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- PART 2, SECT. 03

PTS 20.161C
JUNE 1986

PETRONAS Technical Standards (PTS) publications reflect the views, at the time of publication,
of PETRONAS OPUs/Divisions.

They are based on the experience acquired during the involvement with the design, construction,
operation and maintenance of processing units and facilities. Where appropriate they are based
on, or reference is made to, national and international standards and codes of practice.

The objective is to set the recommended standard for good technical practice to be applied by
PETRONAS' OPUs in oil and gas production facilities, refineries, gas processing plants, chemical
plants, marketing facilities or any other such facility, and thereby to achieve maximum technical
and economic benefit from standardisation.

The information set forth in these publications is provided to users for their consideration and
decision to implement. This is of particular importance where PTS may not cover every
requirement or diversity of condition at each locality. The system of PTS is expected to be
sufficiently flexible to allow individual operating units to adapt the information set forth in PTS to
their own environment and requirements.

When Contractors or Manufacturers/Suppliers use PTS they shall be solely responsible for the
quality of work and the attainment of the required design and engineering standards. In
particular, for those requirements not specifically covered, the Principal will expect them to follow
those design and engineering practices which will achieve the same level of integrity as reflected
in the PTS. If in doubt, the Contractor or Manufacturer/Supplier shall, without detracting from his
own responsibility, consult the Principal or its technical advisor.

The right to use PTS rests with three categories of users :

1) PETRONAS and its affiliates.

2) Other parties who are authorised to use PTS subject to appropriate contractual
3) Contractors/subcontractors and Manufacturers/Suppliers under a contract with
users referred to under 1) and 2) which requires that tenders for projects,
materials supplied or - generally - work performed on behalf of the said users
comply with the relevant standards.

Subject to any particular terms and conditions as may be set forth in specific agreements with
users, PETRONAS disclaims any liability of whatsoever nature for any damage (including injury
or death) suffered by any company or person whomsoever as a result of or in connection with the
use, application or implementation of any PTS, combination of PTS or any part thereof. The
benefit of this disclaimer shall inure in all respects to PETRONAS and/or any company affiliated
to PETRONAS that may issue PTS or require the use of PTS.

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The copyright of PTS vests in PETRONAS. Users shall arrange for PTS to be held in safe
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to ascertain how users implement this requirement.
CONTENTS BULK STORAGE INSTALLATIONS GENERAL ABOVE-GROUND STORAGE OF LPG IN PRESSURE VESSELS Layout and Location General Safety Distances Grading and Ground Finish Separation Confinement Piping Surface Drainage

Figure Typical Layout LPG Pressure Storage Vessels

Radiation Flux Limits for Above- ground LPG Pressure

Storage Vessels

Minimum Safety Distances for Above-ground LPG

Pressure Storage Vessels

Above-ground LPG Pressure Storage Vessels Minimum

Safety Distances as Referred to in Figure

Typical Minimum Safety Distances for Above-ground LPG

Pressure Storage Vessels

Typical Layout LPG Pressure Storage Vessels with

Collection Pit/Retaining System

Typical Rain/Fire/Water Drainage System for LPG

Pressure Storage Area Pressure Storage Vessels General Types of Vessels Design and Construction

Vapour Pressure/Temperature Relationships for

Pressurised Butane/Propane Mixtures Fabrication Vessel Connections

Bottom Connection at LPG Pressure Storage Vessels with

Figure Emergency Valve at the Manifold Side of the Separation
Bottom Connection at Pressure Storage Vessels with
Figure Internal Emergency Valve and Drain System Outside the
Separation Wall.

Bottom Connection at LPG Pressure Storage Vessels with

Figure Internal Emergency Valve and Drain System Connected to
the By-pass Valve. Supports

Support/Saddle for Horizontal LPG Pressure Storage

Vessels Anchorage Foundation Painting Identification of Storage Vessels Instrumentation General Level Measuring Instruments Level Alarms and Ullage Gauges

Figure Typical Pressurised LPG Liquid Volume Correction Graph

Graph to Determine the Setting of Level Alarm/Ullage

Figure Gauges for Overfill Protection of Horizontal and Spherical
LPG Pressure Vessels of Various Diameters

Protection System for Situations in Which Filling/Delivery

Figure Rates are Based on Alarms and Corrective Actions are
Manually Implemented

Protection System for Situations in Which Filling/Delivery

Figure Rates are High and Corrective Actions are Automatically
Implemented Pressure Indicators/Alarms Temperature Measuring Devices/Indicators Gas Detectors and Explosimeters Valves General Remote-operated Shut Down Valves and Emergency Shut Down (ESD) Valves Non-return (Check) Valves Excess Flow Valves Vent Valves Depressurising Valves/Provisions for Depressurising Pressure Relief Valves

Typical Arrangements for Pressure Relief Valves with Side

Outlet Thermal Expansion Valves

Arrangement of Thermal Expansion Valves in Cascade

System Piping General Segregation of Propane/Butane Systems Piping-Flexible Arm/Hose Connections Identification of Piping Sampling System Purging Connections Electrical Fire Protection Facilities Odorisation (Stenching) Facilities General Odorising Agents Health and Safety Hazards Odorant Injection Rates Storage and Handling of Odorants Injection Systems Equipment Materials for Handling Odorants

Figure Details of Odorant Storage

Figure Injection System Using Pressure Injection

Figure Injection System Using Metering

Figure Flow Proportional Injection System UNDERGROUND AND MOUNDED STORAGE OF LPG IN PRESSURE VESSELS Layout and Location General Safety Distances Earth Cover Separation/Confinement of Leakage

Radiation Flux Limits for Buried/Mounded LPG Pressure
Storage Vessel

Minimum Safety Distances for Buried/Mounded LPG

Pressure Storage Vessels

Buried/Mounded LPG Pressure Storage Vessels Minimum

Safety Distances

Typical Safety Distances For Buried/Mounded LPG

Pressure Storage Vessels Pressure Storage Vessels Types of Vessels Design and Construction Vessel Connections Supports/Foundation Corrosion Protection/Painting Instrumentation General Valves General Capacity of Pressure Relief Valves (for Mounded/Buried Pressurised LPG Storage) Inspection Requirements General Vessel Inspection Settlement Recording Piping Sampling System Purging Connections Electrical Fire Control Facilities Odorisation Facilities UNDERGROUND PRESSURE STORAGE IN GEOLOGICAL FORMATIONS, SALT


The principles of design set out herewith, are based on present knowledge with
respect to the standards of technique and experience in the engineering and
operation of pressurised LPG storage facilities.

In order to ensure the reliability of these storage facilities, it is essential:

• that the greatest care is taken in the selection of only those materials with the
properties required for the handling of the product concerned over the range of
operating conditions to be expected;

• that proven construction techniques are applied, and;

• that strict material control and equipment/facility testing are exercised.

In addition, the number of connections on vessels below the maximum liquid level
should be reduced to the minimum.

Further, the assessment of safety distances as discussed and the general

recommendations contained in this section shall be complied with unless nationally
legislated standards are higher.

The recommendations contained in this Manual are applicable to new facilities and
can also be appropriate for extension/modification of existing ones -thus they are not
seen as necessarily needing to be applied retroactively. It is recommended however
that all Operating Companies review their LPG facilities in the light of the revised
standards set by this section of the Manual and assess the significance of any
deficiency that may exist. Operating Companies should take appropriate action to
rectify major deficiencies.

LPG may be stored under pressure at ambient temperatures, or refrigerated and

stored at atmospheric pressure. This section of the Manual deals with pressure
storage in general. Consumer storage is dealt with in Section 07. Refrigerated
product storage at atmospheric pressure is covered in SIPM Report MF 85-0600.

Types of pressure storage are:

(i) Above-ground pressure vessels.

(ii) Buried or earth covered above-ground (mounded) pressure vessels.

(iii) Geological formations, mined caverns, salt domes, etc.

In the application of the distance requirements a storage tank shall be classified as

aboveground when all or part of the tank is exposed, and as underground when the
tank is completely buried or mounded.

Note: Throughout this section reference is made to LPG and propane/butane but the
design principles laid down apply to all pressurised liquefied gases. ABOVE-GROUND STORAGE OF LPG IN PRESSURE VESSELS Layout and Location General

LPG pressure vessels should preferably be grouped in rows and not in blocks.

However, horizontal vessels shall be placed in parallel and not in line or at right
angles to one another as the possibility exists that, if involved in a fire, vessels may
be displaced along their longitudinal axis.

For a typical layout see Figure

All LPG facilities shall, whenever practicable, be grouped in the same area and when
locating them, the following aspects must be considered:

• The maximum number of tanks in any above-ground group shall be six. Any one
group of tanks shall be separated from any other group of tanks by a minimum of
15 m between adjacent vessel shells.

• The site's topographical nature with particular reference to its effect on the flow of
escaped liquid and vapour to possible ignition sources/important work areas etc.
or its dispersal/dilution.

• The availability of space for possible future extensions.

• The direction of the prevailing wind, i.e. the location of storage downwind of other
facilities is preferable.

• The current and future use of the adjoining land, e.g. whether residential,
industrial etc.

• The access to road/rail/water routes for inward/outward movement of product.

• The access for fire-fighting.

• No pressure storage vessel should be located within the bunded enclosure of a:

• Tank containing any flammable liquid.

• Tank containing liquid oxygen or other hazardous or cryogenic substance.

• Tank containing refrigerated LPG or liquefied natural gas (LNG).

• Heated storage tank, e.g. residual fuel oil or bitumen.


(a) Plant Storage: Spacing of Above-ground LPG Pressure Vessels.

LPG pressure storage vessels in manufacturing oil and chemical and

marketing depots/consumer installations, in which the size of individual
storage vessels is greater than 135m , shall be located and spaced so that,
in the event of a fire as described in (b), allowable heat
radiation flux levels will be in accordance with the requirements of Figure

Figures, and include safety distances

that should be applied to consumer/retail installations with individual storage
vessels equal to or less than 135 m capacity. These distances can also be
applied in preliminary considerations. for layout/spacing of larger storage. It
should be appreciated, however, that the use of these distances for
preliminary assessments may well require that such spacing be changed,
once the final assessment based on radiation flux levels has been carried out.

Operating Companies may, because of local circumstances, elect to apply

radiation assessments to installations equal to or less than 135 m in which
case the conditions of, (c) should apply.

(b) Radiation Flux Levels

The radiation flux levels referred to in above shall be based on

the ignition of product discharging from the vessel's relief valve(s) as well as
product escaping from the vessel, or its appurtenances or from other
identified leak sources and possibly forming a pool of a size dictated by the
spillage rate, evaporation rate, duration (refer and the local
topography/location of a bund or collecting pit/retaining system.

(c) Leakage

The rate of leakage and its duration used in shall be based on
identified possible leak sources in the system.

The identification and quantitative assessment of such leak sources requires a

systematic evaluation of the design and operating procedures for the
installation, taking into account failure modes, likelihood and consequences.

Leakages from the vessel shell, or all welded connections to the vessel shell,
are not considered likely where Group practice is followed in respect to
design, engineering, construction, operation and maintenance of the storage

(d) Relief Valve Fire

When considering radiation from a relief valve(s) fire, the valve(s) shall be
assumed to be discharging at maximum design flow rate and with
atmospheric conditions relevant to the site.
(e) Distances From LPG Handling Facilities to Fixed Sources of Ignition

Fixed sources of ignition are defined as plant furnaces and boilers, offices,
laboratories, fixed engines and similar facilities.

To minimise the chance of ignition of a leak, all sources of ignition within the
site fence shall be controlled.

