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Integration Paper

Mavy Tiu 11/13/19



By Richard Heydarian
Among all the rulers in modern times, the French King Louis XIV most fully embodied the
megalomaniac principle of “L’etat c’est moi” (“I am the state”). Also known as the “Sun King,”
Louis XIV transformed medieval despotism into modern statecraft. Single-handedly, he pioneered
authoritarian absolutism, the gold standard of personality cult and one-man rule later replicated by
a wide range of leaders from Stalin to Mao to Marcos.
In power for almost seven decades, Louis XIV was one of the longest-serving monarchs in
human history. At the heart of his absolute and long-lasting reign was unbridled sycophancy. It was
dictatorship through complicity, thanks to a feckless and self-serving ruling elite. As historian
Robert Massie explains, the Palace of Versailles, built to celebrate the glory of the Sun King, was
the epicenter of unfettered political opportunism. “Dukes helped [the King] to pull off his
nightshirt and pull on his breeches,” with everyone shamelessly “jostl[ing] for the privilege of
presenting the King with his chaise percée (his ‘chair with a hole in it’), then crowded around while
the King performed his daily natural functions.
“So glorified was the monarch that even when his dinner was passing by, courtiers raised
their hats and swept them on the ground in salute, declaring respectfully, ‘La viande du roi’ (‘The
King’s dinner’),” writes Massie.
Arrogant, self-absorbed and viciously inconsiderate, Louis XIV, who sent countless ordinary
Frenchmen to death through mindless wars, managed to hold on to power precisely because no one
dared to challenge his absolute rule.
A century later, however, France became a beacon of freedom and republican democracy,
thanks to the revolt of the masses under conscientious and patriotic leaders who saw the state as
the servant of “the people” rather than an instrument of despots.
Today’s authoritarian populists have eagerly sought to emulate the “Sun King,” with one
even hailed by some of his supporters as “the best president in the solar system.” Thankfully, we
also have our own version of freedom fighters who are willing to break the shackles of absolutism.
While much of the Philippine political elite have defected to our own “Sun King,” a few brave souls
have stood their ground. One is the duly elected Vice President, Leni Robredo, who, with her
undaunted fire of conviction and quiet dignity of public service, has bravely survived a years-long
destabilization campaign against her democratic mandate.
Thanks to Robredo’s tenacity, President Duterte was forced to effectively acknowledge her
democratic mandate by appointing the VP to colead his dearest policy, the war on drugs—an
appointment Robredo accepted, despite it being a risky move opposed by many of her closest
allies. But Robredo rightly chose national interest above her own political safety. Now, she can
help revamp a broken drug war, which has led to thousands of deaths among the poorest Filipinos
while failing to produce even a single high-profile conviction.
Social Weather Stations surveys have shown that 9 out of 10 Filipinos oppose extrajudicial
killings, while 7 out of 10 Filipinos fear ending up as victims to the mindless violence. Consistent
with this public demand, Robredo has called for an end to the bloody “antipoor” tokhang
operations, the use of body cameras on law enforcers to ensure due process, and the recognition of
public health-based and rehabilitation-focused solutions to the drug problem.
In effect, the VP is following exactly the advice of top experts and the former Colombian
president César Gaviria, who had warned Mr. Duterte in a New York Times op-ed that “the war
against [drugs] cannot be won by armed forces and law enforcement agencies alone.” This was the
same president who, unlike Mr. Duterte, actually neutralized “big fish,” including the most
infamous of them all, Pablo Escobar.
Robredo’s struggle for sound policy and political sanity owes much to kindred souls such as
Sen. Leila de Lima, who has sacrificed her personal freedom to stave off a catastrophic public
policy. Soon, the senator will be marking her third year in captivity, based on what many human
rights groups and experts have decried as trumped-up charges. Long before Robredo’s Phoenix-like
transformation, De Lima led the march for freedom against darkness. The arc of history perhaps
does bend toward justice, and the last man standing would be these steely, truly formidable

The political issue discussed here is the drug war wherein Vice President Leni Robredo steps
up to oppose and put an end to the extrajudicial killings in President Rodrigo Duterte’s fight
against drugs. The vice president values the interest of the people, deciding that this drug war
should need peaceful or non-killing methods. This shows Robredo highlighting democracy against
the dictatorial-like governance of Duterte.
In this article we could see that most Filipinos are not fond of unethical or drastic measures
in fighting drugs. Other countries mostly in the westerns have heavy punishments like death
penalty to cases involving illegal drugs. However, it seems like most Filipinos are heavily influenced
by the church, where human life is a sacred thing. So, I think in our society there are two main
rivals, the government and the church since our country is mostly Catholics (a result of the long
years of Spanish colonization). The contrasting beliefs of the two parties sometimes creates
confusion particularly in this issue of extrajudicial killings.
Integration Paper

