se [68] A XYLO. Tora ‘poco rail. Applause — segue 10 Quick Change — Ice Cream (=201) co WH © + + S BD. & FOOT HH a dictated 7 x HH, % —), Am Quick Changes - Art _ [tacet] CBR- Percusion 22 No. 12 “Beethoven Day” Allegro tortona:sounse TIMP, Adagio Abitfaster i. prs) ‘TIMPANI : molto rit [6] Tempo (d=144) Cae — DRUMS __ optional vamp (voice last ime) > > > > ae BD. mf wad (wffoot] : ? ° mn ° Ware * cores fee sap ee = vamp [four times] P. (to DRs, vamp [six times} TM sup [26] +e a apedt \- Es f Ix stick] a > [43] save. SS Pp CBR Percussion Beethoven Day" 2B s [51l = ‘TIMP. fill eres pp DRS. = ee 7) _lto Kat: PRINS.) f= ™ ——== mp Kat: FRENCHHORNS [66] cy "cceuiel og (to VIBES) 5 [60] 5 a oe GINS 16770) a S motto rit" HN © 4 Ia Barbershop Atempo ‘VIBES con moto. [to DRS.|_ Quartet DRS. rail. Dad oy oy oy i mf [86] [CRASH] x : (CRASH saad [choke] [dome of RIDE] x ao Applause =" segue No. 12a Beethoven Day Playoff ‘Tempo (4-144) DRUMS ia fil 2 CBR - Pression 4 No. 13 Rabbit Chasing - Pantomime Fast (/=152) DRUMS >> >> > me > > = > [9] Tempo di mazurka (J-132) © ir rit. [21] Presto subito (4-184) {tgXYLO} Kat: XYLOPHONE gli! [17] March tempo (¢--128) [press rolls} IseLasi] Cow XYLO. DUCK by CYM. BELL QUACK A Moderately (io Timp. mallets] yng Pe mp [45] Dolce ma sensibile (J=124) [50] Marcia e molto marcato (J-112) s = Bessette 3 [to TIMP] ay a nf din, ——$——— CBR. Percussion <2 abit Chasing Pantomime 2s [54] __ Frantic waltz @-=108) TIMPANI a of P ——=— [to DRS] a eee ? ft [dialogue] [66] ~ Moderate caprice (4120) a Sigs va [x sticks] ae S a [choke] i dial Allegro molto vivace (4=152) {dialogue} 78} ‘® SMALLTOM TAMBOURINE > a aoe qa a wo. = EL, ‘TAMB. FOOT H-t BD. sD. a ® Hay sindm BELIS 3 RBs (89) He ‘TRIANGLE ve g [to DRS) A Brea aw f CBR -Pecusson 26 This page has been left blank to eliminate Some page turns in the following numbers. CBR. Peression 7 No. 14 “The Book Report” March militaire ‘COW BELL HLHAT {tight} "mp marcato ws. BELLS b, [6] Madrigal a cappella (=132) a 3 10) [13] Vivo (=170) (tight) HI-HAT ® {a ipo} [17] Stowly Gate? HY LY Tra x accel. fF CHIME Kat: TIMP. [a tempol + ba rit, ral. [31] Fast =12) 7 HLHAT mp ee cresc.'poco a poco oe a ipo} [51] Vivo ee at [54] Religiously (4-80) - A fx __ tw VIBES] it of eae 28 2h Book Repet Secularly (=132) [67] aves 2 of mp a. @ {to DRUMS] [86] 2 Vivo i HLWAT He [a ‘pol [90] Tempo Oe ac A i a HLH] [partiallyjopen) nf 98] BELLTREE, y)—~ i of A fe j tight [LH tight hat [RH metal beater) © kdamp) ieee of ™p f (108) 5. nat +0 + + TIMP HH+ +0 + Toe tiay a - 7 CBR-Peresion <3. Te Hak Repe » Grandioso (J=128) (118) rales 6 ‘p___molio cresc. tf af : 2 wr 10 ull. canst, Vivo Gate) [ne [137] pte Tens TIMP, a tempo Op moto ce. [to TIMP} 2 ef Tae fe fe TIMP. [147], Ad libitum [cadenza] 4 U Tai tae vores cus” im ps7) tempo (¢=164) iv mp cresc. {choke} Slower {CR} A a iat oe fh marcato yf fp eresc. > A tempo [move it!] icRASH] (eR Te, uel F* Eend of Act One CBR - Persson *° act two No. 15 The Red Baron - Melodrama Military four (=120) [2] SD. Sola wo 7 mp *,Va, [10] Gently heroic DRS. @ P [dialogue] f [28] rLoor tom p= > Soaring & relaxed aA wy BT cxmat inate 2 = © = p ® ——— [47] Intense DRS.* oa vw Pp can: Pecsion 2. Te Red Haron ~ Melos 31 e t FL.TOM [RIDE] [54] 13 5 yf —=_—s P ——== [wmand, tighten & loosen Fl. TOM head ae a cc Sap. [63] The Great Plane Ride [eR] t (RI) ® {SPRmachinogun] [THIN CRASH] [RIDE} SMALL TOM CBR -Peresson (Blackout) 2 No. 16 “My New Philosophy” Moderately bright swing four (¢=204) (TD) DRUMS "@MP i wrorushes) Be vamp (voice last time) ™p HLH [w/foot] [19] Het atenel [SPLASH] > [choke vamp of H-H [wifoot) 2 New Pipi” 3 ees Iwisticks} > [Bay] (cR) [53] Ni COW BELL > (cr, 4H wit 161), BO anf CHIME y y 7 [CR of {to Kat: CHIME} Ho UP x (72) #2 Stride time HH [w/foot) f mp f “1 mp f mp (light) [Hi-Hat alone] [SPLASH] A [choke] fe f No. 16a Before Baseball __{tacet} Applause ~ segue ‘CBR. Percussion 34 This page has been left blank to eliminate some page turns in the following numbers. (CBR. Peceuston 35 No. 17 “The Baseball Game” wt [8] Fast march (/=168) oo) Might +p] mf = mp +04 Py (J=168) de, light Hi-Hat only] Simp os [42] _ @ yi ® ome LE Tempo? > - nf — [59] Baseball Game Pantomime ® f COR Peso VS. 36 2-"The Bacall Game” [choke] A Sock 175] LH. (Hi-Hat) mp + + RA. [get Slide Whistle] © of SLIDE WHISTLE + cYM, it cy. FOF DA7IRE tied (nal eu it f [mute CYM [RIDE] [light] sup ft CBR. Pereasion 43-"The Baseball Gane 37 12sy Tempo (p [tight Hi-Hat only] ae crese. fo VIBES) [a tempo] a [159] Waltz G=00) P 1 - Growing in intensity {hota PS, pedal down] (1751 sie t {roll on CYMJ Iwao) (to VIBES] 7 m ——— (183]stower ee i j [195] ad tibitum VIBES 2: Ta {to mallet Kat: BELLS] P atempo BELLS : Pro. Bs ine) Ta ppp aR Percssion Applause ~ segue 38 No. 17a After Baseball Moderate four Oo 4 Lestick] + DRUMS nf rit. —— [diatogue} No.17b Quick Changes — Crabbiness Survey Swing eighths ° DRS. {w/brushes] WB. [wisticks] lunga AS, Po. mf in > _ [brushes on SD] > T f s No. 17c Quick Change — A Loving Little Brothrer Moderately (CYMBAL [w/maltets] nM a ”~———— _ nf Ga (CBR Perasion 39 No. 18 “Glee Club Rehearsal” Moderately slow (J=120) BELLS & BD. 16 u7 i [33] 3 Tsay 735) cpitonal Viola cue e (41 ¢ 3 Tea A 3 (665) sas eo Applause — segue No. 18a Quick Changes — Snoopy Swing four [RIDE] [wisticks] DR’S IHL-HAT] ° 7 "Ff at witoot {wforushes| % Quickly 23 Groovy four i a mr (Swing 16ths) oy ight) 6 f Segue (CBR - Pression 40 . 