LPG pressure storage vessels greater than 135 m3 capacity, pump bays and
loading/discharge facilities shall be located to ensure the following minimum
distances to fixed sources of ignition, irrespective of the requirements of

• 22.5m for storage vessels not exceeding 265 m3

• 30m for storage vessels exceeding 265 m3

• 25m for pump bays and loading/unloading facilities

Deflection walls may be used to extend the vapour travel path to meet these
safety distances. Such walls should be so located as to minimise the risk of
flame engulfment of storage vessels, in the event of ingition of escaped
product, and also so as to ensure free ventilation of the storage area from at
least three directions, taking account of prevailing winds

(f) Determination of Safety Distances

PETRONAS may be consulted for advice on assessing thermal radiation

effects and for assistance in determining safety distances in the manner
described above.

Target Maximum radiation flux levels



The outer surface of adjacent pressure storage

vessels (1)
Protected (2) 44
Unprotected (3) 8

The outer surface of adjacent storage tanks

containing flammable products (including
refrigerated storage) and process facilities (4)
Protected (2) 32
Unprotected (3) 8

Filling/discharge points 8

Personnel inside the site boundary

Process area (5) 8

Protected work area (6) 8
Work area (7) 5
Critical area (8) 1.5

Plant Boundary

Remote area (9) 13

Urban area (10) 5
Critical area (8) 1.5


In siting pressure storage vessels with respect to refrigerated product tanks, the
acceptable radiation flux level on the pressure vessel shell must be limited to 8 kW/m².

Higher values cannot be accepted because of the practical problems involved in

ensuring adequate protection, e.g. cooling during protracted refrigerated product tank

Such facilities/areas are protected by means of water sprays, insulation, radiation

screens or similar systems.

(3) Protection is provided by spacing alone.

Special consideration shall be given to the location of floating roof tanks containing
volatile products, since effective water cooling of their roof structures is impracticable.

A normally unoccupied area, occasionally manned by trained and suitably clothed

(5) persons, familiar both with escape routes and opportunities for temporary shelter
afforded by the process plant.
A permanent building where personnel inside are shielded and/or have shielded means
of escape.

(7) An open area or small (e.g. temporary) building without shielded means of escape.

This is either an unshielded area of critical importance where personnel, not equipped
with protective clothing, may be required at all times, including during emergencies, or
a place difficult or dangerous to evacuate at short notice (e.g. plant entrance, hospital,
sports stadium).

An area only infrequently occupied by small numbers of persons, e.g. moorland,

farmland, desert, but where immediate escape should be possible. Plant designs based
on radiation flux levels of 13 kW/m² must take cognisance of future changes in the land
use outside the plant.

(10) An area which is neither a remote area nor a critical area.



Distances relating to vessels exceeding 135 m3 capacity are to be verified by a radiation assessment.
(Refer for smaller vessels used in marketing companies.)

Sites Minimum safety distances

Between LPG storage vessels One quarter of the sum of the diameters of two
adjacent vessels but with a lower limit of 2.5 m.

Between LPG storage vessels and:

- the manifold separation wall (centre). 5m

- the edge of restricted plant/depot roads 10 m

and pipe tracks. (2)

- the edge of unrestricted plant/depot 15 m

roads. (2)

- bulk loading/discharge points, cylinder 25 m

filling/storage areas, buildings storing
flammable material, and the battery limits
of processing units.

- laboratories, control rooms, main offices, Related to the size of above-ground storage vessel.
other buildings where people are Refer Figures and
concentrated, and site boundary.

- edge of the mound of a mounded vessel, 5m

or the periphery of a buried vessel. (4)

- the centre of the top of the bund wall 15 m

surrounding crude oil, Class I and Class II
product tanks (3).

- the tank shell for Class II product tanks 15 m

not requiring a bund and Class III product

- the external retention wall of atmospheric 1.5 diameters of the outer tank of a refrigerated product
pressure refrigerated product storage storage tank, i.e. 1.5 times the diameter of a possible
tanks. pool fire.

Safety distances are to be measured from the periphery of the vessel nearest to the

Consideration should be given to restricting the movement of traffic during draining

(2) operations. Refer to for minimum vapour path travel to source of

Definition of product class being in accordance with the 'Refining Safety Code' and the
'Marketing Safety Code' issued by the Institute of petroleum.

(4) Distance required for access of earth moving equipment.



Tank capacity safety distance

*Up to and including 2.5 m3 3.0m

Above 2.5 m3 up to and including 5 m3 5.0m

" 5 m3 " " " " 10 m3 7.5m

" 10 m3 " " " " 50 m3 15.0m

" 50 m3 " " " " 95 m3 22.5m

" 95 m3 " " " " 135 m3 30.0m

" 135 m3 " " " " 265 m3 37.5m

" 265 m3 60.0m

* Vessels exceeding 2.5 m capacity shall not be located less than two tank diameters from
the solid wall of a building.
Note: Distances for vessels exceeding 135 m shall be verified by a radiation assessment,

(1) The minimum distance to fixed sources of ignition for vessels of over 500m3 is 30m.

(2) Dr = diameter of the outer tank.

Note: All distances other than those to fixed sources of ignition are to be verified by radiation
assessment (refer (a)). Safety distances for storage vessels up to 135 m3 capacity are
given in section 07. Grading and Ground Finish

The ground on which a pressure vessel is installed must be sloped(minimum 1:50), to

ensure that escaped product has a preferential flow away from the vessel and cannot
collect under it, or remain in its immediate vicinity; sloping shall be continued for a
minimum of 5m from the outer shell of the vessel, or in the case of a group of vessels,
from the shell of the outer vessels.

When vessels are installed immediately adjacent to one another, product escape
from one must be prevented from flowing under another, e.g. by suitably
grading/provision of low deflection walls (maximum height 0.6m)

The slope shall be away from the piping manifold or other important areas, e.g.
processing units, etc.

Reference is made to Figure

To facilitate the flow of escaped product and prevent its penetration into the ground,
the ground under and within 5m of the periphery of a vessel or group of vessels shall
be smooth, well compacted, e.g. paved, and be free from any vegetation or debris.

Bituminous materials shall not be used. Separation

There shall be a positive separation/deflection, e.g. a wall of 0.6m maximum height,

between the storage vessels and the pipe manifold/track to prevent the flow of any
leakage from one to the other. A similar separation/deflection wall may be considered
between storage vessels or between them and other important facilities, work areas,
etc. Confinement

Bund walls around pressure storage interfere with the ventilation of the site and
impede the vaporisation/dispersion of escaped products and shall not be used.

In areas where stored products may be below their atmospheric boiling point at
prevailing ambient temperatures(e.g. butane in winter), a collection pit/retaining
system, remote from the LPG vessels, incorporating a waterlock as illustrated in
Figures and may be used.

For this purpose deep pits should be avoided.

For storage vessels in excess of 135m capacity the retaining system should normally
be based on a maximum spill quantity of LPG as determined in

For such a retaining system, the ground slope as mentioned in may have
to be extended, and pump-out facilities may be required. A drainage pump could also
be used for product pump-out (see Figure A retaining system shall be
located at a safe distance from site boundary, work areas, etc.

Only piping directly associated with the storage vessels shall be located within the
storage area. Such piping for product and water shall be fire protected in the vicinity
of the vessels (refer and Figures,, Surface Drainage

The surface water drainage system serving the LPG storage area shall in general be
designed in accordance with PTS and the following conditions.

The drainage system shall be designed, such that it is capable of handling the
aggregate quantities of fire water, cooling water and rain water falling in the area,
without causing flooding of the open trenches.

A sand-catcher shall be placed between the open trench and the underground piping
system, in order to prevent ingress of solids.

A sump provided with a waterlock shall be combined with the sand-catcher, in order
to prevent the dispersion of LPG and the possible spread of fire to adjacent areas.

If this sump is directly connected to an underground piping system, then the sump
shall always be water-filled to an elevation of at least 100mm above the inside top of
the pipe.

This is required to prevent the spread of fire or generation of an explosion.

The underground system shall not be provided with valves.

If the open trench is also taken into account for containment purposes and the
promotion of evaporation of LPG (refer, the waterlock shall be designed
such that it is capable of preventing the escape of a spill of liquid LPG, as referred to

For a typical rain/fire water drain system see Figure

In the event that the above-mentioned conditions cannot be met, e.g. in dry areas or
locations subject to freezing, PETRONAS shall be consulted in order to arrive at an
acceptable and safe solution.

For further information see PTS - latest revision. Pressure Storage Vessels General

By using the following figures approximate capacities of vessels may be established:

• At 20°C (68°F) 1 tonne (1 000 kg) of liquid propane occupies 2.00 m3.

At 20°C (68°F) 1 tonne (1 000 kg ) of liquid butane occupies 1.75 m . Types of vessels

(a) Horizontal Cylindrical Vessels

Horizontal vessels up to 200m3 capacity are normally shop fabricated and

transported to site. The larger sizes are generally supplied as shop fabricated
sub-assemblies and these sub-assemblies are welded together and possibly
stress relieved on-site.

(b) Vertical Cylindrical Vessels

Vertical vessels are normally limited to 10m diameter and to 25m

height(approximately 1750m ). For units of the same capacity, vertical vessels
require less space than horizontal vessels but are more demanding on foundation

(c) Spherical Vessels

Spherical vessels are normally larger in capacity than horizontal or vertical

vessels; they are more economical for the large capacities (maximum
approximately 3 500 m ).

They are site erected from pre-formed plates and shop fabricated sub-
assemblies. Design and Construction

(a) General

The design and construction must be in accordance with Group requirements, but
where national and/or local regulations are more stringent, then they must be
adhered to unless modifications can be negotiated.

(b) Standards and Codes

The design, fabrication, erection, inspection and testing of LPG storage vessels
for manufacturing/chemical installations shall conform to the following

• BS 5500 and PTS 'Amendments/supplements to BS 5500' and

PTS 'LPG storage vessels'.

• PTS 'Metallic materials requirements for low temperature service

and for equipment containing liquefied gas or lethal substances'.
• PTS 'Tolerances for pressure vessels'

• PTS 'Manufacturing report for pressure vessels'.

The above also applies to individual LPG storage vessels for marketing
depots/consumer installations exceeding 265 m3 capacity.

Storage vessels of capacities equal to or smaller than 265 m3 installed in

marketing depots/consumer installations should conform to BS 5500, or an
equivalent local code, if acceptable to the Operating Company and local authority.

Note: A corrosion allowance of 1.5mm shall be provided on the vessel shell

unless a code is used, according to which the corrosion allowance can be
considered as being included in the plate thickness.

(c) Design Temperature and Pressure

(i) General

The design pressure of a vessel is related to the product for which the
vessel is to be designed, e.g. butane or propane.

Vessels for propane/butane mixtures should be designed for propane or

for the mixture in question. If the latter route is followed, sufficient
flexibility must be provided for variation in product composition.

(ii) Design Temperature

• Upper design temperature

The higher of the maximum storage temperatures under normal working

conditions, taking into account the maximum temperature of the product
on receipt, and the assessed temperature for the relevant climate. The
effects of insulation or solar canopies may be taken into consideration
when assessing the upper design temperature.

