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Maintenance Schemes for Private Buildings in Hong Kong

(Part 2)


 Buildings (Amendment) Ordinance 2001 in June 2011
 Building (Inspection and Repair) Regulation in Dec 2011
 Legislation empowers BA to issue statutory notices to owners to carry out prescribed
inspections and repairs of their buildings and windows
 Matters relating to appointment, control and duties of Registered Inspectors (RI) and
Qualified Persons (QP)
 Procedural requirements for such inspections and repair
 Registration for RI commenced on 30 Dec 2011
 Full implementation commenced on June 2012

Requirements under MBIS/MWIS

 Buildings aged 30 years or above are required to appoint an RI to carry out the
prescribed inspection and supervise the necessary repair works of the common parts,
external walls and projections or signboards of the buildings once every 10 years
 Owners of buildings aged 10 years or above are required to appoint a QP to carry out
prescribed inspection and supervise necessary repair works of all windows of the
buildings once every 5 years

Selection of Target Buildings

 2,000 buildings will be selected for both MBIS and MWIS to be carried out concurrently
each year
 Extra 3,800 buildings selected for MWIS only
 Target buildings would represent a mix of buildings in different conditions and age
profiles in various districts
 A selection panel comprising representatives from professional institutions, relevant
non-government organizations, property management professionals, District Councils
and relevant Govn’t departments is established to render advice to BD for the selection

Objectives of Prescribed Inspection

RI shall carry out examination or assessment of building under MBIS to:

 Ascertain whether building is safe or liable to become dangerous
 Identify any defect or deficiency of building
 Make proposal for any prescribed repair

Standard of Works

 Shown in approved plan of building

 Shown in plan submitted under Minor Works System
 Fire Safety (Commercial Premises) Ordinance or Fire Safety (Building) Ordinance
 Standard of building design and construction prevalent at time of construction of


Scope of Building Inspection

 External elements
 Structural elements
 Fire safety elements
 Drainage system
 Identification of UBWs in common parts of building; on exterior parts such as external
wall, roof or podium; and on street on which building fronts or abuts. (BD will deal
with such UBWs in accordance with prevailing policy.)


Scope of Identification of UBW

 Structures in common parts and on roof top, flat roof, yard, lane or street
 Projections and signboards erected on exterior of building
 Alterations or additions affecting fire safety
 Alterations and additions of structural elements
 Alterations and additions of drainage system
 Alterations of external walls or parapets
 Removal or alterations of provisions for barrier free access for people with disability


 Alterations or additions to balconies, canopies or other approved projections of building

Scope of Prescribed Repair

 Covers all defective or deficient items identified in prescribed inspection

Standard of Prescribed Repair

 To render the building safe after repair

 Testing to
 Verify findings of prescribed inspection; or
 Prove the building is safe or has been rendered safe
 Standard of works – same as for prescribed inspection

Time Frame of MBIS Notice

Pre-notification Letter
 Not less than 6 months advance notice to owners before issuance of MBIS Notice

MBIS Notice ( 3* + 3 + 6 )
 3 months for appointment of RI
 3 months for completion of prescribed inspection
 6 months for completion of prescribed repair
(* extra 3 months allowed for building without OC)

Time Frame of MWIS Notice

Pre-notification Letter
 Not less than 2 months advance notice to owners before issuance of MWIS Notice

MWIS Notice ( 3* + 2 + 1 )
 3 months for appointment of QP
 2 months for completion of prescribed inspection
 1 month for completion of prescribed repair
(* extra 3 months allowed for building without OC)

Procedures under MBIS

 BD issues pre-notification letter to owners before serving of statutory notices to alert

them to get prepared and organized for carrying out required prescribed inspection and
 Not < 6 months after issue of pre-notification letters, BD may serve statutory notices on
owners requiring them to carry out prescribed inspection and prescribed repair works
found necessary
 Building owners must appoint RI to carry out prescribed inspection required within
specified time frame
 RI to carry out prescribed inspection personally to ascertain whether building has been
rendered dangerous or is liable to become dangerous


