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Guiding Principles 
Communication/Family and Community Engagement 

Health and Safety 

Cleaning and Disinfecting 
Child Nutrition 

Teaching and Learning 

School Schedules 
Special Education 
Social Distancing/Wearing Masks 
Social Emotional Well-Being 

Attendance, Attendance Reporting and Chronic Absenteeism 

Technology and Connectivity 
Teacher and Principal Evaluation System 
Certification, Incidental Teaching and Substitute Teaching 
Student Teachers 
Entering and Exiting the Building 

The Bloomfield Central School District’s primary commitment is  This plan includes procedures that will be followed  
to the students and families we serve. Our priority must be  in the following schools: 
keeping them safe. When the 2020-2021 school year begins, 
on-campus school will look much different than previous years  Bloomfield Senior High School 
due to COVID-19 and the health and safety measures that  1 Oakmount Avenue 
continue to evolve. This School Reopening Plan will define clear  Bloomfield, NY 14469 
guidance for the reopening of our three school buildings and   
aligns with the regulations developed in collaboration with  Bloomfield Middle School 
NYSDOH and the NYS Education Department.  1 Oakmount Avenue 
Bloomfield, NY 14469 
The areas outlined in this plan represent the myriad   
considerations the Bloomfield Central School District will  Bloomfield Elementary School 
address to reopen schools safely and to sustain their safe  45 Maple Avenue 
operation. It is important to note that our plan retains a strong  Bloomfield, NY 14469 
focus on safety measures designed to create an environment that   
protects our students, faculty and staff to the best of our ability.   
The plan also places a high priority on academic instruction to  Contact Information: 
enhance student performance and address learning loss. An   
emphasis on the social-emotional needs of our students is also a  Andrew Doell,  
priority and therefore has been addressed within our plan.  Superintendent of Bloomfield Central School District 

To be clear, the health and safety of our students, our staff, and 
their families is our top priority. We have developed a plan that   
intends to insure that students and employees feel comfortable  585-657-6121 ext. 4004 
and safe returning to school campuses. Our reopening plan 
incorporates recommendations and guidance from the​ ​Centers   
for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)​, the​ ​New York State 
Department of Health (NYSDOH)​ and the​ ​New York State 
Education Department (NYSED). 

It is possible that we may need to alternate between in-person  stakeholders, families, staff and other school community 
and remote learning throughout the year due to  members and will ensure the district is in compliance and 
recommendations and guidance from our partnering agencies,  following the best practices per state and federal guidelines. 
and stay-at-home orders from the Governor. The level of 
Of course, as with every plan being developed throughout New 
infection, the spread of the virus and response to the disease in 
York State, this document is fluid and will change as necessary 
our community will be at the forefront of decision making as we 
based on guidance from the state, CDC, and NYSED and in 
move to open our schools. 
consideration of our families and our staff. We strongly believe 
The Bloomfield Central School District Superintendent or his  the services described throughout this plan are in the best 
Designee will serve as the district’s COVID-19 Coordinator.  interests of our students, families, staff, and community. 
He/they will serve as a central contact for schools and 

Guiding Principles 
The development of this plan was guided by and grounded in the following guiding principles: 

1. Safeguarding the health and safety of students and staff; 

2. Providing the opportunity for all students to access education in the fall; 
3. Monitoring schools, students, and staff. When necessary, modifying schedules to appropriately contain COVID-19 spread; 
4. Emphasizing equity, access, and support to the students and communities that are emerging from this historic disruption; 
5. Fostering strong two-way communication with partners, such as families, educators, and staff; 
6. Factoring into decision making the challenges to the physical safety, social emotional well-being, and the mental health needs of our 
students caused by school closure; and 
7. Considering and supporting diversity in our schools and school district’s as we provide education is essential.

