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Republic of the Philippines


Pablo Borbon Main II, Batangas City
College of Engineering, Architecture & Fine Arts Tel. No. (043) 425-0139 loc. 118

Civil and Sanitary Engineering Department

EnSE 415

Design of Sanitary Engineering Structures



Endozo, Mark Joseph H.

Fajilan, Maricris D.

Matibag, Marvin F.

Padjiyjiy, Rose Ann

Engr. Lovely C. Añonuevo


Water is essential to life, for both plants and all living creatures; however, it can be very
invasive when it flows. The focus on water as a necessity for life obscures the fact that in
present societies only a very small fraction of water consumption is used for drinking and for
sustaining human life. A large proportion of water usage is for convenience, comfort and
aesthetics. When residential property experiences drainage issues, water can be a nuisance
and actually cause a great deal of damage.

In many parts of the Philippines today, there is a great need for properly managed
sustainable drainage systems in order to help manage surface water runoff. It can be expected
that during major storm events there will be floodwaters flowing along streets, drainage reserves
and through public open spaces within new subdivisions. Neighborhoods keep springing up
without proper planning, which also involves planning for drainage and sewage or waste
disposal. Different drainage problems, including puddling, pooling, saturated soil, and even
undirected downspout water, can destroy landscaping and turn a backyard into a swamp.

New wastewater collection facilities are designed as Separate Systems, carrying either
storm sewage or domestic sewage but not both. Storm drainage system usually carry surface
runoff to a point of disposal in a stream or river. Small detention basins may be built as part of
the system, storing storm water temporarily and reducing the magnitude of the peak flow rate.
Sanitary sewerage system, on the other hand, carry domestic wastewater to a sewage
treatment plant. 

Storm Drainage System are usually built with sections of reinforced concrete pipe.
Corrugated metal pipes may be used in some cases. Storm water inlets or catch basins are
located at suitable intervals in a street right-of-way or in easements across private property. The
pipelines are usually located to allow downhill gravity flow to a nearby stream or to a detention
basin. Storm water pumping stations are avoided, if possible, because of the very
large pump capacities that would be needed to handle the intermittent flows.

On the other hand, Sanitary Sewerage System includes laterals, submains, and

interceptors. Except for individual house connections, laterals are the smallest sewers in the
network. They usually are not less than 200 mm (8 inches) in diameter and carry sewage by
gravity into larger submains, or collector sewers. Other materials used for sanitary sewers
include vitrified clay, asbestos cement, plastic, steel, or ductile iron. The use of plastic for
laterals is increasing because of its lightness and ease of installation. Iron and steel pipes are
used for force mains or in pumping stations. Force mains are pipelines that carry sewage under
pressure when it must be pumped.

Storm Sewage is a water that originates from rain. Stormwater can soak into the soil
(infiltrate), be stored on the land surface in ponds and puddles, evaporate, or runoff. Most runoff
is conveyed directly to nearby streams, rivers, or other water bodies (surface water) without
treatment. Stormwater runoff poses many challenges to cities, including flooded streets, strain
on sewage conveyance systems and waste water treatment plants, and groundwater pollution
of nearby water bodies. In many cases, urban stormwater runoff contains a broad range of
pollutants that are transported to natural water systems (Aryal et al., 2010). Stormwater
pollutants originate from many sources and activities and can occur as either particulate or
dissolved forms. Many toxic chemicals, such as pesticides and herbicides are found in
stormwater, along with oil, grease, and heavy metal(loid)s such as Cd, Cr, Cu, Ni, Pb, and Zn
(Wong et al., 2000). Nutrients such as N and P are also important pollutants in stormwater.

Domestic Sewage is a type of wastewater that is produced by a community of people.

The wastewater from residences and institutions, carrying bodily wastes
(primarily feces and urine), washing water, food preparation wastes, laundry wastes, and other
waste products of normal living, are classed as domestic or sanitary sewage. It is characterized
by volume or rate of flow, physical condition, chemical and toxic constituents, and
its bacteriologic status. It consists mostly of greywater (from sinks, bathtubs, showers,
dishwashers, and clothes washers), blackwater (the water used to flush toilets, combined with
the human waste that it flushes away); soaps and detergents; and toilet paper (less so in
regions where bidets are widely used instead of paper). Physically, domestic wastewater is
usually characterized by a grey color, musty odor and has a solids content of about 0.1%. The
solid material is a mixture of feces, food particles, toilet paper, grease, oil, soap, salts, metals,
detergents, sand and grit. The solids can be suspended (about 30%) as well as dissolved
(about 70%). Dissolved solids can be precipitated by chemical and biological processes. From a
physical point of view, the suspended solids can lead to the development of sludge deposits
and anaerobic conditions when discharged into the receiving environment.


