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din xl lo oi ward herewith copy of following endorsements of Finance

cnc inieiil. OMCT of De.hi for information and appropriate action.

DCA (Admin)/(Tcch)/(Accts)/Pension/Funds/IT.
Sr. Accounts Officer (Admn/Acctts/Pensioir).
All Pay 8, Accounts Officers, GNCT of Delhi, New.Dclhi.
Guard file.L

'C '

Qut Ko. anil Dat^ Subj^ct / Resolution Mo. and Date

/( 0ffi ce Mem urftn d u m No. A -

t^ jilL Mil 2Ot6/dsv/'J59 27012/U'2/2017 ICsl I. (At) doled
Zll.0tt.2017 10. OR. ^017 ol" ^epertineni. f:
lJergoiinel I'* Training, M iniatry
(if Personnel, PG ^ Pensions,
Government of 1 mlin re^arding
Hecoin in end ation s of. 7"1 CI'C -
1m | I v in c i) I. a t i o n of deci^ion
relating to the grant of Child
KdLication Allowance.
:?.. 'y.. :r, -rit-rv-v. Hun 6 f Fi ccM c iu o r (i a d"n mNo.
| Urpll. LiNOTul l>itii, 12/J/aOl7-Ifistt.(Pny-l^ doled
lire!. Ijcllii ^^'cielniii 21).00.2017
28.07.2017 o^ Department of
Per^onnel & Trainin^, Ministry
of Personnel, PO & Pensions,
Government oT India regarding
Guidelines for fixation of pay
of candidates working in Public
r rer.o m m ended for appoint m en t
by the . Com in ission by method
of recruitment by selection.
1 ly. ^i-rivltuy V, Jiin:,i: /( OfficeMemorandumNo.
Lri'll. Oner id L'cttri, ao tO/dnv/yr^2 13/2/201 7-E8tt.(Pay-1) dated
l.oCel. riclliitteraclnriii ^0.nH.20l7
2 7.07.20 3 7 uf Department of
Ni:,v lallii.
Personnel ^ Trainin^, Ministry
of Personnel, PCI (V. Pensions,
Govc in in e n t of India regarding
Availability of option lor
lisa lion of pay on pro mot ion
from Date of NexI increment
(I) N1) in (. li e lower post and
method of fixation of pay from
DNI, if opted for. in context of
CC^ (RD Rules, 2010. , . -.
F. No. 24/Fin. (listb-lll)/2016/(^,


i.-P. ESTATE. NEW DELHI 110002


Ti n: copies of tlte tin Icr mentioned papers are forwarded herewith for information and

necessary action to die lollovvu g:-' ,

I. All I leads of Doptn Intent, Govt. ofNCT of Delhi:
2, All Pay & Accouti s Officers, Pay and Accounts Office, Vikas Bhawan. Govl. of NCT of
3. .All Heads of Aittoi onions Bodies, Govt of NCT of Delhi.
4. Commissioner IVi.C .D(Norlh, Bast & South), Town I lull, Chaiidni Cltowk, Delhi.
5 Chairperson, NDM C, i'aiika Kendra, NewDcllii.
0. Chief Executive b. iecr, Delhi Canlomncnl. Board, Delhi.
7. CEO,-Delhi Urban Shelter Improvement Board. I.P. Estate, New Delhi,
Asslt. Piog."nuinic willi die direction to upload the same on Website of Finance
I Jepurimoui
(Jttiinl file.


Nntneorihc O.M. No. ami Date Subject

j I j •Ministry of Persoune No.A-27012/02/2017- Recommendations of the Seventh
I'tibbc Grievances a Er.tL(AL) dated 16.08.2017 Central Pay Commission
Pensions, 1 'epartment implementation of decision relating
Personnel & Trnining, Gt.) to die grant of Children Education
iviuiiaiTv of Fersouue O.M. No. l2/3/2OI7-Estt.(Pny- Guidelines for fixation of pay of
i'uiiiie Grievances ar I) dated 28.07.2017 candidates working in Public Sector
pensions. Department ( Undertakings ele., recommended

Personnel '": I'mining, Gl.) for appointment by Ihc Commission

by method of recruitment' by

selection.- regarding.

Iv1ini:-iltv O.M. No. 13/02/2017- Availability of option for fixation

Estl.(Pay-l) dated 27.07.2017 .of pay on promotion from (lie Date

of next increment (DN1) in Ihe

ioi & Training. Qi) lower post and method of fixation
of pay from DNI, if opted for, in
context of CCS(RP). Rules, 2016-

Ml r-v
^ ••:•",•
No.A-27012/02/2017-Estt.(AL) "
. Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, P.O. and Pensions
D partment of Personnel & Training

New Delhi, 16 August,2017.

