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Detailed lesson plan in science

Grade 10

I. Objectives: After an interactive discussion, the learners should be able to:

a. describe the distribution of active volcanoes, earthquakes epicenter and major mountain


b. appreciate the impact of geologic events of moving plates on the environment;

c. explain the scientific basis for the process that occur along the dividing lithospheric


II. Subject matter.

Topic: Plate tectonics

Sub-topic: plate boundaries

Key concept: spreading centers where plates are moving apart and new

crust is created by magma pushing up from the mantle.

Skills: identifying and classifying geologic events.

Reference: science vistas 10

Values: Cooperation and participation

Strategy: 4A’S (Activity, Abstraction, Analysis, and Application

III Procedure

A. Preparatory activity

Teacher’s activity student’s activity

-arrangement of chairs
-checking of attendance

B. Review
-recap of the previous topic -student’s responses

C. Motivation

- teacher will have a game - the students participate actively in a game

D. Presentation

-about boundaries

-divergent boundaries

-convergent boundaries -the students will response the discussion

-transform fault boundaries

-giving of examples

E. Generalization

What are the geologic processes or - divergence of plates take place in the diverging of

Events involved in the divergence of plates? Two plates moving apart each other, and forming

Different geologic features like rift valleys and ocean


F. Application

So, this time the student will answer the following

Questions to broaden their learning.

1. How divergent of plates contribute to the formation - student’s responses

Of earth crust and dividing lithospheric plates?
2. What are the differences between the convergence
and divergence of plates in terms of geologic events
and formation of geologic features.
IV. Evaluation

V. Agreement

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