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Rasashastra-A mystery in ancient IndianMedicinal Chemistry

This is an unpublished article for presentation at national Vedic Science



Ayurveda is a holistic and supreme life science which was developed by the
divine people on realization through their super intellectual and deep concentration. The
Samhitha kala was known to use the herbs and animal products in abundance, identified
and incorporated even some of the mineral materials for the elimination of disease and
rejuvenation .Though the latter were in limited use, later in the medieval period along
with the alchemical development it took a golden chariot as a specialized Science when
people needed the instant and best cure and such science deserved to be called as
RASASHASTRA.So one of Acharyas describes it:
“Na cha Rasashaastram Dhatuvaadaarthameva iti manthavyam│
dehavedadwara muktireva paramaprayojanaath ││ (Sarvadarshanasangraha)

Rasashastra, a branch of ayurvedic pharmaceutics dealt with

minerals,metals,precious stones,certain poisonous herbs and their processing very largely
derived its colour,flavour and in fact,its nourishment from the tantric cult.In almost every
country the progress of chemistry can be traced to medicine.Tantric cult came into vogue
since the decline of Buddhism in India and exercised a considerable influence on the
society till the middle ages,circa1300 AD .Even after the centuries of atreya and
dhanvanthari sampradaya Rasashastra evolved with a special concern and so even the
true rasavaidyas were admired.

“Utthamo rasavaidasthu madhyamo moolikaadibihi│

For 3 National Vedic Science Conference-2009
Rasashastra-A mystery in ancient IndianMedicinal Chemistry

adhamaha shastradaahabhyaam ittham vaidyaasthridha mathaa ││

The specialized procedures or samskaras like Shodhana Marana, satvapathana,
amrutheekarana etc were developed and the result of which would be the ultimate
formulations or yogas like Bhasmas, kupipakwa rasayanas, parpati, pottali etc.All these
came under one roof called Rasaushadies.Due to their Small dose, quick effectiveness,
tastelessness, effectiveness on dreadful diseases and long shelf life Rasaushadies
occupied a superior status among ayurvedic medicine. In fact, Rasashastra is an
expansion of Rasayana therapy.
Alpa maathropayogitthvath arucheraprasanghathaha │
Kshipramaarogyadaayitvath aushadhebhyo adhiko rasaha││
( Rasa ratna samuchchaya)

There is no material without having therapeutic property. All the materials

possess properties according to their physico-chemical constitution.
Naasti dravyam anaushadham │(Charaka Samhitha)
Mercury is one of them with high profile of medicinal property.The scope of
Rasashatra is very vast and it encompasses the study of ancient pyrometry,various
appliances,many minerals,gems and animal sources as medicine.
If one observes the prescription of an ayuvrvedic physician one notices that there are
atleast one or two Rasaushadies.
Sarvam dravyam paanchabhouthikam │ (Ashtanga Samgraha)

We very well know that matters in this world are made of five mahabhuthaas and
so with the same principle the minerals and metals were experimented as drugs to give a
better cure.Then according to Loka purusha Saamya vaada the human being is just like
this universe. According to samanya vishesha siddhantha the vriddhi
(replenishment,restore,rejuvenate,energise etc) is the result of samanya dravyas designed
to assimilate in the humen body. The great Rasaacharya Nagarjuna’s ukthi was
Siddhe Rase Karishyaami nirdaaridryam idam jagath. │( Rasa ratna samuchchaya)

For 3 National Vedic Science Conference-2009
Rasashastra-A mystery in ancient IndianMedicinal Chemistry

The above verse meant that the through Rasashastra the poverty and the disease
can be rooted out.

Pranaishana,Dhanaishana and paralokaishana lead to the discovery of Mercury and its

detailed scientific study.Loha siddhi by transmuting the lower metals into higher metals
and Deha siddhi to attain longevity and vigour by using drugs containing the mercurial
products were the two basic aims which gave rise to such a wonderful Science. In brief
this part contained the organic,inorganic,medicinal,pharmaceutical and biochemistry

Science of appliances in Rasashastra:

The Yantras or the appliances which were required to prepare the standard quality
medicine were designed specifically for certain procedures. The materials used for these
yantras were of earthern origin. As time passed there might be some modifications but
sustains the same technique. Some of the apparatus which are mentioned fundamentally
o Dola yantra –Swing o Vidhyadara yantra
apparatus o Pathana yantra
o Damaru yantra o Bhudhara Yantra
o Sthali yantra o Kachchapa Yantra
o Puta yantra o Khalva Yantra-
o Palika yantra pestle and mortar
o Swedana yantra o Patala yantra
o Valuka yantra-Sand o Tula yantra-
apparatus Balance
o Ghata yantra o Ulukhala yantra

During various Samskaras (processings)or while

undergoing experiments,the minerals and metals are proposed
for heating where some metals require intense heating. Here
the utensils otherwise used cannot withstand high

For 3 National Vedic Science Conference-2009
Rasashastra-A mystery in ancient IndianMedicinal Chemistry

temperatures and so our Seers designed special Crucibles of

particular shapes. These crucibles were not only sustaining
heat but also would eliminate the defects or impurities .So it
was defined as

Mushnathi doshaan mooshayen saa mooshethi nigadhyathe

│( Rasa ratna samuchchaya)

The basic materials used to make these mooshas were

ash of husks of grains (dagdha tusha),filamentous integuments
of certain plants,Ash powder,horse dung,Lohakitta ( a type of
Iron rust),Black soil,wood ash different proportions.