The Bloomfield Central School District in collaboration with guidance from the CDC, New York State Department of Health, the New York 
State Education Department and our local health department have worked diligently to develop a school reopening plan that allows 
students and staff to return to campus in a manner that reduces health-related risks while maintaining an environment in which we focus 
on the education of the whole child. In order to do this work we established several Reopening Committees that were tasked with looking 
at key components of our Bomber Blueprint: a SAFE and STUDENT CENTERED approach to the Reopening of School. 
The following individuals participated on the Reopening Committees: Fred Fink (Parent), Allison Whiting (Parent), Sandy Turner (Parent), 
Scott Donnelly (Assistant Superintendent for Business and Operations), Kateri Warren (Director of Pupil Personnel Services), Dan 
McAlpin (Principal Bloomfield MS/HS), Nick Fargnoli (Principal Bloomfield ES), Jim Spellman (Bloomfield Board of Education), Tammy 
Brace (Head Bus Driver), Dr. Robert Tuite (School Physician), Rebecca McClelland (MS/HS Nurse), Ceara Ward (Elementary School Nurse), 
Christine Ashton (Grade 5 Teacher), Frank Young (Mechanic), Rick Baker (Mechanic), Susan Feil (Bus Driver), Caroline Nevil (Bloomfield 
Board of Education), Andrew Doell (Superintendent), Jon Mastin (Athletic Director, Dean of Students), Scott Shatzel (Bus Driver), Donna 
Bird (BPEA President, 6th grade teacher), Carlie Burse (UPK Teacher), Rachel Rogers (3rd Grade Teacher), Joy Perry (Parent), Karen 
Naffziger (Elementary Secretary), Joe Flansburg (Director of Facilities), Julie Flattery (Spanish Teacher), Tonya McFadden (Bloomfield 
Board of Education), Dyson Williamson (School Resource Officer), Karen Soanes (Director of Technology and Professional Development), 
Todd Fowler (Food Service Director), Matt Roesch, (Vocal Music Teacher), Maureen Thompson (Parent), Laurie Fisher (Food Service), 
Terri Buckman (Food Service), Jillian Howlett, (PTSA), Mary Beth White (Teacher Assistant), Kate Rogers (Parent), Valerie Eckhart 
(Parent), Marcie Stiner (GV BOCES Health and Safety), Scott Hoffman (Instrumental Music), Kathy Taylor (Director of Curriculum and 
Assessment), Jennifer King (English Teacher) 
This Reopening Plan will address the following school buildings within the Bloomfield Central School District:  
Bloomfield High School, Bloomfield Middle School, and Bloomfield Elementary School. 
As a part of the Reopening Plan we will utilize our District Steering Committee to review our plan and discuss topics of concern or areas 
that need adjustment. 

Communication/Family and Community Engagement 

The Bloomfield Central School District assures that our reopening plan supports communication and engagement for students, families, 
staff and visitors. The Bloomfield Central School District will continue to promote communication and engagement through consistent 
updates shared on multimedia platforms, training, signage and stakeholder involvement through feedback.  

1. Through the development of our reopening plan, the District has engaged with stakeholders and a representation of community 
members (e.g., administrators, faculty, staff, students, parents/legal guardians of students, and labor relation representatives.)  
2. The District has developed a communications plan for students, parents or legal guardians of students, staff, and visitors. All 
applicable information and updates are posted on our website and communicated directly to our families and staff.   
3. The District has developed training to be shared with all staff and students regarding COVID-19 protocols.   
4. The District will encourage all students, faculty, staff, and visitors through verbal and written communication (e.g., signage) to 
adhere to CDC and DOH guidance regarding the use of PPE, specifically acceptable face coverings, when a social distance cannot be 
5. The District will provide communications in the language(s) spoken at home among families and throughout the school community. 
Written plans will also be accessible to those with visual and/or hearing impairments, following ADA Guidelines.   

Health and Safety 

The Bloomfield Central School District has designated its Director of Facilities to serve as Safety Coordinator. The Director of Facilities 
will continuously monitor compliance of the District’s reopening plan. The Director of Facilities participates on the Reopening Committee 
and works directly with all administrators within the District.  
The Bloomfield Central School District has reviewed and considered the number of students and staff allowed to return in-person. We 
have determined that based on our number of students and staff at each of our sites we will be able to return to fully in-person, offering 
virtual instruction for designated students. In each building we will be making adjustments to ensure there are smaller classroom cohorts. 
We have considered the following factors in making that determination: ability to social distance, use of face coverings, acquired PPE, safe 
transportation, adherence to cleaning and disinfecting guidelines, department of health guidance and current local hospital capacity in 
alignment to infection rate.   
Our main goal is for individuals to focus on preventative actions, in performing self-health checks and screenings. Student, teachers and 
staff will be required to complete daily self-checks. Individuals with a temperature of 100.0°F or higher must stay home or will be sent 

home. Anyone feeling ill, should stay home to maintain a healthy campus. All individuals in the building should be wearing a mask, 
sanitize/wash hands immediately upon arrival and frequently throughout the day. The Health and Safety section of this plan will cover 
practices and protocols to be followed throughout the entire District.  
The Bloomfield Central School District will promote social distancing while maintaining existing safety requirements designed to protect 
students. Social distancing will be practiced during required school safety drills. Each school building has established individual plans for 
safety drills. All Bloomfield Central School District staff will be required to wear face coverings when not able to maintain social 
distancing. Classroom seating will be arranged to maximize social distancing and to limit face-to-face contact. All common areas will 
follow DOH guidelines. The Bloomfield Central School District will ensure all required PPE is available before the reopening of schools. 
Each school site will be provided with masks, gloves, gowns, face shields. The Director of Facilities and District Administrators will monitor 
the PPE supply and will order additional supplies when stockpiles fall below the 30-day supply.   
In the event of a positive COVID-19 case, the building administrator will notify the District Superintendent and the Director of Facilities 
who will contact the Department of Health. The Department of Health will provide guidance. Guidance will be implemented notifying 
necessary parties and if necessary, the transition to remote learning and the District’s Continuity of Learning Plan will be implemented. 
Continuity of Learning Plan    

o Staff are responsible for taking their own temperature each day. 
o Staff are responsible for responding to the District Health Screening Questionnaire on a daily basis: 
Bloomfield Central School District Health Screening Questionnaire 
o Nurses will track student health surveys, keeping a log. 
o Superintendent will track staff health surveys, keeping a log. 

