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Detective English is a series of detective readers, using dramatic picture-strip illustrations and a specially written text graded for foreign learners of English. Each of the books consists of a classic story by a well-known detective writer. The story is also dramatised on the accompanying cassette. At the back of each book is a section of highly motivating language exercises for the student, including comprehension, summary writing, grammar revision, listening and pronunciation tasks. There is also a short glossary with supporting illustrations and phonetic transcriptions. Current titles in the series (pre-intermediate level): Death on the Nile by Agatha Christie, creator of Hercule Poirot _-Murder on the Orient Express by Agatha Christie And Then There Were None by Agatha Christie |The Hound of the Baskervilles by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, creator of Sherlock Holmes Acknowledgements: Simplified English text, activities and wordlist: Peter Foreman Editors: Rosalba Foreman, Richard Larkham ‘Translation: Anne Dunin Design: Wendi Watson Scenarios: André-Paul Duchateau Illustrations: Stibane, Luce Daniels © arthur Conan Doyle, 1930 © Text of this edition: Chancerel International Publishers Ltd, 1998 © Mlustrations: Claude Lefrancq Editeur, 1991 All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, recorded, ‘transmitted or stored in any retrieval system, in any form whatsoever, without the written permission of the copyright holders. The Hound of the Baskervilles Book+CD: ISBN 1 899888 76 4 Detective English Answer Key: ISBN 1 899888 38 1 Printed in Hong Kong PN654321/02010099 Published by: Available from: Chancerel International Publishers Ltd SBS Special Book Services 120 Long Acre Alameda Barros 83, London WC2E 9PA 01232-001 Sao Paolo SP Tel: 44 (0)171 240 2811 Brazil Fax: 44 (0)171 836 4186 nS AY YW Ni eae Can = J) | ts amazing, Holmes, really amazing! Well | don't think that losing a boot Is very important. é touy ~ from The Times with Mi words cut out of it > 4 Hml How large was Sir Charles's Would you ike to be my guest at Baskerville Hall?, [Thank you, Dr Watteon. What are you looking for, Mr Holmes? Thank you nny friend. This is for you. ‘a La ie € Ss ae ae ee DOCTOR WATSON! al im afraid | don't kni what Holmes thi The moor is a Ive been here for I know it better thi >" ookat that That's Grimpen Mi wild horse down step m certain death That wasn't the wind, it was a human voice! ‘SIR HENRY SEEMED VERY INTERESTED IN THE YOUNG NY] AND SHE SEEMED INTERESTED IN HIM, TOC Was Barrymore waiting for something or somebody? Strange. You must stop working Ye ar Foor Sir Charles was waiting for a woman when he died on the moor! HE MORNIN EATH YO RIT N COOMBE ‘AURA Murder, Wateon! The dog! Run fast, Watson! | hope we wor't be too late! 4 Ohl Wait n, let's go an. Henry to give G pe Loma AS You ASKED. | wi Be. ARRIVNG AT he told was a Have another brandy, Sir Henry. I'l be back Listen! Be carefull | can hear something! cans (pages 3-7) [i The story begins in Sherlock Holmes's study in London. How much do you know so far about him and these people? Write a, b, ¢ etc by the correct name, like the example. I Sherlock Holme: left his walking stick at Baker Street. 2. Dr Watson. died not long ago. 3 Dr Mortimer. lives at Baker Street. (Be careful! There is more than one person.) 4 Sir Charles Baskerville... 4 is a country doctor who walks a lot. 5 Hugo Baskervile..... was a wicked man who took a young girl away from her family. gave an old manuscript to Dr Mortimer. is a doctor and a friend of Sherlock Holmes. was Charles Baskerville’s doctor. was killed by a big black dog. “30 eon oD What is the story of the Baskerville legend so far? Listen and put the pictures in the correct order. Write 1, 2, 3 etc in the spaces. Then write a sentence for each picture using the Past Simple. Are you a good detective? Complete the sentences, like the example. a We know that Ir is a very clever detective because he knew a lot about Dr Mortimer from his walking stick. b We know that the story The Hound of the Baskervilles happened in the _century because ___. ¢ We know that Sherlock Holmes drinks ___for breakfast because _. d We know that ___ came to Baker Street the day before because _. 