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Name: Mohammad Adhiya Riswandha

Student no : 1331331

10 Products that are suspected to be haram for


Nowadays, we have seen that many products in Indonesia whether is coming

from outside or originally come from Indonesia. However, not all products are

being sertified by MUI as halal products but many people are still not realizing

about that phenomenon. The following are the name of products, the producer of

products and the reason why those products are suspected to be haram by

Islams perspective.

1. La-Tulipe Cosmetic

Nowadays the products of cosmetic is really popular either for women

or men. Most actors and actress or even just a normal citizen use

cosmetics. La-Tulipe Cosmetic is one product of cosmetic that is

suspected to be haram. This procuct produced by PT. Rembaka –

Sidoarjo, East Java.

The reason why it is suspected to be haram because this products is

suspected using human plasenta. Plasenta is part of human organ.

Then according to Islam. Human plasenta or organ is haram to be

used as cosmetic or any other products.

2. Nike New Balance Shoes

New Balance shoes is one of the most popular products around the
world. This products produced by Nike company and we can see that

most indoneisan people are familiar and used this product as their

shoes. However one research found that this products are suspected

as haram products because the material of soul inside nike new

balance is made from pig skin. According to Islam, we are prohibited

to use or wear anything that is coming from pig.

3. The brushes for making toast.

According to the research from farming faculty of Universitas Gadjah

Mada. They found that most brushes that is coming to Indonesia are

imported from China and those brushes are made from pig. The

argumentation is just like the previous products that according to

Islam anything that is coming from pig are prohibited to be used and

nowadays many retailer of toast used brushes to make toast.

4. Bread Talk Black Forest

Black Forest is the product from Bread Talk. Bread talk is suspected

to be haram because until now there is no sertificate for halal

products from MUI to Bread Talk. However according to the research

black forest is suspected to be haram because this product used

Rhum which is prohibited in Islam if we use it too much. Black forest

compared to another cake is the product that used rhum too much.

5. OBH Combi Plus

Obh Combi plus is becoming a debatable producs since the level of

alcohol in this products is too high. Even if this products is used for

healthy purposes, it is still suspected to be haram because this kind

of product is not urgently to be used by customers and the level of

alcohol is really high.

6. Revlon Cosmetics

Revlon Cosmetic is the products by Revlon company in America. This

products is also suspected as haram products because the substance

within Revlon is suspected using plasenta. Acccording to Islam the use

of plasenta is prohibited for muslim.

7. Ajinomoto

Ajinomoto is becoming one of the most popular debate in Indonesia.

This products is coming from PT Ajinomoto and this products is

suspected to be haram because they are suspected using pig fat as its


8. Cadbury Chocolate

Cadbury Chocolate is coming from German and has a subsidiary in

Indonesia as PT Cadbury Indonesia. This products is suspected to be

haram products because this product has the dna of pig within the

substance of Cadbury. Cadbury Chocolate is still becoming a debatable

issue since most people believe that Cadbury in Indonesia is not like

Cadbury Chocolate in another country which is haram.

9. Pocky Chocolate

Pocky Chocolate is the the product that is import from Japan. This

products is suspected to be haram product because the substance of

Pocky is suspected usuing the dna of pig or specifically the fat from pig.

10. Solaria

Solaria is one of the most popluar frenchise restaurant in Indonesia.

Solaria is becoming a trending topic when solaria is suspected as haram

products because many substance in Solaria are haram such as pig fat,

angciu or wine. This is still becoming a debatable issue which has not

been solved even if at the end MUI give halal sertificate to Solaria because

most people believed solaria still used the substance that are prohibited

in Islam.

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