o Students will work with their families to complete The Bloomfield Central School District Health Screening 
Students   Questionnaire on a daily basis. 
o Students will communicate with the school nurse if they are not feeling well. 

o Families are responsible to work with their child(ren) on the COVID-19 Self-Check. Families need to help 
child(ren) with daily temperature checks prior to child(ren) being transported to school. 
Families  o Families will be responsible to answer the Bloomfield Central School District Health Screening Questionnaire 
for their children.  
o Families will communicate with the school nurse if their child(ren) are not feeling well.  

o Parents picking up students will call the office to let them know they are here for the pick up. 

Enhanced cleaning protocols have been established to clean and disinfect the campuses daily. Teachers and staff will be provided with the 
necessary cleaning and disinfecting materials.  
The District will implement regular school bus disinfec​tion measures; train students and school bus staff regarding social distancing on the 
bus, at stops, and at unloading times; and train students and staff regarding the wearing of masks and social distancing on the bus.  
The facilities section of this plan will address the following School Buildings: ​Bloomfield Senior High School, Bloomfield Middle School, 
Bloomfield Elementary School, and Bloomfield Transportation Center.  
The Bloomfield Central School District will adhere to the following safety drill procedures:  

1. When alerted to a fire alarm, students and staff are expected to wear masks , stay six feet apart where appropriate and safe to do so, 
and exit the classroom in an orderly fashion based upon the posted fire exit map in the classroom.   
2. Students and staff will proceed to their pre designated fire evacuation location outside the building while safely maintaining social 
3. Principals or designees from each building will monitor and communicate when safe and appropriate with students and staff during 
the drill. Designees will also obtain attendance from each program.  
4. Principals or designees will utilize two way radios along with a PA system to communicate with faculty and staff to ensure all 
students, staff are accounted for and the building is clear.   

5. Once the drill is complete, Principal or designee will announce it is safe for students and staff to re -enter the building. All students 
and staff are expected to re-enter the building while maintaining social distancing & wearing their mask.   
6. All students and staff will be expected to sanitize/wash hands upon re-entry into the building.   

1. Lockdown drills will be modified during the Pandemic to maintain the safety of staff and students. Lockdown drills will be simulated 
in a virtual training method and/or in person instruction when appropriate by our Director of Facilities, Staff and School Resource 
Officer. Staff and students will be instructed to continue the same safety procedures in our Safety/Building plans Pre -Pandemic 
and to take the same precautions and actions in the case of an actual lockdown. The training of drills will include NYS Department of 
health COVID safety precautionary measures when safe and appropriate in the case of an actual lockdown. 
The Bloomfield Central School District will not make any changes or additions to facilities that would change our compliance with the 2020 
NYS Uniform Fire Prevention and Building Code or the State Energy Conservation Code.  
● The District will ensure it is in compliance with the Visual Inspections.   
● The District will ensure Lead in the Water testing aligned to the period student occupancy resumes.  
● The District ensures all existing and new Alcohol- based hand rub dispensers are in accordance with FCNYS 202 Section 5705.5.  
● The District will not have the need to install dividers in points of congregation as gatherings will not be allowed.  
● The District assures that all project plans will be submitted to the OFP.  
● The District does not intend to utilize tents.  
● The District ensures that the existing number of toilets and sink fixtures meet the minimum standards of the BCNYS. 
● The District ensures that the existing drinking fountains meet the required codes, but during COVID-19 will follow all guidance with 
the use/non-use of drinking fountains.   
● The District ensures all ventilation systems are maintained in accordance with the specific unit handling guidelines (specific 
schedules are located in the maintenance management system).  
● The District ensures any project submissions solely dedicated to COVID-19 will be aptly labeled.  
● The District ensures any plastic dividers will be in compliance with BCNYS section 2606.  
● The following written protocol for cleaning and disinfecting schools follows the CDC guidance:​ ​Facilities Plan 

o Administrators will work with facilities staff to ensure DOH and CDC guidelines are adhered to. 
o Administrators will be trained on proper hand and respiratory hygiene. 
o Administrators will ensure proper signage is publicly displayed throughout the building promoting proper 
handwashing. Signage will include Hand Washing, Mask Requirements, and Social Distancing Expectations. 

o Staff will ensure they wash their hands or use hand sanitizer immediately upon entering the school/program. 
o Staff will be trained on proper hand and respiratory hygiene. 
o Teachers and other instructional staff will be provided proper cleaning materials and will be instructed on 
proper disinfecting procedures.  

o Each building will have a “containment room” for infectious conditions. 

o Nurses will don proper PPE for the given situation at hand. 
Nurses  o The containment room will need special cleaning at the end of each night and after each use, including floor, 
cots, walls and high touch areas. 
o Nurses will be responsible for providing necessary training for administrators, faculty, staff and students. 

