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There was a story of prophet muhammad saw,

every time the Prophet (SAS) crossed in front of

an old woman's house, the Prophet was always
spit on by that old woman. One day, when the
Prophet passed by the old woman's house, he
did not meet her. Out of curiosity, he also asked
someone about the old woman. Indeed, the
person who was asked was surprised, why he
asked about the old woman who had been bad
to him.

After that the Prophet (SAS) got an answer that

the old woman who used to spit on him turned
out to be sick. Instead of rejoicing, instead he
decided to visit him. The old woman did not
expect that the Prophet would visit her.

When the old woman realized that the man who

visited her was the one who always spit at her
every time she passed by the front of her house,
she cried in her heart, "Oh, how noble is this
human mind.
With tears of joy and happiness, the old woman
then asked, "O Muhammad, why do you visit
me, when I spit on you every day?" The Prophet
(peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him)
replied, "I believe you spit on me because you
do not yet know about my truth. If you have
known it, I am sure you will not do it."

Hearing the wise answer from the Prophet, the

old woman also cried in her heart. His chest was
tight, his throat felt stuck. Then, with full
awareness, he said, "O Muhammad, from now
on I bear witness to your religion." Then the old
woman vowed two sentences of creed, "I bear
witness that there is no god but Allah and I bear
witness that Muhammad is the Messenger of

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