The assessed temperatures used in the Group are 35°C 40°C and 45°C
for temperate, tropical and desert climates respectively (refer Table (a))

• Lower design temperature

The lowest of either 0°C, or LODMAT (Lowest One Day Mean Ambient
Temperature) or ABP (Atmospheric Boiling Point) + 50°C (refer PTS , which refers to this lower design temperature as 'Reference

If there is any possibility of temperatures falling below the lower design

temperature and repressurisation occurring without corresponding
increases in metal temperature, then the lower design temperature shall
correspond to the ABP. The latter case is, in general, exceptional for bulk
storage vessels. If such a condition, however, has to be incorporated in
the vessel design, the vessel specification shall clearly state that the
maximum design pressure can coincide with the ABP of the product
being stored. This condition may have an influence on the reference
temperature when selecting the proper materials.
(iii) Design Pressure

The design pressure to be used for the top of the vessel shall be equal to the
vapour pressure of the product concerned (ref Table (a))
corresponding to the maximum temperature covered under (c) (2)
above, plus an allowance to ensure that in normal operation pressure relief
valves (PRV) do not open (refer PTS This allowance shall, for
manufacturing/chemical installations, be 10 per cent of the vapour pressure
(gauge) referred to above, or 1.7 bar, whichever is the greater. However, for
marketing depots/consumer installations, in view of the usually different
operating conditions, the allowance for vessels with capacities up to and
including 265 m shall be 10 per cent.

The use of a vapour return line, or spray filling, is recommended as a means of

limiting excessive pressures from developing in vessels during the filling
operations, low pressures during discharge and to prevent opening of PRVs.

If such systems are not used, then the design pressure referred to above shall
be increased to cover the back pressures generated when filling.

Table (a)

Vapour Pressure of Commercial Butane and Propane at Assessed


Vapour pressure
Storage vessels in: Maximum (bar gauge)
Comm Comm
butane propane
Temperate Climates 35 4.5 13.8
Tropical Climates 40 5.2 15.7
Desert Climates 45 6.0 17.8

In order to establish the design pressure for the top of the vessel, the applicable
allowance must be added.

The design pressure is defined for the top of the vessel and, therefore, the liquid
static head has to be added for the lower part of the vessel.

The relationship between temperature and vapour pressure of commercial

propane, commercial butane and propane/butane mixtures is shown in Figure
(iv) Vacuum condition (External Pressure Exceeding Internal Pressure)

Provisions to cope with such pressures are required where ambient

temperatures can be expected to fall below the ABP of the product being
stored, or where very high liquid withdrawal rates are applied without an
adequate vapour return system. Under such circumstances a vacuum will be
created in the vessel. In these cases, which normally may only concern
butane storage, vessels shall preferably be designed to resist full vacuum,
refer PTS In all other cases, means shall be provided to prevent
excessive vacua occurring, e.g. by the introduction of limited amounts of
propane, with fail-safe back-up systems as judged necessary.
Table03.02.02.03 (b) provides details of the pressure in a vessel containing n-
butane at low temperatures, which must be compensated for .

Table (b)

Absolute Vapour Pressures of Normal Butane at Sub-Zero Temperatures

Temperature (0º C) Absolute pressure (bar)

-5 0.80

- 10 0.66

- 15 0.56

- 20 0.46 Fabrication

All main seams of the vessels shall be fully radiographed.

Welds attaching manholes, nozzles and major structural attachments shall be

thermally stress-relieved as a sub-assembly, even if the whole vessel is not given this

For field erected large vessels, all manholes, nozzles and major structural
attachments (e.g. column stubs) shall be welded into the shell plates in the workshop
and all these prefabricated sub-assemblies shall be stress-relieved. In addition, they
shall be fully inspected by the Magnetic Particle method and preferably be
ultrasonically tested. This inspection shall be carried out after stress-relieving, but
before the hydrostatic test.

All gussets and lugs to be welded to the vessel shall be of the same material quality
as the shell plate concerned.

If the entire vessel is to be stress-relieved, welding of gussets and lugs shall be done
before stress-relieving

All storage vessels shall be hydrostatically tested (refer

For pressure testing reference is made to

If the shell plate thickness exceeds 32mm, the entire vessel shall be thermally stress-
relieved after erection, in addition to the above requirements. Vessel Connections

(a) General

The number of connections on vessels, particularly below the liquid level, shall be

For manufacturing/chemical installations, all nozzle flanges shall be in accordance

with ANSI B 16.5, Class 300. For marketing depots/consumer installations, Class
300 shall be used for propane and propane/butane mixtures but Class 150 may
be used for butane.

Nozzles to which piping is connected shall be minimum 40 mm nominal size (1.5


In the storage area, spiral wound gaskets shall be used and all nozzle/pipe
flanges shall be suitable to accommodate these.

All piping connected to a vessel shall be adequately supported, in such a way that
forces and bending moments on the vessel are kept within acceptable limits.

(b) Bottom Connections

There shall be only one product line connection at the bottom of the vessel, which
may be used for filling, discharging and draining. This line shall be provided with a
remote operated fail-safe and fire-safe-type emergency valve (refer
and Section 02).

For manufacturing/chemical installations, this valve shall be located at the

manifold side of the separation/deflection wall.

For marketing depots/consumer installations and manufacturing/chemical

installations when located in areas where moderate/severe earthquake conditions
apply, this valve shall be mounted internally in the vessel.

Note: As a general rule the application of the manifold-located emergency valve

is not acceptable for marketing plants, because of the risk of vehicular
impact, etc. In these installations the internally-mounted emergency valve
shall be used.

Three separate cases are defined:

(i) Manifold-located Emergency Valve

Design for manufacturing/chemical installations, see Figure

In this case, the product line shall be welded flush with the inside of the vessel
and be:

• Considered as part of the vessel itself and be subjected to the same

inspection and testing. Materials shall be in accordance with piping Class
117 for butane and propane. For piping classes, reference should be
made to PTS These product line requirements shall be
applied up to and including the first (emergency) valve at the manifold.

• Provided with a manifold-located (i.e. downstream of the

separation/deflection wall) emergency valve which shall be welded to the
vessel bottom line (refer and see Figure
• At least 100mm nominal pipe size, Schedule 80. For sizes of 150mm and
larger, Schedule 40 may be used .

• As short as possible and sloping downwards from vessel to pump


• Provided with a water drain system connected between the emergency

and operational valve(s) at the manifold (refer

• Insulated and/or traced at locations where freezing can occur.

• Fire protected, up to and including the emergency valve, with a water

spray system.

• Of an all-welded construction up to and including the first connection to

the first valve. These welds are to be fully radiographed and stress-

For those vessels which require site stress-relieving of the entire vessel (the
aperture at the bottom must be left large enough for entry/exit of the stress-
relieving equipment), the bottom aperture should be connected to the piping
system using tapered joints as necessary and all welds in this connection
must be radiographed and locally stress-relieved.

(ii) Internally-mounted Emergency Valve

Design for manufacturing/chemical installations only in a location where

moderate/severe earthquake conditions apply. See Figure Refer
PETRONAS for further advice.

In this case, the product line shall be:

• In accordance with Group piping classes (refer

• Provided with an internally-mounted emergency valve which shall be of

the remote operated type, i.e. remote operated from either a local
strategic panel, serving one or more of such valves, or from a control
centre, or both. This remote operated emergency valve shall not be
capable of manual override at the valve proper during normal operations.

• Provided with a shut-off valve immediately adjoining the internal valve.

This shut-off valve may be remote controlled, but should be capable of
manual override.

• Provided with a flanged tee, to accommodate an elbow between it and a

50mm, nominal size valve, attached to another nozzle to provide a by-
pass in case of malfunction of the internal emergency valve. This tee and
valve shall be fitted with a blind flange

• As short as possible and sloping downwards from vessel to pump


• Provided with a water drain system upstream of the shut-off valve at the
manifold (refer

• Be insulated and/or traced at locations where freezing can occur.

• Fire insulated at all flanges immediately beneath the vessel.

• Fire protected with a water spray system between the vessel and the
separation/deflection wall.
(iii) Internally-mounted Emergency Valve

Design for marketing depots/consumer installations. See Figure

The product line shall be:

• In accordance with Group piping classes (refer

• Provided with an internally-mounted emergency valve which shall be of

the remote operated type, i.e. remote operated from either a local
strategic panel serving one or more of such valves, or from a control
centre, or both. This emergency remote operated valve shall not be
capable of manual override at the valve proper during normal operations.

• Provided with a shut-off valve immediately adjoining the internal valve.

This shut-off valve may be remote controlled, but should be capable of
manual override.

• Provided with a flanged tee, to accommodate an elbow between it and a

50 mm nominal size valve attached to another nozzle, to provide a by-
pass in case of malfunction of the internal emergency valve.

• Under normal operation, the drain system is connected to the by-pass

connection and the tee is fitted with a blind flange.

• As short as possible and be sloping downwards from vessel to pump


• Be insulated and/or traced at locations where freezing can occur.

• Fire insulated at all flanges immediately beneath the vessel.

• Fire protected with a water spray system between the vessel and the
separation/deflection wall.


(c) Water Drain System

A drain connection shall be provided for each storage vessel, but the drain
location will depend on the design of the bottom connection.

It shall consist of a nozzle not larger than 50 mm nominal size (Schedule 80),
welded to the line (see Fig. or vessel (see Fig., to
which a valve, again not larger than 50 mm nominal size (upstream drain valve),
is connected.

The upstream drain valve is to be followed by a length of at least 0.6 m

adequately supported sloping pipe, at the end of which a 20mm valve
(downstream drain valve) is to be installed.

The upstream and downstream drain valves must be positioned relative to one
another to allow simultaneous operation of both by a single operator.

The downstream drain valve shall be a hand-operated, quick acting, spring loaded
type (spring-to-close) which will operate as a dead man's handle. The
downstream drain valve should be followed by a 20 mm pipe of sufficient length to
protect the operator from flashed vapours, but such that, in case the drain effluent
discharges outside the periphery of the vessel, it can also be observed by the
operator controlling the drain system (refer also

At locations where freezing can occur, the drain valves and lines shall be
adequately traced and/or insulated. If the drain facilities are connected to the
product discharge line, the latter should also be traced and/or insulated.

Note: In order to avoid spot corrosion (e.g. by caustic), steam tracing lines or
other heating systems shall never be tack-welded to the product/drain line
or be contact with them.

(d) Top Connections

All top connections shall be above the maximum liquid level.

(i) Pipe Connections

Liquid and vapour lines may be flange connected to the top of the vessel.
These connections shall be provided with an emergency valve, e.g. a remote
operated fail-safe and fire-safe shut-off valve, which is required arrangement
if the line extends below the maximum liquid level, or a combination of a non-
return valve and a shut-off valve which may be of the remote operated type.

(ii) Manhole

There shall preferably be only one manhole. It shall have an internal diameter
of at least 500 mm. The manhole cover may be utilised for the location of
connections/fittings, e.g. instruments.

(iii) PRV Connection

PRVs must be connected to the vapour space of the vessel. For further
details refer
(e) Instrument Connections

Connections for instruments shall, where practicable, be above the maximum

liquid level of the vessel to avoid liquid release in case of leakage. Nozzles to
which instruments are connected shall be minimal 40mm nominal size (1.5 inch),
welded directly to the vessel and provided with flanges. Branch connections shall
also be welded directly to the vessel. All instruments in open connection with the
vessel shall be protected by an isolation valve unless the diameter of the
connection through the vessel shell is smaller-than 1.4mm (No 54 morse drill
size). Supports

(a) General

Supports/saddles shall be designed for the vessel full of water.

Refer PTS and

(b) Horizontal Cylindrical Vessels

Horizontal vessels shall be mounted on concrete or masonry piers in such a way

that expansion/contraction movements will be accommodated e.g. fixed and
sliding ends. The vessel shall be fixed at the end where the product pipe
connections are situated and shall slope a minimum of 0.25 per cent for drainage.
To minimise corrosion, steel supports/saddles shall be welded to the vessel shell,
to avoid direct contact of the vessel with the masonry or concrete piers. Where
used, the sliding saddle and its supporting piers shall be so designed that
movement of vessel in lateral and vertical directions is constrained. See Figure

(c) Vertical Cylindrical Vessels

These shall be supported on skirts or on leg supports of tubular steel. The inside
space of skirts shall be adequately ventilated.

