Skin Tutorial

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Created by paulrkiii (Snoopy)

476th vFighter Group
 Programs Used
 Using Photoshop
 Convert .bmp to .dds using DXTBmp
 Create .lua File
 Install into DCS World

NOTE: If you have already created skins and are ready to

install using the new 1.2.4. method simply go to slide 13 for
install directions.

Programs Used
 DXTBmp (Converts one file at a time but program is Free)
 Used to convert files from .bmp to .dds
 Photoshop
 Used to edit/create .bmp files
 Notepad++
 Used to modify .lau files
 A-10C Skin Template
 Download the A-10C (and other ACFT) template from Eagle Dynamics
Website at:

Using Photoshop
 Open Photoshop (or other like editing software)
 Begin editing your image
 I won’t go into detail as it’s a matter of personal opinion and talent

Using Photoshop
 Once you’ve finished editing your image:
 Save as (rename the file, for example the file below is
 Save the file as a .psd so you can modify what you’ve done in the
future if needed.
 Next Save your file as a .bmp (or .png) (76thVFS_Snoopy-a.bmp)

Convert .bmp to .dds using DXTBmp
 Open DXTBmp
 Locate (or drag file into)

Convert .bmp to .dds using DXTBmp
 Open DXTBmp
 Save as, DDS Texture
 Choose DDS DXT2 thru 5 to include Alpha charactoristics.

Create .lua File
 Navigate to your “Saved Games\DCS” folder
 Create a new folder called “Liveries”
 Open your “Liveries” folder

Create .lua File
 Within your “Liveries” folder create an “A-10C” folder
 If another aircraft type name in accordingly. In the below example you
see entries for A-10C, kc-135 and uh-60a
 Open your “A-10C” (or other airframe) folder

Create .lua File
 Within your “A-10C” (or other airframe) folder create an
folder for you skin. For this example I created “76th vFS
‘Vanguards’ (Snoopy)”
 Open your newly created folder (for this example; 76th vFS
‘Vanguards’ (Snoopy)

Create .lua File
 Using Notepad++ create your lua file. It must be named:
 description.lua
NOTE: It is easier to copy an already existing lua file than create a new
one. Simply navigate to your “DCS World\Bazar\World\Liveries” folder,
open the respective aircraft folder and copy the “description.lua” file

Create .lua File
 Edit your new description.lua file so it reflects the correct
texture file names.
 False means the specific texture is located in the same file as the description.lua
 True means the specific texture is located in a separate location. We’ll go over in detail
that process in future slides.
 You can also add a line to have a custom pilot skin included (see line 18 below) as well
as what countries the skin is available for.
 Once completed save the file

Install into DCS World
 Go to "x:\User\User name\Saved Games\DCS\"
 Create a "config" folder
 Open Config folder, using notepad++ and create
 Enter the following entries:
-- add custom texture path
table.insert(, "c:/Users/User Name/Saved
For the below example the TEXTURE_ZIP_NAME is 476vFG

 5. Save autoexec.cfg

Install into DCS World
 Navigate back to "x:\User\User name\Saved Games\DCS\"
 Create a new folder called "Textures“
 If you have shared textures place them in the new “Textures” folder

 You should have created a “Liveries” folder per the “Create

.lua File” section.

Install into DCS World
 You should have created a “Liveries” folder per the “Create
.lua File” section.
 Your “Saved Games\DCS” folder should look similar to:

 Run DCS and see if your skins are working correctly

If you have any questions feel free to PM paulrkiii at the ED boards or visit the
476th vFighter Group (Snoopy).

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