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1)Boy with childhood brain tumor presented to ED with confusion , decrease alertness and

with spastic OR stepping gait. MRI showing mass in the vermis. DX?
- Ependymoma

2)Patient with facial palsy . Pic given . which nerve palsy?

-Right facial nerve

3)Patient present in ED with knee pain since 2-3 months , relief by ibrufen 400mg .she is
hypertensive on beta blocker but she complaints still she has high BP . Treatment?
-D/C ibrufen and start paracetamol for knee pain ***
-Replace beta blocker with ACE inhibitor
-Start Nifedipine
-Add Diazepam

4) Patient presented with high LDL , High HDL , patient father died from MI at age 50. What
type of DLP patient has ?
-Type 4 Hyperlipidemia??
-Familial hyperlipidemia
-Polygenic Hyperlipidemia

5)Patient with edema ,proteinuria 4g , HTN, hypoalbumniemia , increased cholesterol .Dx?

-Nephrotic syndrome

6)Man presented with depression. Treatment?

-Paroxetine or Fluxetine

7)12 month old baby living with her nanny feeding her with formula milk product becoz
patients parents are out of town mostly .baby has some complaints after formula milk
feeding. What is the cause ?
-Plasma protein
-Don’t remember other options
8)Female patient develop cough ,SOB signs of PE 5days after C-section . what is the cause ?
-Lower extremity vein thrombosis

9)Patient in 40week labor. Which drug is not a tocolytic?


10)Patient with acne tried himself with over the counter medication many times but despite
medication . skin appear crusts with no comedones. What is the treatment?
-Benzoyl perioxide
-Oral retinoid
-Oral clindamycin

11) 24yr female took 30tab of paracetamol in order to commit suicide. What can increase the
risk of suicide attempt?
-Previous suicide attempt

12) Mother anxious abt her son school performance otherwise child is healthy, no
psychological issue in kid. What disorder mother has?
-Generalized anxiety disorder

13)A boy with asymptomatic fever 38C , no other complaints , playing with other kids. What
next step in management of this patient?
-Blood culture
-Emperic antibiotics

14)Man lost in desert while searching for a petrol station. He dehydrated and developed 40C
hyperthermia . hypernatremia , high creatinine. What is the cause of high creatinine in this
-Hypo perfusion
-High or low ADH

15)What happen to umbilical artery during labor.

-Intervillous space norm and Umbilical artery norm

16)Baby suddenly developed SOB , decrease air entry in one lung .DX?
-Foreign body

17)Patient with weight loss, night sweat and blood stained sputum. Dx?

18)What is mechanism of Labetalol?

-Alpha and beta blocker
19)What is mechanism of Omeprazol?
-Suppression of Proton pump

20)What is not Bioavailibity ?

-Drug formulation
-Gastric emptying
-Liver enzyme changes

21)Man with ulcer of left leg melleous and visible superficial veins, hyperpigmentation. Mild
swelling and no tenderness. Dx?

22)60 year male patient with ulcer of left leg melleous , superficial veins hyperpigmentation ,
mild swelling and no tenderness. Treatment?
-80mg enoxaparin **

23)Which cancer is viral?

-Cervical cancer

24)3 ladies working in same company developed cough , eyes discharges ,these symptoms
appears during working day and disappear on weekends. Respiratory symptoms . what action
u take?
-Check ventilators of company ????
-Inspection of work place to see what chemical causing symptoms
-Inform hygienist to visit the place

25)Treatment of ulcerative colitis?


26)Measles way of transmission ??


27)patient with icterus and decrease RBC .Blood smear ?

-Microangiopathic hemolytic anemia

28)Angry man lost his job , took his car attached a pipe to his car silencer and other end kept
in car and closed car windows and doors then drove car entered his work place in order to
commit suicide . what poisoning ?
-Carbon monoxide

29) 40yr farmer brought to ED by his friends with miosis , convulsions. Dx?
-Organophosphate poisoning

30)30 yr male working in a furniture store having nasal discharge , cough , cracks on his hands
. what poisoning?
-Hoodwork sawdust

31)Female patient with bilateral headache, no fever no photophobia . Type of headache?


32)Mother brought her 8 yrs old child to ED becoz child is shy and isolated himself, stays in
his room most of the time, he believes in telepathy and magic . what psychotic disorder is

33)Female patient involve in a car accident, she was putting seat belt, complaints of
abdominal pain and bruises, CT no changes , no bowel sounds heard. Which organ affected by
seat belt?

34)Hydrocephalus patient . CT given . In which direction child cant move his eyes?

35)What is normal labor?
-Regular contraction, 100% effacement and dilation of cervix 4-5cm

36)Patient complaint of weakness of right hand after fracture to humerus . extension

weakness. What nerve is damage?
-Radial nerve

37)Office working always using computer and developed numbness and pain in one hand ,
present of carpel tunnel syndrome , what nerve affected?
-Median nerve

38)CT of abdomen

-Liver contusion **

39)Patient with persistent vomiting, what changes in electrolytes ?


40)Female with whitish forthy vaginal discharge and itching . Dx?