 Where RI considers that prescribed repair is required, owners must appoint RGBC or
RMWC to carry out prescribed repair under supervision of RI (who may be the same as
or different from RI who has carried out prescribed inspection)
 Upon completion of prescribed inspection and prescribed repair, RI must submit an
inspection report and a completion report respectively, with a certificate in specified
form, to BD for record and audit check


Document Submission by RI

Notification of Appointment of RI
 Submission with 7 days after date of appointment
 Specified Form

Completion of Prescribed Inspection

 Submission with 7 days after completion of prescribed inspection
 Inspection report; and
 Certificate in specified Form

Completion of Prescribed Repair

 Submission with 14 days after completion of prescribed repair
 Completion Report
 Certificate in Specified Form; and
 Certificate in Specified Form certifying that RI is not partner, director, or authorized
signatory of RC appointed to carry out prescribed repair

Inspection Requirements for External Elements

 External Finishes
 Loose or missing tiles and rendering
 Cracks
 Bulging, bowing, separation, delamination
 Corrosion of metallic parts embedded in external finishes
 Spalling
 Cladding
 Displacement of cladding panels
 Cracked or loose cladding panels
 Defective sealing joints


 Stains
 Corrosion of fixing anchors or metal frames
 Fins, Grilles and Metal Louvers
 Dilapidation
 Corrosion of metallic parts
 Loose or defective fixings
 Protective Barriers, Railings, Parapets and Balustrades
 Cracked, loose, broken or missing glass panels
 Corroded or loose fixings
 Loose or defective railings
 Defective sealants
 Fencing and Associated Fixings
 Dilapidation
 Corrosion
 Loose or defective fixings
 Curtain Wall and Associated Openable Windows
 Cracked, loose, broken or missing glass panes
 Corroded or loose fixings
 Defective sealants
 Defective fire stop
 Defective locking devices and bar hinges
 Signs of water leakage behind curtain wall
 Appendages
 Dilapidation
 Corrosion
 Loose or defective fixings
 Manually or Electrically Operated Metal Gates
 Defective or missing hinges
 Defective track, guide rail, stopper and safety device to prevent gate from sliding
off the rail
 Corrosion of supporting structural steel posts and fixings

Inspection Requirements for Structural Elements

 Defects to be identified
 Dampness
 Rust stains or corrosion of reinforcement
 Cracks or signs of distress
 Spalling
 Delamination
 Exposed reinforcement
 Voids and honeycombing
 Deformation or displacement
 Abnormal separation of building from adjoining buildings
 For cantilevered slab canopy, apart from general structural elements above, RI must look
out for any water ponding, defective drains, signs of water seepage, existence of UBW
erected on and/or attached to soffit of canopy

Inspection for Cantilevered Slab Canopy over Street


 RI must conduct the following investigation and conduct assessment to ascertain safety
level of canopy projecting over street
 Opening up concrete cover at suitable locations at roof of canopy immediately
adjoining parent structure must be conducted to assess degree of corrosion of
existing main reinforcement;
 Coring at appropriate locations must be carried out to measure actual slab thickness,
compressive strength and carbonation of concrete;
 At open-up locations, layout of existing reinforcement, including bar diameter, bar
spacing, thickness of concrete cover, and thickness of screeding and waterproofing
on canopy must be measured; and
 Span length of cantilevered slab canopy, dimensions of any parapet wall, downturn
and/or architectural features, etc. must be measured.
 RI must exercise his professional judgment to select sufficient opening up and coring
locations with at least 2 numbers for each discrete canopy of a building under inspection,
or 1 number for every 6 m along length of canopy, whichever is the greater.

