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Extraction methods for phycocyanin determination in freshwater filamentous

cyanobacteria and their application in a shallow lake

Article  in  European Journal of Phycology · August 2013

DOI: 10.1080/09670262.2013.821525


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4 authors:

Hajnalka Horváth Attila W. Kovács

Hungarian Academy of Sciences 30 PUBLICATIONS   717 CITATIONS   

Caitlin A. L. Riddick Mátyás Présing

University of Stirling 45 PUBLICATIONS   1,231 CITATIONS   

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Extraction methods for phycocyanin determination

in freshwater filamentous cyanobacteria and their
application in a shallow lake
a a b a
Hajnalka Horváth , Attila W. Kovács , Caitlin Riddick & Mátyás Présing
Centre for Ecological Research, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Balaton , Limnological
Institute , H-8237 , Tihany , Hungary
University of Stirling, Department of Biological & Environmental Sciences, School of
Natural Sciences , Stirling , UK
Published online: 23 Jul 2013.

To cite this article: Hajnalka Horvth , Attila W. Kovcs , Caitlin Riddick & Mtys Prsing (2013) Extraction methods for
phycocyanin determination in freshwater filamentous cyanobacteria and their application in a shallow lake, European
Journal of Phycology, 48:3, 278-286

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Eur. J. Phycol. (2013), 48(3): 278–286

Extraction methods for phycocyanin determination in

freshwater filamentous cyanobacteria and their application in
a shallow lake


Centre for Ecological Research, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Balaton Limnological Institute, H-8237 Tihany, Hungary
University of Stirling, Department of Biological & Environmental Sciences, School of Natural Sciences, Stirling, UK

(Received 27 July 2012; revised 13 December 2012; accepted 7 January 2013)

Phycocyanin (PC) is one of the water-soluble accessory pigments of cyanobacteria species, and its concentration in aquatic
systems is used to estimate the presence and relative abundance of blue-green algae. PC concentration and the PC/Chl-a ratio of
four N2-fixing filamentous cyanobacteria strains (Cylindrospermopsis raciborskii, Anabaena spiroides, Aphanizomenon flos-
Downloaded by [Hajnalka Horváth] at 03:51 24 July 2013

aquae and Aphanizomenon issatschenkoi) common to Lake Balaton (Hungary) were determined using repeated freezing and
thawing. A strong linear correlation was found between the extracted PC and Chl-a concentrations for all strains at high Chl-a
concentrations (almost stable PC/Chl-a ratio in the range of 20−100 µg l−1 Chl-a). Extraction of PC and Chl-a from samples with
low biomass of cyanobacteria (less than 20 µg l−1 Chl-a) proved to be unreliable using the standard protocol of freeze–thaw cycles
(coefficients of variation exceeding 10–15%). In order to find an extraction method that is robust in fresh waters characterized by
low algae biomass (e.g. Lake Balaton), the effectiveness of four extraction methods (repeated freeze–thaw method and homo-
genization with mortar and pestle, Ultrasonic, and Polytron homogenizer) were compared using C. raciborskii. It was found that
the efficiency of extraction of phycocyanin was highest when a single freeze–thaw cycle was followed by sonication (25%
additional yield compared with using the freeze–thaw method alone). Applying this combined method to surface water samples
of Lake Balaton, a strong correlation was found between PC concentration and cyanobacterial biomass (R2 = 0.9436), whilst the
repeated freezing–thawing method found no detectable PC content. Here we show that the combined sonication/freeze–thaw
method could be suitable for measuring filamentous cyanobacteria PC content, even at low concentrations; as well as for the
estimation of cyanobacterial contribution to total biomass in fresh waters.

Key words: Cylindrospermopsis raciborskii, extraction methods, fresh water, N2-fixing filamentous cyanobacteria,
phycocyanin, pigment analyses

Introduction 2005), remote sensing (e.g. Simis et al., 2005;