The main objective of this paper is to design a separate system for storm sewage and
domestic sewage of a residential area (a subdivision) which composed of 110 lots. Each lot has
an area of 176 m2 and an occupant of 5 persons.

Scope and Delimitation

This paper focused on the design of a separate system for storm sewage and domestic
sewage of a subdivision. Storm drainage system carries storm sewage to a point of disposal
which is the main sewer line in the highway. Sanitary sewerage system, on the other hand,
carries domestic sewage to a sewage treatment plant which is also located inside the

This paper delimited on the design of a separate system for storm sewage and domestic
sewage of a subdivision. Other sanitary structure, like sewage treatment plant, is only a part of
domestic sewerage system. This paper doesn’t have any discussion on sewage treatment plant.

The storm drainage system and domestic sewerage system includes the following basic
conceptional structure.

Figure 1. Design Framework

Figure 1 presents the basic consideration to be considered in designing the systems. It

includes the topography of the location wherein we assumed that the subdivision is located in a
flat and near the highway. It also includes the catchment area and drain location, both are
needed to complete the design. Further discussions of this figure were on Design
Figure 2. Components of Separate System

Figure 2 shows the components of both the storm drainage system and domestic
sewerage system.

Storm drainage system accommodates the storm water and runs from the catchment
area to the outfall or discharge. The storm water would be discharged to the main drainage
system along the highway.

On the other hand, domestic sewerage system accommodates the wastewater from
household and runs from every household to the sewage treatment plant.

Rainfall Intensity

Runoff is generated by rainstorms and its occurrence and quantity are dependent on the
characteristics of the rainfall event, i.e. intensity, duration and distribution.
Rainfall intensity is defined as the ratio of the total amount of rain (rainfall depth) falling
during a given period to the duration of the period It is expressed in depth units per unit time,
usually as mm per hour (mm/h). The statistical characteristics of high-intensity, short-duration,
convective rainfall are essentially independent of locations within a region and are similar in
many parts of the world. Analysis of short-term rainfall data suggests that there is a reasonably
stable relationship governing the intensity characteristics of this type of rainfall.
Catchment Area

Figure 3. Example of Catchment Area

Figure 3 presents an example of catchment area. A catchment area is a hydrological

unit. Each drop of precipitation that falls into a catchment area eventually ends up in the same
river going to the sea if it doesn’t evaporate. However, it can take a very long time. Catchment
areas are separated from each other by watersheds. A watershed is natural division line along
the highest points in an area. Catchments are divided into sub catchments, also along the lines
of elevation.

Storm Drain

Figure 4. Example of Storm Drain

Figure 4 presents an example of storm drain. Strom drain is infrastructure designed to

drain excess rain and ground water from impervious surfaces such as paved streets, car parks,
parking lots, footpaths, sidewalks, and roofs. Storm drains vary in design from small residential
dry wells to large municipal systems. A storm drain is a closed conduit that conveys storm water
that has been collected by inlets to an outfall.

Curb Inlet
Figure 5. Example of Curb Inlet

Figure 5 presents an example of curb inlet. Curb inlet is a drainage inlet consisting of an
opening in the roadway curb. Curb inlets are preferred to grate inlets at major sag locations
because of their debris handling capabilities.


Figure 6. Example of Outfall

Figure 6 presents as example of an outfall. An outfall is a place where water, storm

water, or waste flows out of a drain, often into the river and sea. An outfall is the discharge point
of a waste stream into a body of water; alternatively it may be the outlet of a river, drain or
a sewer where it discharges into the sea, a lake or ocean.

Sewage Demand

Sewage flow rates are highest in the morning and evening hours. They are lowest during
the middle of the night. Flow quantities depend upon population density, water consumption,
and the extent of commercial or industrial activity in the community. It is determined by
multiplying the population with flow per day per capita of sewage. The sewage is taken as 70-
80% of average water supply.