Inspection Requirements for Fire Safety Elements

 Means of Escape
 Defective or missing exit signs
 Inadequate lighting
 Defective balustrades and handrails in staircases and escape routes
 Door swing obstructing means of escape
 Blocked or obstructed means of escape
 Defective treads
 Means of Access for Fire Fighting and Rescue
 Blocked means of access to building, particularly along rear lane
 Blocked or obstructed means of access within building such as access to fireman’s
lift lobby on G/F
 Dilapidated emergency vehicular access
 Defects in integrity of fireman’s lift lobby
 Fire Resisting Construction
 Defective or dilapidated materials resulting in inadequate FRC
 Ventilation ducts or other building services passing through compartment walls or
floors breaching the requirements of FRC
 Broken hinges or glass panels in fire doors
 Defective or non-provision of self-closing mechanism in fire doors
 Broken or dilapidated fire doors or fire resisting glazing
 Inadequate fire resistance of fire door or glazing
 Non-emergency services such as electric wires, cables and meters in escape
staircases and lobbies, without adequate fire protection
 Damaged staircase enclosure such as walls, windows and doors including those for
protected lobby
 Obstruction to fire dampers or fire shutters for compartmentation
 Defective or blocked staircase top vents
 Unauthorized Alterations and Additions
 Doors, gates or roller shutters obstructing escape route
 Unprotected openings at enclosure walls or exit routes or compartment walls, floors
and ceilings
 Structures on refuge floors


 Door openings from cocklofts to exit staircases in single-staircase buildings

 Alteration to escape routes, protected lobbies or fire resisting construction resulting
in deficiencies in fire safety
 Structures on main or flat roofs resulting in inadequate means of escape
 Structures on main or flat roofs resulting in deficiency in fire resisting construction
such as inadequate fire separation between structures concerned, and main or flat
roof designated as refuge floor
 Change in provision of fireman’s lift or lobby of fire fighting and rescue stairway
 Removal of fire doors, fire shutters or other fire resisting construction
 Unsuitable Change in Use
 Change in use for storage of hazardous materials
 Change in use resulting in exceeding approved capacity in terms of means of escape
and/or imposed load of a room or storey

Inspection Requirements for Drainage System

 General
 Corrosion, leakage, deformation, displacement, damage and blockage of drain pipes
and traps including underground drains
 Corrosion, loosening or breaking of metal brackets
 Damage or blockage of manhole/septic tank
 Broken and blockage of surface channel, gullies and catch pits
 Missing drain pipes or grating at top of ventilating pipes
 Deterioration or missing of mica flap in fresh air inlet
 Unauthorized Alterations and Additions
 Misconnection of foul or waste water to surface water drainage system or discharge
of foul or waste water to external parts of building or open areas
 Drainage alteration and addition resulting in discharge of untreated trade effluent,
including hot water, into drainage system or to external parts of building or open
 Mis-connection of surface water to foul water system

Inspection Requirements for UBW

 UBW under Construction or Constituting Obvious Hazard or Imminent Danger

 UBW are constituting obvious hazard or imminent danger to life or property
 Parent structure is overloaded and shows serious signs of distress
 UBW are constituting serious environmental nuisance or health hazard
 UBW are under construction
 UBW Validated under Section 39C of Buildings Ordinance (supporting structures on
slab or supporting frames projecting from external wall for air-conditioning units, drying
racks and window canopies)
 Dilapidation
 Corrosion
 Loose or defective fixings

Inspection Report

 Cover Page
 Building name, address and lot no.


 MBIS notice no.

 Name, certificate of registration no. and date of expiry of registration of RI
 Date of report
 Summary
 Condition of building inspected
 RI’s recommendation
 Building Information
 OP date
 Original and current usage
 No. of storeys and units
 Approved floor plans
 Principal construction materials
 Salient information of previous inspection and repair
 Name of Incorporated Owners and management company
 Reference Documents
 Approved building, structural, drainage, alteration and addition plans
 Plans and details of minor works carried out under simplified requirements
 Plans and documents submitted to BA under section 39C of BO
 Fire Safety Directions served by BD on building owners
 Other relevant documents
 Method Statement for Building Inspection
 Inspection Results
 Daily inspection records
 Particulars, qualifications and experience of RI’s representative
 Photos for each elevation of building
 Summary of all building defects and deficiencies in table form
 Record of defects extending from common parts or external walls to individual flats
 Record of defective flat entrance door having adverse effects on fire safety
 Results of all tests carried out during inspection stage
 Statement reporting if upgrading works under Fire Safety Directions have been
 Record of all UBW identified
 Report on signs of suspected subdivision of flats
 Assessment
 Based on findings of building inspection and detailed investigation, RI shall assess
conditions of whole building and its major elements
 Repair Proposal
 Marked-up plans showing different types of rectification and repair works to be
carried out
 Method statement for rectification and repair works
 Proposal of proof tests
 Supervision proposal
 Particulars, qualifications and experience of RI’s representative