Hunter et al., 2008a, 2008b), and in vitro extraction
Phycobiliproteins are pigment–protein, amino-acid
methods have all been used for cyanobacterial quan-
storage complexes common to cyanobacteria,
tification (Sarada et al., 1999). A number of studies
Rhodophyta and some cryptophyte species, and
have been published on phycocyanin extraction
include mainly allophycocyanin (APC), phycocyanin
methods and their comparative analyses (Zhu
(PC) and in some cases phycoerythrin (PE) (Williams
et al., 2007; Lawrenz et al., 2011; Zimba, 2012);
et al., 1980). Phycobiliproteins are located in the
however there is no standard protocol for the max-
supramolecular phycobilisomes on the external sur-
imal extraction of phycocyanin from cyanobacteria
face of the thylakoid membrane (Sidler, 1994), and act
cells. Repeated freeze–thaw and sonication methods
as major photosynthetic accessory pigments.
are generally used on centrifuged (Patel et al., 2005;
Because phycobiliproteins are restricted to cyano-
Soni et al., 2006) or filtered (Viskari & Colyer,
bacteria and a few eukaryotic algal classes, they can
2003) samples, but alternatives are homogenization
be used to detect these taxa. The assessment of
of lyophilized or frozen samples with a vortexer
cyanobacterial presence or dominance with phyco-
(Lawrenz et al., 2011), mortar and pestle (Viskari
cyanin detection is well known: in situ fluorometric
& Colyer, 2003) or glass beads (Eisele et al., 2000).
field applications (e.g. Seppälä et al., 2007), sensi-
The extraction solution most frequently used is a
tive fluorometric techniques (Gregor & Maršálek,
phosphate buffer at a relatively high concentration
Correspondence to: Hajnalka Horvath. E-mail: horvath.hajnalka@
(0.001 M to 0.05 M) (Furuki et al., 2003), but in some cases 90% acetone (Zimba, 2012), glycerol
ISSN 0967-0262 (print)/ISSN 1469-4433 (online)/13/030278-286 © 2013 British Phycological Society
Chemical method of phycocyanin determination 279

(Quesada & Vincent, 1993) or lysozyme (Boussiba

& Richmond, 1979) have also been found suitable
for cell wall rupturing. The extraction protocols are
followed by spectrophotometric (Bennett &
Bogorad, 1973, Sarada et al., 1999), liquid chroma-
tographic, capillary (Viskari & Colyer, 2003) and
gel electrophoretic (Soni et al., 2006), or single-step
chromatographic analyses (Yan et al., 2010). Most
studies have dealt with species originating from
tropical or subtropical freshwater alkaline lakes
(Spirulina platensis, Furuki et al., 2003; Silveira
et al., 2007), salt water bodies (Oscillatoria quad-
ripunctulata, Soni et al., 2006) or marine environ-
ments (Synechococcus sp., Yamanaka & Glazer, Fig. 1. Extraction protocols to optimize PC extraction from
1980), but there has been little investigation into filamentous cyanobacteria. A. Freeze–thaw method. B.
Homogenization with mortar and pestle. C. Homogenization
PC extraction methods in fresh water (Marker with an ultrasonic homogenizer. D. Homogenization with
et al., 1980; Patel et al., 2005). Polytron homogenizer. E. Freeze–thaw combined with ultra-
The objective of this study was to determine an sonic homogenizer. Bold lines highlight the recommended
effective, rapid, inexpensive and reproducible pro- protocol.
tocol for phycocyanin determination in fresh
Downloaded by [Hajnalka Horváth] at 03:51 24 July 2013

