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Research Proposal

Base information

Hamza Arif 2K19-MSCS-224

Muhammad Talha 2K19-MSCS-222

Title (preliminary):

Human-Robotics Interaction Using Artificial Intelligence

Academic Advisor:

Dr.Sara Bukhari

Research type (research / industrial, theoretical / empirical): Industrial

Student 1 suitability

Student 2 suitability (if any)


The word Robot was first used by a scientist Issac Asimov and he also give three laws of robotics
[2]. Humans are always attracted towards robots and machines which gives us industrial
revolution. Pre-robots, intelligent robots and industrial robots are some basic types of robots.
Personal robots are more advance and they are the future of robotics. Medical robot, Mobile
robots and the Rehabilitation are also advance kinds of robots [5]. Later Automobile industry
robots and Military robots provide advancement in robotics revolution. NASA also use robotics
arm in space station for receiving the objects and goods coming from earth [6]. Later Robotics
Airplane are used for taking pictures and data from the environment where human can’t reach
[6]. Caterpillar has decided that to developed automated and remote-control robots in 2021[7].
Aims and objectives
The main objective of our HRI is that human and robots can interact with each other in perfect way.

 To find out language to communicate with Robots

 To Find out Non-verbal ways to communicate with Robotics
 To explore from literature how human can interact with robotics and which techniques are
used for Artificial intelligence

Research questions
 Which communication language we use to interact with Robotics?
 What kind of no-verbal action we used to communicate with robotics
 How we interact with robots using artificial intelligence?

Research Methodology
Interview of different students of MSCS and PHD(CS) was taken to get the answers of our question.
Interview of the professors also conducted
Surveys are conducted of different students of different levels to get information about our aims and
objectives and answers of our question
Computer based quizzes
Computer based quizzes are also conducted to get our complete knowledge
Questionaries’ methodology are also used to get the answer of our question
Reading Articles

Expected outcomes
Expected outcomes of our research are that when we give any instruction to the robot it
responds us well. Robot performs every activity on our instruction. Robot cans response human
in verbal ways and in non-verbal ways

Using artificial intelligence we make autonomous weapons for military purpose. In the hands of
a wrong person due to this reasons these weapons can easily cause mass casualties.

[1] K Low, “Industrial Robotics: Programming, Simulation and Applications”, ser. ARS,
Advanced robotic systems international. Pro- Literatur-Verlag, pp.213-215, 2007.
[2] Asimov Isaac, “Runaround” I, Robot (hardcover)(The Isaac Asimov Collection ed.),
New York City: Doubleday, pp 40.
[3] Irati Zamalloa, Risto Kojcev, Alejandro Hernandez, ´ Inigo Muguruza, Lander Usategui,
Asier Bilbao and Viıctor Mayoral “Dissecting Robotics historical overview and future
perspectives”, Acutronic Robotics, April 2017, [Online] . Available:
[4] Adelheid Voskuhl, Androids in the Enlightenment: Mechanics, Artisans, and Cultures
of the Self, pp. 32, 2013.

[5] Garcia, E., Jimenez, M. A., De Santos, P. G., & Armada, M., “The evolution of
robotics research”, IEEE Robotics & Automation Magazine, 14(1), pp.90–103, 2006.
[6] [Online].Available: 4/stories/nasa-
[7] Tennyson Samuel John, “Advancements in Robotics and Its Future Uses”,
International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 2, Issue 8,
August 2011.
[8] [Online] . Available:
[9] John Carey,“Evolution of Robotics in Medical Surgeries and Health Care Systems A
Review”, International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, Volume 11, pp.
11277–11298, Novemeber 13 2016.
M. A. Goodrich and A. C. Schultz, “Human-Robot Interaction: A Survey, Foundations, and
Trends in Human-Computer Interaction,” Vol.3, pp.203–275,2007

[1] B. Burger I. Ferrané F. Lerasle G. Infantes, “Two-handed gesture recognition and fusion
with the speech to command a robot”, Auton Robot, pp.32:129–147, 2012.
[2] [Online] . Available: powerful-
[3] G. Antoniol, R. Cattoni, M. Cettolo, and M. Federico, “Robust speech understanding
for robot telecontrol,” in In Proc.6th International Conference on Advanced Robotics,
pp. 205–209, 1993.
[4] W. Burgard, A. B. Cremers, D. Fox, D. H?nel, G. Lakemeyer, D. Schulz, W. Steiner, and
S. Thrun, “The Interactive Museum Tour-Guide Robot,” In Proc.Fifteenth National
Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 1998.
[5] L. Versweyveld, “Voice-controlled surgical robot ready to assist in minimally invasive
heart surgery,” Virtual Medicine World Monthly, March 1998.

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