Sewer Pipe
Figure 7. Example of PVC Pipes

Figure 7 presents an example of PVC pipes used as sewer pipes. A sewer pipe is a
conduit for the elimination of waste materials. Sewer pipes come in a wide variety of sizes and
are made of various materials. The primary purpose of a sewer pipe is to transport wastewater
or sewage from homes or commercial buildings through the sewer system for treatment or

Sanitary Manhole

Figure 8. Example of Sanitary Manhole

Figure 8 presents an example of sanitary manhole. The manholes are used for access to
the sewer pipes for inspection and maintenance, and as a means to vent sewer gases. They
also facilitate vertical and horizontal angles in otherwise straight pipelines. Pipes conveying
sewage from an individual building to a common gravity sewer line are called laterals.

Sewage Treatment Plant

Figure 9. Example of Sewage Treatment Plant

Figure 9 presents an example of sewage treatment plant. Wastewater treatment plants

may be distinguished by the type of wastewater to be treated, i.e. whether it is sewage,
industrial wastewater, agricultural wastewater or leachate. A wastewater treatment plant is a
facility in which a combination of various processes (e.g., physical, chemical and biological) are
used to treat wastewater and remove pollutants (Hreiz et al., 2015).

The following assumed data were used on the design of separate system for storm
sewage and domestic sewage of a subdivision.

Table 1. Basic Data

Project: Proposed Design for Storm Drainage System and Domestic Sewerage System
of G-SIXTH Subdivision

Value Unit

Subdivision’s Area 23, 040 m2

Number of Lots 110 lots

Lot’s Area 176 m2

Occupant per Lot 5 persons

Water Demand for Consumption 50 gpcd

Percentage of Sewage Flow from Water Demand 80 %

Minimum Self Cleansing Velocity 0.6 m/s

Maximum Self Cleansing Velocity 2 m/s

Design Criteria for Storm Drainage System

Run-off Coefficient (C) 0.8

Slope 0.01

Velocity 0.6 m/s

Angle 57.6 degrees

Design Criteria for Sanitary Sewerage System

Manning’s Roughness Coefficient (n) 0.013

Slope 0.75

Angle 57.6 degrees

Table 1 shows the basic data used to design the proposed project. G-SIXTH Subdivision
has a total area of 23, 040 m2 or 2.304 hectares. The location is assumed to be flat and in an
area near the highway. It has 110 lots which has an area of 176 m2 and an occupant of 5
persons each. It has assumed that 80 percent of the water demand may be expected to reach
the domestic sewerage system. The minimum and maximum self-cleansing velocity, which is
the flow velocity that is high enough to initiate scrubbing action, are 0.6 and 2.0 m/s,

Water Demand for Consumption

A World Bank study on basic needs and the urban poor reported that "neither personal
hygiene nor public health" would require water for domestic consumption greater than 100 liters
per capita per day (l/c/d). Households with water connections are reported to consume more,
ranging from 100 to 150 l/c/d. For households who are getting water from hand pumped wells
and carry the water over about 100 to 500 meters and those getting from single stand pipes
serving 250 to 500 persons, water consumption is much less at about 10 to 15 percent of those
with piped connections. Available estimates of water usage in the Metro Manila by sources of
water and quality of water service show that daily per capita consumption ranges from a low of
20 liters up to a high of 400 liters.

Sewage Demand

Water used by residential households consists of water for interior use such as showers
and toilets and water for exterior use such as lawn watering and car washing. Water use for
exterior applications varies widely depending upon the geographic location, climate, and time of
year and mainly consists of landscape irrigation. About 60 to 85 % of the per capita
consumption of water becomes wastewater.

Table 2. Typical Distribution of Residential Interior Water

Baths 8.9
Dishwashers 3.1
Faucets 11.7
Sanitation 21.2
Toilets 28.4
Toilet leakage 5.5
Washing machine 21.2
Table 2 shows the usage percentage of residential interior water. If 80% of water
demand became sewage demand, and let’s say also 80% of sewage demand came from
interior usage, the table 2 shows the 100% distribution of 80% residential interior usage.