19 “Little Known Facts” Medium bounce, very dry (/=144) SPLASH proms SSS an 5 (SP) (Hy on repeat ad lib. (ast time) t me (16) + + fe = oe) ° (SPJ x P (under dialogue) ee [32] ™? [SPL.] [48] (THIN CRASH CYM), ‘mp {00 DRS} @ (RIDE) a tosticks} +2 “Line Known Facts” _ + repeat ad ib,[66] or) pa 4 3 es eee ea alae t {tight H-H] mf ite) is nf tite “ : . Moy pi fa ? {THIN CRASH CYM.1 @ mp —= : lite) (CRASH) (w/mallets) = 7 a (p00 crese. Unistcks) 3 repeat ad lib. et (i416) (last time) t [dialogue] ter AMMAN Teeee ads mf er aren [choke] [choke] [SPL] sar: FP can. rocesion a Aa 42 No. 20 “Suppertime” Slow, tedious vamp (4-48) [4] 2 (MALLET KAT) TRIANGLE =————_ wai [dialogue] oft Quasi recitative 7 TIMP. o ft ff samp oo a o = mmf [dialogue] [13] Swing four, very cool (J=152) Soloo + 0 + e+ 0 + © p THTHAT only] ao ioeere Cerrar CO) 19 ePiano} o + 0 + «ay o + + ot ee ® 51° te? + Gitte OH ° [easy rim shots} A = [HI-HAT wifoot] CBR. Pesesion 2- “Supper” [43] Stop time o+ forget + ° we subp [51] + Brighter i ot af [tite HH] > > = be 3 3. w Vaudeville > (59) cas lsh P (exif Fr «s © [g7y Stop time we (RIDE} = ferash} = > 3 ie [79]? 4° oy et oo ELS of OF [HLHAT w/foot] (Cue. Pecuson VS. ae 2 "Sappetine [95] (J-152) ee ten) lerash} Fast gospel two (=144) = [Drums ser tempol cB.asp. A > > > > «2 is (119) Go to church! > is > ao, [crash] [dome of RIDE] > > Stow (J=112) A {crash [dialogue] i (RIDE) [RIDE] ig ritard 4] erst) feash}fersh]) foes Bigritard leash] (ors (rash) feb) fers Dl > feadenzal ii Applause = segue faa Tao dog wild COR -Pacssion This page has been left blank to eliminate some page turns in the following numbers. CR Pecueion 45 46 No. 20a Night Scene - Underscore Moderato (J=120) ‘VIBES ie ? 3 Segue No. 21 “Happiness” Moderato (J=120) VIBES 5 4 ise! [19] kat: BELLS yypps mp Kat: BELLS yipes e (CBR. Pecsion 47 2. Hapa” Kat: BELLS VIBES [49] Kat: BELLS yipes [54] 2 2 [62] reo Kat: CHIMES my Slower tempo Kat: BELLS 2 vim ae P 2 70, Kat: BELLS cis. verneve FSS a (dialogue) CCAR Percussion 48 No. 22 Bows Solid four (J~120) (CR) OH) = a o DRUMS j » [Ip eee rf 7 7 Ig [three times’ == Uekree tines] = ze > 7 Taf 17]. mmf [RIDE] a wr ea [CR] [dome of RIDE] fil. 1 Charlie Brown groovefest > £ £ ae [28] ICR] 4 [CR] (dome of RIDE} Pe eeeate a> thal 2 a a Segue No. 22a Exit Music Groovefest [CR] [dome of RIDE] DRUMS J—~ yo Sere aera eae al 57 Swi four 2 Mai / + ot Sie tees eed ; U8] vaudevitte 5 “ = Solo break [26] § A LEH wifoot) [CR] Freely ha (d=144) > Fast gospel two (sta) gol Se > a SD.&CB. A A [Drums'set tempo) com ® a2) ® [CR] [dome of RIDE] [54] j- vamp [four times] » Subito slower [CR JICR J (RIDE) (CR) (H-H] [CR] ats 3 Drums dt time only. ICR ee vit big ritard — |cadenzal icp {\ choke] ~ (EH Teo do wild car ‘can. Pecson a fe The End

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