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Grade : X-CP (Science) Semester : 1

Day/ Date : Friday / 24 July 2020 Topic : Planet Earth

Exercise 1.1. Natural Cycles, Air Pollution, and Limestone

1. Water vapour in the atmosphere reacts with sulfur dioxide, SO 2, to produce acid rain.
a. State one source of sulfur dioxide. _______________________________ [1]
b. State two adverse effects of acid rain ________________________________________________________________[2]

2. Describe two natural sources of methane.

__________________________________________________________________________________________________ [2]

3. Give two reasons why hydrogen may be considered to be the ideal fuel for the future.
1. ______________________________________________________________________________________________ [2]
2. ______________________________________________________________________________________________ [2]

4. The diagram shows part of the carbon cycle. This includes some of the processes that determine the percentage of carbon
dioxide in the atmosphere.

CO2 in the atmosphere

Combustion Photosynthesis Respiration

a. Carbon dioxide is one greenhouse gas. Name another gas. ____________________________ [1]
b. Explain the term respiration and how this process increase the percentage of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere
_____________________________________________________________________________________________ [2]
c. Explain the term combustion and how this process increase the percentage of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere
___________________________________________________________________________________________ [2]
d. Explain the term photosynthesis and how this process decrease the percentage of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere
_____________________________________________________________________________________________ [2]

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5. The gases in the atmosphere can be separated and purified by fractional distillation of liquid air.
The table shows the boiling points of the gases involved
Gas Boiling Point / ºC
argon -186
helium -269
krypton -157
neon -246
nitrogen -196
oxygen -183
xenon -108

a. Which gas will not become liquid at -200 ºC? _____________________________ [1]
b. Which gas will be the first to distil over? ___________________________ [1]
c. Which two gases are difficult to separate by this method? Why is this? ________________________________ [3]

6. a. What is the difference between lime and slaked lime?

______________________________________________________________________________________________ [2]
c. Explain about the limestone cycle
__________________________________________________________________________________________ [4]
d. What are the uses of limestone? State four.
______________________________________________________________________________________________ [4]

Exercise 1.2. Atmospheric pollution, industry, and transport

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The following pie charts show estimates of the sources of three major atmospheric pollutants in an industrialized country.

Sulfur Dioxide Nitrogen Oxides

indus trans home indust

trial port heatin rial
10% 2% g 1%
hom 10%
heati power
ng statio
18% n
powe 22%
r transp
statio ort
n 64%

Carbon Monoxide



a. What is the largest source of sulfur dioxide pollution?

______________________________________________________________________________________ [1]
b. Name the three major fuels whose combustion gives rise to the levels of sulfur dioxide in the atmosphere.
________________________________________________________________________________________________ [2]
c. Units are being added to some power stations and industrial plants to prevent the emission of sulfur dioxide. What is the name
given to these units? __________________________________ [1]
d. Nitrogen oxides (NOx) are another major pollutant of the atmosphere, particularly in large cities.
i. The operating temperature of a diesel engine is significantly higher than that of a petrol (gasoline) engine. Would you expect the
level of NOx emissions from a diesel-powered vehicle to be greater or lower than from a petrol-powered vehicle? Give the reason
for your answer.
___________________________________________________________________________________________________ [2]
ii. What attachment is fitted to the modern cars to reduce the level of pollution by oxides of nitrogen?
____________________________________________________ [1]
e. Nitrogen oxides, unburnt hydrocarbons and carbon monoxide combine together under the influence of ultraviolet light to produce
photochemical smog.
i. Why do you think this form of pollution is most common in large cities?
________________________________________________________________________________________ [1]
ii. What other form of pollution from car exhaust fumes has now almost totally disappeared from modern cities following changes in
fuel and pollution monitoring?
___________________________________________________________________________________________________ [1]

Exercise 1.3. Clean Water is Crucial

IGCSE Chemistry/X-CP/2020-2021 Page 3

The diagram shows the different stages involved in a modern water plant producing water for domestic and industrial use.

a. What devices are used in the early stages of processing to remove insoluble debris and materials? Include comments on the size
of the material removed by these methods.
___________________________________________________________________________________________________ [2]
b. What is the common purpose of treating the water with chlorine and/or ozone?
_____________________________________________________________________________________________________ [1]
c. What other purpose does treatment with ozone achieve?
_____________________________________________________________________________________________________ [1]
d. What type of chemical agent is ozone (O3) behaving as in the reactions involved in part c?
______________________________________________________________________________________ [1]
e. Countries that have insufficient rainfall, or where water supply is in great demand, may need to use other methods of producing
clean water. Here, processes for desalination are used.
i. What does the term desalination mean?
___________________________________________________________________________________________________ [2]
ii. Name two methods that such countries use for desalination.
___________________________________________________________________________________________________ [2]
iii. Give one disadvantage of these methods of desalination.
___________________________________________________________________________________________________ [1]


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