49 DTD 720022 [7] Match the two parts of the sentences. a Sir Charles wanted to give b But on the evening of 4th May ¢ Dr Mortimer said that he and Sir Charles. d Charles was terrified and e Next day Dr Mortimer saw f Then three farmers said they had seen g Henry is the last Baskerville hh Dr Mortimer was afraid that i So he came to see Sherlock Holmes j. Sherlock Holmes decided to go I he died on the moor. 2 he gave the manuscript to Dr Mortimer. 3 saw a big black animal near the Hall. 4 so he will inherit the Baskerville fortune. 5 to Dartmoor in Devon. 6 his fortune to the people of Devon. 7 for advice before Henry arrived 8 the print of a big dog near Charles's body. 9 Henry would die like the other Baskervilles. 10 a big ghostly dog just before Charles died. moor heir Sherlock Holmes is asking Dr Watson some questions to see how much he can remember. Complete Watson's answers with the words in the boxes and footprints ghost match them to Holmes’s questions, like the example. Do the farmers think the dog was supernatural? secon injury toes 4 No, it was written by ‘one of his descendants. No, there was no on the body. Yes, he’s the only___. The Baskervilles are all eae, J 6 Is Henry No, he found Sir “~ Baskerville Charles's. _ going to Barrymore inher the find the prints fortune? ofa big doa! No, i's on the. is [5] Charles dance on his Were there Yes, they said looked like a any signs of | \evening walk’, violence on the body? Did Hugo write the manuscript? No, it seemed that he walked on his . aj Now look back at the information in Exercise 1. Write questions using the words from the boxes, like the example. Who Why re When How Where a _What did Dr Mortimer see near Charles's body? WETTED (2902 12-15) ‘Are these sentences true (T) or false (F)? a Sir Charles died while he was running for his life. b All the words in the letter were cut out of the Times article. ¢ The person who sent the letter worked fast. d The person who sent the letter couldn't read or write well. Dr Mortimer was amazed because Holmes knew who wrote the letter. f Sir Henry left one of his boots on the train. g Somebody followed Sir Henry and Dr Mortimer in a cab. h The man in the cab had a black beard, like Sir Charles's butler Barrymore. i While Holmes was speaking, he was looking for Sir Henry's boot. Ea [2] Listen and underline the stressed syllable in each word, like the example. footprints violin article imports yesterday educated _— intelligent _—_urgent important baskets inherit _investigate [2] Complete these passive sentences with the Past Simple of the verb be and the correct form of the verbs in the boxes. Look at the example. (Remember: singular or plural?) follow do write post cut yo” read a The letter was sent to Sir Henry at the Northumberland Hotel. b The word “moor” by hand. ¢ Sir Henry and Dr Mortimer _ by a man in a cab. The words in the letter___out of The Times. ¢ The letter the night before. f Holmes said that The Times by educated people. g The letter ina hurry. WMS (page 16-19) : : Z| wae, 7 [Tick (V) the correct answers. Cz y Ge 9 L4 LA, Ce Gh a The passenger in the cab was... PUR Ah Sherlock Holmes. [-] 7 i“ A) an unknown person. [] z Cas a detective. [-] i a: b Sir Henry... lost a black boot. [] lost another new boot. [—] hadn't told Watson that he'd lost a boot. [] e After Watson saw Mrs Barrymore, he © Watson was very nervous because... knew that... he heard the striking of a clock. [~] she was lying. [7] he had heard a woman crying and he Barrymore was lying. [1] couldr’t sleep. (—] she wasn't the woman who was crying. [] @ woman was crying for over an hour. [] — ¢ Watson thought it was possible that Barrymore said that... Barrymore... it wasn't his wife who was crying. [-] Killed Sir Charles. [1] it was the kitchen maid who was crying. [] was dead. [_] he wasn't responsible for the noise. (_] had followed Sir Henry in London. [] [2] Circle the word that is different from the others, like the example. Then choose the appropriate category from the boxes. ahetel (@B) prison house buildings TIME female people hour driver passenger coach red black box green byjeirigs jobs Waterloo Holmes Devon _ Princetown colours: murderer criminal prisoner _ friend travel farmer soldier doctor boot nature wife woman uncle maid at places month ‘moor tree animal a za sean’ [2] Complete Dr Watson's speech with the words in the boxes. so and(x2) after. += when ~— but (x2). who —because— then 66 Yesterday | travelled to Devon with Sir Henry and Dr Mortimer. '___We were on the moor, we saw a soldier called Perkins, >____told us that a prisoner called Seldon had escaped from Princetown jail. Barrymore the butler met us at Baskerville Hall 3____ Dr Mortimer went home. 4___ Barrymore took us to our rooms. 