Mavy Tiu 11/21/19



By: Christia Marie Ramos
MANILA, Philippines — Old jeepney units that will pass a roadworthiness test will be allowed
to continue serving their routes beyond 2020 despite the government’s public utility vehicle (PUV)
modernization program.
During the plenary deliberation on the proposed 2020 budget of the Department of
Transportation (DOTr) on Wednesday, Senator Sherwin Gatchalian said the agency had agreed to
allow public utility jeepneys “to ply on the road as long as they pass the motor vehicle inspection
system or roadworthiness test.”
Sen. Grace Poe, the chairperson of the Senate Public Services Committee, had earlier
appealed to the DOTr to let old vehicles that pass roadworthiness tests stay on the road.
The DOTr’s PUV modernization program, which was launched in 2017 to rationalize the
country’s public transportation system, requires jeepney operators to replace their old units with
Euro-4 powered, industry-standard units.
Poe said the DOTr had admitted during previous budget hearings that it has only so far
modernized 2,595 jeepney units or 1.5 percent of its target since the program’s inception.
“This is a bit off target,” she said.
Nevertheless, Poe welcomed DOTr’s decision to scale down its modernization program.
“This is actually also for their sake, I mean it will be a lot more pragmatic for us, expedient
that if it’s still pliable, if it’s safe and then it doesn’t have any adverse emissions, that it be
allowed and then it will also save a lot,” she said.
Certainly, there are still a lot of people opposing to the government's idea of phasing out public
utility jeepneys (PUJs) and being replaced by modernized ones. You see, our country lacks cultural
heritages. I think the common reason for those who are opposing is that they value the cultural weight of
this jeepneys in our country, since it has been one of our trademarks. However, the government sees this as
a hindrance to their plans of a better future especially that most old jeepneys are great air polluters.
Another thing is that it seemed like jeepney operators are scared to partake in the modernization
program and the consequences or adjustments they must face for that. Change is inevitable and lots of
people are afraid of it, fearing they may fail in coping with it.
Lastly, I have observed that the modernization program is not successful. Based on what I know on
government implementations, there are times they lack deep understanding to the situation, creating
decisions that I don't think are best decisions. In the end, some laws or orders are being criticized or are
Integration Paper

Mavy Tiu 11/27/19



By: JC Gotinga
'Ang sabi nila dati, almost ready and complete na.... Bakit nangyari ang mga ganito?'
says Senator Bong Go, hitting the SEA Games organizers, who are led by House Speaker Alan
Peter Cayetano
BONG GO. The senator and trusted aide of President Rodrigo Duterte says he will
investigate inefficiencies in the Philippines' hosting of the 2019 Southeast Asian Games.
MANILA, Philippines – Senator Bong Go said organizers of the 2019 Southeast Asian
(SEA) Games, which the Philippines is hosting, will be made "answerable" for "apparent
inefficiencies" that have hounded the arrival, transfer, and billeting of local and foreign
athletes in the past few days – and any other issue that may come up during the 12-day
"Ang sabi nila dati, almost ready and complete na ang preparation, venues, and
everything that will be used for the games. As of October 30, 2019, PHISGOC (Philippine
Southeast Asian Games Organizing Committee) stated that preparations are 90% complete.
Bakit nangyari ang mga ganito?" Go said in a privilege speech delivered at the Senate on
Monday afternoon, November 25.
(They said before, the preparation, venues, and everything that will be used for the
games were almost ready and complete. As of October 30, 2019, PHISGOC stated that
preparations are 90% complete. How come these have happened?)
"To all the parties, tandaan ninyo, ang kapalpakan ng isa ay kapalpakan nating lahat
(one's failure is the failure of us all). Let me remind everyone that you will be answerable
to the President and most especially to the Filipino people," Go added.
Over the weekend, logistical problems unraveled as football teams from Cambodia,
Myanmar, Thailand, and Timor-Leste started arriving in Manila. Some of them waited hours
at the airport to be picked up, only to be brought to the wrong hotel. Others slept for hours
on hotel floors waiting for rooms to become available. Still others had to cancel practice
sessions either because the venue was not ready or too far from their hotel.
Even the Philippine women's football team was not spared – they had to wait hours to
be checked into rooms, and were forced to share whatever were available with 3 to 4 of
their teammates.
On Sunday, November 24, PHISGOC apologized to the teams for the "inconvenience"
and "confusion."
"Hindi apology ang kailangan natin ngayon. Hindi ito madadaan sa apology lamang.
Ang kailangan, gisingin lahat, huwag papatay-patay," said Go, who earlier defended
PHISGOC as organizer of the games during Senate plenary deliberations on the budget of
the Philippine Sports Commission (PSC).
(An apology is not what we need right now. A mere apology will not do. What's
needed is to wake everyone up, no sleeping on the job.)
Go, as head of the Senate committee on sports, sponsored the PSC's budget, and was
asked by his colleagues to justify outsourcing the games' handling to PHISGOC, a "private"
entity led by House Speaker Alan Peter Cayetano.
Go and Cayetano are close allies of President Rodrigo Duterte.
"The PSC, along with the DBM (Department of Budget and Management) procurement
service, is the main implementor of the funding and public procurement aspect of the
games. On the other hand, PHISGOC is primarily responsible for the planning and actual
preparations, organization, management, and execution of the hosting of the 30th
Southeast Asian Games, while the POC (Philippine Olympic Committee) takes charge of
running the technical aspects of all sporting events," Go explained in his privilege speech.
The senator and right-hand man to the President said he would be ready to
investigate whatever hitches may happen during the SEA Games, but only after the entire
tournament is finished.
For now, he called for "unity" to get through the hosting as smoothly as possible.
"Kahit na may iba't ibang responsibilidad na nakatoka sa PHISGOC, sa PSC, sa POC,
hindi ibig sabihin nito na wala tayong pakialam sa isa't isa. Huwag tayo magkanya-kanya,"
Go said.
(Even though there are different responsibilities assigned to PHISGOC, the PSC, and
the POC, it does not mean we won't mind one another's business. Let's not be divided.)
"The reputation of the country is at stake," he added.
The 2019 SEA Games will officially open on Saturday, November 30, at the Philippine
Arena in Bocaue, Bulacan. It will run until December 11.
It seemed that the three mentioned government departments responsible for
the SEA Games failed to do their jobs. Knowing this side of story of the whole issue
makes me want to think what really happened with all the preparation like was there
any corruption that hindered the process? The government seems to be unprepared
or lacking when it comes to sports funds. Our national players suffer as well as the
international representatives. We, Filipinos are known for hospitality and this issue is
putting as in to shame.
As Bong Go stated that “...ang kapalpakan ng isa ay kapalpakan nating lahat", I
have realized that in our society, no one is to have all the blame. We all have
different share of how things happen or that we are all responsible for what happens
around us. So, this issue is everyone's fault in our own ways and in our own ways we
may help to fix this issue.
Integration Paper

