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Product Life Cycle Management (15ME835)


Product Design
Mr. Sunil Kumar M Asst Professor
Dept of Mechanical Engineering

BTI, Bangalore-35
Product Design
▪ Every product that is manufactured is supposed to have
distinguishing physical characteristics, which makes it
attractive and provides usefulness and value to customers;
these characteristics is known as design, and the process
employed in this regard is known as Product design.
Benefits of Product Design
▪ Attracts more customers thereby giving an organisation a credit well above other
▪ Become important in replacing obsolete designs.
▪ Assures reliability with proven performance of product over the period of its life
▪ Assured quality of product with guaranteed customer satisfaction.
▪ Leads to standardization of processes, Product and its components leading to
interchangeability and better service.
▪ Avoid product redesign there by reducing the time, costs, and labour involved in
redesign process
Objectives of Product Design
▪ Satisfy customer needs & expectations, and maximize the value for the
customer for the minimum cost.
▪ Product must be designed to be functional, attractive, have acceptable
dimensions & easy to maintain.
▪ Product design should enable cost effective production of product through
available production methods and materials.
▪ Should satisfy the quality standards of the end product.
▪ Must enhance the revenues and competitiveness of the organisation in the
▪ Should satisfy the guidelines set by government and other regulatory bodies
Advantages of Concurrent Engineering in product Design
▪ The reduction in time to market helps in companies gain advantage over
their competitors.
▪ Facilitates rapid response to fast-changing consumer demands
▪ Improves product quality through enhanced design and manufacturing .
▪ Reduced product design and development time, limits product redesign,
thereby allowing products to reach customers in less time and at less cost.
▪ Enhances productivity through early discovery of design related problems,
which can be rectified soon, rather than at a later stage in the development
▪ Facilitates team work.
Disadvantages of Concurrent Engineering in product Design

▪ Requires effective computer system for data transfer and

organizational integration.
▪ A minor mistake in any stage can impact all the stages/teams working
with the problems
▪ Concurrent engineering can be effective if all the design activities are
performed in a parallel manner and the decision making among
different groups are integrated.
▪ It requires effective collaboration and communication among the team
members .
Design For X in Product Design
▪ Design for X refers to Design For Excellence(DFX) is a new methodological
approach in product design where design has the ability to strongly influence the
product’s performance in every phase of the product life cycle.
▪ The world Excellence must not be interpreted in terms of performance or
Quality or Reliability or Durability, in terms of manufacturing.
▪ The term design for excellence is better through of as design for X, where X
refers to the variable aspects of design which is being focused
▪ Ex: The variable X may include Design for Manufacturing(DFM), Design for
Assembly(DFA), Design for cost(DFC),Design for logistics (DFL), and so on.
The various Techniques in Design for X system
Strategies for Recovery at End of Life
▪ The strategies to be followed for the recovery of resources at the
product’s end-of-life can be grouped based on different recovery levels
as listed below
▪ Re-use: refers to the process of dis-assembling products to recover
unable parts and assemblies for the purpose of utilizing them in newly
manufactured products. Components that have not undergone
excessive deterioration during use and which guarantees the functional
standards and optimum working conditions. Can be recovered as
components for re- assemble.
▪ Remanufacturing :it refers to returning used product via a
manufacturing type or intermediate process to at least its original
performance by specification with a warranty that is equivalent or
better than that of the newly manufactured product.
▪ Reconditioning or Refurbishing: is the process of returning a used
product to satisfactory working condition that may be inferior to the
original specification. Generally, the resultant product has a warranty
that is less than that of newly manufactured equivalent.

▪ Recycling: it refers to the process by which product materials destined

for disposal are collected, processed, and remanufactured into new
products. The materials of parts that cannot be reused, and composed of
recyclable compatible materials can be recycled by the recovery
processes included in the materials own life cycles.
Product Re-cycling & its Benefits
Product Recycling refers to the process by which product materials are designed
for disposal are collected, processed and remanufactured into a new product. The
process aims to recover the new materials from used products in order to conserve
the value of the raw material

Various benefits are as follows

▪ Recycling saves energy: Making product recycling materials results in energy

savings because more energy required to extract, refine, transport and process
raw materials to be desired shape, time and finish. Overall recycling saves
energy time and money in making products

▪ Recycling saves natural resources: Recycling helps in conserving material

resources by maximizing the extraction of fresh raw materials from earth
through mining and forecastry
• Recycling helps to protect the Environment: Recycling reduces the amount of waste
send to landfills and incineration (waste treatment process) reduces substantial air and
water pollution resulting from Extracting raw materials and reduces green house gas
emission there by reducing natural environment

• Recycling can Generates More Revenues: The slight cost savings from recycling helps
to reduce the product cost which inturn attracts more customers generating more
revenues to the company

• Recycling Enhances Business Reputation:Possibilities regarding attracting new

customer enhancing chances of wining contracts and improving customer loyalty by
demonstrating the company’s environmental responsibility can be met through
recycling efforts.
Modelling & Simulation in Product Design
▪ It refers to the development and use of models and simulations. M&S can be used
with the purpose of performing experiments (e.g., decision support, understanding,
and education), of providing experience under controlled conditions (e.g., training
and entertainment), and of imitation
▪ The term ‘Modeling’ refers the static and validated representation of a system,
entity, phenomenon, or process. This is done using physical, mathematical, or
otherwise logical representations (i.e., ‘models’).
▪ The term ‘Simulation’ addresses the behavior or dynamic of models over time.
Simulations can assume many forms and employ or not software and hardware.

Modeling & Simulation Model

Benefits of Modelling and simulations in product design
▪ It ensures high flexibility in product design and development process.
▪ Minimizes the risk of flawed designs, thereby improving design efficiency.
▪ Helps the design to ensure process and product reliability and quality.
▪ Allows evaluating a model to optimize product/system performance, or to
make predictions about a real product/system during the early stages of
▪ Provide the designer with immediate feedback on design decisions, which
in turn promises a more comprehensive exploration of design alternatives
and a better performing final design.
▪ Significantly shortens the design cycle and reduces the cost of design by
creating and analysing virtual models, which otherwise would have been
complex with physical prototypes.
▪ Reductions in cost and design cycles are crucial to remain competitive in a
world where the peace at which new consumer products are being
developed is ever increasing day-by-day.

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