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As per directive by our municipality about the implementation of the Solid Waste

Management Plan of our town, the main concern pertaining by our school on this matter
is our WASTE DISPOSAL. As we can observed for the past few months in our school
especially in your respected classroom, we advised you to bring home and keep your
own trashes or waste.
We all know that it is a big burden for us where can we dispose our waste or garbage.
But in order to solve this certain problem of our school and after the confirmation from
the Municipal Office that their garbage trucks are passing by in front our school
regularly, we want to encourage you to have trash bins in your respective classrooms
classified into biodegradable, non-biodegradable and plastic bottles.
So during Wednesdays and Fridays, we should prepare our waste bring them out, and
put in front and ready for pick up. By these we can resolve our problem for our waste
disposal and we don’t need to bring them home.
Additional, those students who regularly buying buko juice in front of our school, kindly
please dispose your plastic cups properly. Once you are caught disposing your trash in
improper way, you will be fined and have disciplinary action from our municipal office.

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