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Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 22 (2018) 223–236

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Communities of weavers: A methodology for analyzing textile and cloth T

Jacob L. Bongersa, , Colleen O'Sheab, Alan Farahanic

Cotsen Institute of Archaeology, University of California, Los Angeles, 308 Charles E. Young Drive, Los Angeles, CA 90024, USA
Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco, 50 Hagiwara Tea Garden Drive, San Francisco, CA 94118, USA
Department of Anthropology, University of Nevada, Las Vegas, 4505 S. Maryland Pkwy, Las Vegas, NV 89154, USA


Variation in textile production processes from archaeological contexts can distinguish communities of weavers and signal distinct group identities. In this paper, we
present an analysis of 141 textiles recovered from a single grave located in the mid-Chincha Valley, Peru that dates from the Late Horizon (1400–1532 CE) to the
Colonial Period (1532–1825 CE). This sample represents one of the largest and best-preserved textile assemblages from a clearly defined and radiocarbon-dated
archaeological context in the Chincha Valley. For this study, we document techniques used in two distinct phases of textile production: yarn production (spinning and
plying) and weaving. We 1) develop a manual hierarchical classification method for identifying groups of textiles featuring consistent associations among techniques
used for each production phase and 2) assess how these groups vary in terms of thread count, size, garment type, and design. Our results reveal six groupings of textile
production techniques that account for 71% of the assemblage by count. We compare these results to that of an independent cluster analysis that examines the joint
co-occurrence of yarn production and weaving techniques and find that they are largely in accordance with each other. We suggest that these multiple textile groups
corresponded to distinct communities or households of weavers associated with this grave. Our study provides a methodology for analyzing the variation and
consistency of textile production to learn about communities of weavers within and outside the Andes.

1. Introduction 1990; Wiessner, 1983, 1984; Wobst, 1977), group identity (Brumfiel,
1998; Costin, 1998a, 1998b), individual experimentation and personal
Craft production broadly entails the transformation of raw materials preference, and cultural and community-based norms and preferences
into finished products. Several anthropological studies on technology (Dobres, 2000; Peters, 2014; Tiballi, 2010).
describe production as a social process mediated by communities and Two considerations emerge from these theoretical and methodolo-
individuals (Dobres, 2000; Lemonnier, 1986, 1992, 2013). Through this gical frameworks that are of relevance to this paper. First, if techniques
process and the identities of the individuals who made them, products and other forms of non-discursive knowledge (Budden and Sofaer, 2009,
acquire value, meaning, and power (Clark and Parry, 1990; Costin, p. 203) related to the production of an artifact were learned and trans-
1998a, b, 2001, p. 274; Lechtman, 1993). Scholars draw attention to the mitted in social contexts and potentially across generations, then it is
body as a medium through which techniques are learned, transmitted, likely that these activities generated technical preferences among those
and employed, and assert that these activities occur in social environ- engaged in their manufacture. These preferences may materialize as
ments that integrate people, relationships, and material culture (Budden consistency in technical attributes associated with different steps in the
and Sofaer, 2009; Dobres, 2000, pp. 131, 137; Mauss, 2006). Embodied production process (Peters, 2014, p. 113). Second, if materials were used
techniques and motor skills can leave physical traces on finished pro- that require multiple phases of manufacturing—necessitating distinct
ducts, and they can reveal social norms because they are frequently techniques—it is possible that different communities participated in their
learned through imitation and repetition in social contexts (Minar, 2001; production. Therefore, we propose that materials with apparent, con-
Tiballi, 2010, p. 146). Methodologies derived from the concept of chaîne sistent techniques across multiple phases of production correspond to
opératoire, translated as “chain of operations,” consider traces left by preferences that marked distinct communities of weavers. We apply this
embodied techniques to model sequences of actions and decisions that model to an assemblage of well-preserved Andean textiles to gain in-
characterize the life history of an artifact (Lemonnier, 1986, 1992, 2013; sights into the communities involved in their production.
Leroi-Gourhan, 1943; Mauss, 2006). Different sequences of production Textiles are ideal materials for this study. As structurally complex
can foster variations in the material record, variations that may connect materials, they retain physical traces of a multi-stage production process
to style (Carr, 1995; Conkey and Hastorf, 1990; Sackett, 1977, 1982, described by Peters (2014, p. 111) as “agglutinative.” Textile production

Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (J.L. Bongers).
Received 4 May 2018; Received in revised form 6 September 2018; Accepted 22 September 2018
2352-409X/ © 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
J.L. Bongers et al. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 22 (2018) 223–236