waters with a wide trophic range dominated by

cyanobacteria, to allow estimation of their relative Extraction methods for phycocyanin determination in
biomass. laboratory experiments
Pigment samples were extracted from a single culture of C.
Materials and methods raciborskii. The cell walls were ruptured using the following
methods (Fig. 1, A–E) with 15 ml of 0.05 M phosphate buffer
Algal culture and growth conditions (pH = 6.8; containing Na2HPO4 and KH2PO4):
Cylindrospermopsis raciborskii ACT 9502, Anabaena Method A. Freeze–thaw method (Bennett & Bogorad,
spiroides ACT 9607, Aphanizomenon flos-aquae ACT 1973): biomass was harvested by filtration on GF/C
9605 and Aphanizomenon issatschenkoi ACT 9608 were (Whatman) filters and pigment was extracted by five freeze–
the four Nostocales species (Nostocales: Nostacaceae) thaw cycles, in which samples were frozen at −20°C then
selected, as they occur extensively in Hungarian Lakes thawed at 9 ± 1°C in a water bath (NESLAB RTE 17:
and especially in Lake Balaton. These strains have two Thermo Electron Corporation, Portsmouth, NH, USA).
types of trichomes: (1) free-floating, solitary filaments Method B. Homogenization with mortar and pestle: bio-
without a mucilaginous sheath (C. raciborskii, Aph. flos- mass was centrifuged with a HERMLE Z320 centrifuge
aquae, Aph. issatschenkoi), and (2) free-floating, solitary (Berthold Hermie GmbH & Co, Gosheim, Germany) at
filaments with a thin mucilaginous sheath (A. spiroides). 4000 rpm for 10 min, then homogenized in an ice-cooled
The cultures were grown in batch culture at 24°C under a mortar. After homogenization, the extract was centrifuged,
14 : 10 h light–dark regime. The applied light intensity the phycocyanin concentration of the supernatant was mea-
was 40 µmol m−2 s−1 (spherical microsensor, WALZ sured, and the pellet was re-extracted with a further 5 ml of
SQSA0156; LI-1400 data logger; LI-COR. Inc. Lincoln, phosphate buffer. This extraction cycle was repeated until no
Nebraska, USA). further phycocyanin was detected, which happened after no
A modified BG-11 medium (Fe-citrate instead of Fe(NH4) more than five cycles.
citrate) without NaNO3 was used to grow the cyanobacteria Method C. Homogenization with an Ultrasonic
species; as the four selected species are able to fix nitrogen, Homogenizer (Ultrasonic Homogenizer 4710, Type: Cp375
there was no need for an additional nitrogen source in the 3A, Power 375 W, Frequency 20 kHz; Cole Parmer
medium. Instrument, Chicago, IL, USA) using a normal sonication
probe, output 5 and duty cycle 50%: samples were concen-
trated by filtration on GF/C (Whatman) filters and the cell
Determination of volume of extraction solution walls were ruptured by sonication for different lengths of
The algal cells were suspended in different volumes of time (0, 15, 30, 45, 60, 90 and 120 s) in three replicates.
phosphate buffer (11 ml and 20 ml) to determine the Method D. Homogenization with a Polytron Homogenizer
optimal volume for accurate phycocyanin measurements. (PT 10-35; 220 V, 50 Hz, 710 W; Kinematica, Bohemia, NY,
Cylindrospermopsis raciborskii and A. spiroides were USA): cells were harvested by centrifugation (4000 rpm for 10
used in relatively high concentrations for this study min, with the same type of centrifuge as described above) and
(~4000 µg l−1 Chl-a C. raciborskii and ~500 µg l−1 A. the collected biomass was homogenized with the Polytron for
spiroides), and PC concentration was determined with the different lengths of time (0, 15, 30, 45, 60, 90 and 120 s).
freeze–thaw method, as described below (method A). Method E. Freeze–thaw method combined with
Chlorophyll-a concentrations were measured as in Ultrasonic Homogenizer (using the same device as in method
Iwamura et al. (1970). C): biomass was collected by filtration on GF/C (Whatman)
H. Horváth et al. 280

filters, frozen at −20°C and thawed at 9 ± 1 °C in the same

water bath as in method A. Phycocyanin was extracted by
sonication for different lengths of time (0, 15, 30, 45, 60, 90
and 120 s) in three replicates.
To purify the extracts from the cell walls, filtration
(Whatman GF/C filter) was used after digestion in all methods
except B. Samples were kept on ice and in darkness to avoid
pigment degradation during extraction. A Shimadzu UV-1601
spectrophotometer (Melco Technorex Co. LTD, Kyoto, Japan)
was used for PC measurements and the concentration was
calculated using the equation by Siegelman & Kycia (1978):

C  phycocyaninðPCÞ ¼ ðA615  0:474 A652 Þ=5:34 ½Equation1

where A615 is the absorbance at 615 nm and A652 is the

absorbance at 652 nm.
In every method the extraction procedure was accepted as
complete when the PC concentration reached its highest
value and this was regarded as 100%. The absolute value of
the coefficient of variation (CV) was used to check the pre-
cision of different extraction methods tested.
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Phycocyanin determination in algal cultures and field