Students  o Students will be trained on proper hand and respiratory hygiene.  

o Families will reinforce proper handwashing and respiratory hygiene.  

Families  o Families will communicate the importance of face coverings and social distancing. 
o Families will follow the​ ​Return to School Policy​ after a positive COVID-19 Test  

o Facilities will communicate using visual cues such as cleaning and disinfecting schedules and clean room signs. 
o Facilities staff will follow all DOH and CDC guidelines to assure cleaning and disinfecting expectations are 
met daily. 
Facilities  o Facilities staff will wear all required personal protective equipment (PPE) when cleaning and disinfecting. 
o Facilities staff will wear masks any time or place social distancing cannot be maintained. 
o Facilities staff will complete a​ ​Daily Cleaning Log​. 
o No community use of the buildings and grounds until further notice.  

o Transportation staff will follow all DOH and CDC guidelines to assure cleaning and disinfecting expectations 
are met daily. 
o Transportation staff will wear masks any time or place social distancing cannot be maintained. All PPE will 
adhere to Department of Transportation guidelines.   

The Bloomfield Central School District will conduct transportation activities that are consistent with state-issued public transit guidance 
and NYSED School Reopening guidelines. Students and school staff must wear acceptable face coverings at all times on school buses (e.g., 
entering, exiting, and seated) and should maintain appropriate social distancing to the extent practicable. 

Students who are able will be required to wear masks and social distance on the bus to the extent practicable; however, students whose 
physical or mental health would be impaired are not required to wear a face covering, but must be appropriately socially distanced. 
Members of the same household may be seated within 6 feet of each other. Parents and legal guardians are encouraged to drop off or walk 
students to school to reduce density on buses. 

The District leadership will work with district transportation staff on CDC signage for the bus. If a student is displaying signs of COVID-19 
during transport the bus driver will alert the administrator prior to releasing the student into the school.   

Cleaning and Disinfecting  

Refer to the cleaning standard operating procedures guidance for further information. 

● Buses and other transportation vehicles will be cleaned and disinfected daily (focus on high touch areas) and in between runs if 
scheduled for multiple routes. At the end of the day, clean and disinfect the entire bus. 
○ Daily Cleaning 
■ All trash removed 
■ Floors swept and dust mopped 
■ Walls and windows cleaned 
○ High Touch Surfaces 
■ Bus seats and seat backs 
■ Seat belts 
■ Door handles, handrails 
■ Driver operator area 
● Cleaning and disinfecting products approved by the EPA will be used according to instructions.  

● Eating and drinking will be prohibited on the bus. 
● Buses will be inspected to ensure cleaning/disinfecting protocols are followed on district owned and contracted buses. 
● All cleanings/inspections will be documented (via trackable log). 

Required Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) 

● Disposable gloves 
● Face Covering/Mask 
● Face Shield (if applicable)

Training (Office Personnel, Drivers, Mechanics, Aides) 

● Hazard Communication/Right-To-Know (annual) 

● Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) 
● Exposure Control/Bloodborne Pathogen (BBP) 
● COVID Awareness 
○ New cleaning Protocols (buses, transportation center) 
○ Handwashing 
○ Face Covering (sizing, use, wear & care) 

Child Nutrition 
A plan has been developed to ensure that there is continuity of social, emotional, and behavioral well-being; All enrolled students will have 
access to school meals each school day whether school is in-person or remote. School meals will continue to be available to all students, 
including those attending school in-person and those learning remotely. The protocol will continue to address all applicable health and 
safety guidelines. Students who are attending in-person classes and have food allergies will be provided with a location to eat their lunch 
free of any possible allergens aligned to COVID-19 guidelines. All food provided will follow all applicable Child Nutrition Requirements.  
The Bloomfield Central School District will require students to eat in the classroom instead of the cafeteria or common areas. Regular 
practices of cleaning will follow eating in the classroom. Social distancing will occur during lunch time in each classroom.   
All schools in the District will follow SFA policies when communicating about school meal services, eligibility, options and changes in 

operations. Meals will be available to all students. All communications will be provided through a variety of communication methods 
including website, social media, emails, newsletters, and regular mail and translated into the languages spoken by families.  

Teaching and Learning 

It is the intent of the Bloomfield Central School District to provide in-person learning in September supporting a virtual learning model 
dependent on specific student needs. Plans have been created to support a reduced capacity in person instruction and increased virtual 
learning and total student virtual learning model: ​Continuity of Learning Plan.​ ​ Until further notice, all field trips have been cancelled.   

