Sheet1: The Forgotten 4HB Workout - The Split Sets

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The Forgotten 4HB Workout – The Split Sets

Push, Pull, Legs – repeat

5 second/5 second cadence, 8-10 reps, 1 set of each.

If you’re just getting started on lifting, take 1 day between each workout for rest. If
you’ve been lifting, for example, with Occam’s Protocol, take 2 days’ rest between
each workout day, and then increase to 3 days’ rest.
Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5
Incline Barbell Bench Press
Dips (add weight when you can)
Shoulder-width barbell shoulder press

Dumbell pullover
Bent Row (Yates’ Style)
Close grip, palms-facing pull down
Slow Dumbell Shrug (2 second pause at top)

Leg press, feet shoulder-width apart (higher reps – 12 minimum at 5/5 cadence)
Adduction machine
Hamstring curl
Leg extension
Seated calf raises

Suggested Addition - Alternate between the following two with each workout:
Myostatic Crunch and Cat Vomit – 10 each
Kettlebell swing 75 reps

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