Self-Cleansing Velocity

A sewer should be so designed that the solid matter present in the sewage is not
deposited at the bottom of the sewer and thus clogging of the sewer is prevented. The
deposition of the solid matter and the resulting clogging of the sewer can be prevented if the
solid matter is held in suspension in the flowing sewage.
In order to keep the solid matter in suspension, certain minimum velocity of flow of
sewage is required. Such a minimum velocity of flow is known as self-cleansing velocity. Thus,
self-cleansing velocity may be defined as the minimum velocity of flow at which the solid
particles present in the sewage will be held in suspension and also at which the scour of the
deposited particles will take place so that the sewer will be kept clean.

Table 3. Self-Cleansing Velocity

For Domestic Sewer 0.6 m/s
For Storm Sewer 1 m/s
For partially combined sewer 0.7 m/s
Maximum 2.4 m/s

Table 3 shows the self-cleansing velocity values intended for different types of sewer.
Other self-cleansing velocity depends on the nature of materials used.

Table 4. Self-Cleansing Velocity

Nature of Material Values

Angular stones 1 m/s
Round pebbles 0.5-0.6 m/s
Fine gravel 0.3 m/s
Coarse sand 0.2 m/s
Fine sand and clay 0.15 m/s
Fine clay and silt 0.075 m/s

Table 4 shows the self-cleansing velocity values intended for different nature of
materials. Lastly, other self-cleansing velocity depends on the diameter of the sewers.

Table 5. Self-Cleansing Velocity

Diameter of Sewer Values
15-25 cm 1 m/s
30-60 cm 0.75 m/s
Above 60 cm 0.6 m/s

Table 5 shows the self-cleansing velocity values intended for different diameter of

Manning’s Roughness Coefficient

The Manning formula is an empirical formula estimating the average velocity of a liquid

flowing in a conduit that does not completely enclose the liquid, i.e., open channel flow.
However, this equation is also used for calculation of flow variables in case of flow in partially
full conduits, as they also possess a free surface like that of open channel flow. All flow in so-
called open channels is driven by gravity. It was first presented by the French engineer Philippe
Gauckler in 1867, and later re-developed by the Irish engineer Robert Manning in 1890.

The Gauckler–Manning coefficient, often denoted as n, is an empirically derived

coefficient, which is dependent on many factors, including surface roughness and sinuosity.
When field inspection is not possible, the best method to determine n is to use photographs of
river channels where n has been determined using Gauckler–Manning's formula.

Table 6. Roughness Coefficient, n, for Manning’s Equation

Type and Description n Values

Cannels, Lined
Asphalt 0.015
Concrete, smooth 0.012-0.018
Concrete. Rough 0.017-0.030
Metal, smooth 0.011-0.015
Metal, corrugated 0.021-0.026
Plastic 0.012-0.014
Wood 0.011-0.015
Channels, Vegetated
Bermuda grass 0.04-0.20
Kudzu 0.07-0.23
Lespedeza 0.047-0.095
Earth Channels and Natural Streams
Clean, straight bank, full stage 0.025-0.040
Winding, some weeds and stones 0.033-0.045
Sluggish river sections, weedy or with deep pools 0.050-0.150
Asbestos cement 0.009
Cast iron 0.011-0.015
Clay or concrete (4 to 12in.) 0.010-0.020
Metal, corrugated 0.021-0.0255
Plastic, corrugated (2 to 4in.) 0.016
Steel, riveted and spiral 0.013-0.017
Vitrified sewer pipe 0.010-0.017
Wrought iron 0.012-0.017

Table 6 shows the roughness coefficient (n) for Manning’s equation of different types of
materials used in pipes and open channel flows. One of the most important applications of the
Manning equation is its use in sewer design. Sewers are often constructed as circular pipes. It
has long been accepted that the value of n varies with the flow depth in partially filled circular

Other roughness coefficient was based on the surface condition of sheet flow.

Table 7. Manning’s Roughness Coefficients (n) for Sheet Flow

Surface Description n Values

Smooth surface (concrete, asphalt, gravel, or
bare soil)
Fallow (no residue) 0.05
Cultivated soils:
Residue cover ≤ 20% 0.06
Residue cover > 20% 0.17
Short-grass prairie 0.15
Dense grasses 0.24
Bermuda grass 0.41
Range (natural) 0.13
Light underbrush 0.40
Dense underbrush 0.80

Table 7 shows the Manning’s roughness coefficient (n) values for sheet flows for various
surface conditions. For sheet flow, the roughness coefficient includes the effects of roughness
and the effects of raindrop impact including drag over the surface; obstacles such as liter, crop
ridges, and rocks; and erosion and transport of sediment.