Fire places and Ancient pyrometry:

Specifically built fire places for uniform heating using
selected woods of particular plants or cow dung
cakes.Koshthi,angara koshthi,patala koshti,gara koshti were
some of them which were mainly used for the Sattvapatana or
the separation of the active principle.
Puta (unit of heat):
Rasaadi dravya paakaanam pramana
gnapanam putam│
Neshto nyoonaadikah paakaha
supakvam hithamoushadham ││
Rasa ratna samuchchaya)
These were the heating appliances and procedures
which represented both qualitative and quantitative measures
of heating ,even the amount of fuel being used are mentioned
specifically which would depict the optimum heat for the

For 3 National Vedic Science Conference-2009
Rasashastra-A mystery in ancient IndianMedicinal Chemistry

perfect process to be carried out and to beget the quality end

product.Mahaputa,Gajaputa,Varaha puta,Kukkuta
puta,Kapotha puta,gobara puta,kumbha puta ,valuka puta are
some of putas.

Some of standard procedures and its rationale:

1.Shodhana : The word developed from the verb Shuddha
which means to purify. The purification of the ingredients
used to formulate a drug or as a single drug. Various
shodhana procedures like:
o Swedana o Nirvapa
o Mardana o Suryathapashtapana
o Patana o Pralepa
o Dhalana o Sosana
o Avapa o Bharjana

The drugs used for shodhana process are from Snehavarga

(using oil group),Amla rasa varga(plant juices having acidic
property),Ksara varga(drugs alkaline in nature),kasaya rasa
varga ,

Shodhana is a combination of processes which removes

unwanted part from the drug or removes those effects, which
enhances the properties of the drug, which makes the drug
suitable for desired actions. Though the literal meaning of
shodhana is purification it has its wide implications. It thus
has an objective:
 To remove the physical and chemical impurities
 To make metals, minerals free from toxicity.
 Transformation of attributes

For 3 National Vedic Science Conference-2009
Rasashastra-A mystery in ancient IndianMedicinal Chemistry

 Regulation of attributes
By impregnating and triturating with the organic materials
like herbal juice(in the form of weak acids and bases) they are
made homologous to the cells and thus their toxicity might get
reduced and acceptability by the cells is increased.
Example:Role of Garlic in purifying mercury wherein the
sulphur content in garlic not only helps in detoxifying the
mercury and its stabilization but also the enhances properties
as garlic by itself is a known anti-oxidant it makes Parada
(mercury) a better ingredient in further drug designing.

Various metals,minerals,gems and animal products etc
should be used after preparing the raw purified drugs into
bhasma or pishti forms.By doing
Marana/calcinations/incineration the drugs are reduced into
fine particles. So that these could be absorbed easily into the
system and homologue with the Rakthadi dhatus and target its
action without producing any undesirable effects. Besides the
natural properties are enhanced and sometimes new properties
are also inducted.

3.Satvapathana :Extraction of the essence from its

original form.
This was the process to obtain the active principle of
that ore which is free from all blemishes,to minimize the
dose without lowering the efficacy, to involve in further
procedures like calcinations etc.The drugs used for the
extraction be of usna,tiksna,dhathu dravaka and shodhana
qualities. Borax (tankana), Silica (mrtthika), Sodium
carbonate, Potassium carbonate (ksharas and lavanas) etc

For 3 National Vedic Science Conference-2009
Rasashastra-A mystery in ancient IndianMedicinal Chemistry

are considered as fusion materials. It also known as

liquefying material. With the help of flux, the whole
mixture material gets liquefied at appropriate temperature.
It also helps in the separation of metal and slag. The
remaining reductant and flux material goes in the
composition of slag.
They also identified specific signs i.e. Shuddhavarta
and Beejavarta which appear at particular temperature and
indicate the melting of material and separation of metallic
contents from the liquefied material. The metallic content
of the material is known as satva. The slag portion is
called kitta (waste).

Thus here is just a glimpse of Rasashastra which is a vast

ancient Science of varied chemistry under one Roof which
still requires lot more of explorative facts using the allied
Sciences to make it an evidence based medicine.


1. Sarvadarshanasangraha
2. Rasavagbhata, Rasa Ratna Samucchaya, With
‘Vijnaanabodhini’ Hindi trans. and Commentary by
Prof. Dattatreya Anant Kulkarni, Meharchand
Lachhmandas Publications, New Delhi, Chaukambha
Amara Bharathi Prakashana, 3rd chapter, 120thverses,
64th pp.

3. Sadananda Sharma, Rasatarangini, 11 th

Edition, Edited
by Kashinath Shasthri, Motilal Banarasidas, Delhi,
2004, 11th chapter, 130-131 verses, 265th pp.

For 3 National Vedic Science Conference-2009
Rasashastra-A mystery in ancient IndianMedicinal Chemistry

4. Dr.Chandrabhushan Jha, Ayurvediya Rasashastra,

Reprinted 2007, Published by Chaukambha
Surabharati Prakashan,

5. Rasendra mangala
6. Concepts of Shodhana ,A comparative analytical
Study of Rasasindoora by Dasondi .M,Gujrath
ayurved university,Jamnagar,Gujrath.

7. “Role of garlic (allicin) rationale in bio-

electromagnetic and elementological explanation of
aerobic method of parada samanya shodhana.” An
article published and presented in International
Conference in Ayurveda-ATHARVA ,Gadag,2006.

For 3 National Vedic Science Conference-2009

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