Skrip Inovasi 2016

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Shah Hafizul
Assalamualaikum and a pleasant day to the judges, ladies and gentlemen. Welcome to
our booth.
1. We’re from SK Bota Kiri will introduce you our innovation. It is named as RemCa
or Remote Control. Before that, let me introduce you our team members. I’m
Shah Hafizul Haziq. He’s Ahmad Naqib and he’s Muhammad Isyraf Aniq.
2. As we know, people always enjoy watching television or other audio visual
appliances, but this excitement will come to an end when we tend lost the remote
control and misplaced it.
3. Eventhough the problem we encounter not that difficult, nevertheless our group
has agreed that this problem can be solved.

Ahmad Naqib
1. We have innovated one magnificient thing in order to solve this problem. It is called
’REMCA’ a short form of Remote Control Alarm.
2. When we put remote control in a container provided, the alarm will not be sounded,
but when we remove remote control from the container , you will hear the sound. So
to avoid the alarm to be sounded people must put back the remote after using it.
3. As a result, there will be no remote control lost problem. People can enjoy watching
TV without distraction when they busy looking for the lost remote.

Muhammad Isyraf
1. The components and materials we use are; micro switch, alarm/buzzer, spoon/
diskette or CD container and battery.
2. Micro switch, buzzer and battery are connected in a parallel circuit as shown in
the diagram.
3. Although this innovation looks simple, it is very practical and worth it. The habit of
putting things everywhere can be avoided.
4. At the same time it can make people more organise and discipline.
5. Meanwhile, in a commercial potential aspect, the innovation like this never been
in the market yet.
6. This innovation is not costly so that, all people from all walks of life can have it at
a reasonable and affordable price.

Hai, nama saya Nur Adleena

1. Inovasi kami yang seterusnya ialah ’Smart White Board’. Ia merupakan papan
putih boleh lipat yang sangat comel dan mudah dibawa kemana-mana .

2. Di sini saya akan menunjukkan cara papan putih ini berfungsi.

3. Smart White Board ini sangat sesuai digunakan untuk kegunaan guru dan murid-

4. Kos membuat Smart White Board ini sangat murah dan berikut ialah bahan yang
diperlukan untuk membuat kit ini. (rujuk pada kad imbas)

5. Terima kasih


Hai, nama saya Puteri Nur Assyirah

1. Inovasi kami yang ketiga ialah Raicoat School Bag atau kami gelar doraemon
bag !

2. Baju hujan ini dapat melindungi bag dan murid sekaligus.

3. Ia dilekatkan menggunakan zap-on pada bag dan mudah ditanggalkan untuk


4. Cara membuatnya sangat mudah dan bag ini sangat praktikal untuk digunakan.

5. Kos membuat Raincoat School Bagi ini sangat murah dan berikut ialah bahan
yang diperlukan untuk membuat inovasi ini.

6. Terima kasih

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