School Schedules 
The Bloomfield Central School District has created a comprehensive plan for a schedule that includes in-person instruction, re​mote 
instruction or a hybrid of both in-person and remote. All plans will be clearly communicated as outlined in the Bloomfield Central School 
District Communication Plan. The District will inform stakeholders of academic plans with as much advance notice as practicable. The 
Bloomfield Central School District will collaborate with district stakeholders when considering alternate schedules.  
The Bloomfield Central School District has three plans to address COVID-19:  
As of July 29, 2020 the Middle High School instructional times will be 7:15-1:15. The Elementary instructional time will be 9:00-2:30 These times 
are subject to change due to circumstances related to the pandemic.  

Plan I: ​ Reopening Plan. Full  individual student needs.    

Implementation of programs in person    Plan III:​ Continuity of Learning Plan 
instruction following all DOH and SED  Plan II: ​Plan II is a hybrid model  (Virtual learning for all students). All 
guidelines: social distancing, use of  combining in person and virtual  buildings will be closed, and students will 
masks, routine disinfecting, gathering  instruction under the guidance of the  participate in on-line learning. 
and operational activities. Virtual  Department of Health. This plan will 
instruction will also be supporting  operate under reduced capacity.  

The District has designated a safety coordinator-The Director of Facilities-who will continuously monitor compliance with the school’s 
reopening plan. The Director of Facilities participates in the Reopening Committee meetings and works directly with all administrators in 
each school building within the District. The Director of Facilities will monitor activities and be actively involved in phased-in reopening 
activities in accordance with the Department of Health guidance.  
The District will provide standards-based instruction; ensuring substantive daily interaction between teach​ers and students; and clearly 
communicating information about instructional plans with parents and guardians. Our plan includes Special Education, Work-Based 
Learning and ENL. All students within District programs will receive the information regarding the instructional model. To ensure 
consistent communication and the possibility of a sudden instructional model shift, due to COVID-19, Building Principals will coordinate 
consistent communication between school and families. Building Principals will ensure communication with families occurs in their 
preferred language and will provide support and communicate between school and home.  
All District instructional programs will closely follow NYS Learning Standards for both in-person and remote/virtual learning. In all of our 
plans regarding COVID-19 we understand the importance of teacher and student interaction and have developed plans that will continue 
these interactions whether in person or remote. Currently, teachers within our schools/programs hold valid and appropriate certifications 
for their teaching assignments except for those allowable under the Commissioner’s regulations or Education Law.  
Regular communication will be provided using e-mail, the District Website and REMIND. A student handbook will be provided to each 
student within the District that outlines expectations and will include COVID-19 guidelines this year. Important information is posted on 
our website and each program will maintain COVID-19 updates within their website.  

o Administrators will ensure that lesson plans are collected on a regular basis. 
o Administrators will ensure that teachers are maintaining a virtual learning platform in the event that remote 
learning occurs.  
Administrators  o Administrators will ensure that students have the resources necessary to transition to remote learning as 
o Administrators will continue to ensure that proper social distancing/mask wearing practices are followed 
within the school building. 

o Staff will remain a safe distance from any other individual.  

o Staff will take home their dedicated laptop/chromebook daily in the event remote learning is needed. 
o All teachers will create a Google Classroom for each section they teach. Announcements, instructional 
materials, and assignments will be posted here for students to access.   

o All video conferencing and synchronous instruction will be conducted via Zoom using district accounts and 
following district protocols to protect staff and student privacy.  
o Teachers will provide students feedback on their work and be available to provide opportunities for students 
to ask questions and modify their work as needed.  
o Teachers need to account for all of their students’ learning and document participation.  
o Teachers will maintain an accurate and up to date gradebook of assignments turned in and missing in their 
schooltool gradebook.  
o Teachers will provide ongoing communication and feedback to students/families on a weekly basis.  
o Lack of student participation needs to be reported to administration.  
o Staff will design activities that allow students choice- giving some control of the “environment” to students.  
o Teachers of Regents, IB, AP, and Gemini courses will meet synchronously with students 3 days a week and 
provide extended learning assignments for non-meeting days. Other high school classes will meet 
synchronously with students 2 days a week and provide extended learning assignments for non-meeting 

o Students will take home their chromebook every night in the event remote learning is needed. Chromebooks 
will be charged at home nightly.  
o Students will also take home any assignments staff have assigned.  
Students  o Students will be provided any materials necessary to complete assignments and tasks. 
o Students will attend synchronous classes as required.  
o Students will communicate with teachers their need for additional instructional support through Google 
Classroom or their district gmail account if instruction is being delivered online.  

o Families will reinforce the need for students to travel to and from school with their chromebook. Families of 
younger students will make sure chromebooks are charged nightly. A case is being provided to every student 
for their chromebook.  
Families  o Families will communicate their specific needs in the event of a transition to remote learning including 
(laptops, on-line resources, wifi) 
o Families can monitor completion of assignments in the schooltool portal provided to all parents at the start of 
the school year.  

o When the school has a confirmed positive COVID-19 case the Ontario County Department of Health will be 
immediately notified and the District will follow all recommendations. 

