Inaccuracies in The 2020 Census Enumeration Could Create A Misalignment Between States ' Needs

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Inaccuracies in the 2020 Census Enumeration

Could Create a Misalignment Between States’
As the most accurate reflection Douglas Strane, MPH, and Heather M. Griffis, PhD
of the United States popula-

tion, the US decennial census is
he US decennial census for the 2020 Census with respect housing units required follow-up
vital to health policymakers and provides the most compre- to the potential for inaccuracies in at a cost of more than $1.5 bil-
others at all levels of govern- hensive portrait possible of the the decennial enumeration and lion.3 Magnifying this issue, the
ment. Competing priorities re- United States population. The how census enumeration inac- 2020 Census will enumerate the
lated to cost containment and accuracy of its results is vital to curacies could affect public and largest US population in history.
the introduction of new reforms policymakers at all levels of population health. To confront these costs, the
raise concerns about the re- government and affects the Census Bureau is seeking to
sources available to the US health and well-being of people implement numerous informa-
Census Bureau to conduct an in the United States. The func- tion technology reforms, in-
accurate population enumer- tion of the census enumeration CHALLENGES FACING cluding allowing respondents to
ation in 2020. is to count each person in the THE 2020 CENSUS complete census forms online for
United States only once and in The challenges currently fac- the first time and allowing enu-
We examined the state of the
the correct place. The breadth ing the Census Bureau are sub- merators in the field to complete
Census Bureau’s preparations
of this mission supports its stantial. Specific challenges data collection on mobile
for the 2020 Census and how
wide-reaching impact on public
inaccuracies in the coming cen- confronting the 2020 Census devices.2
policy, including public health include new costs and insufficient
sus enumeration could influence At the same time, the Census
policies and interventions that funding appropriations, field Bureau has revised its 2020
public health and health equity persons in the United States testing issues, and leadership Census life-cycle estimate from
in the coming decade. The re- navigate every day. changes. $12.3 to $15.6 billion, driven
sults of the 2020 Census will be The 2020 Census’s success is
largely by the costs of new
used to allocate trillions of dol- dependent on the groundwork
technologies.4 This comes after
lars in federal funding to states, laid in the years prior, including Decennial Census Cost
and Funding Shortfall several years during which White
including support for programs development of technological
The per-household cost of House requests and congressional
vital to public health such as and personnel infrastructure. An
estimated funding shortfall of conducting a US census has appropriations for the Census
Medicaid and the Special Sup- Bureau were lower than needed.
$3.3 billion and leadership gaps risen in recent decades: in 2020-
plemental Nutrition Program for The Census Bureau has been
currently leave the US Census adjusted dollars, the 1970 per-
Women, Infants, and Children. household cost was $16, whereas instructed by Congress over the
Bureau without the resources it
Inaccuracies in the census needs to prepare for the 2020 in 2010 the cost had risen past decade that the 2020 Census
enumeration could create a Census. These concerns have led to $92 per household.2 These should cost less than the 2010
misalignment between states’ to placement of the 2020 Census cost increases have been driven Census.5,6 This funding shortfall
needs and allocation of federal on the Government Account- by declines in response that re- affects testing of new cost-saving
resources. Also, a census mis- ability Office’s high-risk list, quire follow-up with households technologies, establishment of
count of the population could which calls attention to federal in person or over the telephone. technological and personnel in-
create challenges for public agencies and programs at high In 2010, nearly 50 million frastructure, and creation of the
health surveillance and research risk as a result of mismanage-
activities that inform public ment.1 Although other elements ABOUT THE AUTHORS
of federal health policy have re- Douglas Strane is with PolicyLab, Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, Philadelphia, PA.
health policies and interven- Heather M. Griffis is with PolicyLab and the Healthcare Analytics Unit, Children’s Hospital
cently attracted far more atten-
tions. (Am J Public Health. 2018; of Philadelphia.
tion, much is at stake for the Correspondence should be sent to Douglas Strane, MPH, PolicyLab, Children’s Hospital of
108:1330–1333. doi:10.2105/
public health community as the Philadelphia, Roberts Center for Pediatric Research, 2716 South St, 10th Floor, Philadelphia, PA
AJPH.2018.304569) 2020 Census draws closer. Here 19146 (e-mail: Reprints can be ordered at by
clicking the “Reprints” link.
we examine two important This article was accepted May 22, 2018.
topics: the state of preparations doi: 10.2105/AJPH.2018.304569