5____ I couldn't sleep §__ I heard a noise like a woman crying. 7___ this morning asked Sir Henry to speak to Barrymore. He said that it wasn’t his wife, ®__I think he’s lying. 9__ our conversation with Barrymore, | saw his wife !9___ she had red eyes. It's all very strange. @@ 52 BAAN (paces 20-23) [Complete the summary with the words in the box. not to say anything to told him to forget knew the moor a dangerous area called Grimpen Mire would have an accident people and animals to go with him to go back to London with his sister to catch a butterfly stone shelters she thought he was Sir Henry wanted Sir Henry to stay met a naturalist. Dr Watson !|___ called Stapleton on the moor. Stapleton already knew about Sherlock Holmes and Dr Watson. He asked Watson?____to Merripit House, where he lived3__. On the way he said that he 4___very well, and he showed Watson a place 5__. This was 6 where alot of7___ had died. They also saw some old®_. When Stapleton ran off 9___, Miss Stapleton suddenly appeared. She told Watson '0__ immediately. She looked * frightened and told him !'___ her brother. Then Watson understood that '2__. And as he was walking back from Merripit House, he saw Miss Stapleton again. She !3__ her warning and said she was only afraid that Sir Henry ____ like Sir Charles. When Watson asked why she was afraid her brother would hear, she answered that Stapleton !5_at Baskerville Hall. Next day Stapleton came to the Hall. [2] Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verb, like the example. a That wasn't the wind; it was a human voice. b Sherlock Holmes isn't in Devon; he ___ in London. © You stay here; you must go back to London. d Stapleton knew Dr Watson, but Beryl Stapleton __him, e People ___ in stone shelters now; they live in houses. f Stapleton has heard the howling before but he it so clearly. g “But! Sir Henry, 'm Dr Watson!” [5] Complete the sentences with the correct endings, like the example. a This is a quiet place, isn't it? b That horse is going to die,_? Weare very happy, Beryl, ___? d You will stay for lunch, Dr Watson, ___? e You are afraid of Stapleton, __, Beryl? f Our ancestors lived in those huts,__? You have lived on the moor for two years,__? h That was a human voice, __? i That wasn't the wind, IEE Now listen and check your answers. Then listen again to the questions and indicate if the voice goes up (_.”) or down (~~) at the end. DTD (920 20-27 Complete the sentences with information from the text. a When Watson followed Barrymore one night, the butler seemed to be 2 b Watson also followed Sir Henry ‘on the moor and saw © But suddenly Stapleton arrived and d Watson decided to speak to Sir Henry, who told him__. e That afternoon Stapleton came __. f Then one night Watson and Sir Henry __. g The butler had a candle and__ h Sir Henry was very angry, but then Mrs Barrymore came and said __. i So Watson and Sir Henry went out on the moor to__. j Suddenly they___. JA Look at the pictures. Then complete each sentence with is/are/do/does and find its correct answer. a ____Sir Henry and Beryl Stapleton talking? No, he isn't b ____ Barrymore checking the windows? Yes, he does © ___ Sherlock Holmes usually smoke a pipe? Yes, they do. d ____ Watson and Sir Henry looking for the Hound of the Baskervilles? Yes, they are. e ___ Sir Henry and Beryl Stapleton like each other? No, they don’t. f ____ Barrymore know that Watson and Sir Henry are following him? Yes, he is. g ___ Sherlock Holmes reading Watson's letter? No, he doesn't. hh ____ Watson and Sir Henry always carry guns? No, they aren't. B Now find two sentences which match each picture and write the letters a, b etc in the boxes. Look at this word square. There's a secret message in it from Sir Henry to Beryl Stapleton. Cross out the answers to al and find the message. a It’s the opposite of “good” moor 7 b The from Watson isn’t serious. Beryl_| something brother ¢ This person lives near you. love | young | Dat [hunery | a is Beryl hiding? e Selden is Mrs Barrymore's f The Hound of the Baskervilles makes this sound. nothing | neighbour | how! \ g We eat because we are h Frankland uses this to find the criminal. a . i Sir Henry musn’t walk alone on this Sir Henry's message is: ___ j_ This is what happened on the first night. k What was Barrymore sending? 