Recomme^dations of the Seventh Central Pay Commission -

Subject: Implementation of decision relating to the grant of Children

Education Allowance.

Consequent upon the decision taken by the Government on the

recommendations made ]by the Seventh Central Pay Commission on the subject of
Children Education Allowance Scheme, the following instructions are being
issued in supersession o 'this Department's OM dated 28-4-2014 : -

(a)The amount fixed for reimbursement of Children Education allowance will be

(b)The amount fixed fqr reimbursement of Hostel Subsidy will be Rs. 6750/-pm.

(c)In case both the spquses are Government servants, only one of them can avail

reimbursement under Children. Education Allowance,

(d)The above limits | would be automatically raised by 25% every time the
Dearness Allowance op the revised pay structure goes up by 50%. The allowance

will be double for differently abled children.

2. Further, reimbursement will be done just once a year, after completion of

the financial year. For reimbursement of CEA, a certificate from the head of
institution, where the ward of government employee studies, will be sufficient for
this purpose. The certificate should confirm that the child studied in the school
during the previous academic year. For Hostel Subsidy, a similar certificate from
the head of institution will suffice, with the additional requirement that the
certificate should meijttion the amount of expenditure incurred by the government
servant towards lodging and boarding in the residential complex. The amount of
expenditure mentioned, or the ceiling as mentioned above, whichever is lower, .

shall be paid to the employee...


3.,These orders shall he effective from 1st July, E017.

4.Insofar as persons serving in the Indian Audit and Accounts Department at'e
concerned, orders issue in consultation with the Comptroller and siniiu

General of India..

: . \jj.i.,.v.;v
Hindi version will follow. • :(Niivii.^^T. iyiiartt)
Seeretiity rti lite Gnvl/of India'

i, '. All Ministries/Departments as per standard- 'nailing list.

'2. NIC with a request to upload the OM on thtj website oi'Oot'T.

I Government of India:^<.>.,
Ministry of Pe^sonnel, Public Grievances & Pensions _ l.
Department of Personnel & Training
North Block, New Delhi.
Dated 28.07.2017

Subject:- Guidelines for fixatior) of pay of candidates working in Public Sector Undertakings
etc., recommended for appointment by the Commission by method of recruitment
by selection - regard ng.

Reference is invited to this Department's O.M.s No.12/1/88-Estt(Pay-l) dated

07.08.1989, OM No.12/1/96-Estt(Pipy-l) dated 10.07.1998 and OM No.12/3/2009-Pay-l dated

30.03.2010 whereby guidelines for fixation of pay of candidates working in Public Sector
Undertakings, etc., on their appointment as direct recruits on selection through a properly

constituted authority including departmental authorities, were issued.

• -' •• v | . :•- • • •

2. Subsequent to the implementation of the recommendations of the 7lh CPC and issuance

of CCS(RP) Rules' 2016, the system of running Pay Bands and Grade Pays have been replaced

by pay matrix. Accordingly, in partial modification of this Department's OM No. 12/1/88-

Estt(Pay-l) dated 07.08.1989, O.M. No.12/1/96-Estt(Pay-l) dated 10.07.1998 and O.M.

No.12/3/2009-Pay-l dated 30.03.2010 referred to above, the method of pay fixation in respect of
those appointed on or after 01.01.2018 will be as tinder:-

" In case-of candidates working in Public Sector Undertakings (PSUs), Universities,

Semi-Government Institutions or Autonomous Bodies, who are appointed to a post as

direct recruits on or after 0/1.01.2016 on selection through interview by a properly

constituted agency including Departmental Authorities making recruitment directly, their

initial basic pay shall be fix^d at a stage in the Level of the post so that the pay and
Deamess Allowance as admissible in the Government, protects the pay and Dearness

Allowance drawn in the PSUj etc.. If there is no such stage in the post, the pay shall be

fixed at the stage next below that pay. If the maximum pay in the Level applicable to the

post in whjch the person is appointed is less than such pay arrived at, his initial basic

pay shall be fixed at such maximum pay of the post. Similarly, if the minimum pay in the

Level applicable to the post in which such person is appointed is more than such pay

arrived at, his initial basic pay shall be fixed at such minimum pay of the post. The pay

fixed under this formulation will not exceed the highest cell value applicable for the Level
of the post in th

• rw

3.• The conditions for aclmissibility of pay protection shall t the some o^ ^ in mis

Department's OMs dated 07.08.1989 and 10.07.1998 referred I above.