o Ontario County Public Health will provide guidance on a case by case basis. 
o Signage will be posted on entrances. 
o Nurses will serve as the COVID resource person to assist each building and community.  
o Nurses will keep ongoing communication with building administrators, DOH and School District Physicians. 

o All students will be provided special education services to the extent possible to allow for everyone’s safety, 
following DOH and CDC guidelines. 
o Services when possible will be offered in person, when not possible teletherapy services will be offered.  
o CSE/CPSE meetings will be held regularly via Zoom and continue to follow State and Federal guidelines.  
o Evaluation requests will be reviewed on an individual basis to determine if they need to be held in-person or 
Special Education  can be completed virtually.  
o Special education staff will continue to keep open and regular communication with parents or guardians 
regarding student progress.  
o Progress reports will be reviewed and shared quarterly with parents.  
o Special Education Teachers will collaborate with Content Area Specialists, and therapists to ensure 
continuity of instruction. 

Career and 
o Students will be allowed to transport themselves in their personal vehicles to their CTE courses after the 
approval process has been completed. 

o All students will be provided opportunities to meet their required IEP services to the extent possible allowing 
Work Based 
for everyone’s safety. 
o Any work based learning activity off site will follow CDC and DOH guidelines. 

o All students/parents will be provided communications in their preferred language and mode of 
communication to ensure that they have equitable access to critical information about their children’s 
o All students will receive appropriate instruction that supports their college, career, and civic readiness, by 
ENL  providing them the required instructional Units of Study in their English as a New Language or Bilingual 
Education program based on their most recently measured English language proficiency level;  
o The District will conduct ELL identification for all students who enrolled during COVID-related school 
closures in 2019-20, during the summer of 2020, and during the first 20 days of the 2020-21 school year 
within 30 days of the start of the school year.  

o The District recognizes the importance of professional development for teachers of ELLs. The District will 
provide professional learning opportunities related to the instruction and support of ELLs to all educators, as 
required by Part 154 of the Commissioner’s regulations.  

Protocol for Sick  o Nurses will outline specific protocol, staff will follow for students who are ill, following CDC, DOH guidelines.  
Students  o Protocol will be communicated to parents via a newsletter. 

Special Education 
It is essential that we provide a free appropriate public education in the least restrictive environment. Class sizes and therapist offices will 
be monitored by the administrator to make sure that all accommodations for social distancing are considered. All programs, services, 
accommodations, modifications, supplementary aids and services and technology will be implemented as stated in the students' IEP. All 
teachers are required to create instructional plans which address all students' individual goals and needs. All accommodations and 
modifications will be implemented within these plans to ensure FAPE is being met.  
Students not able to wear face masks due to properly documented medical conditions will be supported. If a student does not have 
documentation and refuses to wear a mask the administrator will work on a plan to support the student and larger school community, 
working with the parent to ensure academic continuation of learning is supported.  
Students in special education programs may require specialized equipment that is often shared between students. Students may continue 
to utilize therapy equipment and participate in other supported OT/PT activities. All equipment will be disinfected between students by 
school staff. Students and staff will need to continue to practice social distancing during these activities.  
The Bloomfield Central School District employs shared staff working for W-FL BOCES. The direct supervisor will meet regularly with 
these staff and communicate district plans regarding COVID-19. As a component District we will need to post our reopening plan and 
submit to SED to make sure we are compliant with the department of health guidelines. W-FL BOCES staff working within our district will 
follow the district's plan.   

Social Distancing/Wearing Masks 
The Bloomfield Central School District will promote social distancing while maintaining existing safety requirements designed to protect 
students. All staff will be required to wear masks, when not able to maintain social distancing. Classroom seating will be arranged to 
maximize social distancing and to limit face-to-face contact. All large gatherings will be prohibited at this point. 

○ All administrators are required to wear masks at all times or places when social distancing cannot be 
maintained. Administrators will be provided a mask as needed.   
○ Administrators will ensure large gatherings do not occur.  
○ Administrators will create and share procedures for transition periods and student movement to ensure 
social distancing.  
○ Administrators will “cohort” students to limit potential exposure to COVID-19.  
○ Administrators will consider repurposing vacant spaces to reduce social density. Repurposing of 
instructional space will adhere to all health and safety practices.   

○ All staff are required to wear masks any time or place social distancing cannot be maintained.  
○ Staff will organize desks to ensure they are six feet apart and all facing the same direction.  
○ Staff will maintain social distancing on buses by adhering to Department of Health guidelines.  
○ Masks will be provided to staff members as needed.  
○ To limit exposure, staff will be supplied with a small supply of bandaids, tooth fairy boxes, feminine hygiene 
products, etc that can be used to keep students in the classroom to the best of their ability.  
○ When students must be sent to the health office, teachers should call the nurse who may choose to come to 
the classroom and triage outside the classroom or take the student to the health office. 