broadly consists of several phases: 1) harvesting and processing cotton or community-based preferences in spinning, such as papers in Rowe
camelid hair fibers, 2) spinning these fibers and plying them into yarns, (1998) which examine spinning and weaving practices found among
3) dyeing or not dyeing these yarns, and then 4) manipulating yarns highland communities in Ecuador. Meisch (1998, pp. 22–23) notes that
through weaving or non-weaving techniques (e.g., looping, braiding, conventions in spinning practices are community-based, observing that
etc.) to produce textiles, which can be further modified through painting, among the Saraguro community, S-spun yarn is considered “normal”
embroidery, or attachment to other textiles. Close examination of various and Z-spun yarn is considered the “reverse.” Among the camelid
features in a single finished textile such as spin direction, ply, dye, and herding communities situated in Isluga (northern Chile), Dransart
weave structure, can determine the techniques used by weavers (2002) documents types of yarn that are spun and plied in normative
throughout the production process. Given the multiple choices available ways for the production of specific textiles. For example, yarns known
to weavers during each phase, such as spinning a fiber in either the S as ch'anka, composed of two Z-spun fibers plied in the S direction, are
direction or the Z direction, textiles from a given archaeological context used to produce carrying cloths, blankets, and bags, while ch'añu yarns
that display shared techniques demonstrate consistency and preference encompass differently colored and plied fibers used in the production of
in the production process. We define such groups of textiles as “style storage sacks (Dransart, 2002, pp. 114–115). Franquemont's (1986)
groups,” following Peters (2014), which may reflect communities of work on textile production in the Cusco region further supports the
weavers. We also follow Sackett's (1982, p. 63) broad definition of style claim that preferences in spinning can be tied to specific communities,
as a “highly specific and characteristic way of doing something which by demonstrating that Z-spun yarn is the predominant yarn type for
its very nature is peculiar to a time and space.” Ethnographic and ar- communities in the area.
chaeological research suggest that weavers within the Andes learned and The ethnographic record in the Andes also suggests that preferences
transmitted technical knowledge in group environments which in turn, in spinning and weaving are learned and ingrained during early
created preferences in textile production practices that distinguished childhood and oftentimes within communal environments, and that
communities and cultures and expressed group identity (Bird, 1979; they can be related to group identity. To be clear, the textile production
Brezine, 2013, p. 240; Franquemont, 1986; Hendon, 2006; Medlin, 1986; process requires non-discursive knowledge and motor skills learned
Rowe, 1998, p. 22; Splitstoser, 2009; Wallace, 1979). through focused attention, conscious movement, imitation, repetition,
Here, we analyze 141 textiles found in a single grave located in the and experimentation (Minar, 2001; Tiballi, 2010, p. 146). Once mas-
mid-Chincha Valley, Peru (Fig. 1) that dates from the Late Horizon tered, these skills are very difficult to change, and for this reason, they
(1400–1532 CE) to the Colonial Period (1532–1825 CE).1 We document can materialize as preferences in textile production techniques. Since
the techniques used in two major phases of textile production: 1) yarn spinning in Andean weaving communities is an important daily activity
processing (spinning and plying) and 2) weaving. Dye was neither in- frequently conducted alongside other tasks, children oftentimes learn
cluded as a production step nor was it incorporated into our analyses this activity as early as age four and develop proficiency in it by age
because we considered the number of dyed textiles too small (15). Fiber nine (Bolin, 2006; Rowe, 1998, p. 24). In the Chillihuani community
was also not included as a production step because only a small sample based in the south-central Andean highlands, Bolin (2006, p. 99) finds
of textiles has supplementary warps or wefts of camelid fiber (11). We that children learn how to spin and weave by directly imitating, as
develop a manual hierarchical classification method informed by the- opposed to being instructed by, other family members who have mas-
oretical and methodological approaches to technology and production tered these activities. Dransart (2002, p. 123) describes a public,
and archaeological and ethnographic literature on textiles. This method communal environment in which members of younger and older gen-
is used to identify style groups based on consistent associations of erations weave textiles together, allowing for critique, competition, and
techniques employed in these two phases of production. Six style dialogue to foster and help determine acceptable practices. For in-
groups that account for 71% of the entire textile assemblage are iden- stance, Dransart (2002, p. 123) writes that older women during the
tified. We then conduct exploratory analyses of our textile assemblage 1980's criticized younger women for the amount of dyed color they
using several methods. We use the Inverse Simpson index and a Dun- used. In addition, for many young women in the Calcha community in
nett's modified Tukey-Kramer pairwise multiple comparison test to Bolivia, learning to weave—commonly from their mothers within
compare style groups in terms of textile features such as thread count, households—allows them to produce textiles according to acceptable
dimensions, garment type, and design. Lastly, a Dice-Sørenson distance standards and express their affiliation to the Calcha (Medlin, 1986, p.
measure is used as the basis for an independent hierarchical classifi- 276). In this case, producing textiles in conventional, socially mediated
cation method for identifying style groups. We compare the results of ways helps structure group identity.
this cluster analysis with that of our previously described manual Preferences and diversity in textile production techniques have also
classification method and find that they mostly coincide with each been documented in the archaeological record of the Andes. Bird
other. We suggest that these style groups may indicate the presence of (1979) discusses the conservative nature of spinning in Peru, suggesting
multiple communities that produced textiles found in this grave. a preference for Z-spun yarns on the southern coast and S-spun yarns on
the northern coast. Scholars have demonstrated additional evidence for
2. Background this argument, even among modern populations, and debated the rea-
sons behind these patterns (Conklin, 1975, 1979; Franquemont et al.,
2.1. Textile production in the Andes: ethnographic, archaeological, and 1992; Goodell, 1968; Rowe and Cohen, 2002, p. 84; Splitstoser, 2009;
documentary perspectives Wallace, 1979). Wallace (1979) finds broad support for these allegedly
regionally-based spinning traditions, yet notes examples of inter-
The ethnographic literature on Andean textiles demonstrates regional variation. For instance, many central coast plain-weave textiles
feature Z-spun cotton yarns, but earlier twined textiles exhibit yarns
spun in the S and Z directions (Wallace, 1979, p. 32). Splitstoser's
These temporal categories derive from Rowe's (1945) traditional chron- (2009) analysis of Paracas textiles from the site of Cerillos on the Per-
ology. While Rowe and Menzel and Rowe (1966) assert that Inca annexation of
uvian southern coast illustrates a strong preference for cotton yarns
the Chincha Valley took place in 1476 CE, Julien (2008) argues that it likely
spun in the Z direction and plied in the S direction, “rules” governing
started as early as 1408 CE, based on her examination of the “Relación,”
(Crespo, 1975) a Spanish document concerning the Chincha Kingdom. Ad- the inclusion of specific colors and fiber types, and a wide variation in
ditionally, Marsh et al. (2017) provide radiocarbon data that indicate that Inca color combination and weave structure. He argues that weavers af-
expansion into the southern Andes may have occurred in the early 15th cen- filiated with Cerillos followed guidelines regarding textile production
tury. For the purposes of this paper, we suggest that the Late Horizon in the and design, yet also experimented. Peters (2014) performed another
Chincha Valley is (1400–1532 CE). analysis of Paracas textiles to identify the nature of the communities

J.L. Bongers et al. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 22 (2018) 223–236

Fig. 1. Map of the study area (source: Ioana A. Dumitru and Jacob L. Bongers). (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is
referred to the web version of this article.)