Physical Factors

There are a number of physical factors that will affect the design of the drain which
should be considered.
In a conventional network, the minor drainage system is usually a pipeline with sufficient
capacity to contain the nuisance flows. These pipelines prevent stormwater damage to
properties and also limit the frequency and quantity of surface water to a level acceptable to the
community. They're usually designed to cater for flows with a five-year average recurrence
interval (ARI). The pipelines don't always follow the natural drainage path and are usually
aligned along property boundaries and the roadway curb and channels.
The design of the drainage system begins with the subdivision layout. Roads and
reserves must be located along the valley floor to serve as the major drainage system.
Easements for the minor drainage system must be determined when preparing the subdivision

 Catchment area

The design of the waterways, drainage and water quality works within any project area
must be consistent with the optimum design for the entire catchment area and any future
extension of the system must be considered. This may affect the drain location, capacity, type,
diameter, depth and manhole location.

 Topography

Natural water courses should always be retained and drainage works should be
designed to follow the natural surface depressions as closely as possible. The natural waterway
morphology should also be retained or mimicked where possible in the design. This will
minimize the amount of excavation required during construction. In some cases, the depth of
the drain can be reduced by offsetting the drain from the natural watercourse. This will be
possible only if there's enough space available in the reserve and the inlet connections can still
be made.

 Drain Location

When designing drainage pipelines, the design must be extended to cross any road or
proposed road widening that's adjacent to the development. This ensures any existing or
proposed services within the road reserves are known and the proposed drainage works can
cross these services.

As well as generally following the natural watercourse alignment, drains should, as far as
practicable, be designed to follow easements or reserves intended for drainage purposes.
Easements and reserves must be sized to cover the width of the drain as well as provide for
access, construction and maintenance. Construction and maintenance requirements are
particularly important considerations when designing channel or waterway works. Relevant
considerations include:

 the maximum slope and height of the grassed batters

 whether trucks require access to the channel invert
 the location of inlets and roads
 whether there are limitations on the use of certain construction techniques (when
adding to, or duplicating existing drains in built-up areas for example)
 ground conditions
 the distance from the proposed alignment to any existing services (particularly if
there are any issues with side loading effects during excavation)

 the location of overhead power lines and the width of streets

Location of an underground drain within the pavement area of a road is acceptable if it's
not practical to locate the pipeline outside the pavement area.
Possible limitations on the use of certain construction techniques need to be considered
when selecting an underground drain alignment. This is particularly the case when adding to, or
duplicating existing drains in built-up areas.

 Surface Obstructions

Surface obstructions such as buildings, electricity supplier poles, native vegetation or

large trees etc. may affect the proposed alignment of the drain. These should be located during
the initial survey and inspection of the site. If the proposed drain location can't avoid or closely
approaches the obstruction, it'll be necessary to contact the owner, local council or relevant
authority. The designer should compare the construction costs to either avoid, or where
feasible, relocate the obstruction before deciding on the final route of the drain.

Existing bridges or culverts can also influence the design. These must be checked to
ensure they're capable of coping with the additional discharge from the proposed drain. The
alignment and capacity of the existing structure may need to be improved during construction if

 Underground Obstructions

Underground services that have the potential to affect drainage design include:

 underground electricity cables

 oil pipelines
 gas mains
 communication cables
 water mains
 sewer mains
 council drains
 traffic signal cables
A search should be undertaken to check for major services at least 100m both upstream
and downstream of the proposed works. The depth of a future drain may be affected by some or
all of these services, and also by any building foundations or similar below-ground structures.
Changing the level or location of one section of a proposed drain could avoid future costly
changes to major services.

 Design Depth

Some factors that influence the drain depth include:

 the hydraulic considerations

 the provision of space above a drain for other services
 ground conditions
 underground obstructions
 the size and depth of existing culverts and bridges
 the ability to adequately service upstream catchment properties likely to be
developed in the future
 the provision of sufficient grade for the future downstream extension of the
 sufficient cover for future road grading and pavement depth

The cover over the pipe is to be considered to ensure it does not compromise pavement
design or location of other services.

Laws and Regulations

There are also laws and regulations that should be followed when designing a storm
drainage system and domestic sewerage system. Some of the are the following:

 Water Code of the Philippines – PD 1067

Chapter IV – Utilization of Waters

Art. 44. Drainage systems shall be so constructed that their outlets are rivers, lakes, the sea,
natural bodies of water, or such other water course as may be approved by the proper
government agency.

