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G if past, would V animals _ stress and rhythm ———— a ae We all enjoy seeing wild animals on the television. But what would happen if we met one in real life? Do our animal quiz and see if you would survive 2 What would you do... «++ if youwere in aforeet and a very large bear came towards you? 2 | would cmb up the nearest wree | wouldlie on the ground and pretend to be dead, © [would run away as fast 98 | could 3 What would you do... . if you were in the midele of 2 field and a bull started running towards you? @ I would run, bb | would throw something (¢-2 my hat) in another direction. ¢ [would shout and wave my arms, L 1 SPEAKING & LISTENING Read the quiz and tick (7) your answers, a, b, or c. Compare with a partner. | b 64) Now listen to a survival expert. Did you choose the right answer? ¢ Listen again. Why are the other two answers wrong? Compare what you heard with a partner. 2 GRAMMAR if + past, would + infinitive 3 PRONUNCIATION stress and thythm @ Look at question 1 in Would you survive? and answer a (65° Listen and repeat the sentence halves these questions. and then the whole sentence. Copy the rhythn 1 Is the crocodile situation...? 1 If I saw a crocodile, Td climb a tree. 1 one which could exsily happen to you 2 What would you do if you saw a snake? OR Wecouldhaveadog — ifwe had a garden. one which is not very probable. 2 What tense of the verb goes after if? 3 Whats the form of the other verbs in the question and in the answers? Cover the right-hand colums the sentences. 4 Ifabear attacked me, I wouldn't move. 5 If Lwere you, Td go on a safari. y toremember b © p.136 Grammar Bank 6B. Read the rules and do the exercises. 4 VOCABULARY animals 6 READING Answer the questions with a partner, a Can you remember the best way to survive a crocodile attack? io teal oe) ene are Ea, b Read the article about crocodiles and mark the sentences 2 What's the most dangerous animal in T (true), F (false), or DS (doesn’t say). your country? 3 What's your favourite film about an animal? 4 What's your favourite cartoon animal? 1 The Australian crocodile is bigger than all other kinds. 2 Crocodiles can run faster than horses. 3 Crocodiles only attack you if you are in the water. 4 The German tourist didn't know that there might be crocodiles in the lake 5 The crocodile also attacked the girls friends, 5 Ifyou went on a saferi, what animal ‘would you most like to see? 6 Are there any animals or insects you are 6 The Australian boy was killed when he and his friends went, really afraid off ‘swimming in a river. 7 if you were an animal, what would you like 7 His friends escaped by climbing a tree, tobe? 8 Nocduan PatoysV tint wat atackad by a arene b © past Vocabulary Bank Anima, 9 She hit it on the nose, and it opened its mouth. ¢ “88> Listen, Which animal can you hear? HE AUSTRALIAN CROCODILE s is the largest crocodile in the (4 word. it can grow up to seven ssreannc Hine Choose five questions Ue up to 1000 kiles. thas only two muses and ask your partner. <> to open its mouth but 4010 dose it What would youdo,- = What makes crocodiles so dangerous if there was a mouse in your bedroom? . if you were driving andabecoravasp 4 came into the car? sl if you saw a spider in the bath? if you were om a beach that was famous for shark attacks? Is that they attack incredibly quickyy ‘and they take their victims under the ‘water to drown them. They usually attack in the water, but they can suddenly come out ofa river and attack ‘animals or people, and they can run on land at 17 km/h. Every year in Australia there are crocodile attacks on humans. Two years ago ‘2 24-year old German tourist died when she went fora sien ina lake. ‘Although there were signs warning people that there might be crocodiles, Someone offered to buy youa fur coat? ‘the girl and her friends decided to have a midnight swim. The girl you went 10 your friends’ house for suddenly disappeared and next morning her body was dinner and they gave you horse meat? found. Near it was a four-metre crocodile if your neighbour's dog barked all night? e Bye And only last month two Australian boys ifa friend asked you to look after watched in horror as thei fiend wes their cat or dog? killed by 2 crocodile when they were weshing ther mountain bikes ina rivet. They climbed a tree and stayed there for = —t 22 hours while the crocodile waited belon, = —t But you CAN survive a cocodle tack Lat year Norman Pascoe, a 19-year-old, was saved from eee a cocodlle when his aunt it ton the nose Norman's aunt =©— s2id:'Iht it and | shouted, “Help The cocodile suddenly IE —_ A a a kk dd keke A ‘opened its mouth and my nephew escaped! Cover the text: In pairs, can you remember what these numbers refer to? 0 40 7 mM 2D 19 Read the text again and check your answers. 7 67 SONG © Wouldn't it be nice

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