1330 Perspectives From the Social Sciences Peer Reviewed Strane and Griffis AJPH October 2018, Vol 108, No. 10

community partnerships neces- came during a crucial period in the showed that White populations because representation in the
sary for success. Although Census Bureau’s preparations for the 2020 were overcounted by 0.8%, census plays an essential role in
Bureau funding increased in early Census. This is a critical time in whereas Black and Hispanic identifying public health con-
2018, a much greater increase which the Bureau requires con- populations were undercounted cerns and how resources will
will be needed in 2019 as the sistency in vision and priorities by 2.1% and 1.5%, respectively.12 be used to address them.
Bureau rapidly builds its capacity to advocate for additional Minority children in rural
to carry out the 2020 Census. funding to put in place the areas fare worse: Hispanic chil-
technological and personnel in- dren in rural communities were Funding Population
frastructure needed to conduct undercounted by 17.4% in the Health Programs
Field Test Cancellations
the census. 1990 Census, as compared with Public policy and spending
To ensure that these techno-
an undercount of 6.9% among priorities are among the most
logical reforms are carried out
Hispanic children in urban areas.8 important societal determinants
securely and successfully, testing
Renters, who are dispropor- of health and health outcomes.16
of new technologies is essential.
THE CENSUS AND tionately likely to have low in- Census-derived estimates are
Beginning in 2016, lack of
PUBLIC HEALTH comes and to be members of used widely by the federal gov-
funding spurred the cancellation
minority racial/ethnic groups, ernment to inform how billions
of census field test operations at An accurate census enumera-
were undercounted by 1.1%, of dollars are allocated each
several sites.1 The Census Bureau tion is among the most basic
whereas homeowners were year.17 A miscount in the de-
planned to conduct three “end- yet essential tools used to guide
and inform public health poli- overcounted by 0.6%.12 Al- cennial census could misalign the
to-end” tests of the census in
cymakers. The Census Bureau’s though it is possible to statistically distribution of funds with the
2018 (effectively a dress rehearsal
funding shortfall and inability adjust census counts to reflect reality of the population’s need
for the full 2020 Census carried
to adequately prepare for the undercounting via estimation for federal resources. In particu-
out in selected locations). In
2020 Census should concern the techniques, it would likely be lar, programs that support direct
July 2017, however, it was an-
public health community be- highly controversial and without health care access, such as
nounced that the tests in two
cause of the field’s reliance on historical precedent. Medicaid, and programs that
of the three locations had been
accurate data. Census data are In addition to challenges of address social determinants of
cancelled because of budgetary
undercounting faced in the past, health, such as the Special Sup-
constraints.7 This is of particular vital to three domains of public
health relevance: health equity, there are concerns about the plemental Nutrition Program
concern because these tests, in-
allocation of funding for health- willingness of Hispanic and La- for Women, Infants, and
cluding new survey methodolo-
related federal programs, and the tino immigrant communities and Children (WIC), will be
gies and outreach strategies, will
ability of public health practi- Muslim communities to partici- affected.
no longer be conducted in rural
tioners and researchers to quan- pate or self-identify in the 2020 Medicaid, the third largest
areas that have historically been
tify disease burdens in the Census because of increases in domestic program in the federal
undercounted in past census
hostility directed at these com- budget, is financed jointly by
enumerations.8 Without ade- communities they serve.
munities, as well as the addition states and the federal govern-
quate testing, the Census Bureau
of a citizenship question in this ment. The share of program costs
cannot ensure that new methods
Undercounting and census. Although the Census paid for by the federal govern-
will lead to collection of high-
Health Equity Bureau is by law prevented from ment is determined through the
quality data, that they can be
Although differential under- disclosing personally identifiable Federal Medical Assistance Per-
successfully implemented at
counting of minorities, well information, public perceptions centage (FMAP). The formula
a national scale, or that they will
documented since the 1940s, has of risk and lack of trust in gov- used to determine each state’s
ensure equitable representation
improved in recent census enu- ernment may decrease participa- FMAP is inversely proportional
of all communities in the 2020
merations, the uncertainties tion in the 2020 Census among to the state’s per capita income.
facing the 2020 Census could members of these communities.13 States with lower per capita
undermine the Bureau’s efforts to The same factors that con- income levels have a greater
Leadership Changes ensure continued representation tribute to undercounting in the number of Medicaid enrollees
In May 2017, Census Bureau of historically undercounted census, such as poverty and un- and therefore a higher FMAP,
director John Thompson abruptly populations in the census.8,9 stable housing, are also associated requiring the federal government
announced his resignation. As Undercounting can occur for with countless adverse health to pay a greater share of their
of spring 2018, a replacement has a variety of reasons, including outcomes that are of specific Medicaid program costs.18 Were
not been nominated for either omission of household addresses interest in public health equity the 2020 Census to undercount
Census Bureau director or deputy from Census Bureau mailing lists, efforts.14,15 As discussed sub- a state’s population, it would
director. Although interim lead- residences in informal housing, or sequently, however, differential artificially inflate the state’s per
ership is in place, uncertainty nonresponse to census follow-up undercounting has the potential capita income, leading the federal
created by Thompson’s departure efforts.10,11 A 2010 Census report to undermine health equity government to pay a smaller