1 The opposite of “old” news | telescope | signal | you WNT (p29¢2 28-51) [Here is part of a letter from Watson to Sherlock Holmes. Watson has made 10 mistakes (not grammatical). Can you correct them? Underline each mistake and write the correction in your notebook, like the example. ‘When we heart the howling, Sir Henry wanted to go back, Suddenly we looked up and saw Selden. He hak a Fig football in fis hands and he threw it at us. Then he ran away. I tried to shoot him with my gun But I missed. He ran very quickly and disappeared. Next day we learnt from Barrymore that on the day he died Sir Charles received a parcel from a woman in Coombe Tracey, It hiad the initials M.M. on it. Next morning I told Dr Mortimer about it and he said that a woman called Laura Lyons lived in London. She's the wife of mad old Frankland, who doesn’t want to see fer again. At dinner Selden told me that there is another criminal who lives in the stone huts. This morning I went to Coombe Tracey to see Laura Lyons. She said that she was going to meet Sir Charles on the day he died, She wanted his felp and advice, but she didn’t go because she was frightened of the hound on the moor... I'm not sure if she told me the whole truth. a Sir Henry wanted to go on. Complete the mini dialogues with the correct form of the verbs in the boxes. Use the Present Perfect or Past tense — and be careful about questions! come (x2) have (x2) take —disappear_—find (x2)—_receive run go(x2) ask = write happen can (x2) see die a Dr Watson: — Barrymore, where is Selden? the soldiers him yet? Barrymore: _ No, sir. We (not) any news of him yet. But the food __. Perhaps the other man it. Dr Watson: Another man!___ you him then? Barrymore: — No, sir. b Barrymore: Before his death, Sir Charles a letter, which from Coombe Tracey. It___a woman's signature. Then one day my wife___a burnt letter in the fireplace Sir Henry: Well? ¢ Dr Watson: — How are you, Dr Mortimer? Dr Mortimer: Not so well. My dog __on the moor. Dr Watson: — When? Dr Mortimer: It away this morning and it (not) back yet. Dr Watson: | hope you'll find it. d Dr Watson: Mrs Lyons, __you_and ask to meet Sir Charles on the day he _? Laura Lyons: Yes. | 1 see him in Yew-Tree Alley. Dr Watson: Why (not)__ you _? Laura Lyons: Something and I (not) _go. A Listen and (circle) the adjectives that are mentioned. old near tall ~_—tired~=young strong fast. burnt horrible thin good = mad _strange B Now match some of the adjectives with the words below, like the example. a the fugitive fost b Watson and Sir Henry € the letter d Frankland WMT (pages 52-35) [ZA Put the sentences in the correct order. Write 1, 2, 3 etc in the boxes. a Suddenly he heard a noise and Sherlock Holmes came into the hut. b Then with Frankland’s telescope Watson saw the young boy on the hillside. ¢ Holmes answered that Stapleton was going to murder somebody. d_ Holmes told Watson that Stapleton and Laura Lyons were in love. e Watson met Frankland, who said he knew where Selden was hiding. 56 OOO When Watson left Frankland, he went up the hill to look for the boy. g Now he began to understand and he asked Holmes what Stapleton's intention was. h Then they heard the growling of a dog and ran to see what was happening. i There wasn't anybody in the hut, but he found a note. j At that moment there were two terrible screams. k Holmes also said that Beryl Stapleton was Stapleton's wife. 1 He went into one of the stone huts. B What did Watson begin to understand? Complete the senterces with the correct names. a ___loved Stapleton. © ____ didn't know thet Stapleton was married b ___ wasn't Stapleton’s sister. f _ wanted to divorce her husband to marry © ___ loved Sir Henry. Stapleton. d ____ loved Beryl Stapleton. g ___was Stapleton’s wife. A Complete the table with the correct pronouns. {i he we they your her’ your B Now complete the sentences with some of the pronouns from the table. a Laura Lyons wants to divorce __ husband. b Stapleton doesn't love __wife. © “Did Stapleton spy on us?” said Watson. “Is he enemy?” d “Be careful with ___gun, Watson,” said Holmes. Who does Stapleton want to murder? BDA (22002 50-29) [Answer the questions. Why did Watson think that the dead man was Sir Henry? When did Holmes know that the dead man wasn't Sir Henry? Why was Selden wearing Sir Henry's clothes? Where did Stapleton steal Sir Henry's boots? What reason did Stapleton give to explain why he was on the moor? Why couldn't Holmes arrest Stapleton? How did Sir Henry know that the portrait of Hugo was authentic? h Who did the portrait look like? mame oneD ‘A Match the sentences with so ... 