Linkedin Profile - Moonsub 1

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Moonsub Jung


INSTRUCTOR: Whitney Wilkinson

2020 August 1st

Final Assignment: LinkedIn Profile

1. After watching the LinkedIn Videos on the previous page what are the five most
important points that stood out to you and why they are helpful in creating a strong
LinkedIn profile and personal brand?

Write Your Summary in First Person

Tailor Your Summary to a Specific
Include an Expertise Section
Show Character; Be Your True Self
Keep Your Summary Short and to the Point
2. How you can you apply those five points to create your own profile and brand?

Because it is an opportunity to objectify myself or my brand. It is also an opportunity to look

back on me. I must objectify my ability or current situation and evaluate myself and adequately
appeal to the companies that want me. And since they evaluate me only with my profile and
my summary without any meeting or call. So, I have to summarize my ability situation properly
and show them the images they want without giving them unnecessary information.
3. What do you believe your personal brand is and how do you think colleagues perceive
both your positive and negative characteristics?

2~3 paragraphs with 2~3 sentences in each paragraph are made and written as the first-person
point of view. As human beings, our attention spans keep shrinking, making your sentences
short and to the end. Also, find a pinpoint these keywords by scrutinizing the job posting, note
the words or phrases that appear multiple times, and then put in my profile summary. Because
it is shown to companies that want to hire employees and have to show that I am the person
they want.
4. What steps could you take to improve your personal brand in person and online?

My brand is myself. My colleagues around me say that my strengths are honesty and good
advice and that my shortcomings are too sensitive.

5. What is an example of how your personal brand affects your career and future
employment opportunities?

The only way to increase my brand value is through my efforts.

For now, studying is the best way to increase my brand value. There is currently no way to
improve my value online. But if I have one, it will be writing a good summary of me in linked.

For example, my current portfolio is a good example. I am still a student, but it is an excellent
way to show my feelings and achievements while taking classes and learning. Also, I think it will
help the future job market because I can show my footsteps.

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