4.In so far as persons serving in the Indian Audit id Accounts Department mVi

concerned, these orders are issued with the concurrence c the Comptrtiltet and Auditor

General of India.

5.'•'.' These orders will be applicable w.e.f. 01.01.2016.

6.Hindi version will follow.•.•:•' .

(Pusltpedrinr Kumar)
Under Seer ary to the Government >t tin Hit
I'el.No.ii.HidO 489

All Ministries/Departments of the Govt. of India as perst inclarcl lisl.

Copy also forwarded to:

1. Secretaries to Union Public Service Commission / Sup •erne Court, of ludin ii.-r.k Gah
Sectt. / Rajya Sabha Seclt. /Cabinet Sectt. / Central Vig lance Commission / I'msidon
Sectt. / Vice-President's Sectt/Prime Minister's Office / h iti Ayog.-

2. Controller General of Accounts / Controller of Accounts, Ministry of Finance.

3. Department of Personnel and Training (AIS Division) / Jt )A /Admit. Section.

4. Governors of all Governors of all Union Terrilr

Secretary, National Council of JCM (Staff Side), 13-C, F z Shah Ponti, New Delhi

All Members of Staff Side of the National Council of JCWI / Departmental Council

'7. All Officers/Sections of DoPT / Department of • Administrative P.efoi Pilhlifi

Grievances/Department of Pensions & Ponsioners Welfare/ PESB.

0. Joint Secretary (Pers), Ministry of Finance, D/o Expendi me.

Additional Secretary (Union Territories), Ministry of Home Affairs.

in.- NIC with a request to upload the OM on the website of DoPT

Ahto -A

(Piishptindt-r Kunifi
Under Sec etary to the Government of Inrt
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions
Department of Personnel & Training

North Block, New Delhi

Dated 27lh July, 2017


Subject: Availability of option for fixation of pay on promotion from the Date of Next
Increment (DNI) It the lower post and method of fixation of pay From DNI, If
opted for, in contt xt of CCS (RP) Rules, 2016-regarding.

Prior to Implementaton of 6th CPC Report, the pay fixation on promotion was
governed by provisions of FR p(l)(a)(l). In 611' CPC context, the first part of FR 22(l)(a)(l) was
replaced by Rule 1.3 of CCS (RP) Rules, 2008. Similarly, consequent upon implementation of
CCS (IIP) Rules, 2016 in 7th CPC context, the pay fixation on promotion is regulated bythe
provisions of Rule 13 of CCS (RP) Rules, 2016. This rule regulates pay fixation on promotion If
the same is opted by the employee from the date of promotion Itself. The issue of relevancy
of provisions of FR 22(l)(it)(1.) as well as the methodology of fixation cjf pay on promotion to a
post carrying duties and resppnsibllltles of greater importance, of a]Government Servant In

case he opts for pay fixation from the Date of Next Increment (DNI) has been considered in

tills. Department.

2.In this context, proviso under FR 22(l)(a)(l) Inter-alia provides that the Government
Sen/ant (other than those appointed on deputation basis to ex-cadre post or on ad-hoc basis
or on direct recruitment basis) shall have the option, to be exercised within one month from
the date uf promotion, to have the pay fixed under this rule from the date of such promotion
or to have the pay fixed from the date of accrual of next increment in the scale of the pay in

lower grade.

3.After due consideratic n in this matter, the President Is pleased to decide as follows:

(i) FR 22(l)(a)(l) holds good with regard to availability of option clause for pay
fixation, to a Government Servant holding a post, othe/ than a tenure post, In a
substantive or tempo^ary or officiating capacity, who Is promoted or appointed In a
substantive, tempora^y or officiating capacity, as the case may be, subject to the
fulfilment of the eligi^ility conditions as prescribed in the relevant Recruitment Rules,,
to another post carrying duties or responsibilities of greater importance than those
attaching to the post held by him/her. Such Government Servant may opt to have
his/her pay fixed from the Date of his/her Next Increment (either Is1 July or 1st
January, as the case may be) accruing In the Level of the post from which he/she is
promoted, except In cases of appointment on deputation basis to an ex-cadre post or

on direct recruitment basis or appointment/promotion o

(ii) In case, consequent upon his/her promotion, ):he Government Servant opts i\,
have his/her pay fixed from the date of his/her next increment (either Tl Inly or F'
January, as the case may be) in the Level of the post [from which Government setvant

is promoted, then, from the date of promotion till his/her DNI, the (•iovuiriii^^ul
Servant shall be placed at the next higher cell in the level of the post to hi< l.i he/she

is promoted.