1 or B Now respond to the following neither ... I, like the example. in the same way. a [heard some screams. Neither will | a | understand now. b I'll never forgive myself. So aml. | was having a walk. ¢ I can't hear anything. Neither have |. ¢ | can't understand. d I remember his suit. So did |. e | haven't got a beard Neither can I. f I'm going to bed. So do |. 57 How many sentences can you make with the words in the table? Look at the examples. a luggage I've/haven’t got blood clothes Have you got! zome, || prose Examples: There is/are ro Ly There is some blood on Selden’s body. any ee Have you got any matches? There isn't/aren't huts | dinner | Is/are there? sisters | rocks Listen and tick () the word you hear. a beaten [] bitten g foot fault b did (J dead [] hhats (_] huts © much match [] i walk [J] work [7] d beard beer [] j hair =] hear [ e live leave k wheel [] will f bed bad WETTED (p29 40-43) [1] Who do these sentences refer to? Write SH (Sherlock Holmes), S (Stapleton), H (Sir Henry) or L (Lestrade) in the boxes. a discovered that Stapleton was a Baskerville. b told Laura Lyons not to go and meet Sir Charles. ¢ must walk home from Merripit House. d had a plan to catch Stapleton. e arrived at Grimpen at 5.40. f must tell the Stapletons that Holmes and Watson have gone to London. g told Laura Lyons not to say anything about the letter to Sir Charles. h i i kept something in a small building behind his house. made Laura Lyons send a letter to Sir Charles asking him to meet her. (_] began to walk home alone in the fog. oO [ZJA Match the words and phrases on the left with the appropriate prepositions in the table. Then check your answers in the text. oa Where? How? When? the right London _the fog fin fone lon in Baker Street a minute foot to by at rocks the back of the house at the moor gate halfan hour — windows |_ in the Stapletons Grimpen on a quarter of an hour cour faces behind 58 B Now complete the sentences with some of the prepositions from Exercise 2A. a Inspector Lestrade arrived__Grimpen _ 5.40. b Holmes and Watson are going___ London. ¢ ____half an hour we won't see our hands ___our faces! d Holmes and Lestrade hid __ some rocks. e Sir Henry must go to Merripit House ___coach and walk home __foot. isten and tick the words that you hear. a say tell asked said b told tell ask said € said tell say told d say told asked tell e tell said say asked What do you think Stapleton has got in the small building? WET (p20 24-48) ‘Complete the dialogue with the words in the box. Stapleton threw it there fired at it went to Merripit House and found Mrs Stapleton He has disappeared — under Grimpen Mire Look at this, Sir Henry It followed your scent very soon it will have a good ending fired again and killed it I gave you some brandy we were in time Sir Henry: What did you do when you saw that terrible dog? Holmes: Watson and | !__. Sir Henry: But you didn’t kill it. Watson: No. But then Holmes 2__ Holmes: And then you fainted, Sir Henry, and so3__. Sir Henry: Oh yes! And Dr Watson found some phosphorus on the dog. Lestrade: That's right. Then we all left you and 4_. Sir Henry: Oh, my poor Beryl! That evil man tried to murder her! Watson: Yes, but thank God, 5_! Lestrade: And she told us a lot of things about Stapleton. Holmes: ¢__! Sir Henry: Oh, it’s my boot! Where did you find it? Holmes: On Grimpen Mire. 7__. Sir Henry: So it was him! But why did he take it? Watson: For the dog. ®@__ Sir Henry: Where is Stapleton now? Have you found him? Holmes: No. 9__. Sir Henry: Dear Holmes! Thank you for everything! You saved my life. Holmes: — Thank you, Sir Henry! It’s been a fascinating case, and | think !©__. Sir Henry: What do you mean? Now... can you finish the dialogue? 