who participated in textile production. Based on the diversity and (Costin, 1998b, p. 123). While commoners were forbidden to wear elite
consistency of styles and iconography, Peters (2014, pp. 136–137) ar- textiles under Inca rule, local elites were given Inca-style textile gifts as
gues for the presence of numerous communities of textile production part of their incorporation into the administrative hierarchy (de
that competed in “quality, esoteric knowledge, and innovation.” Her Betanzos, 1996[1551]).
study illustrates a broad principle for analyses of artifacts that this During this time, even though textile production was geared toward
paper draws from: “co-variation among several practices in producing a domestic and political economies and involved several categories of
series of artifacts may be considered evidence of a shared community of participants, it was strongly connected to women (Costin, 1995; Gero,
textile production, a social entity that shared norms and habits” (Peters, 1992; Moseley, 1992). Younger children herded camelids and collected
2014, p. 136). flowers and herbs for dyes, and adult men and women processed cotton
Regarding Late Horizon textiles, Tiballi (2010) adopts a chaîne fiber, spun threads, and wove (Costin, 1998b, p. 129). Both men and
opératoire methodology to examine variation in production techniques women participated in the production of rough, plain cloth (awasqa)
within a textile assemblage from the Cemetery of the Sacrificed Women and finely made cloth (qompi). Eight of the ten census categories for
at Pachacamac. This assemblage was likely associated with the acllas, a women ranging from ages five to eighty fulfilled tasks relating to textile
specialized class of female weavers controlled by the Inca state. She production under the Inca administration (Guamán Poma de Ayala,
finds a predominant preference for Z-spun yarn and documents that all 1980[1615], pp. 190–209). Commoner women produced awasqa for
yarns found on spindles in the cemetery are also spun in the Z direction their households and communities as well as tribute for state institu-
(Tiballi, 2010, p. 363). Based on these results, Tiballi (2010, p. 363) tions (Costin, 1998b, p. 129). Elite women made qompi for religious,
argues that spinning yarns in the Z direction was the local, conventional political, and military institutions and oftentimes directly for Inca
spinning practice for the acllas. Predominant textile production prac- ruling elites (Costin, 1998b, p. 129).
tices documented in these archaeological cases were likely related to Textiles also played key roles in mortuary practices, which en-
cultural or community-based preferences, following ethnographic compass grave construction, interactions with the deceased, and the
sources. deposition of grave inclusions. Through these practices, groups ex-
Written sources demonstrate that different Andean textile styles pressed and negotiated cultural affiliations as well as social and poli-
communicated status and cultural affiliations to provinces, nations, and tical relationships among the living and the deceased (Brown, 2008;
social groups in areas integrated into the Inca Empire (de Betanzos, Fitzsimmons and Shimada, 2011; Quinn, 2015; Shimada and
1996[1551]; Cobo, 1979[1653]; Julien, 1983). We consider Andean Fitzsimmons, 2015; Velasco, 2016; Verdery, 1999). In Andean mor-
textiles and their production techniques and styles as important mate- tuary contexts, textiles are abundantly present because they were
rial markers that distinguished cultural groups and communities commonly used as wrappings for, and offerings to, the deceased. As
(Boytner, 2004; Murra, 1962; Phipps, 2013; Reycraft, 2005; Rowe and attire for both the living and the deceased, Andean textiles were—and
O'Neill, 1984). During the fifteenth century, the Inca incorporated a are— important visual expressions of cultural distinctions (Boytner,
diverse array of polities with varying levels of political complexity. For 2004; Murra, 1962; Phipps, 2013; Reycraft, 2005; Rowe and O'Neill,
example, the Inca required conquered populations to maintain their 1984).
distinct local variations in textiles (Cobo, 1979[1653]; Julien, 1983) as
a way of discouraging alliance-building and deterring rebellions

J.L. Bongers et al. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 22 (2018) 223–236

2.2. Historical background of the Chincha Valley study. Some textiles contained juvenile remains and exhibited stains,
suggesting that they were used to wrap the deceased. Four radiocarbon
The Chincha Kingdom was one of the most complex, centralized dates (Table 1) from two reeds and two vertebrae associated with those
states on the Peruvian southern coast, controlling the Chincha Valley reeds indicate a time span of use from the Late Horizon to the Colonial
during the Late Intermediate Period, or LIP (1000–1400 CE) (Canziani, Period.
2009; Menzel and Rowe, 1966; Sandweiss, 1992; Sandweiss and Reid, This grave bears resemblance to a chullpa, an above-ground or
2015). The Chincha network was thought to be organized into resource- subterranean grave type found throughout the central Andes.
holding groups led by chiefs, based on a Spanish document concerned Archaeological research focusing on chullpas suggest that they flour-
with the Chincha known as the “Relación” (Crespo, 1975). The Chincha ished during the LIP and continued to be built and used during the Late
derived their wealth from silver, gold, and possibly guano (Curátola, Horizon as Inca hegemony spread across the Andes (Nielsen, 2016;
1997). Chincha merchants reportedly engaged in overseas and overland Stanish, 2012; Tantaleán, 2006). During these periods, kin-based, re-
trade, obtaining camelids from Cuzco, metals from the Titicaca basin, source-holding groups traced their affiliation by reference to focal,
and spondylus (Spondylus princeps) shell from Ecuador (Sandweiss and mummified ancestors, typically housed in chullpas located in highly
Reid, 2015). Sandweiss and Reid (2015), however, find limited evi- visible, fixed locations (Bongers et al., 2012; Dillehay, 1995; Isbell,
dence of spondylus dating to before the Late Horizon, suggesting that 1997; Mantha, 2009). Members of these communities negotiated their
Chincha gained access to the spondylus trade and expanded their affiliations and political relationships by venerating deceased ancestors
mercantile enterprises after, and possibly because of, the Inca conquest. from chullpas (Dillehay, 1995; Isbell, 1997; Nielsen, 2008).
The Inca “peacefully” conquered and colonized the Chincha
Kingdom during the Late Horizon, reorganizing local economic, social, 3.2. Research goals
and political structures. They placed agricultural land under state
control, organized the Chincha population into administrative units, We analyzed the textiles while keeping in mind that this assemblage
relocated Chincha silversmiths away from the valley, and subjected the derived from a single grave and adopted the view that style groups
Chincha to mit'a (public service) demands (Sandweiss and Reid, 2015, encompass textiles with consistent associations among techniques
p. 9). Sandweiss's (1992) excavations of the Late Horizon fishing set- across the production process (Peters, 2014, p. 113). First, we sought to
tlement of Lo Demás in the lower Chincha Valley found that the Inca identify how varied and consistent a given assemblage of textiles is in
restructured the local coastal economy to intensify specialized fishing terms of their production techniques and then bracketed these textiles
production. Sandweiss and Reid (2015) argue that the Chincha nego- into style groups. We did not assign regional affiliations to textiles a
tiated with the Inca to become a merchant-based client state with pri- priori based on preferences in individual techniques because Andean
vileged access to the spondylus trade franchise in exchange for volun- textiles exhibit considerable diversity in production and design and
tary subjugation. A “dual rule” political system provided local elites were “rarely uniform” (Boytner, 2004, p. 136). Preferences in in-
with considerable autonomy and leadership roles alongside Inca ad- dividual textile production techniques like spinning neither necessarily
ministrators and maintained preexisting hierarchies (Sandweiss and indicate that the entire textile production process was conducted or
Reid, 2015). supervised by a single community of weavers (Tiballi, 2010, p. 437),
nor do they necessarily reveal the regional affiliation of the weavers.
That being said, we argue that consistency in multiple techniques as-
3. Mortuary context and research goals
sociated with distinct stages in the textile production process provides
stronger evidence for communities of weavers (Peters, 2014, p. 113),
3.1. Mortuary context
and we sought to develop a methodology that can identify this kind of
In 2014, we collected surface material from a grave known as UC-
Second, we conducted descriptive statistical analyses of the textile
008 Tomb 1 (Fig. 2), located within a cemetery known as UC-008
assemblage that provides an overview of observable patterns in di-
(Fig. 3). The grave (3.09 × 2.35 m) appears to be subterranean, partly
mensions, warp and weft counts, garment type, and design motifs.
constructed of local fieldstones and comprising a northern-facing
Variations in these specific textile attributes can carry implications for
opening and depositions of multiple individuals including adults, sub-
understanding specialization in the production of garments of a parti-
adults, males, and females. During surface collection, we found a total
cular type and size (garment type, dimensions), variation in cloth
of 470 whole and fragmented textiles which were subsampled for our
quality (warp count and weft count) (Gleba, 2017, p. 1207), and access
to symbols (design motifs) that may have been “emblemic” (Wiessner,
1983) and thus associated with group identity. Many studies have ex-
plored the relationship between design motifs on textiles and group
identity (Boytner, 1998; Cassman, 1997; Franquemont, 1986; Rodman,
1992; Zorn, 1990).
Lastly, we compared patterns in yarn production and weaving
within our assemblage with that of other textile assemblages analyzed
in the Chincha Valley. We performed this comparison to develop un-
derstandings of underexplored Chincha cultural practices and modes of
This paper addresses the following research question: to what extent
does a textile assemblage from a single grave exhibit similar production
processes? This question is derived from the ethnographic and ar-
chaeological literature on Andean textiles discussed above. These
sources demonstrate that local communities of weavers oftentimes
learned and used textile production techniques in social contexts and in
the process, developed preferences in yarn production and weaving.
Rowe (2014, p. 159) summarizes this point. She notes that technical
features of textiles (e.g., spin direction, ply, weave structure) can serve
Fig. 2. UC-008 Tomb 1 prior to surface collection. as reliable indicators of local communities of textile production because