○ All nurses are required to wear masks any time or place social distancing cannot be maintained.  
○ All nurses shall be fit for N95 Masks.  
○ When masks are in sufficient supply, nurses will utilize these masks when providing direct care.  
○ Nurses will have a supply of extra masks available for those who need a face covering.  
○ When possible, nurses will bring medication to students to limit potential exposure.  
○ Nurses will discuss with parents the importance of checking with private providers whether children are 
responsible and ready to carry and use medication independently to avoid trips to the health office.  
○ Anyone entering the health offices shall wear a face covering.  

○ The floor around the health office will be marked for social distancing.  
○ Should an individual have a medical exemption from wearing a face-covering, the individual shall be 
quarantined while in the health office six feet away from anyone who may be ill. 

○ All students are required to wear masks any time or place social distancing cannot be maintained.  
Students  ○ All students will remain with their “cohort” to the best extent possible, to limit potential exposure.  
○ Students will be provided a mask as needed.   

○ Families will review safeguard procedures for return to school. This includes written and video 
○ Families will review written communication and watch the video created by administrators and building staff, 
related to what school will look like in the fall. 

Social Emotional Well-Being 

To inform the comprehensive counseling needs within the Bloomfield Central School District, the District has teams that focus on the 
well-being of the student and ensures support is continued during all possible instructional models. Examples of such teams within the 
District are Instructional Support Teams, advisory teams, and our District Steering Committee. These teams are comprised of parents, 
students, members of the Board of Education, District leadership, community-based service providers, teachers, certified school 
counselors, and other pupil personnel services providers including school social workers and/or school psychologists.  
The District reopening plan will address professional development opportunities for staff. Ongoing training will be provided on how to talk 
and support students during the COVID-19 public health emergency. Such support will be on resiliency, restorative practices, trauma 
informed practices and social emotional development.  
The District continues to utilize resources such as the Trauma, Illness and Grief (TIG) training offerings through the W-FL BOCES as a 
continuous support to staff and students. The TIG Coordinator regularly shares resources and supports within the District as well.  
Bloomfield Central School Counseling Staff will: 

● Educate staff, parents, and students on symptoms of mental health needs and how to obtain assistance.  

● Promote social emotional learning competency and build resilience.  
● Help ensure a positive, safe school environment.  
● Teach and reinforce positive behaviors and decision-making.  
● Encourage good physical health.  
● Help ensure access to school-based mental health supports; facilitate the expansion of school-based mental health supports 

The following is a checklist of responsibilities for each stakeholder group:  

○ Administrators will work with counselors to develop a building support plan in an effort to support every 
student upon reentry.  
○ In the event of school/program closing, administrators will work with district personnel to maintain the 
school lunch program.  
○ Administrators will support staff with available resources to continue to address mental health, behavioral 
and emotional needs.   
○ Administrators will ensure that staff and students are participating in daily discussion on how they are feeling 
in the established “morning meeting”, “circle” protocols.  
○ Administrators will work with the Trauma, Illness, Grief Primary Contacts to ensure that when assistance is 
needed, it is provided.  

○ Staff will adhere to the building support plan, noticing specific needs of students.  
○ Staff will utilize available resources to address mental health, behavioral and emotional needs of students.  
○ Daily schedules will be established and followed, allowing students to anticipate learning experiences and 
○ Staff will provide daily discussion/conversation on how students are feeling to set the stage and normalize 
Staff   feelings students may have related to the pandemic and current events taking place in the world. Established 
protocols of morning meetings, circles or other means should be used as consistent support.  
○ Staff will direct students to wash hands before and after eating and to not share food and drink.  
○ Staff will discuss with students the importance of DOH/CDC guidelines in prevention of COVID-19.  
○ Staff will participate in daily discussion on how students are feeling in the established “morning meeting”, 
“circle” protocols.  

○ Students will adhere to daily schedules.  

○ Students will understand the importance of emotional support.  

○ Students will participate in daily discussion on how they are feeling in the established “morning meeting”, 
“circle” protocols.  

○ Families will communicate their specific needs to school personnel.  

○ Families will support students in maintaining their daily schedule. In the event that we need to transition to 
the Continuity of Learning Plan (remote learning) families will help support the transition and communicate 
to school staff their specific family needs.  
○ Families will support the importance of COVID-19 prevention.  
○ Families will support the importance of social-emotional protocols.  

Attendance, Attendance Reporting  

and Chronic Absenteeism  
The Bloomfield Central School District uses an electronic system to collect and report daily teacher student engagement and attendance. 
Attendance practices will be maintained during remote learning plan.   
The following is a checklist of responsibilities for each stakeholder group:  
○ Administrators will work with staff to implement documentation of attendance absenteeism per District 
guidelines and procedures.  
○ Administrators will follow District procedures and protocols and document per District guidelines.  
○ Administrators will assign or designate staff to connect with cohorts of students daily and report any 
significant attendance concerns.  
○ Administrators will monitor the attendance reporting system or SIRS.  
○ Administrators will continue to connect and meet with students and families following District protocols of 
those with chronic absenteeism and poor attendance.  