Detailed Investigation

 Conduct detailed investigation where there are serious defects constituting structural
instability or serious health hazard, or where extent or cause of defects cannot be
ascertained in inspection
 RI to determine whether a DI is required to be conducted


 DI may be required to determine seriousness of defects or deficiencies in structural

elements, or ascertaining integrity of drainage system, or fire resistance capability of
 RI may engage suitable specialist to conduct tests for DI. However, RI shall supervise
the specialist and be personally responsible for application of findings of DI

DI for Structural Elements

 RI should conduct DI for the following structural defects

 Serious flexural cracks on sides and soffit of beams or slabs
 Diagonal cracks at or near supports of beam
 Helical cracks on beam faces
 Cracks at tension zone of cantilevered structures
 Cracking or crushing of columns
 Tensile cracks at hanging structures
 Serious structural cracks other than the types mentioned above
 Excessive deformation of structural members
 Global movement of building
 Extensive spalling or serious corrosion of reinforcement and structural steel
 Serious corrosion of main steel reinforcements at root of cantilevered slab canopies
after opening up inspection

Structural Assessment

 Based on DI results, RI shall conduct assessment to ascertain safety level of structural

element concerned and propose necessary follow-up actions
 RI may conduct assessment based on standards and CoP prevailing at the time the
building was constructed or when any alteration and addition works were carried out
 RI may also evaluate safety level of a structural element by determining its Factor of
Structural Performance. FSP of a structural member is defined as ratio of limit state
resistance of structural member and factored load effects

Worst Credible Strength

 Where RI is not certain about the material properties, he may use the approach of Worst
Credible Strength under the following circumstances:
 An initial assessment using characteristic values has shown that a structural element
may be incapable of carrying the full assessment loading;
 A structure suffers from damage or deterioration resulting in the actual strength
being less than the characteristic values; or
 Information in respect of the characteristic values adopted in the design cannot be

Modified Partial Safety Factors

 For determining factored load effects on rc and steel structures based on the Concrete
Code and Steel Code, modified partial safety factors for loads shall be used.
 Where the concrete strength is based on the WCS from cores, the partial safety factors
for material strength (m) for concrete in flexure or axial load may be taken as 1.25 (not


 Where the reinforcement strength is based on a WCS from test results, the value of m
for reinforcement may be taken as 1.05 (not 1.15).

DI for Drainage System

 DI may be required under the following circumstances

 Identification of misconnection of drain pipes
 Detection of defective underground drains
 Detection of source of leakage
 Detection of defective concealed pipes including those within pipe ducts
 Detection of corroded or loosen metal brackets within pipe ducts

Selection Criteria for Repair Methods

 RI shall consider the following to determine repair methods

 Intended use and design life of structure or building components
 Severity of exposure
 Condition of existing structure or building components
 Cause of defect
 Impact of repair proposal to occupants and public
 Effects of repair works on building and environment
 Required performance and durability of repair works
 Compatibility of repair materials and method of application with substrate and
parent structure
 Other aspects relevant to safety and health standards


