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Are you in favor or against became vegetarian?.

In my opinion, to be vegetarian is better. One reason for that is improve we appearance.

For example, in a survey conducted in Santa Cruz, good-looking people were asked, "What is your
favorite food?", 70% answered vegetarian food. The second reason for this is economic. For
instance, if you want prepare a food vegetarian, you can simply go to a supermarket to buy
something vegetables and make a delicious food in house very fast. The most important reason for
this is, the benefits of a diet based more on vegetables are increasingly known or visible. Various
studies conclude that meat increases the risk of cardiovascular disease and diabetes (for every 50g
daily, an increase of 50% risk), after years of scientific evidence, in 2015 the OMS declared red
meat, sausage and processed meat. In conclusion, be vegetarian is better because is healthier and

Are you in favor or against death penalty? I agree

In my opinion, I’m a favor with death penalty. The first reason for that is the people will be
more secure. For example, every day, newspapers publish that happened homicides, rapists and
the family always are worries for that. The second reason is an expense less for the population, in
the years of life of a murderer or rapist, the government invests a lot of money to keep it alive,
people who will not rehabilitate themselves, that money could be invested in education, health,
etc. in people who do meet the rules of coexistence. The most important reason having at world
clean of terrible people. For example, a survey was carried out in our country with the question
that prefers the death penalty or prison sentence for murderers and rapists, 50% answered the
death penalty and the rest of the prison. In summary, the world will be secure if don’t exist people
killing between us and we would have more respect for laws.

Are you in favor or against having exotic animal as pets? I’m against for that

I am against having exotic animal as pets. One reason for that is these animals have
diseases and they are not vaccinated. For example, most animal diseases that are harmful to
humanity such as the COVID-19 virus disease of exotic animal. The second reason is that they are
dangerous. It is not possible to domesticate exotic animal, domestication is a process that takes
centuries to develop into a species, an adult animal in captivity can attack people for stress. The
most important reason for that is, they need stay in their habitats. For example, my cousin had a
baby tiger and the tiger never feeling satisfy in home that in little time, the tiger died. In
conclusion, having exotic animal as pets is inappropriate for habitat and isn’t secure for family.

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