(d) Spherical Vessels

For spheres, tubular steel supports are to be used in accordance with PTS

(e) Fire-proofing

Steel legs and skirts of vertical vessels and spheres shall be fire-proofed up
to the shell of the vessel, irrespective of the height.(Refer Standard
Specification G-8-1.)

A rain deflector shall be installed at the top of each fire-proofed leg or skirt, to
prevent moisture and dirt from accumulating between the fire-proofing and
the supporting structure.

(f) Structural Design

Structural steel work, such as platforms stairways and railings, shall be

according to PTS

Galvanised grating used for stair treads and for covering platforms as per
PTS and Standard Drawing S28022.
VESSELS Anchorage

Secure anchorage of adequate pier height shall be provided at locations where

flooding may cause flotation of the vessels. Foundation

The foundation shall be designed for the vessel full of water (refer PTS
and PTS Painting

Paint work and paints shall comply with PTS

A heat-reflecting and self-cleaning paint is recommended, e.g. white 'Epikote' ester

paint. Identification of Storage Vessels

• Storage vessels should be identified by means of a serial number (e.g. 1, 2, 3
etc.), painted prominently on the shell in bold figures.
• In addition, the contents should be clearly indicated, e.g. by means of painted
bands (300 mm wide x 150 mm high with central vertical strips (100 mm wide), in
accordance with the colour scheme used for pipelines (refer
• Product identification marking shall also be prominently located next to receipt
and withdrawal connections. Instrumentation General

Each LPG storage vessel shall be provided with the following

instrumentation/facilities, all suitable for operation at the maximum level and
maximum design pressure of the vessel and preferably at its test pressure.(For
details of instruments refer Section 02, also refer Consumer storage
instrumentation requirements are covered in Section 07. Level Measuring Instruments

• Two level measuring instruments are required and these shall be completely
independent of each other, to ensure that at least one remains operational under
any foreseeable circumstance.
• Both instruments shall be robust and at least one of them must have an accuracy
acceptable to local customs or weights and measures authorities.
• The use of glass level gauges is not permitted.
Notes:- If storage vessels are controlled from a control centre, instruments should have a read-
out on the control centre panel. Local read-out may also be necessary for operational
reasons and should be arranged on a panel at ground level.

-The possibility of datum setting shall be considered on at least one level indicator.

- See also Note 3 of next paragraph. Level Alarms and Ullage Gauges

(a) General

In order to protect against overfilling, due to product receipt and/or liquid

expansion, all LPG storage vessels must be equipped with a liquid level control
system, which may consist of maximum liquid level gauges (minimum ullage
gauges), high level alarm, high-high level (emergency) alarm or a combination of
these. Level alarms shall have both visual and audible output.

Figures enable both liquid expansion and ullage tube

length/positioning of alarms to be determined for various vessel sizes.

Also, low level alarm, low-low level (emergency) alarm or a combination of these
may be considered, e.g. for pump protection.

(b) Types of Filling Operation

(i) Small vessels, which are batch filled (e.g. by rail/road cars) and closely
supervised during filling, as is typical for marketing depots, may be
equipped with minimum ullage gauges. These gauges must be set to
ensure that product filled at the lowest temperature will, after expansion,
still leave a minimum ullage space of 1 per cent of the gross vessel
capacity. Where meteorological data is not available for guidance, a 30°C
temperature rise should be allowed for.

(ii) Vessels, which are only filled by continuous low flow rate rundown
streams from process units, and other vessels which are operated
relatively unsupervised and are provided with PRVs discharging to a
flare/vent system, shall be equipped at least with a high level
indicator/alarm (LIA/H) and high-high level alarm (LA/HH), refer Note 1
and Figure LIA/H and LA/HH must be set at 90 per cent
and 95 per cent respectively of the gross vessel capacity, refer Note 2.

The knock-out drum in the relief system to flare/vent must be provided

with a high level alarm (LA/H), refer (b) (ii).

(iii) Vessels which are filled at high flow rates must be equipped with a LA/H
and two high-high level emergency alarms (LZA/HH), refer Note 1 and
Figure Both LZA/HHs shall independently stop the filling
operation by closing the filling valve(s) and/or stopping
pumps/compressors. Measures shall be provided to protect upstream
facilities, e.g. the filling valve shall be closed slowly to avoid pressure

In order to ensure a safe operating margin, the LZA/HH shall be set not
higher than 95 per cent.

The LA/H shall be set at a level to allow sufficient time (10 minutes
minimum) to take action before the liquid level reaches the LZA/HH


For legend : See figure

(Applicable to storage facility connected to a flare system - situation e.g. in process plants and
installations where filling rates are low)


- For location of emergency shut-off valve (s): See figure / 03 / 04.

- This figure indicates a number of instrument signal connections and read-outs that may not be
required in particular practical applications

- This figure only indicates suggested protection instruments; the LZA's and the PIZA
arrangements are shown in simplified form - refer PTS
Note 1: LA/H, LA/HH and LZA/HH must be independent measurements. They
may, however, be combined and mounted on the main and auxiliary
gauges, provided these are of a (servo-operated) high accuracy type
(refer and have power transmission and read-outs
completely separated to ensure that failure of both level indicators and
thus the associated transmitters/alarms at the same time is unlikely.

Note 2: The level at LIA/H is the normal maximum working level before allowing
for thermal expansion. The variation in temperature experienced in
practice, may allow a higher level or necessitate a lower level to be used.
Refer also (b)(i) above.

Note 3: It should be appreciated that the normal maximum operating level of a

sphere is normally just below the setting of LA/H - the differences
between those two levels, in terms of volume/level/time involved, should
be established locally. Pressure Indicators/Alarms

The pressure sensors shall be connected to the vapour space of the vessel. The
indicator shall be readable locally.

High or low pressure, and possibly even vacuum, can develop when vessels, without
vapour return and without spray/splash filling systems, are involved in high rate
transfer operations (e.g. as discussed in (b) (iii)). In these cases
consideration may be given to installing a high and low pressure alarm and a high
and low pressure emergency alarm, with appropriate automatic trip actions.

The high pressure emergency alarm shall be set 5 per cent below the opening
pressure of the lowest PRV setting. Temperature Measuring Devices/Indicators

• For refinery/depot storage, at least one spot temperature measurement in each of

the liquid and vapour space is required.

• Average temperature measurement of the liquid and vapour phase in storage

vessels is required:

(i) if an accurate inventory assessment is necessary

if the product is delivered from large vessels, e.g. spheres, by volume

measurement obtained from gauge readings.

In these cases a number of temperature measuring elements or a suitable

averaging element should be installed in the liquid phase (refer Section 02). The
temperature of the vapour above the liquid should also be measured and taken
into account.

• Averaging temperature measuring elements for recording product temperatures

in pipelines are not recommended and consideration may therefore be given to
using temperature compensated meters, weighbridges or mass meters for
recording product transfers (refer Section 02). Gas Detectors/Explosimeters

For the use and application of these facilities, reference is made to Section 02. Valves General

Reference is made to Section 02 for a description of the general requirements of

valves used in LPG service. Refer also PTS

The various functions of valves are discussed in the following paragraphs in relation
to the systems in which they are used. Remote Operated Shut Down Valves (ROVs) and Emergency Shut Down (ESD)

ROVs are used for two purposes:

(i) Safety/emergency: where it is a safety requirement to be able to isolate

equipment and/or sections of pipelines, e.g. to limit loss of containment in the
event of equipment failure. ROVs with such a duty are referred to as emergency
shut down (ESD) valves.

(ii) Operational convenience: where remote controlled or automated systems are


ESD valves close automatically when the power source for the actuator is cut off.
They shall be fail-safe and fire-safe to BS 5146.ESD valves are generally
hydraulically or pneumatically actuated.

Careful attention should be given to the location of the remote controls for ESD
valves, and to the number of ESD valves included in a single shut down system, e.g.
in a small depot, it may be considered safer to include all ESD valves in a single
system, such that all ESD valves in the system are closed simultaneously, whereas in
other plants it may be necessary to use several ESD systems. The shut down
controls shall be located at various positions over the site and shall be clearly
indicated with an appropriate notice. The location of the ESD valves' opening controls
will depend on the manner in which the plant is supervised and operated, but the
number of positions from which the ESD system can be opened shall be limited to the
minimum required for safe operation.

ESD valves shall not be provided with hand wheels or operating levers, unless there
are specific local requirements to provide manual override. Refer (a) for
ESD valves on vessel connections.

Motorised (i.e. electrically activated) valves (MOVs) usually fulfill the requirements
specified above, under ROVs used for operational convenience. MOVs may be
operated from control rooms/centres with provision for local operation/override, e.g.
during maintenance.

(a) ESD Valves on Vessel Connections

The bottom outlet of each LPG storage vessel shall be fitted with an ESD valve.
Depending on the type of installation and its location, this ESD valve is either
located near themanifold and just downstream of the separation/deflection wall,
or internally in the bottom outlet nozzle (refer (b)). Under no
circumstances is this valve to be provided with a handwheel/lever override.

(i) Manifold located ESD valve.

This valve, which may be of the hydraulic, pneumatic or electric type, shall
satisfy the following criteria:

• It shall form an integral part of the storage vessel, i.e. it shall always be of
material of piping class 117 (refer Note 3) and field
(preferably butt) welded to the bottom pipe, subsequently stress-relieved
and thereafter radiographed (the valve need not be dismantled for the
latter purposes).

• In case a ball valve is selected it shall be in accordance with PTS (except for the one weld), i.e. built to BS 5351 and be fire-
safe to BS 5146.

• It shall be an ROV, i.e. operated from either a local strategic panel

serving one or more such valves, or from a control centre, or both. It shall
be provided with a double acting, hydraulic or pneumatic actuator of the
fail-safe spring-to-close type, i.e. actuator with the fluid on one side and a
spring on the other.

• The valve and actuator assembly shall be protected from fire by a spray
water system (refer (b)) In addition, the actuator shall be
protected by fire insulation.

• The valve and actuator assembly shall comply with the hazardous area

• Facilities shall be incorporated at the pumps to cope with the no-flow

condition upon closure of the ESD valve.

(ii) Internally-mounted ESD Valve

Refer (b) (ii).

This valve shall satisfy the following criteria:

• The construction material shall be compatible with the service conditions

and piping class.

• The valve shall be of a fire-safe and fail-safe type.

(b) ESD Valves in Loading/Discharge Systems on Jetties

(i) For manufacturing/chemical installations

The product liquid and vapour lines on jetties shall be equipped with an ESD
system. This system shall consist of ESD valves in series and a logic control
system. The two valves, installed at approximately 0.5m distance from each
other, shall be fire-safe. Ball valves are to be selected in view of their rather
smooth closure characteristics. Closure time should be set at approximately
10 seconds, since high surge pressures could be expected when flow is
reduced suddenly.

The logic control system shall close the valves in case an emergency action is
• Manually, by pushing one of the dedicated buttons located at various
strategic locations on the shore and on the ship (pendant box or ship-to-
shore link).

• Automatically, by ESD signals generated by the system when one of the

built-in limits has been reached.

Reference is made to SIPM Report MF 83-0025.