Mavy Tiu 12/5/19



By: Kristine Joy Patag
MANILA, Philippines — Interior and Local Government Secretary Eduardo Año on Wednesday
directed the Philippine National Police to go after vandals for disregarding the law and defacing
government properties.
Año gave the order as he asserted that the arrest of four members of Panday Sining—including a
minor—for painting over an LRT post last Bonifacio Day is “just and lawful.”
The Department of the Interior and Local Government chief pointed out that the authorities
already gave the group a warning when it painted Lagusnilad overpass last month, but the group went
on with their protest art in different places in Manila.
“Instead of stopping, they went on defacing their surroundings. They are not listening to the
authorities. This is too much. Enough,” Año said in Filipino.
Police in civilian clothes arrested the four members of Panday Sining last Saturday. There were
reports that that the activists were manhandled during the arrest, with "at least one was kicked in the
chest during the process of arrest."
Vandalism is prohibited in the City of Manila under Ordinance No. 7971, which penalizes any
person who defaces public and private property.
Panday Sining said the protest was done in the context of "de facto martial law" and the
government's operations against legal activist groups in its "whole of nation approach" against
communist rebels.
"Protest art in the time of narrowing space for free and critical thinking is not only just but
necessary," it added.
Panday Sining and other artists groups called for the release of the four.
Año stressed that while the government “respects their groups’ freedom of expression, such as
freedom is bounded by rules and regulations in order to ensure law and order.”
“Don’t make Metro Manila a big drawing board or canvass. There are a lot of ways to express
your insights and your incessant painting over the walls of Manila is not included in them,” Año also
DILG Undersecretary Jonathan Malaya, the agency’s spokesperson, also said that the public is
also “fed up” with the group’s “antics.”
“Discipline first before complaining and protesting,” he said in Filipino.

The group of artists behind these so-called protest arts are calling out to the release
of their arrested colleagues claiming that they have freedom of expression. It seemed that
these artists have misunderstood the meaning of freedom. Although, I understand that
these activists are sharing their opinions upon the political state today, their murals are not
legal, a vandal to be exact. The law exempts no one and it is how it should be. No matter
how it looks or what it implies, it is a violation in our law and the activists will have to face
the consequences.
In an online article by the Amherst College, “an activist is anyone who is fighting for
change in society”. It’s good that there are people like those members of Panday Sining,
mindful citizens to what is happening in our nation. Their viewpoints in the form of art and
text communicate or interact with people, which is a creative and less violent way of
doing so. Sadly, it would have been better if they had a legal platform for their protest
Integration Paper

Mavy Tiu 1/27/20



By: Maila Ager
MANILA, Philippines — It’s not just the quality of teachers but also lack of nutrition that
were to blame for children’s poor performance in school, Senator Cynthia Villar said Monday.
At a Senate hearing, Villar railed against the Department of Agriculture (DA) and the
National Dairy Authority (NDA), which she said were partly at fault that school children do not
perform well.
“Kaya yung mga estudyante n’yo naging bobo na kasi hindi n’yo tinulungan sa proper
nutrition,” said the senator, who presided over the hearing of the Senate committee on
agriculture, which she chairs.
(That’s why your students have become dumb because you did not help them with
proper nutrition.)
“Hndi naman reason nun ‘yung quality of teachers alone but the proper nutrition ng
children, especially the poor children, kaya sinisi ko ‘yang Department of Agriculture,” she added.
(The quality of teachers alone is not the reason but the proper nutrition of children,
especially the poor children  that’s why I’m blaming the Department of Agriculture)
According to Villar, the Philippine Carabao Center and National Dairy Authority have been in
existence for 26 years but dairy production in the Philippines is only at one percent of the demand
while 99 percent are all imported.
“Syempre ‘pag mahirap ang bata, kaya bang bumili ng imported? ‘Di hindi. So wala
nang nagdri-drink ng milk na mahihrap na mga bata kaya partly to blame kayo sa kabobohan ng mga
bata,” Villar said.
(Of course, if a child is poor, can the child afford to buy imported? Of course not. So there
are no poor kids drinking milk that’s why you are partly to blame for their stupidity)
DA and NDA, she said, are also partly to blame for the Philippines’ low ranking in the
Programme for International Student Assessment 2018 of the Organization for Economic
Cooperation and Development. 
“Yung dairy program n’yo, partly to blame kaya hindi lang kasalanan ‘yun ng Department of
Agriculture, kasalanan din n’yo kasi kung walang available na murang gatas para sa mga bata,
paaanong iinom ng murang gatas ang mga bata?” the senator went on.
(Your dairy program is partly to blame, that’s why it’s not just the fault of the Department
of Agriculture alone, it’s your fault also because if there’s no affordable milk available
for kids, how could they drink milk?)
Before this, Villar also castigated concerned officials present in the hearing for their alleged
failure to promote the government’s farm school and tourist farm programs.
She said she even allotted P1.4 billion budget under the Technical Education and Skills
Development Authority to fund students in farm school where a P100,000 income could be
generated monthly.
“Bakit ‘di n’yo pino-promote ‘yun? Kaya ko lang ginawa ‘yun to make our farmers richer so
ba’t hindi n’yo pino-promote ‘yun?” she repeatedly asked.
(Why are you not promoting that? I just want to make our farmers richer so why are you not
promoting that?)
As a government official, Senator Cynthia Villar failed to assess the situation about the real cause of
Filipinos being ranked low in the said assessment. The possible causes would’ve been the student’s
unwillingness to learn attitude; lack of financial support and the like. I as a student don’t even think that
milk greatly affects our educational status.
For me, the problem here is the senator’s lack of awareness or knowledge about the actual scenarios
in the daily lives of students. Her basis is only paper reports and by these she turns to blame the
Department of Agriculture. The government isn’t the only one to blame; in fact, the fault is on to the
citizens as well because we affect each other in different ways.
I’d say the past educational system had produced job-ready graduates than in this time. Favoring the
students in our current system creates incompetent graduates who lack experience in the adult life since
most of them think that student days are easy and are not aware of the life after graduating.
Integration Paper