To determine the PC content of four species (C. raciborskii, A. Fig. 2. PC concentration in Cylindrospermopsis raciborskii
spiroides, Aph. flos-aquae and Aph. issatschenkoi), the freeze– (A) and Anabaena spiroides (B) using different volumes of
buffer plotted against the number of freeze–thaw cycles.
thaw method (Method A) was applied as the extraction proto-
Diamonds with black lines represent 11 ml volume of buffer
col. Different concentrations of the four cyanobacteria species
solution used and crosses with dotted lines represent 20 ml
under investigation were prepared by doubling dilution of the
volume of buffer solution used. Error bars are the coefficients
culture. The Chl-a concentrations of the prepared solutions of variations for n = 3 replicates.
were approximately 6, 12, 25, 50 and 100 µg l−1.
For determination of phycocyanin in field material, water
samples were taken from the surface of Lake Balaton in 2010
(17–23 August). Water samples (in replicates of five) were (~4000 µg l−1 Chl-a C. raciborskii and ~500 µg l−1
filtered within one hour of collection, transferred into 15 ml A. spiroides) (Fig. 2). It was found (Method A) that
of 0.05 M phosphate buffer (pH = 6.8), then frozen at −20°C. there was no significant difference in the extracted PC
Phycocyanin concentration of three of the five replicates was yield (3.68% and 4.03% for C. raciborskii and for A.
determined soon after collection using the freeze–thaw spiroides, respectively) when using either 11 ml or 20
method (in three cycles). The other two replicates were stored ml buffer volume, therefore 15 ml of buffer was
(for several months) at −80°C for subsequent pigment deter-
applied to further extractions. This volume was also
mination. Phycocyanin content of the two remaining repli-
sufficient for spectrophotometric determination with 4
cates was extracted by 15 s of sonication after thawing (the
combined method, E), and concentrations were calculated cm cuvette.
using the same equation (Siegelman & Kycia, 1978).
Number of extraction cycles
Counting of biomass and microscopic identification The four filamentous cyanobacteria were used to deter-
Phytoplankton samples were preserved in Lugol’s solution. mine the optimal or sufficient number of freeze–thaw
Algal species were identified with an inverted plankton cycles using method A, over a 0–100 µg l−1 Chl-a
microscope (Utermöhl, 1958). The wet weight of each spe- concentration range (Fig. 3). The extracted PC concen-
cies was calculated from cell volumes (Németh & Vörös, trations reached their maxima after the second freeze–
1986). A minimum of 25 cells (or filaments) of each species thaw cycle for three of the species (Fig. 3A–C) in the
were measured to determine biomass and at least 400 cells range of 20–100 µg l−1 Chl-a, and decreased signifi-
were counted.
cantly with further freeze–thaw cycles. Usually one
cycle was enough for the maximum pigment extraction
Results below 20 µg l−1 Chl-a for all species. The maximum
extracted pigment content of Aphanizomenon
Volume of extraction solution
issatschenkoi was achieved after one freeze–thaw
The volume of buffer required for complete pigment cycle, and PC concentration decreased continuously,
extraction was tested at high Chl-a concentration at all Chl-a concentrations, in each subsequent cycle
Chemical method of phycocyanin determination 281
Downloaded by [Hajnalka Horváth] at 03:51 24 July 2013

Fig. 3. Changes in phycocyanin concentration in response to increasing number of freeze–thaw cycles at different Chl-a concentra-
tions (A: Cylindrospermopsis raciborskii, B: Anabaena spiroides, C: Aphanizomenon flos-aquae, D: Aphanizomenon issatschenkoi).
Different line types represent different Chl-a concentrations (µg l−1). Error bars are coefficients of variation for N = 3 replicates.

by 25−30%. Cylindrospermopsis raciborskii had the Algal biomass

highest PC concentration (420 µg l−1) of all the species
To assure the stability and reliability of the freeze–
examined, which was 1.4, 2.95 and 3.69 times larger
thaw method, changes in PC concentration relative to
than Anabaena spiroides, Aphanizomenon flos-aquae
Chl-a concentrations were compared. The concentra-
and Aph. issatschenkoi respectively, within the same
tion of the PC extract varied with the number of
Chl-a concentration range (~100 µg l−1).
freeze–thaw cycles (Fig. 4). The number of cycles