Repair of Reinforced Concrete

 Patch Repair
 Suitable for localized and non-critical defects with repair depth < 75 mm
 Materials
 Repair mortar – cementitious mortar or polymer modified cementitious mortar
 Primer for reinforcement – rust inhibitor, cement-based reinforcement primer
or epoxy-based reinforcement primer
 Bond coat – cement-based, epoxy-based or acrylic-based
 New reinforcement – Construction Standard CS2
 Hacking – All spalled concrete to be thoroughly removed
 Treatment to Reinforcement – exposed reinforcement to be wire-brushed to remove
loose mill scale and rust. Where reinforcement is corroded seriously (i.e. loss of
sectional are > 15%), it shall be replaced by new reinforcement with adequate
lapped length to remained existing reinforcement
 Application of Repair Mortar – apply bond coat to concrete substrate; place each
layer of repair mortar to thickness not < 10 mm
 Proof Tests – RI to conduct or direct proof tests such as hammer-tapping or other
feasible means to ascertain integrity of repair works
 Recasting
 Adopt recasting where there is extensive spalling, significant deterioration or high
chloride content in concrete substrate, or significant corrosion of reinforcement
 Materials
 New cast concrete – compressive strength of new cast concrete not inferior to
that of parent concrete
 Conduct sampling of concrete and compressive test of concrete test cubes to
 New reinforcement – Construction Standard CS2
 Hacking – All spalled concrete to be thoroughly removed
 Treatment to Reinforcement – exposed reinforcement to be wire-brushed to remove
loose mill scale and rust. Where reinforcement is corroded seriously (i.e. loss of
sectional are > 15%), it shall be replaced by new reinforcement with adequate
lapped length to remained existing reinforcement
 Concreting – Ensure that concrete has been compacted adequately by using
vibrator or other suitable methods
 Proof Tests – RI to conduct or direct rebound hammer test or other suitable proof
tests to ascertain quality of recast concrete

 RI may select the following methods
 Brushing cement grout
 Opening up of larger cracks and conducting patch repair
 Pouring low viscosity polymer resin
 Pressurized injection of epoxy resin

Minimum Supervision Requirements of RI

 RI must ensure that repair is carried out in accordance with repair proposal.


 RI may appoint a Level 1 representative and a Level 2 representative to form a

supervision team to supervise rectification/repair works and proof tests on his behalf.
However, RI must carry out the first inspection to rectification/repair works and proof
tests that are specified for Level 2 Supervision in Table 3. Minimum qualifications and
experience required for Level 1 and Level 2 representative are set out in Table 1. RI has
overall responsibility and accountability for his supervision team. The representative is
directly accountable to RI.
 Minimum requirements on frequency of inspection and level of supervision to various
typical rectification/repair works and proof tests are set out in Table 2 and Table 3
respectively. For rectification/repair works and proof test that are not covered in the table,
the RI and his supervision team must examine and supervise repair works and proof tests
at such frequency and extent as RI considers appropriate in fulfilling his duties as RI.

Table 1 -- Minimum Qualifications and Experience for RI’s Level 1 and Level 2 Rep

RI’s Representative Minimum qualifications and experience

Level 1 Representative Equivalent to TCP T1 for building works or Class 1 Minor
Works, as stipulated in CoP for Site Supervision
Level 2 Representative A. Equivalent to TCP T3 for building works or Class 1 Minor
Works, as stipulated in CoP for Site Supervision; or
B. Passed specified top-up course with minimum total relevant
working experience of 5 years.

Table 2 -- Minimum Frequency of Inspection

RI or RI’s Representative Minimum Frequency of Inspection

RI First inspection to rectification/repair works and proof tests
that are specified for Level 2 Supervision
Level 2 Representative Fortnightly Inspection
Level 1 Representative Fortnightly Inspection
 Level 2 Representative may take up the responsibilities of Level 1 Representative but
their inspection frequency cannot be combined.

Table 3 -- Minimum Supervision Requirements



 Level 1 supervision – may be performed by RI’s Level 1 representative, RI’s Level 2
representative or RI
 Level 2 supervision - may be performed by RI’s Level 2 representative or RI. The RI
however must carry out the first inspection to rectification/repair works and proof tests
that are specified for Level 2 supervision.