Mavy Tiu 2/4/20



MANILA - Health officials on Monday urged the public to avoid panic buying of
face masks and give way to health workers and those with existing illnesses.
Surgical masks have become scarce as more Filipinos sought to protect
themselves against the novel coronavirus, which originated in the central Chinese
city of Wuhan. 
The country on Saturday recorded its first fatality related to the new strain of
virus following the death of a 44-year-old Chinese man from Wuhan.
Drug stores' supply of the N95 mask, designed to protect against dust, was also
depleted following the eruption of Taal Volcano last Jan. 12.
"Ang priority natin dito ay healthcare workers. Sila talaga ang humaharap sa
mga may sakit, at 'yung matatanda na meron nang underlying medical problems,"
Health Secretary Francisco Duque told radio DZMM.
"Mahirap [maubusan ng] mask eh 'yung mga taong nangangailangan, baka lalo
tayong magkaproblema sa huli."
A manufacturer of face masks in Bataan has committed to producing 400,000
masks per week and the Philippine International Trading Corporation is also seeking
suppliers from abroad, according to Trade Secretary Ramon Lopez.
Aside from wearing masks, the public may avoid contracting the disease by
frequent handwashing, according to Health Undersecretary Eric Domingo.
Instead of just warning the public to not panic buy masks, they should allot the supplies of masks to
the health workers and in-need sick people. Basically, the supplies of face masks should be directly given to
them not in a sense that they have to buy it from the market.
However, we also have a share in this issue of scarcity. There are also greedy business-peoples who
took advantage of the current situation by hoarding masks. It is true, we must give way for those who are
much in need, in our society, each must have a mindset that considers the wellbeing of others and not just
Mask supplies shortened since Taal erupted lately, and the panic buying that happened then might be
one of the causes why it is happening again this time in prevention of nCOV. In these kind of scenario, most
people often think of themselves and their families first before other people.
Integration Paper

Mavy Tiu 2/12/20



By: Ian Biong
A priest claimed that unlike abortion, “pedophilia doesn’t kill anyone,” days after
barring lawmakers who support abortion rights from attending church events and getting
communion from his parish in Rhode Island, United States.
Rev. Richard Bucci of the Sacred Heart Church maintained this stance, saying others
might compare abortion to pedophilia, a controversy which has been hounding the Catholic
Church for a long time.
“We are not talking about any other moral issue, where some may make it a
comparison between pedophilia and abortion. Pedophilia doesn’t kill anyone and this
does,” Bucci told NBC-affiliate WJAR on Feb. 10.
The 72-year-old priest added that abortion is the slaughter of innocent children,
claiming that more have been killed by abortion than there are children who have been
sexually abused.
Bucci distributed fliers last week where he called out each lawmaker who last year
voted to preserve the right to an abortion in the state, as per local paper Providence
Journal on Feb. 1.
“In accord with the teaching of the Catholic Church for 2,000 years, the following
members of the legislature may NOT receive Holy Communion, as are all the officers of the
state of Rhode Island, as well as Rhode Island’s members of Congress,” the fliers were
quoted as stating.
These legislators would not be allowed to act as witnesses to marriage, godparents or
lectors at any church functions, according to the report.
Child sexual abuse and suicide
Amid Bucci’s claim that “pedophilia doesn’t kill anyone”, studies have found out that
child abuse has been linked to deaths, mainly through suicide.
For one, a study by experts from the University of Manchester and University of South
Wales concluded that people who were sexually abused as children are three times more
likely to commit suicide.
The research, published in Psychological Medicine early last year, showed that
children who experienced multiple abuses (sexual, mental, emotional, physical) are five
times more likely to take their own lives.
The study highlighted another research in 2010 which found that between 1964 and
1995, people who had been sexually abused are 18 times more likely to commit suicide.
‘Laughable defense’
Bucci stressed that he is acting in accordance with the Canon Law of the Church.
“If they are proud of what they have done, why do they want to keep it a secret?”
the priest was quoted as saying about the legislators. “We all hear about responsibility. Let
them take responsibility. If they think this is a good and wholesome and holy thing … they
should be proud of it, and why should I hide that from my parishioners?”
Democratic state representative Justine Caldwell meanwhile refuted Bucci’s claim of
lawmakers hiding their votes, calling the Church’s defense as “laughable.”
“None of our votes are hidden – I campaigned on this issue! If they just wanted to do
a PSA, they didn’t have to say we couldn’t be godparents or receive communion. No one
has a problem with their votes on the record,” she said on Twitter on Feb. 2.
“They have a problem with the lack of respect for the separation of church and state,
and for our votes on behalf of our constituents being punished by a church who protected
child abusers,” she said in her following tweet.
The priest’s decision to publicly call out the legislators came shortly after the 47th
anniversary of Roe v. Wade, the landmark case in the U.S. back in 1973 that gave pregnant
women the option to have an abortion.
Today, the church is separated from the state. This was caused by the different
perspectives and beliefs of the two institutions. In the news, it seemed like the church or
rather the priest is taking revenge from those lawyers who voted for the abortion law,
showing how the government is independent or free from religious influences.
Rev. Richard Bucci had banned those legislative officers from attending church
activities and added that they are even ashamed to reveal who are those who voted. For
me, the church still want to push its beliefs in the government’s leadership even when this
is all already long settled issue in the past when the French revolution happened and
everything in the society was secularized. Also, we are living in a modern world where
science mostly explains everything and this transition, new ideas, new beliefs, new
concept; the religious sector is surely having a hard time to adjust here.
Integration Paper