59 [2] Write the contracted forms of the underlined words in a — h, like the example. He has fainted. ‘We will not find Stapleton at home. Let us go! You have stolen the words from my mouth! We have killed the giant dog. We will go and search the house. g That does not matter. h That is where he kept his dog. seance L111 Bl [BJA Write the verbs in the correct part of the table — in their Past form! need find fire leave search follow ed Stare keep pretend el wr hide wake discover throw sag _ know lose build steal make pring Scape kill SE * have rapper Jock continue faint B Now complete the sentences about Stapleton with some of the verbs from Exercise 5A. a He the dog in an old mine. b He Sir Henry’s boot from the Northumberland Hotel ¢ He that his wife was his sister. d He Sir Henry’s boot away on Grimpen Mire. e He a false name. f He that there were two people between him and the fortune. g He Dr Mortimer and Sir Henry along Regent Street in a cab. isten to the pronunciation of these five words. (Concentrate on the vowel sounds in each word.) south boot _—street_ © dog_—itime Now look at this list of words. Listen to their pronunciation and write them in the correct column in the table. (The first two have been done for you.) pine leave how south boot | street | dog time | _mpset- threw God fav] fur] fis] [o] fat] mouth fog stop. meet mine about house through crime need found who find while lost new 60 ERO (pages 3-48) Can you do this jumbo crossword? DOWN 1 He was the first Baskerville to die violently 4 Sherlock Holmes soon discovered the truth. He's avery ___ detective. The Past form of send. You have lived here for two years, 5 7 you? 9 “Room”. Write it backwards and 0 2 's a wild place! The answer to I across is “No, they __. Sir Henry was interested _ Beryl Stapleton, 15 The Past form of have. 16 Holmes needed this t6 arrest Stapleton. 19. Sir Henry went to Merripit House ___ coach. 21 It's averb, The last two letters are the same. 23 The Past form of lose. 25 Write “god” backwards it means “hound”, L 5 7 ACROSS 2 Charles Baskerville was Sir Henry's _. 3 will inherit the Baske-ville fortune? 6 Sir Charles didn’t walk on these — he was running for his life! 8 The Past form of meet 11 ____ the police looking for Selden? 13 Beryl wasr't Stapleton’s sister but his __ 14 Watson hasn't got a beard and _has Holmes. 17 TRENDEP. It’s a verb. The last letter is d. 18 The weather was like this when the hound attacked Sir Henry. 20 HIDENB. It's the opposite of “in front of”. 22 It's short for “we will”. 24 He was one of the bad Baskervilles. WORDLIST Page numbers are in italics. walking stick 3 (see illustration) conclusions 3 final opinions silver 3 a precious metal asa mirror ['mira] to see Watson's reflection (see illustration) sift 3 something given as a present ~ at Christmas, on birthdays, ete worn down 3 in bad condition (because used a lot) hunting society 3 association of people who kill animals for sport helpful 4 ready to help wrong 4 not correct teeth marks 4 small impressions made by the dog's teeth glad 5 happy your colleagues [‘koligz] 5 the people you worked with never mind [maind] 5 it isn't important manuscript 5 document written by hand Devon 5 region in the west of England legend 5 traditional story Great Rebellion 5 The Duke of Monmouth, a Protestant, led a rebellion against the Catholic king, James I! ‘cruel 5 savage, without pity wicked [‘wikid] 5 very bad drinking companions 5 friends who drank (beer, etc) with Hugo dungeon [‘dandgan] 6 small prison under the ground furious 6 extremely angry hounds 6 dogs used for hunting fascinating 7 interesting and attractive howling 7 making long, loud, sad cries ravine [ro'vi:n] 7 deep, narrow valley (Gee illustration) bravest 7 most courageous was lying [latin] 7 was in a horizontal Position on the ground fright 7 great fear exhaustion [eg'z0:stfon] 7 loss of strength throat [@raut] 7 (see illustration) went mad 8 lost their reason descendant 8 a Baskerville who lived after Hugo violent 8 brutal mysterious 8 obscure, unexplained moor [mus] 8 large area of uncultivated land throat 62 fairy tale [‘feari teil] 8 traditional story for children more recent 8 nearer in me fortune 8 money butler 9 male servant footprints 9 impressions made by people/ animals on the ground (see illustration) further on [fa:d2'ron] 9 ata greater distance from the footprints drunk 9 influenced by too much alcoholic drink screams 9 loud cries of fear or pain his face ... contorted 9 his face had a