(ii) For marketing depots

At marketing controlled jetties the minimum requirement is for ESD valves,

capable of being closed from both the shore and the jetty head, to be fitted in
the liquid and vapour piping on the shore side of the manually operated shut-
off valve at the jetty head. The ESD valves must be located in a section of
pipe that is adequately anchored and not likely to be carried away in the event
of excessive ship movement on the jetty. In the case of long jetties,
consideration must be given to installing additional ESD valves in liquid and
vapour piping at, or close, to the shore line and at other locations in the
discharge/loading system. All ESD valves in the tanker discharge/loading
system should be incorporated in a single ESD system. Due consideration
must be made for valve closure times and consequent surge pressures.

For large marketing terminals reference should be made to SIPM Report MF

83-0025. Non-return (Check) Valves

Check valves are designed to prevent the reverse flow of liquid or gaseous products.
In view of their possible unreliability, in particular when not adequately maintained
and tested, these valves should not be relied upon for positive shut-off. Excess Flow Valves

Excess flow valves are designed to shut when flow conditions are in excess of design
flow rates, e.g. in case of a hose burst. They are not generally recommended for
refinery or depot emergency shut down applications for storage vessels, loading
points or multi-product systems, since their reliability in providing positive shut-off is
doubtful. Drain Valves

All vessels shall be provided with a double valve drain system for operational
drainage (refer (c)) which, for manufacturing/chemical installations,
should preferably be lined up to flare.

At low points in pipelines and equipment, drain points shall be provided with a valve
which must be plugged when not in use. Vent Valves

Equipment and pipeline sections shall be provided with vent valves which enable a
final check on proper depressurisation. They can also be used for air removal during
purging operations. Vent valves shall be plugged when not in use. Depressurising Valves/Provisions for Depressurising

Equipment and pipeline sections in manufacturing/chemical installations shall also be

provided with a valved connection to safe location or flare for depressurising

For Marketing terminals/depots consideration should be given to providing

compressors for depressurising pipelines/equipment. Pressure Relief Valves

(a) General

A PRV is a device which is designed to prevent overpressurisation of the vessel

and to reclose so as to prevent further venting after normal conditions have been

In the petroleum industry the following two types of PRV are commonly used:

• Pilot operated pressure relief valves.

• Direct acting, spring loaded safety relief valves.

A 'pilot operated PRV' is a type of PRV in which the major relieving device is
combined with, and is controlled by, a self-actuated auxiliary PRV. Typical
application is on storage vessels containing refrigerated product at its boiling point
at near atmospheric pressure (i.e. where the difference between system pressure
and ambient is very small). Although the pilot operated PRV has the advantage of
opening fully at its set point, the design features of the pilot system and any fail-
safe mechanism that may be incorporated may give rise to a fail open condition
and therefore render the valve doubtful for applications in pressurised systems.
The consequences of PRVs failing open on pressurised storage are considerably
greater than in atmospheric pressure systems.

As a consequence of the above, only direct acting, spring loaded type safety relief
valves are to be installed on LPG pressure vessels according to the ASME Code,
div 1 (part UG, Section VIII) and-to BS 5500, Appendix J.

For typical arrangements of PRVs see Figure

Overpressurising a vessel can be the result of:

• Abnormal operating conditions, such as overfilling or too high rundown


• Fire exposure.

In view of the generally large difference in relief capacities (required for the above-
mentioned process and fire duties) and the different set pressures, separate
PRVs should preferably be provided for each duty. For manufacturing/chemical
installations the PRVs should preferably be lined up to a flare system. Where a
flare system is not practicable, disposal of released vapour via a remote vent
system to a safe location must be considered. Only in the event a remote vent
system not being possible, direct discharge to atmosphere is acceptable in
manufacturing/chemical installations.
With the above in mind, PRVs shall be installed in accordance with one of
the three following systems:
(i) All PRVs discharging to flare.
PRVs to cope with abnormal operating conditions, discharging into a
(ii) flare or remote vent system, and additional PRVs to cope with fire
exposure, discharging to remote vent or directly to atmosphere.
PRVs discharging directly to atmosphere if a flare or vent system is
(iii) absent, e.g. in marketing installations, or if linking to a flare system
would be impracticable.
(b) Installation Requirements

(i) PRVs must be connected to the vapour space of the vessel. The
nozzle(s) shall have an internal cross-sectional area at least equal to
the total inlet areas (connections) of all the PRVs. The cross-sectional
area of the discharge pipe from any PRV must not be less than the
outlet area of the PRV.

(ii) The line connecting a PRV to a flare/vent system shall be provided

with an isolating valve, locked open under normal operation, and must
be sized to accept the full flow from the PRV without excessive back
pressure, and be suitable for low temperature up to 50 m downstream
of the knock-out drum. The knock-out drum must be sized for at least
10 minutes holdup at maximum overfilling rate, and have adequate
knock-out capacity.

The line shall be self-draining towards the knock-out drum and must
be protected against mechanical damage. Its supports shall be fire-
proofed to prevent it from collapsing in a fire and being 'pinched shut'.

(iii) PRVs discharging directly to atmosphere shall discharge vertically

upwards via stack pipes, the cross-sectional area of which must not
be less than the outlet area, of the PRVs. The stack pipes shall
extend at least 2m above the platform at the top of the vessel, be
equipped with loose-fitting rain caps and shall be provided with a
drain/condensate outlet, which shall be protected from freezing and
prevent flame impingement on the vessel or other equipment. Stack
pipes are not required on vessels of less than 5 m capacity.

Note: In marketing depots, the required relief capacity may be provided by

installing (a number of) multi-port valves, as cranes or hoisting
equipment are not normally available/usable for lifting heavy PRVs for

(iv) The stack pipes on side outlet PRVs shall be adequately supported on
the vessel shell/platform to minimise bending moments on the
nozzles, resulting from the reaction forces of relief discharge. In the
case of PRVs discharging to flare both the inlet and outlet lines shall
be self-draining.

(v) Isolating valves shall be fitted between PRVs and the vessel if it is
required to replace PRVs without taking the vessel out of service.
Where small vessels in consumer service can easily be emptied and
depressurised, isolating valves are not required.
Adequate protection must be provided to prevent incorrect/accidental
closure of isolating valves. These valves shall be interlocked and be
installed such that they cannot fail closed, e.g. if gate valves are used,
their spindles shall be horizontal. (Refer PTS
(vi) Spare PRVs shall be installed to fulfill the requirement that if PRVs
are removed, e.g. for maintenance, the PRVs remaining connected for
service ensure full protection of the vessel.

A vent shall be provided between the PRV and upstream block valve
to allow a check for tightness of the block valve, and to allow for in-
situ testing of the PRV.

One spare PRV shall always be installed, but blocked, when

equipment required for replacement in an emergency, like cranes,
may not be readily available. The spare PRV shall have a capacity
equal to the worst case relief requirement or, if sets of PRVs are
installed, equal to the capacity of the largest single PRV installed.

If PRVs discharge to flare (or vent) the spare PRV shall also
discharge to flare (or vent).

(vii) PRVs discharging to a flare or vent system shall do so via a knock-out

vessel with suitable provisions (refer to avoid the
entrance of liquid in the main flare (vent) line

(viii) Flare and vent systems shall incorporate adequate means to deal with
hydrate and ice formation, and operating procedures shall take the
occurrence of hydrate/ice formation into account

(c) Setting and Capacity

(i) PRV's for Abnormal Operating Conditions

• Setting

PRVs for abnormal operating conditions shall be set to open at a pressure

not exceeding the design pressure of the vessel, and shall be fully open
at a pressure not exceeding 110 per cent of that pressure.

• Sizing

PRVs for abnormal operating conditions shall be sized for the maximum
filling rate (either the maximum pumping rate of the supply pump(s), or
the maximum liquid capacity of the selected control valves in the supply
line, whichever can admit the largest flow into the vessel). The high-high
level cut-out controlling flow into the vessel (if present) shall not be taken
into account when sizing the PRVs.

PRVs operating in the case of overfilling would involve liquid discharge,

but as the liquid would partially vaporise in the PRV due to the pressure
drop, it is necessary to determine the liquid/vapour ratio under the worst
conditions and size accordingly. The PRV capacity (for a flashing liquid)
shall be calculated as specified in API RP 521.

(ii) PRVs for Overpressure Due to Fire Exposure

• Setting

PRVs intended to deal only with fire exposure shall be set to open at a
pressure of not more than 110 per cent of the design pressure of the
vessel, and shall prevent it from rising above 120 per cent of that
pressure, i.e. in accordance with ASME and API.
• Sizing

These PRVs shall be sized to relieve the quantity of vapour generated

under fire exposure conditions, which is determined by the rate of heat
input to the vessel. The PRVs must be designed to discharge vapour at a
rate at least equal to the total heat input, divided by the latent heat of
vaporisation of the product at a temperature/pressure equivalent to 120
per cent of the design pressure of the vessel. The heat input and PRV
capacity to be considered for a vessel exposed to fire shall be calculated
as follows:

• For vessels larger than 135 m3 capacity, in accordance with API RP


• For vessels up to and including 135 m3 in accordance with NFPA 58.

It is suggested that when applying API RP 520 to spheres, the liquid level
to be taken into account should be the highest of that corresponding to 8
m above grade level, or at the vessel's half-full mark.

For very small spheres installed at grade, this generally means that the
vessel shall be assumed to be full of liquid; while big spheres having their
equator higher than 8 metres above grade shall be assumed to be half

(iii) For Combined Duty

When one (set of) PRVs is installed to protect against both

overpressurisation, due to abnormal operating conditions, and fire exposure,
it shall be set to open at 100 per cent of the design pressure of the top of the
vessel. It shall have a capacity at least equal to the greater of that required
to deal with, either abnormal operation at 110 per cent, or fire exposure at
120 per cent of the design pressure. Thermal Expansion Valves

A TEV is a PRV actuated by inlet static pressure which opens, for the relief of liquid,
in proportion to the increase in pressure over the opening pressure. They are
required on sections of piping and equipment in which liquid product can be trapped,
to prevent overpressurisation caused by the thermal expansion of the liquid when
the temperature increases.

Means of static pressure relieving is also required to protect a pump where liquid
can be locked in between shut-off valves. It is recommended that a TEV is installed
in the pump suction piping between the pump and its suction valve.

The aim shall be to minimise the number of shut-off valves in a pipeline system,
thereby minimising the need to install too many TEVs, bearing in mind operational
and emergency requirements.

TEVs must be protected, physically or by position, from impacts.

Sealed-open or locked-open isolating valves shall normally be installed to enable

replacement of defective TEVs when:

• Continuous operating is a requirement.

• Large quantities of product would need to be drained to allow replacement.

The following exceptions for installing TEVs may be made for manufacturing/chemical

• It is permissible to omit TEVs in lines shorter than 10 m or if line contents are less
than 500 litres, as excessive amounts of associated small bore piping, required at
complex manifolds, could in itself create a hazardous situation.

• TEVs need not normally be installed at sampling/drain points and control or block
valves arrangements etc., where proper operating/maintenance procedures will
avoid blocking-in of liquid product.

These valves could relieve:

• Through 'cascade' system back to the storage vessel (by-passing shut-off valves)
or to flare (via a knock-out vessel) or, if impracticable, to atmosphere at a safe
location (see Notes 1 and 2 and Figure

• Through a separate header back to the storage vessel or to flare (via a knock-out
vessel) or, if impracticable, to atmosphere at a safe location.

• Individually to atmosphere at a safe location.

They shall be set to operate as follows:

• A TEV, or grouped TEVS, by-passing a shut-off valve, shall have a differential

pressure of 1 bar, except the final one (normally at the pump discharge) which
shall be set:

• Higher than the pump shut-in pressure.