Mavy Tiu 2/27/20



By: Darryl John Esguerra

MANILA, Philippines — The Senate has approved on third and final reading a bill seeking the
establishment of a dedicated national high school offering a secondary course with special
emphasis on developing the athletic skills of the students through subjects pertaining to physical
education and sports development.
Voting 21-0-0, the Senate approved on Wednesday Senate Bill No. 1086 or “The Philippine
High School for Sports Act of 2019.”
According to Senator Sherwin Gatchalian, chair of Senate committee on education, arts, and
culture, the passage of the measure will help “train and develop future generations of world
champion Philippine athletes.”
Despite the fact that Filipinos love sports, Gatchalian noted that the Philippines has been
lagging behind other countries in sporting competitions and events citing the country’s failure to
deliver an Olympic gold medal despite taking part in the Summer Olympic Games since 1924.
The senator stressed that Filipino athletes lack the support they necessarily need like other
countries give to their athletes.
“The end view of this legislation is to unleash the potential of young Filipinos who have
shown the early potential of excelling in sports for a sports-related career,” Gatchalian said.
Gatchalian explained that the Philippine High School for Sports (PHSS) would be a “world-
class educational and athletics facility which is at par with international standards.”
Under the proposed law, the Bases Conversion and Development Authority (BCDA) will be
mandated to provide the land for the PHSS at the New Clark City in Capas, Tarlac and will be in
charge of the construction of classrooms, dormitories, other sports facilities, and related
The PHSS will offer full or partial scholarship programs to students who have demonstrated
the potential of excelling in sports. At the same time, it will provide its students with quality
secondary education in their chosen track and will be under the supervision of the Department of
It is true that the government doesn't value much our national players or
generally the sports sector back then. But, the approval of “The Philippine High
School for Sports Act of 2019” is a great step for our country to have more
competitive athletes. Chances of those in lower class to be able to experience
participating in international sports contests will increase as well as their skill to be
honed by professionals. Physical education taught in our educational system alone is
like basic knowledge. However, with the construction of the said high school,
specialized training to be sports competitive is given not only for the wealthy but to
the not so rich kids who can pass the scholarship program.
It is said in the article that Filipinos love sports, especially basketball,
volleyball, badminton, martial arts sports and many common ones. But come to think
of it, it’s rare to see someone from the middle to lower class in our society who plays
boxing, tennis or football. These games are only played by those who are in elite
schools and are only taught in books in public schools. Also, there is no available free
facility around for the not so rich to use and experience those games, buying
equipment to practice it is also an expense for them. Therefore, the proclaimed law
will play a great role in connecting different people in our society through sports.
Integration Paper
Baby Ellamel Sajonia 11.13.19

Davao Archbishop Valles: Help give earthquake victims a Merry Christmas

By Rosalie Abatayo

CEBU CITY, Philippines —Catholic Bishops Conference of the Philippines (CBCP) president and
Davao Archbishop Romulo Valles today appealed to the public to continue sending aid to thousands of
displaced residents of earthquake-stricken areas in Mindanao as their “needs are so great.”
Valles said the situation is most difficult and sad for the victims who will likely be spending Christmas
Day in their tents in the evacuation sites.
“I wrote a panawagan, it is circulating. The needs are so great. My figures, although this is quite old,
November 4, close to 29,000 families are suffering in varying degrees,” Valles said during his visit to Cebu on
Wednesday, November 13.
The Davao Archdiocesan prelate was in Cebu to attend the news conference hosted by the Cebu
Archdiocese to announce the various activities starting this year leading to the quincentennial anniversary of the
arrival of Christianity in the Philippines in 2021.
Valles said the evacuees will need more help as they continue to stay in makeshift shelters and
evacuation sites since it will be too risky for them to return to their earthquake-ravaged villages.
“Some of them even if they are brave enough to go home, di na sila makabalik (they can no longer
return to their homes) (as) many areas have been declared as no-build zones. Dako kaayo nang problema (That
is a big problem),” Valles said.
“They may be staying pa more days and weeks in evacuation centers. That means a need for more aid:
food, drinking water, and God forbid, medicines for the children. The need to campaign for help for these
people is still on,” he added.
Valles said he hoped that the desire to help the victims will not dissipate over time.
“We know that Christmas is approaching, and we know that Christmas in the evacuation center is very
sad. The little thing that we can do is to bring more help to these people,” Valles said.
Meanwhile, the Cebu provincial government continues to accept donations in cash and in kind for the
earthquake victims.
Capitol has already allocated P20 million of cash aid for the eight severely-affected areas in Davao del
Sur and North Cotabato