Staff   ○ Staff will take attendance starting at the beginning and throughout the day following program protocols.  

○ Staff will report student information to SIRS or the attendance reporting system.  
○ Staff will communicate significant attendance concerns to administration daily.  
○ Staff will communicate attendance to families.  
○ Staff will continue to document daily attendance during virtual learning.  

○ Students will maintain regular attendance in-school or during virtual learning and communicate with their 
Students   teachers.  
○ Students will meet with staff and/or administration when there are attendance concerns.   

○ Families will reinforce regular attendance for in-school and remote learning and maintain consistent 
communication with their school program.  
○ Families of those with attendance concerns will communicate/meet with staff and/or administration to 
address the attendance concerns.   

Technology and Connectivity 

Adequate access to a computing device and high-speed broadband is essential for educational eq​uity. Bloomfield will determine the level 
of access all students and teachers have in their places of residence; and provide multiple ways for students to participate in learning and 
demonstrate their mastery of the learning standards in remote and hybrid instructional models. 

○ Each administrator has a dedicated laptop.   

Administrators  ○ VPN access is set up for Superintendent, Business Administrator, Director of Curric & Assessment, Director 
of Inst Tech & PD, Supervisor of Buildings and Grounds.  

○ Each teacher has a dedicated laptop.   

○ VPN access is set up for the District Registrar/Clerk, Payroll, Accounts Payable, ES Senior CSA, and MHS 
Technology Specialist.  
Staff  ○ Office Staff have a chromebook they can take home.  
○ Teaching Assistants and Aides will have a dedicated laptop or chromebook to use and take home.  
○ Staff will be provided with strategies they can use to reduce the bandwidth needed to complete assignments 
as well as low tech assignments.  

○ Every student in grades K-12 has a dedicated chromebook for their individual use in school and at home. 
Protective cases have been purchased for all chromebooks.   

○ Mobile hotspots have been purchased and are in the district for use in the fall for the limited number of 
families that indicated they don’t have internet access.   
○ Additional access points are getting installed in the parking lots to provide wifi access without needing 
Families  building access.   
○ Families needing technology support can access the ​Family Technology Help Form​. This form is posted on 
the district website, under the Reopening Information Tab. All technology support staff will receive 
notification anytime a request is submitted.   

Teacher and Principal Evaluation System 
All teachers and principals will continue to be evaluated pursuant to the district’s approved APPR plan. The Bloomfield Central School 
District will consider whether their currently approved APPR plan may need to be revised in order to be consistent with their plan for 
reopening under an in-person, remote or hybrid instructional model. School leaders will continue to attend annually required Lead 
Evaluator training. 

Certification, Incidental Teaching and Substitute Teaching 

All teachers will hold valid and appropriate certificates for teaching assignment, except where otherwise allowable under the 
Commissioner’s regulations (e.g., incidental teaching) or education law. 

Student Teachers 
Student teachers from NYSED registered college or university programs can serve under the supervision of fully certified teachers in the 
Bloomfield Central School District. Student teachers will follow all of the social distancing, mask wearing, health status reporting, and 

other COVID-19 procedures that the teachers follow. Student teachers will serve under the supervision of our full time certified teachers 
only. At no time will a student teacher be used as a teacher of record.

Entering and Exiting the Building 

o Administrators will designate the specific doors that staff and students need to enter. This information will 
be shared prior to the first day of school with both students, staff and families.  
Administrator  o Administrators will monitor bus arrival and dismissal ensuring social distancing is practiced and develop a 
plan for staggered arrival and dismissal for students.   
o Administrators will put a mask on prior to entering the school building. 
o Administrators will set up hand sanitizing stations and distribution of masks for students and staff.   
o Staff will enter and exit the school building and or program through designated doors.  
Staff  o Staff will need to hand sanitize prior to entering the school. 
o Staff will put a mask on prior to entering the school building. 
o Students will enter and exit the school building and or program through designated doors. 
o Students will ensure hands are washed immediately upon entering the building using hand wash stations 
Students  and/or hand sanitizer.  
o Students will be handed a mask (if they are not already wearing one) prior to entering the school building.  
o Students will wash hands prior to leaving for the day.  
o Students will have a mask on during the bus ride to and from school. 
o Families will reinforce with students the importance of proper hand washing.   
Families  o When entering the building, family members will adhere to social distance markings.  
o Families will enter and exit the main entrance. Families will need to use hand sanitizer immediately upon 
entering and must wear masks while in the school building. 
o Hand Sanitizer will be made available daily for students and staff.  
Facilities  o Facilities will monitor the availability of hand sanitizer and make sure inventory is consistently available.  
o One central entrance will be designated for visitors.  
o Facilities will be designating social distancing markers at entrances, exits and throughout the building.   


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