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Old Abilities
Known Bugs


19 + 2.7

22 + 2.4
25 + 2.9

Level 0 1 15 25 30
Health 200 580 1320 1860 2140
Health regen 0 1.9 5.68 8.38 9.73
Mana 75 375 855 1203 1383
Mana regen 0 1.25 3.28 4.73 5.46
Armor -1 2.67 8.27 12.27 14.27
Att/sec 0.68 0.81 1 1.14 1.22
Damage 18‒32 43‒57 83‒97 112‒126 127‒141
Magic resistance 25%
 Movement speed 290
 Attack speed 115
Turn rate 0.6
Vision range 1800/800
Attack range 600
Projectile speed 900
Attack animation 0.5+0.5
Base attack time 1.7
Damage block 0
Collision size 24
Legs 2 
Gib type Default

Nortrom, the Silencer, is a ranged intelligence hero who can be played as

a support, carry, or initiator. He is one of the few intelligence heroes that truly benefit from
intelligence items and is effective against heroes that rely mostly on spells, as he
can silence them while stealing their intelligence and adding it to his own. He is a notorious
anti-caster hero who can disrupt the magical abilities of his enemies and cripple
spellcasters throughout the game. Arcane Curse slows and causes enemies to lose health
for a set duration, but increases with each spell the enemy casts, forcing them to either wait
and cast no spell until it expires, or cast spells and prolong the debuff and thus take more
damage. Last Word places a curse on Nortrom's target that damages and silences for a
long duration if the target casts a spell. If the target does not cast a spell before the curse
duration ends the effects are the same. Glaives of Wisdom is an active attack modifier that
deals a percentage of Nortrom's intelligence as pure damage, as well as steal intelligence
with every attack. On top of that, the glaives also allow him to permanently steal the
intelligence of enemy heroes that die near him or are directly killed by him, adding it to his
own. This rewards his presence in teamfights, also making his glaives ever stronger as the
battle goes on. Nortrom's ultimate, Global Silence, silences all enemy units on the map for
a few seconds. A well-timed Global Silence can be used to save yourself or an ally, initiate
a teamfight, or ruin the enemy's initiation.


 1Bio
 2Abilities
 3Talents
 4Recent Changes
 5Recommended items
 6Gameplay
 7Audio
 8History
 9Equipment
 10Trivia
 11Gallery

Nortrom, the Silencer
 "Enemies should be seen and not heard."
Part of the seventh and final generation of a carefully designed pedigree, Nortrom was bred by the ancient
order of the Aeol Drias to be the greatest magic user the world had ever seen. He was the prophesied
one, the culmination of two-hundred years of careful pairings, a war-mage who would bring glory to the
order, and destruction to their sworn enemies, The Knights of the Fold. Raised with other young mages in
a hidden cantonment among the hills of the Hazhadal barrens, the order's preceptors waited for Nortrom’s
abilities to manifest. While the other students honed their talents with fire, or ice, or incantatory spells,
Nortrom sat silent and talentless, unable to cast so much as a hex. As the day of final testing approached,
he still hadn’t found his magic. In disgust, the preceptors berated him, while the children laughed. “You are
no mage,” the head of the order declared. Still, Nortrom did not slink away. He entered the day of testing
and faced down the young mages who had mocked him. And then his preceptors learned a valuable
lesson: a lack of magic can be the greatest magic of all. Nortrom silenced the young mages one by one
and defeated them in single combat, until he alone stood as champion of the Aeol Drias, in fulfillment of
the prophecy.
Michael Gregory (Responses)

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