J.L. Bongers et al. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 22 (2018) 223–236

Fig. 3. The location of UC-008 Tomb 1, indicated by a red arrow. (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web
version of this article.)

Table 1
Radiocarbon measurements on samples from UC-008 Tomb 1 in the mid-Chincha Valley, Department of Ica, Province of Chincha, Peru.
Laboratory no. Sample designation Sample material δ13C (‰)e δ15N (‰)e C/N (atomic) > 30 kDa yield (%) 14
C (yrs. BP) Calibrated 14
C (2σ cal AD)b

UCIAMS-155763 UC-008, Tomb 1 Reeda −23.2 – – – 385 ± 15 1463–1517 (32.7%)

Chullpa (Bag #7015) 1540–1625 (62.7%)
UCIAMS-155764 UC-008, Tomb 1 Reed −24.2 – – – 350 ± 15 1502–1594 (79.4%)
Chullpa (Bag #7016) 1613–1638 (16%)
UCIAMS-180617 UC-008 Tomb 1 Bone −10.9 14.9 3.2 14.5 465 ± 15 1440–1480 (95.4%)
Chullpa (Bag #10230)
UCIAMS-183465 UC-008 Tomb 1 Bonec −12.0 15.4d 3.6 12.0 480 ± 15 1433–1460 (95.4%)
Chullpa (Bag #10229)

Reeds are likely Phragmites.
Calibration of the 14C age for each measurement utilized SHCal 13 and were conducted in the OxCal 4.3 program. Calibrated values are reported at the 2σ range.
This bone sample was decalcified, gelatinized at 60 °C and pH 2, and ultrafiltered to select a high molecular weight fraction (> 30 kDa). Since a previous aliquot
gave a high C:N ratio, this sample was sonicated in solvents to remove contaminants prior to decalcification: 2:1 chloroform/methanol (2 × 1 h), methanol (0.5 h),
MQ water (0.5 h). While the C:N ratio for this sample is high, suggesting that exogenous carbon may be present, it is within the accepted range of 2.9–3.6 provided by
DeNiro (1985).
Although δ15N values for these bone samples are elevated, suggesting possible marine consumption, other factors may have also contributed to these values. For
example, aridity and fertilizer can raise δ15N values in plants (Ambrose, 1991). Local faunal isotopic data are needed to act as a baseline when making interpretations
(Carmichael et al., 2014) and currently, we do not have these data for the Chincha Valley.
δ13C and δ15N values shown were measured to a precision of < 0.1‰ and < 0.2‰, respectively, on aliquots of ultrafiltered collagen, using a Fisons NA1500NC
elemental analyzer/Finnigan Delta Plus isotope ratio mass spectrometer.

they are usually “passed down from parent to child and repeated as a textiles.
matter of course,” making it more difficult for these features to be To analyze the textiles, we followed a step-wise procedure: first,
copied outside local areas. Preferences or similarities in these technical examining the overall structure of the textile; then, studying the
features can “result from the desire to conform to local norms or to new structure of the yarns used to make the textile; and finally, identifying
and prestigious forms, or sometimes by fiat from the state” (Rowe, the fiber used to make each type of yarn (warp, weft, and any supple-
2014, p. 159). mental yarn) (Ballard and Skals, 1996; Good, 2001; Goodway, 1987;
Jakes, 2000; King, 1978; Walton and Eastwood, 1988).
Accordingly, the descriptive features of the textiles were examined
4. Methods and materials following Strand et al. (2010). The dimensions, shape, possible type,
and color of each textile were recorded first. If either the warp or the
4.1. Sampling methods and documenting textile attributes weft selvage was incomplete, classifying the type and shape posed
difficulties. If enough of the textile remained to allow for a hypothetical
Patterned and plain textiles were recovered from UC-008 Tomb 1. reconstruction, then an educated guess as to the shape and type was
We consider these to be distinct types of textiles based on the varying made. If no complete selvage was present, we recorded the type and
amounts of labor required to produce them. Of the 470 textiles re- shape as unknown. The best approximation of color was recorded, al-
covered, 121 were patterned and 349 were plain. These were placed in though it is possible that many of the colors had faded considerably due
separate sample bags. A total of 141 textiles (30% of the entire as- to prolonged exposure to the elements. Other features were also
semblage) were randomly sampled, yielding 105 plain and 36 patterned