strange expression heart attack 9 sudden stopping of the heart article 9 piece of writing in a newspaper or magazine obsessed by 9 always thinking about terrified 9 very frightened huge [hju:d3] 10 very big disappeared 10 gone where nobody could see it made ... impression 10 had... influence injury 10_physical damage (eg. a broken arm or leg) gigantic [d3ar'geentik] 10 extremely large ghost 10 spirit of a dead person science [0 systematic study of the laws of nature the supernatural [0 events that do not follow the laws of nature advice 1! opinions/ideas that could help you Waterloo Station |! one of London's main train stations inherit || receive (money or property) from a dead person black sheep | / bad member ancestral [zn'scstral] home | Baskerville Hall (where Sir Henry's ancestors lived) dangerous | not safe curiosity 11 desire to know map 11. (see illustration) Dartmoor | large uncultivated area in Devon, where Baskerville Hall is situated wild 12 uncultivated, with very few houses and farms naturalist /2_person who studies nature, especially zoology and botany Princetown Jail 12 a prison on Dartmoor, also called Dartmoor Prison violin [vatalin] {2 musical instrument with making ... inquiries [in'kwatoriz] 20 strings finding out facts brief 12 short field 20 open area of grass to the point 12 saysalotinafew words F=ks=r riding [rardip] 20 travelling on a horse Times 13 The Times isa famous newspaper fireplace mire [maio] 20 dangerous area of deep with traditional opinions. It is the oldest mud [waild] 20 not domesticated paths 2/ small roads, usually in the country shelter 2/ small building for protection from the weather shepherds 2/ men who look after sheep fireplace 2/ (see illustration) moth 22 (see illustration) exploring 22 walking around and learning about paradise 22 perfect place botany ... zoology 22 the science of plants (lowers, etc)... the science of animal life bodyguard 23 person protecting Sir Henry apparently 23 it seems obvious that beg 23 ask (with force and emotion) accident 23 unpleasant or dangerous ‘experience wondering 23 thinking hiding 23 staying in secret huts 23 small stone buildings (see illustration) survive 23 stay alive serious 24 bad, unpleasant neighbour [neiba] 24 person who lives near Baskerville Hall telescope 24 (see illustration) pying 25 watching secretly this! 25 I'l find out exactly what is happening! insulted 26 spoke badly to settle 26 find a solution to abit crazy 26 alittle strange liar [ato] 26 Watson accuses Barrymore of not telling the truth be ashamed 27 feel embarrassed and humiliated plot 27 secret plan the guilty [gilti] one 27 the person who responsible for this situation fugitive 29 person who has escaped from newspaper in England (1785) ina hurry 13 quickly postmark 13 indication (on the envelope) where and when the letter was posted educated 13 having a good education, cultured pretend 13 give a false idea glue [glu:] 13 substance used for sticking things straight [streit] 13 correctly placed urgently 13_as quickly as possible search [s3:tf] 13 look carefully in baskets 13 containers for rubbish (old newspapers, documents, etc) amazing 14 very surprising skull 14 the part of the head which contains the brain clues [klu:z] 14 facts or ideas that help to solve a mystery human beings 14 people hansom cab 15 taxi (I9th-century) pulled by a horse x beard [biad] 15 (see illustration) sf false [5 not real distant [5 not closely related clergyman 15 man who belongs to and works for the Church of England Z passenger 16 person who pays to ride on telescope a bus, train ete Regent Street 16 street in London's West End, famous for its shops gun 16 (see illustration) prisoner 17 person in prison because of a crime Notting Hill 17 a district in north London criminal 17 person who commits a crime (eg. a murder) lost his mind 17 became mad generosity 18 Barrymore means that Sir the police ‘Charles gave him money defenceless 29 without a gun or other maid [meid] 19 female servant weapon wing 9 part of Baskerville Hall at the side spirit 29 supernatural presence of the main building FF —lontooum: 29 presen wearing toons lying 19 not telling the truth ‘Coombe Tracey 30 a village on Dartmoor swollen [swaulan] 19 larger than normal burnt 30 destroyed by fire net 19 (see illustration) nee PS 30 postscript (an extra message at the weak 19 not strong end of the