Completion Report

 Cover Page
 Building name, address and lot no.
 MBIS notice no.
 Name, certificate of registration no. and date of expiry of registration of RI
 Name, certificate of registration no. and date of expiry of registration of RC
 Date of report


 Rectification and Repair Works

 Summary of rectification and repair works carried out
 Marked-up plans
 Photos for each elevation of building after repair
 Method statement adopted for and records of results of all proof tests
 Certificates and reports of materials used
 Summary of rectification and repair works supervised by RI’s representative
 Account of all revisions to repair proposal submitted with the Inspection Report
 Details of Voluntary Removal of UBW

Scope of Window Inspection

 Rivets (鉚釘) and screws (螺絲)

 Hinges (窗鉸)
 Sliding tracks (滑動式軌道), shoes (墊座) and window stays
 Glass panes (玻璃)
 Sealant (密封劑) and putty (油灰)
 Frames (窗框)

NB Internal glass partitions and shopfront show windows on G/F are not windows under
MWIS, and curtain walls are subject to MBIS and not MWIS

Inspection of Aluminium Framed Windows

Components Possible Defects / Sign of Deterioration

 Window frames and sashes  Difficult to open or in jerky motion
 Deformed or cannot be secured
 Hinges  Deformed or missing parts
 Seriously corroded
 Rivets and screws  Loosen or missing
 Greyish white powder or rust
 Sliding tracks, shoes of sliding  Deformed or missing
windows and window stays  Greyish white powder or rust
 Lock set  Loosen or missing
 Broken strap, jammed handle
 Glass panes  Broken or cracked
 Glazing bead and gasket for supporting  Missing or defective
glass pane
 Other elements that may affect safety of the window

Inspection of Steel/Iron Framed Windows

Components Possible Defects / Sign of Deterioration

 Window frames and sashes  Difficult to open or in jerky motion
 Deformed or cannot be secured
 Rusty


 Flaking painting or exposed steel

 Hinges  Deformed or missing
 Seriously corroded
 Screws  Loosen or missing
 Corroded
 Welds  Cracked or seriously corroded
 Lock set  Loosen or missing
 Jammed handle
 Glass panes  Broken or cracked
 Putty  Missing or cracked
 Sliding tracks, shoes of sliding  Deformed or missing
windows and window stays  Corroded or hard to move
 Other elements that may affect safety of the window

Inspection of Window Walls

Components Possible Defects / Sign of Deterioration

 Glass panes / fins  Broken or cracked
 Mullions and transoms  Seriously corroded
 Deformed or defective
 Brackets / spider fixing  Loosen or missing
 Deformed or defective
 Anchors, bolts, nuts and screws  Loosen or missing
 Corroded
 Glazing bead and gasket for supporting  Missing or defective
glass pane
 Structural sealant  Missing or defective
 Signs of deterioration or split such as
change in colour, wrinkle, etc.
 Other elements that may affect safety of the window

Regulation of Service Providers

 Establish an inspectors’ register under BO, as well as Inspector Registration Committees

to scrutinize professional standards for registration of RI
 Issue detailed guidelines on requirements and standards of building inspections, window
inspections and repair works, Code of Practice for MBIS and MWIS, and Practice Note
on tendering procedures
 Conduct random audit check of inspection reports submitted by RI, and impose
appropriate sanctions for irregularities identified
 Issue publicity materials and provide enquiry/complaint channels on malpractice of

Service Providers

 RI for MBIS – AP, RSE or registered building professionals possessing relevant work
experience in field of building construction, repair and maintenance whose name is on
the inspectors’ register kept by BD


 Contractors for repair works – RGBC or RMWC

Duties of RI

Inspection Stage
 Carry out prescribed inspection personally
 Comply with BO
 Notify BA of any case of emergency
 Record and notify BA any unauthorized building works in the common parts and
external walls of building

Detailed Investigation (DI)

 Serious defect constituting structural instability or serious health hazard; or
 Extent or cause of defect cannot be ascertained

The RI must
 Notify BA in writing
 Submit to BA proposal of DI for endorsement
 Arrange for DI in accordance with endorsed proposal
(NB: RI must engage and supervise a specialist to carry out a DI)

