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Actividad integradora 5.

Be a
positive thinker.

Nombre del estudiante: Ángel Iván López Moreno. Nombre del facilitador:
ERICK RENE PEREZ PEREZ, Grupo: M3C1G19-B1-003. Modulo: 7. Fecha
límite de entrega: Domingo/2/08/2020
Mi vida en otra lengua
Semana 3
Unit IV. My goals

Actividad integradora 5. Be a positive thinker.

1. Think about things you would like to improve in your life, what you are planning to do in the next year, and what you are going to achieve in two
years. Then, write your answers in the next table.
(Piensa acerca de las cosas que te gustaría mejorar en tu vida, qué estás planeando hacer el siguiente año y qué vas a lograr en dos años.
Después, escribe tus respuestas en la siguiente tabla.)

What would you like to What are you planning to do next What are you going to achieve in
improve in your life? year? two years?

My character, because I Be a stable person in my Be a better person and more
think I'm very angry. thoughts and projects. positive in any situation that
(About myself)
comes my way.

Have a good relationship Change friends and meet new Have a good relationship wint
(family and friends) with my brother. people. my family and friends.

Be a little bit more patient To be up to date with my Be studying my degree in the

person to understand activities in order to obtain career what I decide.
different topics. my certificate with a good

Have a stable job. Search for a better paid job. Have a better and stable
economy for me.

Mi vida en otra lengua
Semana 3
Unit IV. My goals

2. Write a paragraph of 5 to 8 lines, describing how you will be in 5 years.

(Escribe un párrafo de 5 a 8 líneas, describiendo cómo serás en 5 años.)

In 5 years I can see myself studying my master's degree in computing, I will have a better job, more stable and
better. I will happy with my family, because we are going to have a vacation, thus reinforcing family ties to always
get ahead and be a better person. I can see myself with plans to buy my own house and help my parents and family
in whatever they need. I also see myself as a responsible person with values showing the importance of

3. Read and record the answers to the questions. Paste the audio link here.
(Lee y graba las respuestas de las preguntas. Pega aquí la liga del audio.)

My audio or URL
(Copy the URL of your audio here.)

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