letter) gate 30 (see illustration) cases 32 proceedings in a tribunal don't worry 32 | will do exactly as you say roof 33 (see illustration) comfortable 34 relaxed be careful ... gun 34 don't fire your gun by accident parcel ['pa:sal] 34 (see illustration) reports 34 letters containing useful information safety 34 freedom from danger by the way 34 speaking about other things pretending 34 giving a false impression (acting as his sister) plans 34 ideas for the future ‘enemy 35 opposite of “friend” divorce 35 end her marriage to single 35 not married nearby [niabat] 35 not far away beaten us 36 acted before us groan 36 soft, low sound made by somebody in pai PIL... myself 37 I'll always be angry with myself fault 37 responsibility trained 37 instructed stolen 37 taken without permission chasing 37 following spend 38 pass the evening at my house witness 38 see, observe emotion 38 strong feeling arrest him 38 take him to the police station proof 38 facts that show the truth several 39 many luggage 39 suitcases and bags solve 39 find the answer to collection of portraits ['po:treits] 39 paintings of members of the Baskerville family (see illustration) cursed ['ks:sid] 39 wicked, evil authentic 39 genuine hospi 39 kindness and generosity as soon as 39 the moment that feather [‘feda] hat 39 (see illustration) curly 39 not straight examined 40 looked carefully at details 40. small particulars heredity [harediti] 40. physical and mental similarities in members of a family busy [brzi] 40 full of activity whether 40 if aw» fish 40 ie. Stapleton, a very important person in the case general 40 army officer with a high position trust 40 believe (that I'm doing the right yess. 40 important matters that need immediate attention catch 41 get on wallet 41, small case for holding money confused 41 not calm or ordered in mind and feelings used me 4/_ treated me badly for his own purposes upset 41 angry, offended extraordinary 4/ unusual towards 42 in the direction of for God’s sake 42 an exclamation of worry crack 43 sudden, sharp noise whip [wip] 43 (see illustration) fog 43 thick mist, ke smoke annoying 43 causing trouble or problems foggy 43 covered with fog stared [stead] 44 looked for a long time with wide open eyes he’s fainted ['ferntid] 45. he's lost ‘consciousness that doesn’t matter 45 that isn’t important phosphorus [‘fosfaros] 45 a yellow chemical powder that shines in the dark break it down 46 open it by force monster 46 cruel, wicked person mine 46 a place under the ground where coal or metal are taken out kept 46 held secretly, hid put ... scent 47 helped the dog to follow his characteristic smell cold-hearted 47 without feelings ikeness 47 similarity rich estate 47 Baskerville Hall, its land, and the money arranged 47 made plans through [0ru:] 47 using terrorized 48 frightened claim 48 demand by law the inheritance 48 the Baskerville fortune accomplice [akamplis] 48 partner, somebody who worked with him predict 48 say what will happen in the future LISTENING ACTIVITY TAPESCRIPTS WTS (p20e¢ 3-7) Z] Text pages 5-7 from “During the Great Rebellion...” to WMT (p2¢2 20-23) B] a This is a quiet place, isn't it? b That horse is going to di ¢ We are very happy, Beryl, aren't we? You will stay for lunch, Dr Watson, won't you? e You are afraid of Stapleton, aren't you, Beryl? f Our ancestors lived in those huts, didn't they? g You have lived on the moor for two years, haven't you? hi That was a human voice, wasn't it? i That wasn't the wind, was it? BDA (p200> 28-3) 3] A 1 Let's hide, Sir Henry. He must be very near. 2. Sir Henry and Watson were good at running and they were strong. 3 The fugitive was very fast. He soon got away from Watson and Sir Henry. 4 We stopped because we were tired. 5 Mrs Barrymore found a burnt letter in the fireplace. 6 Is Frankland mad? BMT (92922 56-59) Hugo Baskerville’s throat!” beaten —g_ foot b did h huts ¢ match i walk d beard j hair e live k will f bed WDD (92005 40-42) [B]a “Madam, you said that you asked Sir Charles to meet you at the moor gate.” b “Tell the Stapletons that we've gone to London,” Holmes said to Sir Henry. ¢ Holmes told Sir Henry to tell his coach driver to go. d e “Don't tell anyone about this!” Stapleton told Laura Lyons. “Stapleton asked me to divorce my husband and marry hi to Holmes ,” Laura Lyons said

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