Fig. 4. Changes in phycocyanin (PC) and chlorophyll-a (Chl-a) concentration and the ratios of PC/Chl-a (R) in different algae
species (A: Cylindrospermopsis raciborskii, B: Anabaena spiroides, C: Aphanizomenon flos-aquae, D: Aphanizomenon issatschen-
koi). Line represents the linear regression of PC/Chl-a.
H. Horváth et al. 282

used in subsequent work was that which gave the 25 µg l−1 Chl-a concentration. Pigment extraction of
maximum PC concentration (Fig. 3). PC/Chl-a ratios Aphanizomenon species was reliable at > 50 µg l−1 Chl-
(R) were almost constant above 10 µg l−1 Chl-a for C. a concentration, but below this concentration the deter-
raciborskii and A. spiroides, but at Chl-a concentra- mination became uncertain. There was no detectable
tions lower than 10 µg l−1 the ratios varied with dilu- PC content in several replicates of Aph. flos-aquae and
tion. The decrease in pigment ratio was 6.3% and Aph. issatschenkoi under 50 µg l−1 Chl-a concentration
9.3% for C. raciborskii and A. spiroides, respectively and with repeated extraction cycles. Generally, the CV
(Fig. 4A, B). A continuous decrease was observed in increased with increasing number of freeze–thaw
PC/Chl-a for Aph. flos-aquae and Aph. issatschenkoi; cycles and decreasing Chl-a concentration.
over the whole concentration range, the decreases
were 50% and 100%, respectively (Fig. 4C, D). At
Comparison of extraction methods (A, B, C, D)
the lowest Chl-a concentration (6 µg l−1), the PC
content of Aph. issatschenkoi was undetectable. All methods were tested using the same culture and
When comparing PC/Chl-a ratios for the four selected biomass of C. raciborskii (Chl-a 575 µg l−1). Our
species (Fig. 4), A. spiroides had a slightly lower experience suggested unreliability of the traditional
pigment ratio (3–3.5) than that measured in C. raci- freeze–thaw method (Method A), so the efficiencies
borskii (3.25–4.25), but the Aphanizomenon species of three different extraction methods (B, C and D)
had much lower values. Under these well-defined were compared using the C. raciborskii culture
conditions Aph. flos-aquae and Aph. issatschenkoi (Fig. 5). Recovered PC concentrations differed greatly
synthesized approximately equal content of Chl-a with different extraction methods as well as extraction
Downloaded by [Hajnalka Horváth] at 03:51 24 July 2013

and PC (R = 1.4 and 1.2, respectively). cycle. The lowest extraction efficiency resulted when
An increasing coefficient of variation (CV, Table 1) samples were ground with the Polytron Homogenizer
was observed in most of the dilution series (Method D; Fig. 5D); the maximum pigment concen-
with decreasing Chl-a concentration. This tendency tration was less than 300 µg l−1, which was much
was negligible in C. raciborskii above 20 µg l−1 Chl-a lower (< 10%) than with the other methods. The
concentration, but below this concentration the effectiveness of the freeze–thaw and sonication
coefficient of variation of pigment determination methods (A and C; Fig. 5A, C) was much better. At
sometimes exceeded 10%. Anabaena spiroides had a the beginning of the homogenization of methods A
similar extraction period for achieving the maximum and C, disruptions, increasing concentrations with
extracted pigment content and had similar determina- increasing extraction time were observed. Although
tion efficiency to C. raciborskii; the CV of the freeze– the concentration of extracted PC by the freeze–thaw
thaw method was almost always under 10% above method (A) decreased continuously after the second

Table 1. Coefficients of variation (%) of the freeze–thaw method applied to four cyanobacteria species (Cylindrospermopsis
raciborskii, Anabaena spiroides, Aphanizomenon flos-aquae and Aphanizomenon issatschenkoi). – = no detectable phycocyanin.

