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GRADE 1 to 12 School Bilaran National High School Grade Level 7/8

DAILY LESSON Teacher Learning Area T.L.E

Ms. Raquel M. Hernandez
Teaching Dates and Time 1 hour Quarter

A. Content Standard Environment and market can relate with a career choice in FOS

B. Performance Standard Independently generate a business idea based on the analysis of environment and market in FOS

C. Learning Competencies LO 1. Generate a business idea that relates with a career choice in FOS
2.1. conduct SWOT analysis
2.2. identify the different products/services available in the market
II. CONTENT Key concepts in environment and market

A. References
1. Curriculum Guide CG p. 1
Learner’s Material p. 9-11
3. Additional Resources
4. Other Learning
A. Reviewing previous When it comes on having a business, what are your strengths and weaknesses? There’s an example done for you.
lesson Activity 1.1 Analyse it!
Strengths Weaknesses
I am eager to learn new concepts. I am a shy person.
If you are going to have a business, what are the things or aspects need to be considered?
B. Establishing a purpose What kind of environment do you have in your community? Using this diagram, write down the factors need to be
for the lesson considered in having a business.
Activity 1.2 Webbing data


Is it important to analyze first the environment before establishing a business? Why?

C. Presenting “Hear me out”
examples/instances of the Complete this diagram after hearing the information from your teacher. Listen carefully and be attentive.
new lesson
Business ideas and opportunities are partly shaped or determined by the business location. The
business environment consists of both the tangible and intangible factors that affect either the external or internal
business operations. This includes the land area available for economic zones, the physical layout and barriers such as
rivers, parks or lakes, and building obstructions as well as the transportation network; all of which are considered
tangible factors. They also include the demography of clients and suppliers, the competitors in the locale/area and the
available technology for production. The intangible factors, on the other hand, include the sub-culture, industry trends,
economic and government activity or the political situations in the area.
Business ideas and
Tangible factors

Intangible Factors

Physical layout

D. Discussing new concepts What are the tangible and intangible factors that affect the external and internal business operations? What should be
and practicing new skills our possible actions in dealing with these? How can we come up to a different strategy when we encounter these
E. Discussing new concepts
and practicing new skills Funeral Computer
services shop

Beauty Dress
Parlor botiques

Fastfood Catering
Chains services

Strategy: Group Discussion through TDAR Activity

Group 1- In our community (Bilaran), think of the possible factors whether it is tangible and intangible that may affect
business operations above.
Group 2- Share ideas on how to solve the problems
Group 3- Act collaboratively (Finalize the ideas shared by Group 2)
Group 4- Introspects on the results made by the group

F. Developing mastery “Focus on me”


Make a checklist on what should we focus on first before having a business.

G. Finding practical In our town, Nasugbu, what are the business ideas and opportunities best to be established and achieved? Justify your
application of concepts answers. What are the different products and services found in our community for instance is in Nasugbu?
and skills in daily living “One Day”
If you were going to have a business here in Nasugbu, what is it and why?
One day, I will __________________________________________________________________.

H. Making generalizations Based on the discussions and activities done, what are the products/services available in our community? How
and abstractions about important is it to have knowledge on considerations before having a business.
the lesson
I. Evaluating learning A. Directions: Considering all the factors that may affect in having a business write a haiku about the business
that you want to establish when the right time comes. (It can be written in Tagalog) You will be graded
according to the following rubrics.

Relevance- 10
Creativity- 10
Mechanics- 5
25 %

J. Additional activities for Write a 100 words essay about this topic. Why does an environment scanning of an area considered as business site
application or become helpful for the entrepreneur?

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