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Kennedy Snowden


PR 3312 - 201

Press Conference Assignment

1) Compare and contrast these press conferences


● OBD police headquarters

Texas Tech University

● Lubbock Texas

Miami University
● Miami University

High Credibility Speakers

● Police Cheif Todd Schmaderer
● City Mayor
● Langley Productions President & Executive Producer

Texas Tech University

● Dr. Tedd L. Mitchell - Chancellor
● Lori Rice-Spearman - Ph.D., the chief academic officer
● Lawrence E. Schovanec President of Texas Tech University
● Lubbock Mayor Dan Pope attended
Miami University
● Greg Crawford President of Miami University
● Amy Acton - Director of the Ohio Department of Health
● Jennifer Bailer - Direct Commissioner

Amount of Speakers / Length / Topics covered

● Four Speakers
○ Police Cheif Schmaderer
■ Spoke the majority of the press conference
■ Gave a detailed series of events that occurred in the shooting
■ Included specific times & names
○ Mayor Staford
■ Spoke about one to two minutes
■ Gave sympathy
■ Spoke on behalf of of the police department
■ Ensured an orderly investigation
○ Langley Productions President & Executive Producer
■ Spoke around four minutes
■ Specific speaker answered specific questions
■ Calm & collected

Texas Tech University

● Three Speakers
○ Dr. Tedd L. Mitchell
■ Spoke for about eight minutes
■ Informed “snapshot” of a plan regarding COVID-19
■ Establishes relatability as a parent & physician
■ Rambled information
○ Dr. Lori Rice-Spearman
■ Spoke for about two minutes
■ Announces suspension of face to face classes
■ Prioritizes health
■ Gives resources/ website available for future updates
■ Gives a plan for the public included to follow
○ Lawrence E. Schovanec
■ Spoke about five minutes
■ Reinforces plan for the university in regards to transitioning
online due to COVID-19
■ Cancellations of study travels
■ Campus open - gives an explanation of why
■ Explains precautions taken in sanitary regards
■ Sports - fan-less format/cancelation of tournaments

Miami University
● Three Speakers
○ Greg Crawford
■ Spoke for about 45 seconds
■ Opens the press conference/ introductions
■ Addresses the possible COVID-19 cases in the university
■ Answered press questions
○ Dr. Amy Acton
■ Spoke for four minutes
■ Apologizes for the late timing of long-awaited results
■ Declares negative test results
■ Gives resources/ website available for future updates
■ Gives recognition of thanks to Health Departments
○ Jennifer Bailer
■ Spoke for about three minutes
■ Shares further detail
■ Establishes relatability
■ Funding plan that will be implemented

Story Execution / Tone

● Story was full of detail
● More than just the facts, he told a story
● Emotional/sincere/respectful tone
● Included visuals

Texas Tech University

● Serious/ informative tone
● Unnecessary repetition
● Unnatural “flow”
● Felt unprepared

Miami University
● Confident delivery
● Compassionate / relatable
● Short and to the point
● Clear/concise

Response to Questions

● Welcoming to the media / respectful
● Addresses local news press first
● Gave detailed to the point answers
● Is in complete control of questions

Texas Tech University

● Scattered in responses
● Unprepared answers
● Speakers unorganized in who responded when

Miami University
● Prepared answers/ responses
● Short to the point answers
● Scattered transitions amongst speakers
● Media had control

Comparing all three press conferences to each other it is easy to say the
COPS press conference had the most structure/agenda. The university’s press
conferences were scattered in their speaker transitions, as well as in the responses.
The press seems to have more control over these two conferences. It is evident
through the recordings which companies were more prepared. The importance of
speaker order, transitions and length of speaking is crucial to the flow of a press

2) Discuss what you think the PR writer’s function was for these press

The PR writer must gather and invite the media to a press conference in

order to share the announcements or matters of concern. This includes direct

invitations to reporters to make them want to hear your story. The PR writer must

also declare the time and place of where these press conferences are being held and
must be aware of the reporter’s deadlines. Usually 10 a.m. is a good time to hold a

press conference because it gives the reporters time to get the story on air by noon.

Timing also depends on the importance and urgency of when that story needs to be


The PR writer is in charge of the overall schedule of the press conference

and organizing the speakers in a timely manner. This may also include a moderator

to ensure organization and punctual timing. Press conferences should only last

about 45 minutes, this also includes the time for questions. If there is more than

one speaker, each person should state three to five points within five minutes or

less. Recording the conference is also of great importance.

The PR person must also decide on a convenient location for the media.

Technical facilities must be made sure to be working correctly, this is because the

media’s backbone relies on technology. As a PR writer, they have a media kit

prepared for the press conference, which contains the information of what is being

spoken on. Not only is this person responsible for who is attending, but also for

who is speaking and who is available at the press conference. The people who are

chosen to speak play a huge role in why the media is interested in hearing the


After the important information is delivered it is crucial the PR writer

prepares enough information to respond to questions from the media. If there are
multiple speakers, the PR person must organize which speaker will answer what

kind of questions beforehand. The moderator must be alert while questions are

being asked in order to diverge away from certain questions if needed.

Following the press conference, it is the PR persons responsibility to follow

up with news teams to make sure they have received everything necessary. This

also includes sharing the recording and media kit to press teams that were

unavailable during that specific time of the conference.

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