Coefficients of variation (%) of freeze–thaw method with successive cycles

Species (µg l−1) 1 2 3 4 5 mean

Cylindrospermopsis raciborskii ~100 1.99 2.32 7.42 4.76 3.87 4.07

~50 1.32 4.06 5.76 6.97 3.72 4.37
~25 5.47 4.81 2.48 2.33 4.55 3.93
~10 1.80 17.41 1.73 11.68 7.30 7.98
~5 0.93 13.84 4.97 12.64 12.32 8.94
Anabaena spiroides ~100 1.82 1.75 1.39 8.99 5.43 3.87
~50 4.64 4.21 4.73 11.83 10.83 7.25
~25 10.56 9.19a 5.63 0.88 6.80 6.61
~10 14.26 4.73 19.32 4.75 16.49 11.91
~5 2.86 14.28 10.26 69.08a 14.65 22.23
Aphanizomenon flos-aquae ~100 6.57 3.97 12.39 23.44a 20.82a 13.44
~50 11.84 17.55 11.35 4.11a – 11.21
~25 6.14 16.18a 4.76a – – 9.03
~10 20.21 17.47a – – – 18.84
~5 14.27 – – – – –
Aphanizomenon issatschenkoi ~100 5.57 5.66 11.02 60.95 – 20.80
~50 2.62 2.36a 1.17 43.43 – 13.32
~25 14.79 – –b – – 18.12
~10 8.85a – – – – –
~5 – – – – – –

Standard deviation (SD) was calculated from two replicates.
PC content was measured in one of three replicates; in the second and/or third replicates, PC content was below the limit of detection.
Chemical method of phycocyanin determination 283
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Fig. 5. Comparison of the different phycocyanin extraction methods in Cylindrospermopsis raciborskii. (A: freeze–thaw method;
B: grinding; C: sonication; D: homogenization with Polytron). Error bars are coefficients of variation for N = 3 replicates.

cycle, a noticeable decrease was observed only fol- both methods (differences were 0.10−9.95%) but
lowing the fourth cycle. Extracted PC concentration half the extraction time was required for those samples
by sonication (Method C) began to decline after 90 s that were frozen at −20°C before sonication.
and yielded approximately 25% more pigment content Aphanizomenon issatschenkoi was the only excep-
than in the maximum extraction of the freeze–thaw tion, where the PC content of frozen samples was
method (A). The highest PC concentration (Fig. 5B) 10% lower than those of sonicated fresh samples and
was measured after extraction by mortar and pestle the pigment concentration decreased slightly after 15 s
(Method D); however significant differences were of sonication in both the frozen and the fresh samples.
observed between the four replicates. The CV of the
mortar and pestle method (D) ranged from 5 to 94% in Field samples
different extraction cycles. Apart from grinding in
mortar and pestle (Method D), sonication (Method The freeze–thaw method (Method A) and the com-
C) gave the highest pigment concentrations, and had bined method (Method E) were compared using water
the lowest extraction time (less than 90 s) and CV samples from Lake Balaton (5–28 µg l−1 Chl-a).
(2.7%); therefore this method was identified as the Significant differences were found between the results
best among those tested. of the two methods, similar to the results of the culture
experiments. There was no detectable pigment content
with the freeze–thaw method (Method A) after the
Combined method (E)
third cycle. When the freeze–thaw method (Method
Based on our observations, two freeze–thaw cycles A) was combined with sonication (Method C), PC
yielded the maximum PC content, but the amount was content could be measured in all samples, and a strong
not greatly increased after the second cycle. Thus, one correlation (R2 = 0.9436) was obtained between PC
freeze–thaw cycle was combined with sonication and cyanobacterial biomass (Fig. 7). In the summer in
(Method E) and compared with extraction of Lake Balaton, phytoplankton biomass is characterized
fresh samples using only sonication (Method C) for by high abundance of cyanobacteria, including Aph.
the same diazotrophic cyanobacterium species (Fig. flos-aquae, Aph. aphanizomenoides, Aph. issatschen-
6). Chl-a concentrations of C. raciborskii, A. spir- koi and C. raciborskii, which generally contribute >
oides, Aph. flos-aquae and Aph. issatschenkoi were 70% to the total phytoplankton biomass. Of the four,
970 µg l−1, 490 µg l−1, 790 µg l−1 and 1450 µg l−1, Aph. issatschenkoi is usually the dominant species and
respectively. Similar phycocyanin concentrations accounts for > 40% of phytoplankton biomass in two-
were measured for three species (Fig. 6A–C) with thirds of samples.
H. Horváth et al. 284
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Fig. 6. Changes in the extracted phycocyanin concentration during sonication in four cyanobacterial species (A: Cylindrospermopsis
raciborskii, B: Anabaena spiroides, C: Aphanizomenon flos-aquae, D: Aphanizomenon issatschenkoi). Error bars are coefficients of
variation for N = 3 replicates.