• Higher than the maximum vapour pressure of the product in the line.

• Lower than the piping design pressure, decreased by 'N' bar. 'N' being the
number of cascading TEVs (refer Note 2).

• Higher than the pump shut-in pressure, but lower than the piping design

Note 1: The discharge of the TEVs should preferably be against the normal direction
of flow, subject to the location of the final relieving facility.

Note 2: To meet this requirement, in case of a large number of TEVs, it may be

considered to:

• Combine TEVs located close together, relieving into a header and by-
pass more than one shut-off valve, or.

• Increase the piping design pressure, ultimately up to its full service limit
SYSTEM Piping General

Piping, and piping components, for liquid and gaseous propane, butane and mixtures
shall be in accordance with PTS and PTS Reference is
also made to Table (a).

Note 1: Class 111 for liquid and gas at a temperature range from 0°C to
40°C. Class 111 may also be applied at locations where ambient
temperatures are never sub-zero, but when, due to depressurising,
the liquid or gas in the line may reach a sub-zero temperature,
followed by repressurising only when the temperature has risen to
above zero.

Note 2: Class 117 for liquid and gas at a temperature range from -50°C to

Where sub-zero temperatures can be expected during normal

operations, e.g. at low ambient temperature locations, or due to
depressurising after which it is practical to repressurise the
equipment when still under sub-zero conditions, piping, etc. require
Class 117 - the latter does not normally apply to marketing
depots/consumer installations unless refrigerated/semi-refrigerated
product is involved.

Note 3: The bottom pipe of a pressure storage vessel including the first
valve at the manifold, thus forming an integral part of the storage
vessel, shall always be Class 117.(Refer (b) (i).)

Note 4: Class 117 shall also be applied to a PRV header up to 50 m

downstream of a liquid catcher if overfilling is being piped to a flare.

Product pipelines in the storage area shall be as short as possible, preferably be

above-ground and be protected when necessary, e.g. against impact and fire. In this
area, spiral wound gaskets shall be used and all nozzle/pipe flanges shall be suitable
to accommodate these.

Butt-welded connections are preferred for all sizes, but where flanges are
unavoidable or necessary, raised face flanges shall be fitted. For reasons of
mechanical strength product transfer piping for refinery and depot storage shall be
minimum 50 mm nominal size.

Pipelines shall be adequately supported and provisions made for expansion,

contraction, jarring and vibration. No expansion joints shall be applied.

Furthermore, all piping connected to a vessel shall be adequately supported in such a

way that forces and bending moments on the vessel are kept within acceptable limits.

The pressure rating of the pump suction valve as well as the piping between this
valve and the pump shall be the same as that selected for the discharge piping.
(According to PTS

Service Temperature º C
Piping Service Piping Class limits Pipe material Remarks
Class Experience
Medium State Minimum Maximum*
Butane and Gas 101 340 max 0 340/400 Carbon Steel (Pipe forming integral part of
(vessel. For service up to 200 º C
(use Class 102 if ball valves are
Liquid-Gas 102 190 0 200 Carbon Steel
Liquid/Gas 111 40 max 0 40/100 Carbon Steel
Liquid/Gas 117 65 max -50 150/100 Carbon Steel )
max (fire grain) )Bottom pipe forming an integral
Liquid 218 -80 to 0 -80 150 3,5 Ni steel )part of pressure storage
Liquid 309 -170 to 0 -200 150/100 Stainless steel )vessel. See PTS
TP 304 )
Other Liquid/Gas 101 400 max 0 340/400 Carbon Steel

* Where two maximum temperature limits are shown different piping pressure ratings apply.
Threaded connections are not accepted in manufacturing/ chemical plants. As,
however, small equipment as used in marketing depots/consumer installations may
only be readily available with threaded connections, these are accepted in such
installations up to and including 50 mm nominal size (refer Section 07).

Piping for instruments, sampling points, etc. may be minimum 12 mm nominal size
(schedule 80) when protected by an isolation valve at the nozzle (refer, and if protected against impact, e.g. by bracing. This piping shall be
as short as possible and extended branching should be avoided.

All pump suction lines shall slope continuously downwards from storage vessel to
pump suction.

All pipelines shall be sloped to facilitate commissioning/gas-freeing/draining and

should be fitted with capped vent and drain valves as required, at high and low points
respectively. These valves are vulnerable to shearing by impact and should therefore
be protected.

For installation of thermal expansion valves refer to

Note: For equivalent nominal pipe sizes, refer Table

Equivalent nominal pipe sizes
inch mm
0.5 15
0.75 20
1 25
1.5 40
2 50
3 80
4 100
6 150
8 200
10 250
12 300
14 350
16 400
18 450
20 500
22 550
24 600

* Source BS 3600 : 1976

BS 1600 : Part 2 : 1970 Segregation of Propane/Butane Systems

Piping systems for propane and butane should preferably be segregated to prevent
propane from entering butane systems or vice versa.

If this is impracticable, it shall be ensured that in case of a faulty operation the system
will not be endangered and the faulty operation will be evident, e.g. by use of
pressure emergency alarms or trips.

Piping systems for handling more than one grade of LPG should either meet (i) or (ii)
(i) The total system should either be designed for propane unless all connections
between the propane and butane systems are so designed as to allow only one
system to be connected at a time by either of the following:

• Removable spool pieces, or interconnected spectacle blinds, when

connecting infrequently, e.g. for lining-up a spare pump.

• Swivel joints, when changing of connections occurs regularly, e.g. one liquid
and vapour line being used for more than one grade.

The system shall ensure that in case more than one connection has to be
switched, they shall all be switched simultaneously, e.g. by interlocks.

(ii) Control valves should be installed adjacent to interface detectors or sphere

detecting signals, which switch product flow, e.g. in case of batching products
through pipelines. Piping - Flexible Arm/Hose Connections

An ESD valve, preferably remote operated, with a non-return valve, shall be fitted
close to the termination of all piping to which flexible arms/hoses are connected for
loading and discharging. Refer also Section 02.

For cylinder filling arrangements refer Section 05.

Note: Excess flow valves are not recommended for emergency shut down duties in
refineries or depots. Identification of Piping

Piping contents shall be clearly identified, particularly at cross-over points, terminal

fittings, etc. and the following system should be applied.

All lines should be painted with the correct colour recognition bands and lettering.

The recommendations for LPG colour coding and the location of such coding is as

(i) Colour markings to be as follows:

Contents of 'PETRONAS' shade numbers Marking
pipeline Overall band 100 mm White
300 mm central Red
background band Blue
Propane (liquid) White Red No 11 Black 'P' P
Propane (vapour) White Red No 11 Black 'PV' PV
Butane (liquid) Dark Blue Red No 11 Black 'B' B
Butane (vapour) Dark Blue Red No 11 Black 'BV' BV
Butane/propane ½ White ½ blue Red No 11 Black 'PB' PB
mixture (liquid)
Butane/propane ½ White ½ blue Red No 11 Black 'PBV' PBV
mixture (vapour)
(ii) Piping which is, used for only one grade of LPG should have the colour code
of the contents painted on the pipe adjacent to offtake/filling points, and, e.g.
manifold valves.

(iii) Whatever additional marking is used to suit local conditions (use of mixtures,
names of brands, etc.) the marking indicated in the last column of (i) should
also be applied.

(iv) Common lines shall have a clear indication of the products handled,
adjacent to control valves, cross-over connections and offtake filling points
etc. Sampling System

Reference is made to Section 02. Purging Connections

Separate purging connections shall not be provided if use can be made of existing
drains, vents and sampling points. Electrical

All electric power, lighting installations and equipment must be in accordance with the
area classification requirements as defined in IEC 79. Fire Protection Facilities

Refer Section 08 and PTS Odorisation (Stenching) Facilities General

LPG used for most commercial purposes, e.g. as a fuel gas, must possess a
distinctive and preferably an unpleasant odour to assist its detection in case of
leakage. However, odorisation is not required if harmful in the use of, or further
processing of, the LPG, e.g. for certain particular applications, such as feedstocks
and aerosols, or if it will serve no useful purpose as a warning agent in such use.

The odorisation requirement can be met by the addition of controlled quantities of

suitable odorising agents, e.g. ethyl mercaptan, dimethyl sulphide. The odorant
content should be sufficient to permit detection by smell when the concentration of
the vapour in air is not more than one-fifth of the lower flammable limit (LFL), i.e. 0.3
per cent butane in air.

The odorant used shall be non-corrosive, shall have the lowest practicable sulphur
content and shall have a boiling point as near as possible to that of LPG.

Care is necessary in handling those odorants which are toxic in concentrated form.
Many odorants tend to be absorbed to some degree by the steel walls of storage and
transport vessels so that increased doses may be necessary when new units are first
introduced into the system.

If non-odorised, or odour-less, product is handled it must be segregated from normal

product and stored/transported in separate vessels, cylinders, pipelines, etc., which
have either not been used for the normal (stenched) product or have been thoroughly
cleaned (refer to Plant Operating Manual - Volume 3 LPG Operations - Section 02
(SIPC) and Operating Manual for LPG Facilities in Refineries, Section 2 (SIPM)) Odorising Agents

The recommended and most commonly used odorant is entyl mercaptan (C2 H5 S H).
Possible alternatives are dimethyl sulphide [ (CH 3) 2 S] or tetrahydrothiophene (THT),
[ (CH 2) 4 S]. In Japan, two product known under their trade names of AL-741 and
CP-380 are generally used. Relevant physical properties of these products are given
in Table
Physical properties of LPG odorants
(mainly based on suppliers' data)

Ethyl Dimethy Tetrahydro AL-741 CP-380

mercaptan l thiophene
Chemical formula C2 H5SH (CH3) 2S (CH2) 4S

Type of compound / Blend of lower alkyl Non-

mercaptans mercaptan
product sulphides and
Molecular weight 62.1 62.1 88.2 Average 85
Density, kg/m3 at 15°C 837 845 999
20 C 680-720
Relative density 20/20 C 0.725-0.740
Atm boiling range ºC
IBP 34.4 36.0 118.0 48
95% 36.1 40.0 122.0 75
Vapour pressure mbar(a)
20 C 575 505 20 213 (RVP)
37.8 C 1124 (RVP) 1030 69 (RVP) 853
50 C 1665 1600 85
Flash point open cup, °C <-20 -33 13 <0 <0
Auto-ignition temp, C 295
Limits of flammability in 2-18.2 2.2-19.7
air, % vol
Viscosity at 20°C, cP 0.32-0.34
25 C, cS 0.26
30 C, cS 0.38
Freezing point C -121 -103 -46 <-70
Colour (Hazen max) 40 35 20
(WW = water white) WW WW WW to very WW to pale yellow Faintly
pale yellow yellow

Water solubility Negligible Nil

at 20 C g/100 ml 0.7
Odour Penetrating 'Gassy'
garlic-like Health and Safety Hazards

As shown in Table the odorising agents are generally volatile, highly
flammable liquids, the vapours of which are heavier than air and may spread over the
ground. Obviously all odorants possess a very strong, obnoxious odour and in
addition some exhibit certain toxic properties, particularly ethyl mercaptan.

The latter is a moderately toxic substance in the event of ingestion and inhalation,
leading to temporary effects to the nervous system. It is an irritant to the skin and
mucous membranes, and it is irritating to the eyes. Its threshold limit value (TLV) -
time weighted average (TWA) concentration for a normal eight hour working day or
40 hours work week - is 0.5 ppm (1 mg/m3).The TLV - short term exposure limit
(STEL) which is the maximum concentration to which workers can be continuously
exposed for a period up to 15 minutes without suffering irritation, chronic or
irreversible tissue change or narcosis - is 2 ppm (4 mg/ m3).

