EE114-1 Homework 5

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EE114-1 Homework 5

1. What is a CHP system and why is it efficient?

ANSWER: Combined Heat and Power (CHP), also known as cogeneration, is a
system of energy efficient technologies that generate electricity and capture the
heat that would otherwise be wasted to provide useful thermal energy that could
be used for space heating, cooling, domestic hot water and industrial processes.
Also, the CHP was considered to be efficient since it can use a variety of fuels,
both fossil- and renewable-based. Furthermore, CHP technology can be
deployed quickly, cost-effectively, and with few geographic limitations.

2. Explain the direct use of geothermal energy and a geothermal heat pump.
ANSWER: Geothermal energy is the type of energy that was derived within the
sub-surface of the earth, whereas geothermal heat pump, also known as the
ground source heat pump, is a highly efficient renewable energy technology that
is that gains wide acceptance for both residential and commercial buildings.
These geothermal heat pumps are used for space heating and cooling, as well
as water heating.

3. Describe the types of biomass energy that can be used in buildings.

ANSWER: Biomass energy is referred to as “the energy generated or produced
by living or once-living organisms.” Most common biomass materials that are
used and converted to energy were plants, such as corn and soy, and etc. In
addition to that, wood and wood processing wastes were also sources of
biomass energy that could be used in buildings to give off heat and to generate
electricity. Furthermore, garbage, food, wood waste, crops, human sewage and
animal manure are materials that could also be converted to biogas and biofuel,
and be burned to generate electricity.

4. Describe photovoltaic (PV) power and where it can be used in buildings.

ANSWER: Photovoltaic (PV) systems are used to convert energy from the sun
into electricity. These photovoltaic power systems are safe and reliable source of
solar electricity that doesn’t produce on-site pollution or emissions. Also, these
photovoltaic materials are used in replacing conventional building materials in
parts of the building envelope such as the roof, skylights, or facades.

5. How does elevation of a wind turbine affect turbine output?

ANSWER: The elevation of a wind turbine affects turbine output in such a way
that the wind blows more steadily at altitude reducing intermittency. Power
increases by the cube of wind speed. Thus, going a little higher may produce a
lot more power. Moreover, due to high altitude, the air density is reduced by 27%
compared with sea level and the topographic characteristics induce a high level
of turbulence.

6. Explain the components of a run-of-the-river hydropower system.

ANSWER: The run-of-the-river hydroelectric systems are hydroelectric systems
that harvest the energy from flowing water to generate electricity in the absence
of a large dam and reservoir—which is how they differ from conventional
impoundment hydroelectric facilities. The main components of the hydropower
system were the following:
 Impoundment – is typically a large hydropower system, uses a dam to
store river water in a reservoir.
 Diversion – is often called as run-of-river, facility channels a portion of a
river through a canal or penstock
 Pumped Storage – functions like a battery that stores up the electricity
generated by other power sources like solar, wind, and nuclear for later
use. Furthermore, it is responsible in storing energy by pumping water
uphill to a reservoir at higher elevation from a second reservoir at a lower
The scheme works by redirecting river water through a weir into conveyance
pipes towards a penstock and feeding it downhill to the power station.
7. With respect to a rainwater harvesting system, explain first-flush washing
ANSWER: First-flush also known as rain diverters, flushes off the first water of a
storm before it enters the storage tank. This is the water that could be the most
contaminated by particulates, bird droppings, and other materials laying on the
roof. First-flush washing is the process of eliminating different contaminants
before they enter into your storage and conveyance system is critical to keeping
rainwater clean. More so, the first-flush device acts as a line of defense in
keeping your system and water clean.

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