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The diagram illustrates how the Australian Bureau of Meteorology gets the latest information on the weather

in order to make accurate weather predictions.

Overall, the steps can be divided into three parts: getting and analyzing information, preparing the broadcast,
and broadcasting the forecasts.

Firstly, to get the most up-to-date information, the bureau relies on three equipment: satellites, radars, and
drifting buoys. The satellite is the most advanced equipment since it can record satellite pictures, radar
screen, and synoptic chart, while others can only record one or two types of information. These pieces of
information will be transmitted to the bureau’s office.
When the bureau’s office got the data through their computer, they will start analyzing it and make an
appropriate prediction based on the available information. The results then get prepared by the bureau’s
offices before it gets broadcasted. When the forecast is ready, the public will get their weather information
through television, radio, or recorded announcements on the telephone.

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