Every plant must have copies of the odorant manufacturers safety data sheet readily
available at all times.

The storage and handling facilities for odorising agents shall be designed with due
regard for the above properties, refer

Small odorant spills should be chemically neutralised with ordinary household bleach
solution (5 per cent) and subsequently washed away with water. Solid bleach (active
component sodium hypochlorite) shall never be used as it may produce a violent
reaction with the odorant. The use of bleach solution is less effective with sulphide
type odorants which are far more oxidation-resistant than the mercaptans.

The obnoxious smell accompanying a small spill may be counteracted with masking
agents. It must be appreciated, however, that the masking agent does not destroy the
odorant but merely counteracts the odour.

If concentrations are higher than the TLV (0.5 ppm) self-contained respiratory
equipment should be worn. Protective clothing shall include chemical type safety
goggles, PVC/special rubber type gloves and cotton overalls or laboratory coats.

A water eye-bath facility shall be available. Toxicological and first-aid information on

the type of odorant in use must be readily available at the plant. Additional
information is available in the PSE data bank maintained by Central Office, HSE
department. Odorant Injection Rates

The recommended injection rates vary according to the type of odorant used.
Sometimes a certain concentration of odorant is required by the product specification.
In all other cases the recommended injection rate shall be applied. These are based
on NFPA or suppliers' recommendations as shown in Table
Recommended injection rates
Type of odorant Basis 1b/10 000 USG of g/m3 LPG cc/m3 mg/kg
Ethyl mercaptan NFPA 58 1.0 12 14 20-25
ed 1983
Dimethyl sulphide No value available
Tetrahydrothiophene NFPA 58 6.4 77 77 130-160
(THT) ed 1983
AL- 741 Supplier 40-60
CP-380 Supplier > 40

As some odorants, e.g. ethyl mercaptan react with iron oxide which is normally
present in newly built installations, vessels, pipelines, etc. in the form of rust, a
substantial quantity of odorant can initially be lost during the commissioning stage of
new installations

It is therefore advisable to over-odorise initially, by two to three times the

recommended dose depending on the amount of rust present, and check at the final
take-off point whether the LPG is sufficiently stenched. Storage and Handling of Odorants

Because of their characteristics, refer, odorants shall be stored in sealed

containers in a well-ventilated area, sheltered from rain and direct sunlight. The
electrical area classification and fire protection provisions of the storage and handling
area shall conform to the same codes as those applicable to LPG facilities in general,
refer and

Odorants may be supplied in disposable drums (25 to 200 litres), in semi-bulk

containers (1 000 to 2 000 litres) or in bulk. At the site of use, either local storage may
be provided (involving transfer of the odorant from the transport container into the
storage) or returnable containers may be used. Transfer devices which fit directly to
drum outlets are commercially available, see Figure An inert gas, e.g.
nitrogen, shall be used for the transfer of the odorant.

Bulk storage tanks for odorants shall be fabricated in accordance with Group
requirements and national/local regulations, refer The design pressure
shall take into account any pressure applied to the vessel for operational reasons,
e.g. transfer of the odorant.

Vent lines from tanks/containers and relief valve outlets must be lined up to flare. If
this is impossible the vented fumes must be scrubbed through a bed of activated
carbon in order to remove the obnoxious odour.


1. Odorant drum

2. Odorant storage vessel

3. Drain

4. Sight glass

5. Flexible elements (if necessary)

6. Filter containing activated charcoal (needed only if no flare present) Injection Systems

(a) General

Odorant injection systems may differ according to the requirements of the

individual application. Factors influencing the choice of a system are, amongst
others, the size of batches to be odorised, whether parcels consist of a single
batch as in bulk road vehicles or rail tank wagons or multiple batches as in ships,
the available metering/control facilities in the LPG stream, etc. Three possible
systems are discussed in the following paragraphs. In all cases the following
general remarks apply.

To avoid contamination of product in storage vessels and transfer lines, odorant

should whenever possible be injected into pump delivery lines to cylinder/bulk
filling points, or into the transport vessels itself.

All pipe work and vessels shall be thoroughly cleaned before putting them into
odorant service because of possible damage to fine tolerance metering, pumping
and control units.

(b) Pressure Injection System

Figure shows a typical layout where the odorant measuring vessel
can be filled with sufficient odorant for, say, one bulk load. The odorant is injected
into the LPG line by the pressure of the blanketing gas. Injection takes place
gradually during loading as controlled by the needle valve. In either in one shot
shortly after the start of loading or the latter case, the injection rate may be
checked by isolating the bottom of the sight glass and connecting it to the LPG
line. To prevent the blanketing gas from entering the LPG line, the odorant valves
must be closed immediately after completion of the LPG loading operation.
Automation of this shut-off may be considered, e.g. by using the no-flow signal
from the LPG line.

This simple injection method is suitable for very constant LPG flows or for single
batch bulk loads but requires proper supervision for this manual operation. In the
case of bulk loads, a single injection early during loading ensures proper mixing
with the LPG, owing to the turbulence created in the receiving tank by the
incoming LPG.


1. Odorant measuring vessel

2. Sight glass (see note A)

3. Needle valve


Connection on bottom of sight glass enables simple check on flow rate.

(c) Metering Pump System

Figure shows a typical flow scheme of an odorant injection system

using a metering pump. The injection quantity is controlled by the total injection
time and by the frequency of the pump strokes and/or by the displaced volume
per pump stroke.

The odorant flow rate is independent of the LPG flow. A timer stops the injection
automatically upon completion of odorant injection. A pump 'running' visual signal
may be used to indicate the correct operation of the system.

(d) Flow Proportional System

In this system (see Figure the LPG flow controls the operation of the
odorant injection pump, in order to maintain the required odorant injection ratio at
all LPG flows. Control may be by on-off operation (in case of small, solenoid-
operated pumps), by pump stroke frequency and/or stroke volume. In all cases
the pump is stopped when the LPG flow ceases. Additional provisions (such as a
pump 'running' visual signal) may be included to indicate proper operation of the
system. The complete system is available commercially as a package.

This system is especially applicable when variable LPG flows have to be

dealt with, e.g. when loading a number of tanks in a ship. Equipment Materials for Handling Odorants

Although pure and dry odorants have, generally, little corrosive effect on mild steel,
for general use stainless steel is recommended, in particular where intermittent
exposure to liquid odorant and air is unavoidable.

Copper and predominantly copper bearing materials shall not be used.

At all times care must be taken to avoid any mixing of water with ethyl mercaptan in
particular, e.g. the system must be thoroughly dried before the introduction of
odorant, in view of corrosion problems.


1. Odorant drum

2. Disch./Suct. Relief valve

3. Metering/Injection pump

4. Electric motor

5. Sight glass


1. Odorant drum

2. Disch./Suct. Relief valve

3. Metering/Injection pump

4. Electric motor


Reference is made to to for aspects of storage not covered

in to

Vessel(s) shall be located such that they do not affect other nearby underground
structures, e.g. foundations, pipelines, sewers, or are themselves (the vessels) not
subjected to loads from vehicular traffic or other hazards like power cables, etc.
unless designed for these conditions. Safety Distances

(a) Plant Storage - Spacing of Underground and Mounded LPG Pressure Vessels

Vessels not completely mounded shall, as far as the uncovered portions are
concerned, be treated as above-ground vessels.

LPG pressure vessels in manufacturing oil and chemical and marketing

depots/consumer installations shall be located and spaced so that in the event of
a fire, as described in, allowable heat radiation flux levels will be in
accordance with the requirements of Figure

Figures, and show safety distances that

should be applied to consumer/retail installations, with individual storage vessels
of 135 m and smaller capacity. These distances may also be applied in
preliminary considerations for layout/spacing of larger consumer storage and all
plant storage. It should be appreciated, however, that the use of these distances
for preliminary assessments may well require that such spacing be changed,
once the final assessment based on radiation flux levels has been carried out.
Operating companies, etc. may, because of local circumstances, be required to
apply radiation assessment to installations equal to or less than 135 m , in
which case the conditions of and (c) should apply.

(b) Radiation Flux Levels

The radiation flux levels referred to in above shall be based on the
ignition of product discharging from the vessel relief valve(s), as well as escaping
from the vessel or its appurtenances, or from other flammable storage systems
and possibly forming a pool.

(c) Leakage

The rate of leakage and its duration used in shall be based on
identified possible leak sources in the system.

The identification and quantitative assessment of such leak sources requires a

systematic evaluation of the design and operating procedures for the installation,
taking into account the buried/mounded nature of the vessel.
Leakages from the vessel shell, or all welded connections to the vessel shell, are
not considered likely where Group practice is followed in respect to design,
engineering, construction, operation and maintenance of the storage vessel.

(d) Relief Valve Fire

When considering radiation from a relief valve(s) fire, the valve(s) shall be
assumed to be discharging at maximum design flow rate and with atmospheric
conditions relevant to the site.

(e) For distances from LPG handling facilities to fixed sources of ignition, refers.

(f) Determination of Safety Distances

PETRONAS may be consulted for assistance in determining safety distances in

the manner described above. Earth Cover

Buried/mounded pressure vessels shall be in direct contact with their cover, i.e. the
installation of vessels in open underground vaults is not acceptable

The minimal thickness of the soil cover shall be 1 m so that adequate protection
exists against fire radiation, flying objects and frost penetration.

For mounded vessels the covering layer shall be finished to prevent erosion by rain or
wind, e.g. by seeding with grass.

The location of buried vessels shall be clearly marked at ground level. The back filling
of the pit must be done with material which will not damage the vessel or its
protective coating; this also applies for the surrounding layer of mounded vessels. Separation/Confinement of Leakage

Dependent upon the location of filling connections, etc., separation/deflection walls

may be necessary.

Target Maximum radiation flux levels

The outer surface of adjacent above-ground LPG
pressure storage vessels:

- Protected (1)
- Unprotected (2)
The external retention wall of refrigerated produce storage
tanks, storage tanks containing other flammable products
(3) and process:

- Protected (1)
- Unprotected (2)
The above-ground connections, including PRVs of 8
buried/mounded LPG storage vessels
Filling/discharge points
Personnel inside boundary
Process area (4) 8
Protected work area (5) 8
Work area (6) 5
Critical area (7) 1.5
Plant boundary
Remote area (8) 13
Urban area (9) 5
Critical area (7) 1.5


Such facilities/areas are protected by means of water sprays, insulation, radiation

screens or similar systems.

(2) Protection is provided by spacing alone.

Special consideration should be given to the location of floating roof tanks containing
volatile products, since effective water cooling of their roof structures is impracticable.

A normally unoccupied area, occasionally manned by trained and suitably clothed

(4) persons familiar both with escape routes and opportunities for temporary shelter afforded
by the process plant.

A permanent building where personnel inside are shielded and/or have shielded means
of escape.

(6) An open area or small (e.g. temporary) building without shielded means of escape.

This is either an unshielded area of critical importance, where personnel not equipped
with protective clothing may be required at all times, including during emergencies, or a
place difficult or dangerous to evacuate at short notice (e.g. plant entrance, hospitals,
sports stadium).

An area only infrequently occupied by small numbers of persons, e.g. moorland,

farmland, desert.

(9) An area which is neither a remote area nor a critical area.


For vessels exceeding 135 m3 capacity, to be verified by a radiation assessment. (Refer for smaller vessels used in Marketing companies.)

Sites Safety distances

Between buried/mounded LPG storage vessels 2.5 m

(measured between the peripheries)

Between the edge of the mound and all neighbouring 1m

facilities, site boundary, pumps, etc.