This article is about the victims of earthquake in Davao. The Davao City Archbishop Romulo Valles
today appealed to the public to continue sending aid to thousands of displaced residents of earthquake-stricken
areas in Mindanao as their “needs are so great.” Valles said the situation is most difficult and sad for the victims
who will likely be spending Christmas Day in their tents in the evacuation sites.
I can relate it to the Anthropology because Archbishop Romulo Valles is having a good behavior about
the victims of earthquake he are helping the victims for them to experience a happy christmas by giving them
more food or their needs, he cares about the others and their culture on how they will spend their christmas, he
are having an interaction about the happenings in Davao, he is interacting with them he is thinking on how they
will survive in that problem and I know that our government are aware in this kind of situation the earthquake is
a big problem to us, our government must help the victims for them to survive because they are lack of needs
the government must provide the things that will benefit them the victims need the them.

Integration Paper
Baby Ellamel Sajonia 11.20.19

BREAKING: DOH confirms 3 more polio cases

MANILA, Philippines — The Department of Health (DOH) on Wednesday confirmed three more cases
of polio in the country.
DOH said the three new cases were all from Mindanao and that the patients were admitted to the
Cotabato Regional Medical Center.
The first case, the health department said, is a two-year-old female from Maguindanao; the second case
is a one-year-old male from Cotabato City; while the third case is a four-year-old female from North Cotabato.
Samples from the three cases were sent to the Research Institute for Tropical Medicine and the National
Institute of Infectious Diseases-Japan, according to DOH, and that results of the test came out positive for the
Aquino to Duterte: Why appoint Leni if you don’t trust her?
With the confirmation of three new cases, the number of polio cases in the country this year has
increased to seven.
“It is unacceptable that more children are falling victim to this vaccine-preventable disease. We are
more determined than ever to make sure that no child shall be missed during the next round of the Sabayang
Patak Kontra Polio in Metro Manila and Mindanao,” Health Secretary Francisco Duque III said in a DOH
“We should not be satisfied with our children receiving only 1 or 2 doses of the polio vaccine. Let us
ensure that they receive the complete doses of the vaccine to fully protect them from Polio,” Duque added as he
explained that two of the three cases were unvaccinated while the other case received incomplete doses.

This article tackles about 3 polio cases in Mindanao and admitted to the Cotabato Regional Medical
Center, the first case is about a 2yrs old female from Maguindanao and a 4yrs old female from North Cotabato
this article says that this polio cases are unacceptable because more children are falling victim to this vaccine
preventable disease, all parents should not be satisfied with their children receiving only 1 or 2 doses of the
polio vaccine, I can relate this article to sociology because this are the main problem of our society that we need
to resolve this kind of problem and our government must do everything to this kind of situation because polio
are very dangerous we must focus on these, I can also relate this article to Psychology because parents are now
afraid to have a vaccination, because they had their trauma in having injections they think that their child will
affect them negatively, that's why they are not giving them vaccinations

Baby Ellamel Sajonia 11.27.19


Surigao businessman nabbed with marijuana at Cebu City port

By: Alven Marie A. Timtim
Cebu City Police Port detention facility after small packs of suspected dried marijuana leaves were
found in his possession past 9 a.m. Wednesday, November 27, 2019.
The 39-year-old Rhys Bonpin was supposed to board a vessel bound for Surigao City but got stuck in
the security area of at the entrance of Pier 3 when the metal detector went off while he was about to enter the
terminal’s main lobby.
The port policemen assigned at the entrance asked permission to frisk Bonpin, who also agreed to the
search. It was then that the police found a small sachet of dried marijuana kept in the left side of his pocket,
said Police Senior Inspector Alvin Merenillo of the Cebu City Port Police.
Merenillo told CDN Digital that Bonpin tried to run away from the security area when the officer asked
him to get his other belongings for them to be subjected to an inspection.
But Bonpin failed to escape as the other port policemen immediately acted and held unto Bonpin and
took him to their office in Pier 6 along Sergio Osmeña Jr. Boulevard, Cebu City.
This is when they discovered three more sachets of dried marijuana leaves hidden inside the underwear
of Bonpin, which had an estimated weight of 75.9 grams of dried marijuana leaves valued at P3,000.
Merenillo said Bonpin allegedly confessed that he bought the illegal drugs in Barangay Lorega, Cebu
City but did not divulge who was the seller.
When later asked what the marijuana leaves were for, Merenillo said Bonpin no longer answered and
instead said his lawyer will be the one to answer the questions.

Integration Paper

This article is about the Surigao businessman nabbed with marijuana at Cebu City Port it tackles about
on a 39 year old who are stuck at the security area of the entrance of Pier 3 and the security found out that there
is a dried marijuana in the pocket of Rhys Bonpin, he tried to escape but he failed and the policemen
immediately dragged him to their office, the policemen also discovered sachets of dried marijuana leaves
hidden in his underwear weighted 75.9 grams that costs 3000 pesos, I can relate this article to sociology because
our society are having this kind of issues today, most of the teens uses marijuana and they are influenced by
others, I can also relate it to politics because our government needs to focus in this kind of situation because
country specially the teenagers are related to this kind of topic, this situation needs to be solved for us to have a
better country, social science can also relate because in social media, people who are using social networking
sites are communicating and discussing about the issues online specially when marijuana are the main topic
they are using it to entertain them.