Repair Stage
 Provide proper supervision for carrying out of prescribed repair
 Ensure repair materials to be used:
 Are not defective and comply with BO; and
 Have been mixed, prepared, applied, used, erected, constructed, placed or fixed in
manner required for such materials under BO
 Ensure building is safe or has been rendered safe
 Comply with BO
 Notify the BA of any case of emergency

Duties of QP

Inspection Stage
 Carry out prescribed inspection personally*
 Comply with BO
 Notify BA of any case of emergency

NB If QP appointed is not a natural person, a representative of the QP

Repair Stage
 Provide proper supervision for carrying out of prescribed repair
 Ensure repair materials to be used:
 Are not defective and comply with BO; and
 Have been mixed, prepared, applied, used, erected, constructed, placed or fixed in
manner required for such materials under BO
 Ensure windows are safe or have been rendered safe
 Comply with BO
 Notify the BA of any case of emergency


NB QP who is RGBC or RMWC may also act as contractor for prescribed repair

Assistance for Owners

Organization Stage
 Briefing sessions arranged for owners concerned to assist them to comply with statutory
 Technical advice in respect of appointment of RI, QP and RC (HKHS/URA/ICAC)
 Assistance to building owners to form OC (HAD/HKHS/URA)
 Subsidy of up to $3,000 per OC to be formed and technical assistance for OC formation

Inspection/Repair Stage
 Subsidy on cost of appointment of RI for first prescribed building inspection to eligible
owners, subject to a cap (HKHS/URA)
 Technical advisory services in respect of matters relating to building and window
inspection and maintenance and, where necessary, referral to relevant professional bodies
for free professional advice (HKHS/URA)
 One-stop Integrated Building Maintenance Assistance Scheme (IMBAS) providing
financial assistance and technical support to building owners (HKHS/URA)

After Repair
 For successful application with completion of repair works under the Common Area
Repair Works Subsidy or Common Area Repair Works Interest-free loan of the IBMAS,
a subsidy of 50% of the insurance premium for the public liability insurance / third party
risks insurance for the common parts of the building of up to $6,000 per annum for 3
consecutive years will be provided to the OC (HKHS/URA)

Loans and Grants

 Building Safety Loan Scheme – Loans to owners up to $1 million for each unit of
accommodation (BD)
 Common Area Repair Works Subsidy – A subsidy of up to 20-30% of the approved costs
of up to $3,000 per unit capped at $1.2 million per OC (HKHS/URA)
 Common Area Repair Works Interest-free Loan – Up to $100,000 per domestic unit for
repair works in common areas provided to eligible owners (HKHS/URA)
 Home Renovation Interest-free Loan – Up to $50,000 per domestic unit for interior
repair works (HKHS/URA)
 Building Maintenance Grant Scheme for Elderly Owners – Up to $40,000 per unit to
eligible elderly owners (HKHS)

Legal Liabilities of Owners/OC

 MBIS – A fine of $50,000 and imprisonment for 1 year

 MWIS – A penalty notice for a fixed fine of $1,500. A fine of $25,000 and imprisonment
for 3 months for repeated offenders
 BD may also arrange for the required inspection and repair works to be carried out by its
consultant and contractor, and recover the cost with supervision charge, together with a
surcharge of not exceeding 20% of the cost


Voluntary Building Assessment Scheme

 To give a positive recognition to well-managed and properly maintained buildings

 Buildings certified by VBAS will be recognized by BD for having fulfilled the
requirements under MBIS and MWIS within the respective inspection
 Operated and administered by HKHS commencing in July 2012. The HK Quality
Building Assessment Panel is set up to oversee the implementation
 The VBAS assessment shall be conducted by “VBAS Assessors” registered under the

Reference Material on Building Maintenance

 Building Maintenance Guidebook by BD –

 Drainage Pipe Maintenance Pamphlet by BD –
 Layman’s Guide to Slope Maintenance, and Guide to Slope Maintenance by CEDD –
 Protecting Public Safety: Electricity, Gas, Lift and Escalators by EMSD –
 Cleansing of Fresh Water Storage Tanks by WSD –
 Fire Safety Checklist by FSD –


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