Between the vessel shell and all neighbouring facilities, 3m

site boundary, etc (buried/mounded vessels)

Between the edge of the mound of a mounded vessel or 5m

the periphery of a buried vessel and an above ground
storage vessel (4)

Between above-ground connections, PRV etc, and:

• The edge of restricted (2) 7.5 m
plant/depot roads and pipe tracks
• The edge of unrestricted (2) 10 m
plant/depot roads

• Bulk loading/discharge points, cylinder filling 15 m

plants/storage areas, buildings storing flammable
materials and battery limits of processing units

• Laboratories, control rooms, main offices, other Related to the size of the
buildings where people are concentrated and site buried/mounded storage vessel. Refer
boundary Figure

• The centre of the top of the bund wall surrounding 10 m

crude oil, Class I and Class II product tanks

• The tank shell of Class II product tanks not requiring 10 m

a bund, and Class III product tanks

• The external retention wall of atmospheric pressure The diameter of the outer tank of a
refrigerated product storage tanks refrigerated product storage tank =
diameter of a possible pool fire


Safety distances are to be measured from exposed nozzles, tank fittings, etc. of the
vessel nearest to the hazard.

Consideration may need to be given to restricting the movement of traffic during draining

Definition of product class being in accordance with the Refining Safety Code and the
Marketing Safety Code issued by the Institute of Petroleum.

(4) Distance required for safe operation of earth moving and other maintenance equipment.

Tank size/capacity Safety Distance

Up to and including 2.5 m3 2.0 m
3 3
Above 2.5 m up to and including 5m 3.0 m
" 5 m3 " " " " 10 m3 4.0 m
" 10 m3 " " " " 50 m3 7.5 m
3 3
" 50 m " " " " 95 m 12.0 m
" 95 m3 " " " " 135 m3 15.0 m
" 135 m3 " " " " 265 m3 20.0 m
" 265 m 30.0 m

(1) The minimum distance to fixed sources of ignition for vessels over 500 m3 is 30m
(2) Dr 2 diameter of the outer tank
(3) Vapour deflection walls may be required where this distance is used to a building etc
considered a source of ignition

Note: All distances other than those to fixed sources of ignition are to be verified by radiation
assessment (refer Safety distances for strange vessels up to 135 m3 capacity
are given in section 07 Pressure Storage Vessels Types of Vessels

Horizontally placed cylindrical vessels are normally used for buried/mounded storage. Design and Construction

(a) General (a) is applicable.

Reference should be made to PETRONAS for advice on applicable standards and

design criteria for refinery and depot in-ground storage projects.

(b) Standards and Codes

Reference is made to (b), with the provision that PTS is
not applicable for mounded/buried pressure vessels.

Due to the external asymmetrical loading, stiffening rings may need to be applied
in order to avoid uneconomical wall thicknesses.

(c) Design Temperature and Pressure

(i) General (c) (i) is applicable.

(ii) Design Temperature

Upper Design Temperature (c) (ii) is applicable.

Lower Design Temperature

For the lower design temperature the 'bonus' of +50°C referred to in (c) (ii) is not applicable, because the vessel is highly stressed
externally even when empty. Therefore, whilst for butane the ABP can be
used for design temperature, for propane and propane/butane mixtures steel
temperatures lower than for the butane tank may be attained in operation, for
instance due to continuous high flow off-takes of liquid or vapour. Therefore
the ABP of propane may need to be used. If a temperature above the ABP of
propane is used, then the operating manual applicable should clearly specify
the precautions/actions to be taken when the vessel is in operation and taken
in and out of service.

(iii) Design Pressure (c) is applicable; however with assessed temperatures and

vapour pressures modified in accordance with (c) (ii).
(iv ) Vacuum Condition (external pressure exceeding internal pressure)

In general, frost will not penetrate through the earth cover and consequently
the temperature of the vessel's contents will not fall below the product's ABP.
When appropriate pressure equalisation facilities between vessels are
provided there is generally no need to take vacuum conditions into account.

However where there is a possibility that a vessel is filled with sub-cooled

butane (i.e. at temperatures below ABP), the vessel shall be designed for full
vacuum conditions. Vessel Connections

(a) General (a) applies with the following additions: connections for buried
vessels shall preferably be on the top and shall be extended to a level above the
soil cover. Fittings at or above ground level must be protected against accidental
damage, e.g. impact.

For mounded vessels bottom liquid inlet and outlet connections may have
advantages. For manufacturing/chemical installations all bottom connections shall
be welded to the vessel and to the vessel's valves, i.e. no flanges shall be present
on the vessel side, i.e. (b) (i) and (ii) apply. Similarly all instrument
connections in the bottom shall be equipped with a valve which shall be welded
on the vessel side.

All connections to the top of mounded/buried vessels shall be welded to the

vessel; the first flange of such a connection shall not be covered by earth.

Consideration should be given to providing long mounded or buried vessels with

additional manholes to facilitate gas-freeing and mounting nozzles and
instruments. Manholes on in-ground vessels should be at least 500 mm diameter.
Manhole covers shall be tightened using hydraulic bolt tensioning equipment.

For Marketing installations flange/stud/threaded connections are acceptable

within the limitations of

(b) Drain Facilities (c) applies with the following supplement. For underground and
mounded storage vessels draining will normally require the installation of a dip
pipe with top connected drain valves. Supports/Foundation is also relevant to the design of the foundation for buried/mounded

pressure vessels.

Depending on the soil conditions, vessels may be placed on a compacted sand bed
or on a piled supporting structure.
For storage vessels exceeding 50 m capacity, a foundation design based on a soil
investigation is recommended. The expected overall and differential settlements,
requirements for mound stability and drainage shall be considered.
Overall settlements, based on the measurements taken immediately prior to
commissioning, exceeding 0.5m are not acceptable, although their effects on vessel
and connected piping shall be considered. Settlement after installation may be
reduced by preloading of the support area before installation. Maximum permitted
differential settlements must be determined at the project design stage and
procedures must be established to regularly monitor these settlements throughout the
life of the vessel(s).

The angle of circumference over which a sand bed supports the vessel shall be
assumed not to exceed 120°. The beneficial effect of lateral soil support is not to be
taken into account in the design of mounded vessels.

The vessel should preferably be placed at least 0.6 m above ground water level and
both site and backfill material should preferably be chosen to limit the possibility of
water levels reaching the vessel. Adequate precautions must be taken to prevent

The vessel shall be sloped a minimum of 0.25 per cent to facilitate drainage.

If under operational conditions the temperature of the vessel can drop below 0°C,
measures must be taken to prevent frost-heave, e.g. by applying a surrounding layer
of course sand and by reducing the water ingress in the mound/buried tank area, e.g.
by applying a top layer of clay. In such a case the vessel shall be placed at least 1 m
above the original ground level. Corrosion Protection/Painting

(a) General

Vessels shall be adequately protected to resist the local soil/cover corrosion and a
combination of coatings and cathodic protection may be used.

(b) Coating

Coating shall be able to resist frictional forces between the vessel and the
surrounding soil under all operational conditions, i.e. also when the soil is frozen.

A recommended coating system is one layer of an amine-adduct cured, Epikote-

based primer of 50 µm followed by two or more layers of Epikote coal tar paint to
obtain a total dry film thickness of 400 to 550 µm. Prior to the paint application the
outside surface of the vessel shall be blast cleaned to SIS 055900 grade Sa 2½.
The degree of surface roughness shall be between 30 and 80µm.

In case a primer is used, this shall be a thin film epoxy paint. Primers of the
inorganic or organic zinc type should not be used for this application.

When preparing specifications, relevant parts of the Painting and Coating

Manual may be used.

An alternative for the above protection system is a bitumen-cement mastic

system, for which reference is made to the Painting and Coating Manual.
(c) Cathodic Protection

PTS refers.

Monitoring can be arranged by the strategic location of reference cells or zinc

blocks alongside the vessels at maximum distance from the anodes and minimum
distance from the vessel. The accuracy desired determines the number of
reference cells to be installed. Remote read-out is possible and could be located
in the control room. If an impressed current system is used, the transformer
setting can be coupled to the monitoring system so that the transformer rectifier is
automatically adjusted when changes in the vessel potentials are recorded. It has
to be appreciated that the more automation is introduced the higher the cost will

Alternatively, the quality of the protection can be periodically monitored by

temporarily installed equipment (e.g. portable voltmeters, soil resistance meters,
Pierson holiday detectors). This equipment can provide information on the
presence of coating defects and the level of cathodic protection achieved. This
monitoring method would mainly be used for small, preferably single vessel,

(d) Painting Internal Surfaces

PTS,Appendix 1, refers. Instrumentation General

Instrumentation facilities for underground and mounded storage vessels are, in

general, similar to those covered in for above-ground vessels. Valves General applies, subject to the modifications of below. Capacity of PRVs (for Mounded/Buried Pressurised LPG Storage)

(a) General

The total relief capacity required shall cover the greater of either the relief required
for abnormal operating conditions or for fire exposure.

Vessels not completely mounded shall, as far as the uncovered portion is

concerned, be treated as above-ground vessels.
(b) Sizing for Fire Exposure

The relief capacity for fire exposure shall be determined as specified by the IP
Model code of safe practice (Part 9, Volume 1, LPG):

For vessels larger than 135m , the relief capacity shall be according to API
• For vessels smaller than and equal to 135m3, the relief capacity shall be 30
per cent of the requirement for an uninsulated above-ground pressure vessel
of the same capacity (in accordance with NFPA 58). Inspection Requirements General

Independent of the requirements for statutory inspection as set by authorities in the

country of operation, the following specifies the minima required in the case where no
official requirements exist.

The status of the level of cathodic protection has to be checked once per year in the
case of scarificial anode protection, and once per three months for that of impressed
current protection. The results of the survey are to be recorded and filed. Any
discrepancy in the protective level has to be corrected before the next survey.

Once every 3 years a survey has to be performed showing the status of the coating of
the vessel. For such a survey, the 'Pierson method', by using the Pierson holiday
detector, is accepted. Corrective action is only required when the location of coating
defects coincides with a deterioration of the cathodic protection.

Detailed records shall be kept with respect to all periodic inspection, testing and
maintenance. Vessel Inspection

Unless local regulations require otherwise, mounded/buried LPG storage vessels

shall be inspected internally once every five years, using visual and non-destructive
test methods. During this inspection the internal vessel condition will be recorded.
The external vessel condition has to be tested, using suitable ultrasonic wall
thickness measuring instruments approved for the wall thickness range of the vessel.
Special attention has to be given to those areas where external coating deterioration
is most likely to occur (supports, fittings, reinforcement rings, field welds). The results
of the measurements shall be recorded and the trend established.

Pressure testing may replace all of the above vessel inspection requirements.
For more details on pressure vessel inspection refer to SIPM Report MF 85-0330. Settlement Recording

For mounded LPG vessels, overall and differential settlement over the length of the
vessel must be measured and recorded. The reference for the measurements shall
be the initial data recorded prior to commissioning. The applicable intervals for
subsequent measurements are:
• Every three (3) months during the first year of operation.
• Every six (6) months during the second and third year of operation.
• Every twelve (12) months thereafter. Piping Refer Sampling System Refer Purging Connections Refer Electrical Refer Fire Control Facilities Refer Odorisation Facilities Refer UNDERGROUND PRESSURE STORAGE IN GEOLOGICAL FORMATIONS, SALT


This type of storage is not yet extensively applied, and detailed information on the
various types is not readily available.

Information is being collected and is intended to be published in the next issue of this

Until then, specific questions on this subject should be directed to PETRONAS.

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