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This is a story of extreme courage and
skill exhibited by Gordon Cook, his
family and crewmen in a war with
water and waves for survival. It is an
example of the fact that courage,
bravery and togetherness can be
remedy for any illness in the world.
The chapter revolves around a part of
the round- the- world voyage
undertaken by the narrator and his
family in a sailboat. It describes their
thrilling journey across the sea and
their close encounter with death during
their voyage.
Gordon Cook and his Family
The WaveWalker
About The Authors
In July 1976, my wife Mary, son
Jonathan, 6,daughter Suzanne,7, and I
set sail from Plymouth, England, to
duplicate the round-the-world voyage
made 200 years earlier by Captain
James Cook......... Southern Indian
In July 1976,the narrator and his family
started their sea voyage from Plymouth
Their boat Wavewalker was specially
made for the voyage.
Their first phase was very pleasant.
On our second day out of Cape Town,
we began to encounter strong gales.....
December 25 found us 3,500 kms east
of Cape Town......
At dawn on January 2,the waves were
gigantic........ ---and waited.
On the second day in Cape Town, they
encountered strong wind which
continued for weeks.
In spite of the bad weather they
celebrated Christmas happily.
On 2nd January,they faced huge waves
The first indication of impending
disaster.......... Breaking crest.
The roar increased to a thunder to a
thunder......... I felt quiet peaceful.
Unexpectedly, my head popped out of
the water........ next wave and hung on
The first indication of disaster approach
with silence. There came biggest wave
he had ever seen. The wave hit the
boat and water poured into the boat.
He thought he is going to die. His left
ribs cracked, and he was badly injured
Anyhow he managed and hung on.
Water, Water, Everywhere. I could feel
that the ship......... for the hatch.
“Take the wheel”, I shouted as I....
Larry and Herb were pumping like
madmen.......... Over the side.
The narrator knew that there was water
everywhere. Mary came and informed
that the boat was sinking. The boat had
been damaged. He somehow manage
to reach the children. And anyhow
prevented the water from entering the
boat. But that was not the end .
More problems arose when our hand
pumps started to block......
Then I remembered we had another
electric pump......
The night dragged on with an endless,
bitterly cold routine of pumping.......
Now the handpumps started jamming
and the electric pumps short-circuited.
The night was endless, bitterly cold
routines of pumping etc. They even
could not connect to anyone as they
were in a remote corner of the world.
She’s head had swollen alarmingly;
she had two enormous black eyes,
and now she showed us a deep cut on
her arm. When I asked why she hadn’t
made more of her injuries before this,
she replied, “ didn’t want to worry you
when you were trying to save us all”.
Sue was badly injured. Her head was
swollen. She had two black eyes and a
deep cut on her arm.
But even then she didn’t say anything
to her father because her father was
busy to save their lives.
Honing: improving
Gales: extremely strong winds
Atrocious: very unpleasant
Knots: nautical miles per hour
Stern: back part
Oilskin: waterproof clothing
Aft of: behind
Torrent: large amount
Taut: tightly
Sloshed: moved noisily
Chartroom: room in the boat where
maps are kept
The narrator with his family set sail for
a sea voyage.
The initial period proved to be very
But afterwards the weather began to
The crew members prepared for an
approaching disaster.
A tremendous wave wrecked the
The family was injured badly but
we’re not afraid.
to be continued....

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