J.L. Bongers et al. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 22 (2018) 223–236

recorded, such as the presence or absence of heading cords, and the Table 2
type of joining stitches found on some of the textiles that were com- Combinations of warp and weft spin (n = 141).
posed of multiple webs. Warp spin Weft spin N
Following this, we examined the weave structure of each textile
under a binocular stereomicroscope at various magnifications (from 10 S S 55
Z Z 41
to 30×) depending on the fineness of the weave. From this examina-
S Z 16
tion, spin and ply were recorded for all yarns in the textile, including Z S 10
any colored or supplemental yarns. Classification following Emery BOTH Z 9
(1966) was observed, with a 2-ply, S-spun, Z-plied textile recorded as BOTH S 8
“Z2S.” The term “single-ply” is used here for clarity to describe single BOTH BOTH 2

yarns considering the large number of paired warp textiles encountered

(Splitstoser, 2012, p. 3). A linen tester at 5× magnification was used on
spun warps and S-spun wefts (n = 55, Fig. 4) and proceeded to identify
a sufficiently preserved section of the textile to measure thread count
technique combinations of warp and weft ply within this sub-group.
per inch. To maintain consistency, warp and weft counts, length, and
There are 4 possible technique combinations of warp and weft ply in
width were recorded in inches.
this sub-group, and only 2 are represented: single-ply warps and single-
Finally, fiber identification was performed using polarized light
ply wefts (n = 54) and 2-ply and single-ply warps and single-ply wefts
microscopy at 100× – 200× magnification. We followed the method
(n = 1). At this stage in our analysis, we selected 1 “spin-ply sub-group”
outlined by Jakes (2000): that is, two fibers in different locations in the
of textiles with 1) S-spun warps and S-spun wefts and 2) single-ply
warp direction of the main yarn, two fibers from the weft direction of
warps and single-ply wefts (Fig. 4).
the main yarn, and two fibers from each of any other yarns used (for
Then, we examined the distribution of weave structures within this
example supplementary weft yarns, colored yarns along the warp sel-
sub-group. We denote whether warps are single or paired in our weave
vages, or construction stitching yarns) were extracted using a pair of
structure categories. For example, “1/1 plain” refers to plain weave
tweezers and the attachment clipped with a pair of scissors. Each fiber
structures with single warps and wefts, and “2/1 plain” refers to plain
was placed on a slide and a drop of water was wicked in underneath a
weave structures with paired warps and single wefts. “WRF” denotes
cover slip to act as a temporary mounting medium. The fibers were
warp-faced structures. There are 5 types of weave structures: 2/1 plain
examined under plane polarized and cross polarized light. Only two
(n = 31), 1/1 plain (n = 16), 2/2 plain (n = 3), 1/1 WRF plain (n = 3),
types of fibers were found to be used in the textiles: cotton and camelid
and 2/1 WRF plain (n = 3) (Fig. 4).
hair. All attributes were recorded in a spreadsheet (O'Shea and Bongers,
At this stage, we have identified five “spin-ply-weave sub-groups”
with distinct combinations of techniques associated with both produc-
tion phases (Fig. 4). We consider them to be textile groups. We applied
4.2. Manual hierarchical classification method
these sub-grouping procedures to the other “spin-ply sub-group” not
included in the example (S-spun warps and S-spun wefts and 2-ply and
Our manual hierarchical classification method, conducted in the R
single-ply warps and single-ply wefts, n = 1) and the remaining six
programming platform (R Core Team, 2015), generated sub-groups of
“spin sub-groups” of textiles. We calculated the cumulative proportion
textiles with techniques associated with single or multiple production
of total textiles that were included in each one of these groups (Fig. 5)
steps (i.e. “spin sub-group,” “spin-ply sub-group,” and “spin-ply-weave
and selected a threshold of 0.71 for assigning certain textile groups as
sub-groups,” described below). Sub-groups of textiles displaying dis-
style groups. That is, those textile groups which comprise 71% of the
tinct, consistent combinations of yarn production and weaving techni-
analyzed textiles by count are labeled style groups. We selected this
ques are known as “textile groups.” By way of example, we demonstrate
threshold because it accounts for a representative percentage of the
our process for identifying the first 5 textile groups, two of which are
sampled textiles. Since the remaining textile groups have small sample
style groups (Fig. 4).
sizes that are equal to or < 5, we combined them into the “other textiles
We first identified nine possible combinations of warp and weft spin
group” for the purposes of this paper. Furthermore, unlike the style
in our assemblage and determined the counts of textiles with each of
groups, the other textiles group contains textiles with various techni-
these technique combinations. Only 7 of the 9 possible combinations
ques associated with the yarn processing and weaving phases of pro-
are represented (Table 2). These seven “spin sub-groups” feature dis-
duction (Table 3). It is treated as a discrete category, however, for
tinct combinations of warp and weft spin techniques.
comparative purposes in this paper.
Next, we chose one of these “spin sub-groups” of textiles with S-

Fig. 4. Diagram displaying the process of identifying the

first five textile groups. Different textile production steps
are numbered on the right side of the diagram. Different
sub-groups with techniques associated with single or
multiple production steps are labeled on the left side of
the diagram. Techniques associated with each textile
group are color coded. For example, Textile Group 1 is
green and red because it exhibits S-spun and single-ply
warps and wefts (green) and 2/1 plain weave (red). Only
Textile Group 1 and 2 are style groups. (For interpreta-
tion of the references to color in this figure legend, the
reader is referred to the web version of this article.)

J.L. Bongers et al. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 22 (2018) 223–236

Table 4
Counts of different garment types across textile groups.
Garment type

Textile group Loincloth Manta F/S Tunic Unknown

SG 1 8 9 3 4 7
SG 18 5 6 5 2 6
SG 2 1 10 1 0 2
SG 19 3 3 3 0 2
SG 7 2 4 2 0 1
SG 14 3 5 0 0 1
OT 7 12 6 1 12

Table 5
Counts of textiles with specific design features across groups.
Design feature

Textile Alternating Border Border/ Geometric Geometric/ Plain

group stripes fish motif fish motif
Fig. 5. Plot displaying count of textiles per textile group against cumulative
proportion. Each data point represents a textile group. The red data point re-
presents the cumulative proportion cutoff (0.71) for including certain textile SG 1 1 1 0 0 1 28
groups as style groups, and the red dashed line indicates the 0.70 cumulative SG 18 1 3 1 1 0 18
proportion. All textile groups with counts of textiles equal to and > 9 are style SG 2 0 0 0 0 0 16
groups. (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the SG 19 0 0 0 0 0 11
reader is referred to the web version of this article.) SG 7 0 0 0 0 0 9
SG 14 0 0 0 0 0 9
OT 2 15 1 0 0 23
4.3. Methods for exploratory analysis