freeze–thaw cycles were not necessary for the com-

plete extraction of phycocyanin. Instead, our study
agrees with the observations of Sarada et al. (1999)
and Zhu et al. (2007), which suggested that 3–5 cycles
were enough to achieve the highest extraction effi-
ciency (Fig. 2) and were suitable when Chl-a concen-
trations of C. raciborskii and A. spiroides cultures
were > 500 µg l−1 (Fig. 3), levels that are typical of
fish-ponds or hypertrophic reservoirs. In this study it
was found that in the 20−50 µg l−1 Chl-a concentra-
tion range, PC yield can usually be determined using
two freeze–thaw cycles for all of the cyanobacteria
Fig. 7. Cyanobacterial biomass versus phycocyanin concen- species tested. Based on the coefficients of variation
tration (CV = 1.7%) in Lake Balaton. (Table 1), the repeated freeze–thaw method (Method
A) was found to be reliable for cultures characterized
by Chl-a concentrations greater than 20 µg l−1.
Discussion According to the PC/Chl-a ratios, Aphanizomenon
During the investigation of PC extraction methods, species were more sensitive to mechanical disruption
the required volume of buffer was determined for than the other species examined; their pigment ratios
C. raciborskii and A. spiroides. According to Simis continuously decreased with increasing number of
et al. (2005), 6 ml of phosphate buffer was enough to freeze–thaw cycles and decreasing Chl-a concentra-
achieve maximum extraction in the concentration tion. This observation demonstrates the limited
range of 2−50 µg l−1. However, our study aimed to applicability of the repeated freeze–thaw method
clarify whether this method was useful not only in (Method A) at lower pigment concentrations.
oligotrophic lakes, but in hypertrophic waters domi- Several extraction protocols have been described in
nated by blue-green algae. The lower value of the literature; Sarada et al. (1999) reported that the
the selected concentration range in our study (500 total extracted PC concentration of Spirulina platensis
µg l−1) is typical in hypertrophic reservoirs (Barone was obtained by 3–5 freeze–thaw cycles, depending
& Flores, 1994). on whether samples were acid-treated or untreated.
In contrast to the conclusions of Simis et al. (2005), Viskari & Colyer (2003) suggested that the most
our experiments with C. raciborskii indicated that 5–9 effective method for PC determination was freezing
Chemical method of phycocyanin determination 285

and grinding frozen cyanobacteria with a pestle in a Although sonication alone provided the highest
liquid nitrogen frozen mortar in the presence of extrac- extraction efficiency overall, the combined method
tion medium. Quesada & Vincent (1993) reported of sonication with one freeze–thaw cycle showed
obtaining the highest PC concentration after repeated some clear advantages. Extraction time depends on
homogenization with glycerol and use of a Teflon species composition and algae biomass and is almost
grinder. Lawrenz et al. (2011) demonstrated that impossible to assess in advance. Freezing the samples
freeze–thaw and a subsequent sonication was the allows them to be stored for subsequent PC concen-
most efficient extraction method for a unicellular pico- tration determination while preliminary experiments
cyanobacterium (Synechococcus bacillaris) and our are conducted to determine sufficient extraction time.
results are similar. Of the four methods we applied to Furthermore the combined freeze–thaw plus sonica-
C. raciborskii (Fig. 5), cell wall rupturing using the tion method (Method E) resulted in shorter extraction
Polytron Homogenizer (Method D) was the least time than sonication alone.
effective. The highest PC concentration was obtained
when cells were homogenized using a mortar and
pestle (Method B), but this method was complicated
and time-consuming and the CV varied greatly This study was financed by a grant from the Hungarian
(between 5−94%). In contrast, the freeze–thaw Research Foundation (KTIA–OTKA CNK–80140) and
method (Method A) was precise (CV = 2.94%), supported by NERC-ARSF & NERC FSF (EU10/03),
simple and cost-effective, and did not require a special the Carnegie Trust for the Universities of Scotland and
device or extraction solution. However, this method is University of Stirling. Authors are highly grateful to
Downloaded by [Hajnalka Horváth] at 03:51 24 July 2013

laborious and the optimal number of freeze–thaw György Borbély for helpful discussions during our
cycles varies greatly, depending on the species and research. We are pleased to thank Lajos Vörös for count-
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Eszter Zsigmond for her help in the phycocyanin deter-
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mination and to Stephanie Palmer for correcting the
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