October 2018, Vol 108, No. 10 AJPH Strane and Griffis Peer Reviewed Perspectives From the Social Sciences 1331

share of the state’s Medicaid consequences of inadequate or health services research rely on community, accurate enumera-
costs.19 An undercount, how- misaligned funding for public accurate census counts, including tion is essential to the health and
ever, would not be uniformly health and social services are the American Community Sur- well-being of people in the
distributed among the US pop- difficult to quantify but have vey, the National Health In- United States through support of
ulation; states with larger the potential to undermine im- terview Survey, and the Medical social programs such as Medicaid.
Medicaid-eligible populations provements made in population Expenditure Panel Survey. Sub- Also, basic public health activi-
could experience a greater degree health.20–23 samples of the US population, ties, research, and surveillance
of undercounting, meaning that derived in part from decennial will be disrupted without reliable
states with the greatest need for census enumeration results, are census data.
federal Medicaid support would Public Health Practice contacted to take part in surveys Representation in the census
also be those most likely to be and Research used to monitor public health and is a basic right of residents of the
fiscally affected by a census Public health agencies’ ability identify emerging trends. These United States and is outlined in
undercount. to address population-level data sets provide invaluable in- the US Constitution. The ability
Census data are also used, in- health is closely tied to the de- formation to researchers and of our country and our com-
directly, in determining the dis- cennial census. Routine and policymakers about topics such as munities to provide responsive
tribution of federal funds to states ongoing public health surveil- community-level demographic public health support to those
in support of programs such as lance efforts, including those characteristics, access to health they serve is dependent on that
WIC. The amount of funding related to disease-specific in- care services, health insurance right being fulfilled in 2020.
each state’s WIC program re- cidence, prevalence, and mor- coverage, health-related behav-
ceives is proportional to the tality, play a central role in iors, and immunizations. CONTRIBUTORS
D. Strane conceptualized the article,
state’s share of the national informing the strategy and pri- In each of these data sets, conducted background research, and
population that is eligible for orities of public health agencies. population estimates derived wrote and revised the article. H. M. Griffis
conceptualized, reviewed, and revised the
WIC according to age and in- The accuracy of these metrics from the decennial census are
come. The federal government depends on the use of population used to develop survey weights
uses the American Community denominators that reflect the true that make results generalizable to
Survey to determine the size of population.21,24 Such population the national population. A de- 1. US Government Accountability Office.
this population in each state. estimates are calculated each year cennial census undercount of Progress on many high-risk areas, while
The survey’s estimates, produced after the decennial census through marginalized populations could substantial efforts needed on others.
Available at:
each year by the Census Bureau, a combination of census results therefore mean that members of assets/690/682765.pdf. Accessed June 12,
are weighted to adhere to de- and vital records.25 marginalized communities are 2018.
cennial census enumerations. Problems with the 2020 inadequately or incorrectly rep- 2. US Census Bureau. 2020 census op-
An undercount of a state’s Census enumeration, such as resented in research findings used erational plan. Available at: https://
WIC-eligible population in the inconsistent undercounting or to steer health policy decisions,
2020 Census would be propa- overcounting, could therefore identify new public health pri- planning-docs/2020-oper-plan2.pdf.
gated in American Community bias the population estimates used orities, and evaluate progress Accessed June 12, 2018.
Survey estimates for the next to determine population-level made toward public health goals. 3. US Census Bureau, Decennial Statis-
decade and could result in an disease burdens. Without reliable tical Studies Division. 2010 census non-
insufficient allocation of WIC population estimates, public response follow-up operations assessment.
Available at:
funds to that state.17 health surveillance could mis- 2010census/pdf/2010_Census_NRFU_
Similar concerns apply to identify community disease CONCLUSION Operations_Assessment.pdf. Accessed
Section 8 housing choice burdens, making it difficult to The mission of the US census June 12, 2018.
vouchers, Head Start, Early Head target public health interventions to give representation to every 4. US House of Representatives. Written
statement: Wilbur Ross, secretary of
Start, the Low Income Home to the right population at the person within the country’s
commerce. Available at: https://
Energy Assistance Program, Title right time or to evaluate the ef- borders requires a complex combi-
I grants to local education fects of interventions already in nation of administrative, financial, uploads/2017/10/Written-SWLR-
agencies, and many other pro- place. An undercount would logistical, and community- HOGR-Testimony-FINAL.pdf.
Accessed June 12, 2018.
grams that promote health and have a disproportionate impact engaged coordination. Although
5. Census Project. 2020 census funding.
the social and economic well- on the very populations (e.g., the census is historically under-
Available at:
being of US residents.17 These low-income, housing-insecure, funded, the 2020 Census has 2017/09/08/2020-census-funding-this-
federal programs support the or minority groups) most likely to particularly inadequate financial chart-says-it-all. Accessed June 12, 2018.
foundations of public health for be the target of public health resources relative to previous 6. US Congress. Departments of Com-
the most vulnerable populations activities as a result of their overall decades, leading to the cancella- merce and Justice, and Science, and
Related Agencies Appropriations Bill.
in the United States and counter increased disease burden.14,15 tion of important tests of new
Available at:
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health disparities. The long-term widely used in public health and importance to the public health senate-report/78. Accessed June 12, 2018.

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October 2018, Vol 108, No. 10 AJPH Strane and Griffis Peer Reviewed Perspectives From the Social Sciences 1333

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