After identifying our style groups, we employed various methods to To compare dimensions and warp and weft counts, we performed a
conduct exploratory analyses of our textile assemblage. These analyses Dunnett's modified Tukey-Kramer pairwise multiple comparisons test,
sought to 1) compare textile dimensions and warp and weft counts, 2) which conducts multiple pairwise t-tests for mean differences with post-
evaluate the concentration of categories for garment type and design hoc adjustment. This test does not make any assumptions regarding
motifs within different groups of textiles, and 3) compare results of an equal population variances between groups and is not affected by un-
independent hierarchical classification method for identifying style equal sample sizes (Dunnett, 1980), both of which are features of the
groups with that of our previously described manual hierarchical variables chosen for analysis within this sample assemblage of textiles.
classification method. The test was conducted to assess differences in mean length (in.), mean

Table 3
Counts and attributes of textile groups. Style groups are listed in bold. Textile groups not listed in bold constitute the other textiles group.
Textile group No. of textiles Warp spin Weft spin Warp ply Weft ply Weave structure

Textile group 1 31 S S Single-ply Single-ply 2/1 plain

Textile group 18 24 Z Z Single-ply Single-ply 2/1 plain
Textile group 2 16 S S Single-ply Single-ply 1/1 plain
Textile group 19 11 Z Z Single-ply Single-ply 1/1 plain
Textile group 7 9 Z S Single-ply Single-ply 2/1 plain
Textile group 14 9 S Z Single-ply Single-ply 2/1 plain
Textile group 26 5 S& Z Z Single-ply Single-ply 2/1 plain
Textile group 3 3 S S Single-ply Single-ply 2/2 plain
Textile group 4 3 S S Single-ply Single-ply 1/1 WRF plain
Textile group 12 3 S& Z S 2-ply and single-ply Single-ply 2/1 plain
Textile group 15 3 S Z Single-ply Single-ply 1/1 plain
Textile group 28 3 S& Z Z 2-ply and single-ply Single-ply 2/1 plain
Textile group 9 2 S& Z S Single-ply Single-ply 2/1 plain
Textile group 16 2 S Z Single-ply Single-ply 2/1 WFF plain
Textile group 17 2 S Z Single-ply Single-ply 2/1 WRF plain
Textile group 29 2 S& Z S&Z Single-ply Single-ply 2/1 plain
Textile group 5 1 S S Single-ply Single-ply 2/1 WRF plain
Textile group 6 1 S S 2-ply and single-ply Single-ply 2/1 plain
Textile group 8 1 Z S Single-ply Single-ply 1/1 plain
Textile group 10 1 S& Z S Single-ply Single-ply 2/1 gauze
Textile group 11 1 S& Z S Single-ply Single-ply 1/1 plain
Textile group 13 1 S& Z S 2-ply and single-ply Single-ply 2/2 WRF plain
Textile group 20 1 Z Z Single-ply Single-ply 2/1 WRF plain
Textile group 21 1 Z Z Single-ply Single-ply 1/1 WFF plain
Textile group 22 1 Z Z 2-ply and single-ply Single-ply 2/1 plain
Textile group 23 1 Z Z 2-ply and single-ply Single-ply 1/1 plain
Textile group 24 1 Z Z Single-ply 2-ply 2/1 WRF plain
Textile group 25 1 Z Z Single-ply 2-ply 1/1 plain
Textile group 27 1 S& Z Z Single-ply Single-ply 1/1 plain

J.L. Bongers et al. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 22 (2018) 223–236

Fig. 6. Textiles from the SG 1 (top row), SG 18 (middle row), and OT (bottom row): a) 8113 (reference number), tunic, 14.57 × 11.02 in., b) 8427.2, tunic,
18.50 × 14.57 in., c) 8199.122, loincloth, 37.80 × 16.14 in., d) 8199.1, tunic, 16.93 × 13.39 in., e) 8115, folded and sewn textile, 10.04 × 12.40 in., f) detail of
8200.1, loincloth, 40.94 (incomplete) × 21.65 in., g) 8200.1, h) 8123.2, manta, 22.83 × 22.44 in., i) 8199.5, folded and sewn square textile, 14.37 × 11.22 in., j)
8127.3, loincloth, 40.35 × 18.90 in.

Fig. 7. Boxplots showing the distributions of a) warp count/inch, b) weft count/inch, c) width (in.), and d) length (in.) between the style groups and the other textiles

J.L. Bongers et al. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 22 (2018) 223–236

Fig. 8. Plots showing the 95% confidence intervals for a) mean warp count (in.), b) mean weft count (in.), c) mean width (in.), and d) mean length (in.).

width (in.), mean warp count per inch, and mean weft count per inch Moreover, we analyzed the joint co-occurrence of the aforemen-
among style groups and between style groups and the other textiles tioned production variables (weft spin, warp spin, etc.) on the textiles
group. A multiple comparisons test is necessary here in order to reduce using a Dice-Sørenson binary-distance matrix, and then used that dis-
the probability of obtaining a Type I error (a false positive) due to the tance matrix as the basis for a hierarchical clustering classification
number of style groups being compared, where it may be possible to using the “average linkage” method. The Dice-Sørenson (Dice, 1945)
obtain a significant difference “by chance” when none actually exists. similarity coefficient was developed in ecology and is widely used for
To analyze the diversity of types (e.g., garment type and design presence-absence data in cases where the presence of two zeros be-
motif) within the style groups and the other textiles group, we utilized tween two observations of one variable is not significant, i.e. the fact
the Inverse Simpson's index, which is a measure, in part, of the variance that a feature is not observed between two textiles does not mean that
of the abundance distribution of types (Magurran, 2004, pp. 114–115). those two textiles are more similar as a result of this shared absence.
That is, this index incorporates the abundance within each type as well Nevertheless, the index does not satisfy the triangle inequality for a true
as the spread, or evenness, of that abundance across style groups metric distance, and is therefore considered “semimetric” (Legendre
(Maurer and McGill, 2011, p. 56). The specific calculation of Simpson's and Legendre, 2012, pp. 274–276). In this case, the variables were re-
index utilized here is coded such that they were either absent or present (0/1) on each textile.
N For the hierarchical cluster analysis, the average linkage method was
1 chosen as it has been demonstrated that for clusters of unequal sample
= 1/ pi2.
D i 1 size, the average linkage and centroid may perform more consistently
(Kuiper and Fisher, 1975). The optimal number of clusters was de-
where pi is the proportion of type i and N represents the total number of
termined by using the silhouette-width method which measures the
style groups (Oksanen et al., 2018). The index will increase as a par-
degree of membership of each textile to its cluster based on the distance
ticular assemblage becomes more “even” in the abundance of the dif-
on average between this and all other clusters to which it belongs
ferent types that constitute it. A permutation method was utilized in
(Kaufman and Rousseeuw, 2009, pp. 83–86). The optimal number of
order to simulate ten thousand assemblages based on existing row and
clusters was 29, which is nearly the total, and this is likely due to the
column totals, and the Inverse Simpson's index values from each si-
binary nature of the recoded variables. As a result, 15 clusters were
mulated assemblage were compared to the index values from the actual
chosen as it represents a high silhouette width value (0.75) and is the
assemblage to determine the (summed) probability of acquiring the
point when the average silhouette width number begins to generate
observed index value (or greater) for a style group by chance. Finally, a
incremental additions to the total (see the supporting R code). These
bootstrap, which is a resampling with replacement of the existing data
fifteen clusters were then compared to those style groups identified
in cases where the data are drawn from an unknown probability dis-
through the manual hierarchical classification method discussed ear-
tribution, was applied to the data in order to estimate the 95% con-
fidence intervals for the Inverse Simpson's indices derived for each of
the style groups (Efron and Tibshirani, 1986; Tibshirani and Leisch,