Baby Ellamel Sajonia 12.5.19



By: Gabriel Pabico Lalu

MANILA, Philippines – Vice President Leni Robredo said on Wednesday that she would
visit Bicol provinces devastated by Typhoon Tisoy, internationally known as Kammuri.
Robredo said teams from the Office of the Vice President have already been deployed to
assess which localities were badly-hit and to address the needs of each area.
“I’m going home, but our team is there already,” Robredo, who hails from Naga,
Camarines Sur, said in Filipino during an ambush interview with reporters.
The concentration of relief efforts were the 1st District of Albay and the 2nd District of
Sorsogon, the worst-hit areas, where drinking water was badly needed, she said, citing the
reports she got from her team in those areas.
Duterte to Drilon: Did you craft ‘onerous’ contracts with water firms?
At the moment, she said some islands in the region were not accessible.
Another urgent need in the two provinces are construction materials because so many
houses there had been destroyed.
Before reaching the West Philippine Sea on Wednesday, Tisoy cut through the Bicol
region and the rest Southern Luzon and through Central Luzon, leaving around P667 million
worth of damage to agriculture.
On Tuesday, the airport in Legazpi City, the capital of Albay, was badly damaged by the
The typhoon has also interrupted several sporting events of the 30th Southeast Asian
(SEA) Games.
Robredo called for unity in the wake of the typhoon, urging Filipinos to help the
Bicolanos who, even with their resilience, were still in dire need of assistance.

Integration Paper

This article is about Vice President Robredo who visits Bicol Provinces who are
devastated because of Typhoon Tisoy and she are very concerned about them because she is
from Naga, Camarines Sur the first district of Albay and the second district of Sorsogon
encountered the worst by Typhoon Tisoy their drinking water was badly needed, she said, citing
the reports she got from her team in those areas I can relate this article to sociology because our
society are having so much issues like Typhoons, earthquakes and many more and we need to
be aware to all of this our government need to support all of the victims for us to recover.
Baby Ellamel Sajonia 1.28.20


By: Ben O. de Vera
MANILA, Philippines — At least P406.5 million in funds allotted in 2018 for the rebuilding of Marawi
City expired and reverted to the national treasury mainly because of the slow approval of the national disaster
agency and the Office of the President. The Marawi funds were included in the National Disaster Risk
Reduction and Management Fund (NDRRMF) of the National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management
Council (NDRRMC), said acting Budget Secretary Wendel Avisado.
“But the Department of Budget and Management’s (DBM) releases are contingent on the NDRRMC’s
endorsement and the,” Avisado said.
Under NDRRMC rules, the NDRRMF can only be disbursed after implementing agencies submit project
proposals that have been evaluated by the Office of Civil Defense (OCD) that serves as the secretariat of the
NDRRMC, which subsequently endorses the project to the Office of the President, Avisado explained. The
government also struggled to use the P3.5 billion in Marawi funds appropriated under the 2019 spending bill,
which will expire at the end of the year.
The latest DBM data showed that P5.1 billion was allotted for the Marawi Recovery, Rehabilitation and
Reconstruction Program (MRRRP) in the 2018 national budget and P4.4 billion was released as of Dec. 31,
Of the P717.6-million balance, P311.1 million was earmarked for several projects but P307.9 million
remained pending for approval by the Office of the President, on top of P3.3 million already approved by the
Office of the President for issuance of the special allotment release order. Thus, P406.5 million expired despite
the flurry of fund disbursements in December.
During the month of December alone, the DBM released P458.2 million to the Department of Public
Works and Highways (DPWH) to build in Marawi City barangay complexes with “madrasah” and health
centers, a “peace memorial park,” a central market, a museum, as well as a “school of living tradition.” Also
released to the DPWH last December was a hefty P1.9 billion for the Marawi City housing program; P202
million to build or rebuild classrooms; P100 million to build the city’s command center; and P20.9 million to
build a fence around Mindanao State University.
The DBM likewise released P1.7 million to the newly formed Bangsamoro Autonomous Region in
Muslim Mindanao’s Department of Education regional office to buy furniture for schools affected by the five-
month Marawi siege in 2017. The DBM also released to the state-run Local Water Utilities Administration
P13.8 million in subsidies for the provision of bulk water supply for the most affected area or “ground zero” of
the Marawi siege. In addition to the 2018 budget, the government also allotted P3.5 billion for the MRRRP in
the 2019 budget but only P62.9 million had been released as of Dec. 31 and P2.9 billion remained unreleased.
These 2019 releases to the DPWH included P52.6 million to build an integrated school and P10.4
million for the central fire station. Of the P3.4-billion balance in the 2019 funds, P555.4 million was already
earmarked for approval and signature of the secretary of national defense and the OCD administrator. INQ
Integration Paper

This article talks about the 406.5 million funds that has been expired this funds are allotted in 2018 for
the rebuilding of Marawi City expired and reverted to the national treasury mainly because of the slow approval
of the national disaster agency and the Office of the President this funds are included in National Disaster Risk
Reduction and Management Fund (NDRRMF) of the National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management
Council (NDRRMC) the acting budget secretary Wendel Avisado said that this funds will expire at the end of
2019, the P717.6-million balance, P311.1 million was earmarked for several projects but P307.9 million
remained pending for approval by the Office of the President, on top of P3.3 million already approved by the
Office of the President Avisado explained. I can relate this article to sociology because our society are facing a
huge problem like typhoons, earthquakes or even volcanic eruptions, I can also relate this article to economics
because we need to satisfy unlimited human needs like infrastructures, houses or buildings we or they want, It is
also related to political science because our government are involved here these are funds we are talking about
so we need to pay more attention to the funds that has expired.
Baby Ellamel Sajonia 2.04.20