41) Female patient with SOB and Cough with blood , she is taking oral contraceptives for
2years , her mother diagnosed with DVT after hysterectomy, her aunt having history of protin
c deficiency .Patient k/c of HTN and DM2 compliance to medication. her BP is 150/80 . What
causing SOB and cough the least?
-Mother with dvt
-Aunt Protien c def

42)Female patient diagnosed with mammary cancer in mammogram , no palpable mass .

what is the next step in management of this patient?
-Excision Biopsy**
-Mammogram Every 12months
-mammogram every 3months
-temoxifen 40mg
43)Patient with paraumbilical pain , radiating to the right , nausea and vomiting, no rebound,
painful rectal examination , Negative mcburney sign. Dx?
-Pelvic brim appendicitis

44)Patient with increased bilirubin , increase Alkphosp , normal ALT and normal AST. Dx?
-Biliary cirrhosis

45)Patient presented with Diarrhea , xray abdomen show airfluid in small and large intestine,
no gas in rectum. DX ?
-Paralytic ilieus ??
-Small bowel obstruction ??

46)Schizophrenia . what disorder?

-Thinking disorder

47)Female patient diagnosed with DVT , her mother died recently. She travelled 16hours
flight USA to Dubai . what is the cause of DVT in this patient?
-Long flight

48) Patient with stepping gait , with one short leg , feels he is the tallest in his class . Dx?
-Slipped capital of femur

49)Patient presented in ED with difficulty in walking stepping gait after a car accident injury
to cerebellum and fracture to hip and femur. Cause ?
-Popliteal nerve

50)Graves disease .what type of tremors ?

-Fine tremors

51)Graves disease .what changes in thyroid profile?

-TSH Low , T3 high , T4 high

52)What primary cancer leads to secondary brain frontal lobe cancer?
-Skin** (if lung present in options then choose lung)

53)Patient with unilateral knee swelling and tenderness. Decrease RBC .Dx?
-Hemophilia A **

54)Baby started vomiting after breast feeding. Cause?

-Pyloric stenosis

55)Baby with vomiting after feeding , olive mass palpable in epigastric region. Dx?
-Hypertrophic pyloric stenosis

56)Patient with vomiting , xray showed stricture of distal esophagus .treatment??


57)Patient on ranitiadine and symptoms subsided, but C13 breath test is positive . treatment?
-Antibiotic **
-continue ranitidine

58)Patient with ABG , PH-7.30 , PCO2 48, PO2 60 . What s his alveolar arterial gradient?
-30 **
Formula FiO2 * (atmospheric pressre – H20 pressure) – PaCO2/0.8 –PaO2
FiO2= 0.21 , Atm 760 , H2O =47

59)Patient with hypotension 90/60 . treatment?

-IV fluid

60)girl with right atrial enlargement and right ventricle enlargement. Dx?
-Atrial septal defect**
-Ventricular septal defect

61)Lung consolidation , Xray given . Dx?

-Right middle lobe consolidation****
62)Pregnant lady wants to do aminocentesis on 6th week of gestation to rule out down
syndrome. Wht u tell this patient?
-Aminocentesis only after 14-16 weeks gestation

63)Pregnant lady and her husband scared that their child might have down syndrome . what
test you recommend?
-Triple test

64)Pregnant lady visit clinic with amenorrhea, she doesn’t know she is in which week of
gestation . last US was done on 16th week gestation. What test is correct?
-Head circumference after 16 weeks

65)General Physician confirmed patient having ovarian mass, he has little knowledge about
this disease so physician refer patient to surgeon who can treat . what physician did ?
-Non maleficience **

66)Pregnant lady and her husband wants to know how much percentage of chances fetus
having develop cystic fibrosis because couple other two son having cystic fibrosis since birth.

67)Smoker for 17years , vomting occasionally , chronic alcoholic, mass present left side of
neck , painful mass . what cancer?
-Oropharyngeal cancer
68)Patient with TB on isoniazid what med to add ?
-Pyridoxin (Vit B6)

69)Patient with enlarged tonsils , high fever , speech distortion and multiple sore throat .
doctor suggest patient to do tonsillectomy . why?
-Multiple sore throat

70)68 yr male presented with cough , bilateral crackles , fever , respiratory rate 25 , normal
bp. wat is the indicating factor for this patient admission?
-Age >65

71)Football player collision with another player hitted his left knee , patient stopped playing
and noticed he cant extend his knee , which structure is damage?
-Meniscus tear**
-Medial collateral ligament ??

72)Patient with BPH what medication u give?


73)Female patient depressed after divorce for many years , she commited suicide many times
, what put her at high risk of commiting suicide again?
-Previous history of suicide attempts

74)Child with cough , fever and inspiratory stridor. Dx?


75)Female patient goes under radiation therapy for ovarian cancer and she has vaginal
atrophy. She wants to get pregnant . what you tell the patient?
-She cannot conceive

76)62yr old male patient admitted hospital with Emphysema and two days later developed
pneumonia in hospital then all of a sudden he died. What is the cause of death?

77)Alcohol withdrawal medication?


78)59yr female presented with Endometrial cancer . what tumor is this?

-Theca cell tumor

79)Menopausal women presenting with dyspareunia .treatment?

80)Reversible dementia . treatment?

81)Focal seizures (eyes to the right) right limb , history of previous UTI .cause ?
-Left frontoparietal lesion

82)12yr with ovarian mass and ascites , most likely origin of the tumor?

83)Patient with fatigue on exertion , proximal muscle weakness . Dx?

-Myasthnia gravis

84)ECG changes in pregnancy ?

-Left axis deviation**
-Left side heart strain
-Right side hypertrophy

85)Hypernatrmia dehydration. Why no signs of dehydration ?

-Intracellular fluid

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