J.L. Bongers et al. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 22 (2018) 223–236

Fig. 11. A comparison of the identified style groups (y-axis) to the in-
dependently assessed clusters (x-axis) based on the hierarchical classification
method described in Section 5.3. The fill color represents a greater number of
positive matches between the style groups and the clusters assessed by the
hierarchical cluster analysis. (For interpretation of the references to color in this
figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)

5.1. Thread count and size

We calculated warp and weft counts for all but one of the textiles in
our sample (n = 140) because this single textile comprises multiple
fragments with varying thread counts (Fig. 7). SG 14 possesses the
lowest median warp count value (19), and SG 2 and 19 have the lowest
median weft count values (16). OT and SG 18 have the highest median
warp count (24), and SG 18 has the highest median weft count (21).
Regarding size, SG 19 displays the lowest median length value (16.44)
Fig. 9. Plots showing the 95% confidence interval for mean Inverse Simpson's and SG 2 has the lowest median width value (12.99). SG 14 possesses
value among design feature and garment type groups. the highest median length value (23.23) and SG 18 exhibits the highest
median width value (20.38).
5. Results As mentioned previously, we performed a Dunnett's modified
Tukey-Kramer pairwise multiple comparison test to evaluate the extent
Our methodology identified 29 sub-groups of textiles displaying to which groups did or did not differ significantly in the mean values of
distinct combinations of yarn production and weaving techniques the selected attributes (warp count, weft count, length (in.), width
(Table 3). Based on the 0.71 cumulative proportion cutoff, there are six (in.)). Although the test mitigates the probability of obtaining a “sig-
style groups in this distribution: Textile Group 1 (n = 31), 18 (n = 24), nificant difference” between style groups when none exists, due to the
2 (n = 16), 19 (n = 11), 7 (n = 9), and 14 (n = 9). We have renamed strictness of the raised alpha level of the test, the means between groups
them using a style group (SG) prefix: SG 1, SG 18, SG 2, SG 19, SG 7, will appear to be non-significant when the alternative may be true
and SG 14. A total of 41 textiles do not fall into style groups; we placed (Dunnett, 1980, p. 800). In that respect, comparison of the confidence
these textiles into the other textiles group, denoted by “OT” in sub- intervals between the style groups for each of these variables may give
sequent figures. the appearance of significant differences between groups (Fig. 8).
Nevertheless, of the twenty-one pairwise comparisons between the four

Fig. 10. A heatmap illustrating the resolved dendrogram

for the hierarchical clustering (average linkage) using the
Dice-Sørenson distance method. The colors directly be-
neath the leaves of the dendrogram correspond to the
k = 15 different cluster groups identified by the average-
distance clustering algorithm. The variables informing
the clustering are located on the right (rows). “WF” and
“WR” refer to weft and warp respectively. The spin di-
rection of a warp or weft is denoted by “S” (S-spun), “Z”
(Z-spun), or “B” (both S-spun and Z-spun). The ply of a
warp or weft is denoted by “1P” (single-ply), “2P” (2-ply),
and “2_1P” (single-ply and 2-ply). Each column re-
presents an individual textile. Within the heatmap grid,
red signifies that an attribute is present, and blue that an
attribute is absent. (For interpretation of the references to
color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the
web version of this article.)

J.L. Bongers et al. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 22 (2018) 223–236