Level in the revised pay Pay
structure : Level 4 fi-ra'L
2000 1 2400Midi)
Basic Pay in the revised Grade 1800 J900

4 5.
Granted promotion in Levels 2636(1
Dvyeto•_ 1 ZA 18000 19900] 21700 26300"
liStio" 26566 22100 30100
Pay in the upgraded Level
"iojoo" 2l'l6ut :23l6q" 2/100
i.e. 279116 6. t'666"
Level 5: 3(1100 (next
T9706" "2'iVSf 23366
20JO0" 2870(1 32060
Jt8rJ^5 23166 Z'/nOO
Pay from the date of 28966 3.5300
promotion till DNI: 30100 217OO 2380(1 26000
22 i.00_ 245(}() 2681)6"
"27666' 07.3 60 37000
22800 23266
23566 26066 2Mu6 33300 .18 100

(iii) Subsequently, on DNI in the level of the past to which 6oveiniti.n1 .'."..trvam l

promoted, his//her Pay will be re-fixed and two increments (one accrnoii on aroouiii
of annual increment and the second accrued on account of promotion) may bo

granted in the Level from which the Government Servant is promoted ami he/she at,it

be placed, at a Cell equal to the figure so arrived, in the level ot the post to which
he/she is promoted; and if no such Cell is available in the Level to which lie/lie is
it Level.
promoted, he/she shall be placed at the next, hlg tort ell in tit

| Level in the revised pay Puy
S2MI- 202O1I

structure: Level 4 Band

19 200(1 2400 7400
Grade IHOO 1
y Basic Pay in the revised
pay structure: 29600
Granted promotion in
Levels 1 2 3 4 5
3 1nootP 19900 21700 255OU 197!>.
Level 5 j
2630(1 .'i Olill
Pay from the date of 2_ 18500 20560 224(10 _
" jfo'iir
4 27J66
promotion till DNI: 30100 '3ZZAZ. jjtqo ^^litxT ?•'!.')"—
"17966 ""
TteTSatToiToii iiNirPay 238(10
1 after giving two increment 5 20:100 j22400 24500 28700 32001
2.5200 296110 3.1900
in Level 4: 3)400 t, 2. 0900 23100
260(10 .1 0500 OP'til
Pay in the upgraded Level 7 2.1500 23800
6 261100 314(10 .1 5001
8 2.2 IOO 24500
i.e. 21600 32300 37000
Level 5:'31900 (either 9 2.2 800 25200
"23500 2(5666' "2841)6" "i.rsoti " 3810!
equal to or next higher to to
31400 in Level 5)
(iv) In such cases where Government Servant opts to have his/her pay fixed from
the date of'hls/her r ext increment in the Level of the post' from which he/she Is
promoted, the next increment as well as Date of Next Increment (DNI) will be
regulated accordingly,

4. It is further reiterated that in order to enable the officials, to exercise the option within
the time limit prescribed, the option clause for pay fixation on promotion with effect from
date of promotlon/DNI shall invariably be Incorporated In the promotion/appointment order
so that there are no cases of delay in exercising the options due to administrative lapse. .

fi. In so far as their application to the employees belonging to the Indian Audit and
Accounts Department is concerned, these orders issue in consultation with the Comptroller &
Auditor General of India.

(Pushpender Kumar)
Under Secretary to the Government of India
Tel. No.011-23040489

All Ministries/Departments a 5 per standard list.

Copy also forwarded to:

I.Secretaries to Union public Service Commission / Supreme Court of India/ Lok Sabha
Sectt. / Rajya Sabha Sectt. /Cabinet Sectt. / Central Vigilance Commission / President's
Sectt. / Vice-Presiden^'s Sectt./Prime Minister's Office /NitiAyog. ...
1 Office of Comptroller & Auditor General of India.
3.Controller General of (Accounts/Controller of Accounts, Ministry of Finance.
4.Department of Personnel and Training (AIS Division)/ JCA /Admn. Section.
5.Governors of all States/Lt. Governors of all Union Territories.
6.Secretary, National Ctjuncll of JCM (Staff Side), 13-C, FerozShah Road, New Delhi.

7.All Members of Staff Side of the National Council of JCM/Departmental Council.

8.All Officers/Sections j of DoPT / Department of Administrative Reforms 8t Public
Grievances/Department of Pensions & Pensioners Welfare/ PESB, ;
9.' Joint Secretary (Pers)] Ministry of Finance, D/o Expenditure..
CT-tO. Additional Secretary (Union Territorl|g}JVLinilstry of Home Affairs. .
II.NlC-with a request to upload the OM on the website of DoPT. ,;

.(Pushpender Kumar)
Under Secretary to the Government of India


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