By: CNN Philippines Staff
Metro Manila (CNN Philippines, February 3) — The Chinese man who died from novel
coronavirus in the Philippines will be cremated, the Department of Health said on Monday.
Health spokesperson Eric Domingo said they are treating the cadaver of the 44-year-old
Chinese man — who is also the Philippines’ second confirmed case of 2019-nCoV — as
potentially infectious, which is why they will continue to exercise caution.
Cremation of the Chinese man body is being prepared. We are ensuring no one will be
directly exposed to the body, he said in a media briefing.
Health Secretary Francisco Duque III said the severe pneumonia that caused the Chinese
man death on Saturday must have been caused by the novel coronavirus, even if there were
other pathogens found in his body. Aside from being infected with 2019-nCoV, the man was
also infected with Influenza B virus and Streptococcus pneumoniae bacteria.
He said this case is recorded as part of China, which means Philippines still has zero local
The man traveled to the Philippines from Wuhan — the Chinese city at the center of the
2019-nCoV outbreak — via Hong Kong on January 21. He and his Chinese partner were the
first cases of novel coronavirus in the Philippines; they were confined in San Lazaro Hospital in
Manila City.
DOH said they have gotten in touch with 74 people who came in contact with the
Chinese couple who traveled around the country. It said eight persons who were in close contact
with the Chinese couple have shown flu-like symptoms and are now being closely monitored.
DOH on Monday said there are 80 patients under observation for possible infection of
novel coronavirus, 67 of which are hospitalized.

Integration Paper

This article talks about the infected 44 years old Chinese man from Wuhan, China who died from nCOV
( Novel Corona Virus ) he is the second confirmed case in the Philippines this explains that they travel from
Wuhan to Hong Kong and Hong Kong to Philippines, he and his girlfriend are positive in the virus and the
others who are close contact to them are being observed in the hospital, the body of the infected man said to be
cremated, I can relate this article to the branch of social science, sociology because our society always
encounters different problems and different situations, I can also relate it to political science, our government
specially DOH ( Department of Health ) are focusing in this situation because it is a big problem, virus is not a
joke, we need to avoid and make a move, our government are in-charge to this and they need to make our
country safe.
Baby Ellamel Sajonia 2.12.20


By: Neil Arwin Mercado
MANILA, Philippines — The local tourism industry is expected to lose an estimated
P42.9 billion from February to April this year
due to the coronavirus disease 19 (COVID-19) scare, the Department of Tourism (DOT)
reported Wednesday.
During the House committees on economic affairs and tourism’s hearing on the effects of
the virus on the country’s economy, Tourism Secretary Bernadette Romulo-Puyat said the
projected losses in the tourism industry was based on forecast tourist arrivals from China, Hong
Kong, Macau, and Taiwan—countries where a travel ban is currently in place due to viral
Puyat said the country is seen to lose over P16.80 billion in February, P14.11 billion in March,
and P11.98 billion in April.
In the same hearing, the finance department said that the tourism industry contributes
12.7 percent of the country’s gross domestic product (GDP).
Data from DOT showed that 1.63 million of the total 7.4 million international tourist
arrivals from January to November of 2019 were Chinese.
Further, Chinese nationals are also considered the second biggest tourist spenders in the
Philippines next to the South Koreans, spending $979.4 million or around P51 billion in the
country in the first half of 2019.
House Speaker Alan Peter Cayetano earlier called on the House committees on tourism
and economic affairs to work with DOT to assess the short- and medium-term effects of the
novel coronavirus in the tourism sector.
Integration Paper

This article is about the the local tourism industry that is expected to lose an estimated P42.9 billion
from February to April this year due to the corona virus disease 19 (COVID-19) scare I know that this situation
can affect many of people because of the money that will may loss this can relate to politics because our
government are handling this money so we should be aware that everyone needs to take care of ourselves
because these virus are very spreadable and may lead to death be careful for us to minimize the number of cases
this situation can also realte to our society that's why be alert.
Baby Ellamel Sajonia 2.26.20


By: CNN Philippines Staff
Metro Manila (CNN Philippines, February 26)— The Philippine National Police is
coordinating with Chinese counterparts in monitoring Chinese fugitives who have entered the
country, a top official said Wednesday.
Metro Manila police chief PMGen Debold Sinas said authorities have asked the help of
Chinese anti-crime counterparts.
“Ngayon we have established a good contact with the police attaché of China. Nag-usap
na kami doon,” Sinas said in an interview with CNN Philippines’ The Source.
[Translation: Right now we have established good contact with the police attaché of
China. We already talked about it.]
“Sabi ko sa kanila, sana kung meron na kayong alam na mga wanted, bigay niyo na sa
amin. Ituro niyo sa amin, para hulihin na natin,” he added.
[Translation: I told them, if you have information on wanted individuals, just give it to us.
Point them out, so we can apprehend them.]
A total of 1.74 million Chinese nationals visited the country in 2019, making the East
Asian giant the second biggest source of tourists.
Integration Paper

This article is about PNP who asks counterparts to help flag fugitives, this tackles about
the Chinese who are coordinating with the PNP because of the Chinese fugitives who have
entered our country, our PNP Chief have asked help to the Chinese anti-crime counterparts,
PNP Chief Sinas said to an interview that they are establishing a good contact with the police of
China, there are a total of 1.74 million Chinese nationals visited our country in 2019, that makes
the East Asian giant the second biggest source of tourist, I can relate this article to sociology, It
is a problem of our society, the government are taking charge to develop a country that will help
us to be safe because they are hunting the fugitives who entered our country and that involves
political science.

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