attributes, none of the means of each attribute between the style groups respect to the other analyzed textiles. The results of the cluster analysis
were significantly different at an alpha of 0.05, although the upper are also largely in accord with the previous manual hierarchical clas-
bound of the confidence interval for OT, SG 2, and SG 1 in warp count, sification method (Fig. 11). The majority of those textiles that were
and SG 19, SG 18, and OT in weft count, barely included zero, in- assigned to SG 1, for instance, almost all overlapped with those iden-
dicating a present but weak effect (see supporting files). tified to be part of cluster one (the light blue group in Fig. 10).
Nevertheless, there were some style groups which differed from the
5.2. Garment type and design classification model, such as SG 14, which overlapped entirely with
cluster ten, and yet which the algorithm added seven additional textiles
There are four garment types: manta, tunic, “folded and sewn classified as OT. It is important to note that other distance measures and
square textile,” loincloth, and unknown. “Folded and sewn square clustering algorithms (median, centroid, etc.) will yield different re-
textile” (F/S) refers to a distinct garment type that may be a repurposed solved dendrograms, even if the divergences are only minor, and
loincloth or perhaps a head covering. It is a long rectangle that is folded therefore this analysis does not constitute an “objective” comparison,
in the middle and sewn along one edge, forming a square with an but rather a complement to the previously described process of itera-
opening. There is a wide distribution of garment types in the textile tively filtering the textiles based on certain attributes.
groups (Table 4) (O'Shea and Bongers, 2018b). Loincloths, mantas, and
textiles of unknown garment type are found in all groups of textiles, 5.4. Comparison to Lower Chincha Valley textiles
while folded and sewn square textiles are present in all groups of tex-
tiles except SG 14 and tunics are only found in SG 1, SG 18, and OT. Data from the textile assemblage from UC-008 Tomb 1 are con-
We also identified the distribution of different design motifs sistent with technical and design trends associated with lower Chincha
(Table 5) (O'Shea and Bongers, 2018c). Six categories of motifs were Valley textiles. O'Neale et al. (1949) analyzed cotton plain weave tex-
defined: plain, border, border/fish motif, geometric/fish motif, geo- tiles recovered from Uhle's (1924) excavations of lower valley graves.
metric motif, and alternating stripes. Textiles labeled as “plain” do not They find that most textiles in their assemblage (62 out of 112) feature
exhibit any design motifs. “Border” refers to colored vertical stripes paired warps and single wefts and that striping is a primary form of
positioned near ends of textiles. Textiles with “alternating stripes” colored decoration (O'Neale et al., 1949). Garaventa (1979) conducted
feature either plaid or multiple stripe designs. The remaining categories analyses on 13 textiles found in five graves excavated by Uhle (1924).
refer to varying combinations of geometric, fish-like, and border motifs. She notes that 1) borders are frequent design motifs, 2) the most
SG 1, SG 18, and OT are the only groups that contain design motifs. SG common weave structure is plain weave with paired warps, and 3) most
18 contains four different types of motifs, including the following ca- cotton yarns are single-ply and spun in the S direction. Fattorini (1984)
tegories: border, alternating stripes, border/fish motif (see Fig. 6), and analyzed 127 loose threads and 42 fragments of cloth recovered from
geometric motif. SG 1 features textiles with border, alternating stripes, the site of Lo Demás, excavated by Sandweiss (1992). Fattorini's (1984)
and geometric/fish motifs. OT contains the most textiles with borders data show that all textiles are woven in the plain weave structure, and
(15) alongside two textiles with alternating stripes and 1 textile with a that most of these textiles exhibit paired warps and single wefts.
border/fish motif. Our data reveal that 1) 64% (90 out of 141) of textiles from UC-008
The results of the bootstrapped Inverse Simpson indices by group Tomb 1 display the plain weave structure with paired warps, 2) 63%
reveal wide-confidence intervals for each of the style groups with exhibit warps and wefts spun in the S direction, and that 3) borders are
varying design features (design feature groups) and garment types found on 19 textiles, representing the most frequent design motif. These
(garment type groups) (Fig. 9). Each style group contains relatively low trends are in accord with previous research performed on lower
Inverse Simpson's values, particularly among those in the design feature Chincha Valley textiles. These data suggest that textile techniques and
group category, indicating a high level of dominance by a particular design were broadly shared across the Chincha Valley.
type in each group. For instance, SG 14 has a very low average Inverse
Simpson's value among the design feature groups since it is solely 6. Discussion and conclusion
composed of one design type (“plain”). In contrast, in the garment type
groups, the Inverse Simpson index values tend to be high, and the We developed a methodology for identifying style groups in textile
confidence intervals are correspondingly high. This makes it difficult to assemblages, performed an exploratory analysis of textiles sampled
determine the extent to which a style group's distribution of design from a single Andean grave in the mid-Chincha Valley, and compared
features or garment types is possibly more even. Only a couple of this assemblage to other textile assemblages in the Chincha Valley.
garment type groups have relatively tight confidence intervals and high Textile production processes are social processes where learning and
Inverse Simpson's values (SG 1 and SG 18). Furthermore, the permu- use of techniques are mediated by communities and individuals within
tation method revealed that among garment type groups, the observed social environments. Textiles displaying consistent combinations of
Inverse Simpson's index value for SG 18 occurred with low probability techniques across the textile production process are emblematic of
(p = 0.0244), suggesting that SG 18 has a nonrandom and diverse as- technological styles and specific “ways of doing” that oftentimes dis-
semblage of garment types. tinguish communities of weavers. These notions informed our manual
hierarchical classification method.
5.3. Comparison to the dice-based average linkage hierarchical This method was employed to filter textiles exhibiting consistent use
classification model of techniques associated with the yarn production and weaving stages
of the textile production process. Our analyses identified a total of 29
As described previously, the use of an independent hierarchical textile groups. Among these groups, we identified six style groups that
clustering algorithm based on the Dice-Sørenson distance measure encompass 71% of our assemblage. These results indicate an overall
yielded anywhere between two and thirty clusters. The three major high degree of variation in textile production processes. We drew upon
initial branches of the dendrogram appear to be grouped around whe- scholarship on technology and chaîne opératoire, non-discursive
ther the S or Z warp or weft spin is used. For example, one of the larger knowledge, learning, and motor skills, ethnographic and archaeological
groups identified (the light blue group in the right on Fig. 10) is de- studies of Andean textiles, and written accounts of textile production to
marcated by containing the following variables: S warp spin, S weft fulfill our research goals and interpret our data. Although we argue that
spin, single-ply warp, single-ply weft, and 2/1 plain. In contrast, the multiple communities of weavers consistently produced most textiles in
leftmost branch of the dendrogram includes most of those textiles that this assemblage from the Late Horizon to the Colonial Period, other
seem to have a less typical combination of production techniques with models can also explain these data. For example, we cannot rule out

J.L. Bongers et al. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 22 (2018) 223–236

that a single community of weavers may have experimented with and this study. The authors also thank the Institute of Field Research and
employed various techniques to produce these different kinds of tex- the Cotsen Institute of Archaeology and recognize the support of Henry
tiles. This paper contributes to this scholarship by providing an Andean Tantaleán and Charles Stanish for co-directing the Programa
case study that demonstrates how multiple communities of weavers, Arqueológico Chincha (PACH). Many thanks to Henry for also co-di-
perhaps even local households, may have been involved in the pro- recting the fieldwork involved in this study. Kelita Pérez, Alexis
duction of a technically varied and consistently made assemblage of Rodríguez Yábar, and all other students and staff of the Chincha
textiles from a single grave. Archaeological Field School assisted us at every stage of the research
Our exploratory analysis offers additional tantalizing information process. Terrah Jones, Susanna Seidensticker, and Brittany Jackson
on communities of textile production in the mid-Chincha Valley. helped collect the textiles featured in this study. Ran Boytner and Hans
Results show no statistically significant differences in mean warp count, Barnard provided advice regarding textile analysis. Thanks to Erv
mean weft count, mean length, and mean width between the style Taylor and the staff at the W.M. Keck Carbon Cycle AMS Lab at UC
groups and the other textiles group. If we consider thread count as a Irvine for conducting radiocarbon analysis. Hans Barnard, Charles
marker of cloth quality (Gleba, 2017, p. 1207), these findings suggest Stanish, and four anonymous reviewers provided insightful comments
minimal, if any, variations in cloth quality among communities of that improved this paper. Bongers is grateful for support from the
weavers. The data reveal low variation in size, suggesting that com- National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship under
munities broadly produced similarly sized textiles. Our findings also Grant No. DGE-1144087, the Ford Foundation Fellowship Program, the
indicate mostly broad confidence intervals of mean Inverse Simpson's National Geographic Young Explorers Grant Program under Grant No.
values for design feature and garment type groups that can be explained 9347-13, and the Sigma Xi Grants-in-Aid Research Program. O'Shea
by chance. Only the wide distribution of garment types in SG 18 ap- gratefully acknowledges support from the Andrew W. Mellon
pears non-randomly diverse. These data suggest that at least one Foundation and the SUNY Buffalo State Art Conservation Department.
community of weavers in the mid-Chincha Valley did not necessarily
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