Art. 45. When a drainage channel is constructed by a number of persons for their common
benefit, the cost of construction and maintenance of the channel shall be borne by each in
proportion to the benefits derived.

Art. 46. When artificial means are employed to drain water from higher to lower land, the owner
of the higher land shall select the routes and methods of drainage that will cause the minimum
damage to the lower lands., subject to the requirements of just compensation.

 National Building Code – PD 1096

Chapter IX – Sanitation

Section 904. Storm Drainage System.

(a) Rainwater drainage shall not discharge to the sanitary sewer system.

(b) Adequate provision shall be made to drain low areas in buildings and their premises.

 Code on Sanitation of the Philippines – PD 856

Chapter XVII – Sewage Collection and Disposal, Excreta Disposal and Drainage

Section 79. Drainage

a. Responsibilities of cities and municipalities. It shall be the responsibility of every local

government unit to provide and maintain in a sanitary state and in good repair a satisfactory
system of drainage in all inhabited areas where waste water from buildings and premises could
empty without causing nuisance to the community and danger to the public health.

b. Connection to the municipal drainage system. Buildings or premises producing waste water
shall be connected to the municipal drainage system in all areas where it exists.

 Civil Code of the Philippines – RA 386

Chapter II – Legal Easement

Section 6. Drainage of Buildings

Art. 674. The owner of a building shall be obliged to construct its roof or covering in such
manner that the rain water shall fall on his own land or on a street or public place, and not on
the land of his neighbor, even though the adjacent land may belong to two or more persons, one
of whom is the owner of the roof. Even if it should fall on his own land, the owner shall be
obliged to collect the water in such a way as not to cause damage to the adjacent land or

Art. 675. The owner of a tenement or a piece of land, subject to the easement of receiving water
falling from roofs, may build in such a manner as to receive the water upon his own roof or give
it another outlet in accordance with local ordinances or customs, and in such a way as not to
cause any nuisance or damage whatever to the dominant estate.

Art. 676. Whenever the yard or court of a house is surrounded by other houses, and it is not
possible to give an outlet through the house itself to the rain water collected thereon, the
establishment of an easement of drainage can be demanded, giving an outlet to the water at the
point of the contiguous lands or tenements where its egress may be easiest, and establishing a
conduit for the drainage in such manner as to cause the least damage to the servient estate,
after payment of the proper indemnity.
 The Plumbing Law – RA 1378

Section 5

(h) The drainage system shall be designed, constructed, and maintained so as to guard against
fouling, deposits of solids, and clogging, and with adequate cleanouts so arranged that the
pipes may be readily cleaned.

(n) No substances which will clog the pipes, produce explosive mixtures, destroy the pipes or
their joints, or interfere unduly with the sewage-disposal process shall be allowed to enter the
building drainage system.

(o) Proper protection shall be provided to prevent contamination of food, water sterile goods,
and similar materials by backflow of sewage. When necessary, the fixture, device or appliance
shall be connected indirectly with the building drainage system.

(v) Sewage or other waste from a plumbing system which may be deleterious to surface or
subsurface waters shall not be discharged into the ground or into any waterway unless it has
first been rendered innocuous through subjection to some accepted form of treatment.

 Provincial Water Utilities Act – PD 198

Section 29. Sewerage

A district may require, construct, operate and furnish facilities and services, within or
without the district, for the collection, treatment and disposal of sewage, waste and storm water.
The district may only furnish such services outside the district by means of facilities designed
primarily to serve inside the district. Upon providing a sewer system in any area of the district,
the district may require all buildings used by human beings to be connected to the sewer system
within such reasonable time as maybe prescribed by the district, provided that the property upon
which such building to be connected stands is located within 35 meters of an existing main of
the district's sewer system. After due notice thereof and refusal on the part of the property
owner to so connect with the district's sewer system, the district may declare the further
maintenance or use of cesspools, septic tanks, or other local means of sewerage disposal in
such area to be a public nuisance and, after notice and writing of at least 10 days, deprive said
property owner of any and all services provided by the district, which sanction may be co-
extensive with the period during which the property owner persists in refusing to connect with
the district's sewer system.

 IRR of National Pollution Control Commission – PD 984

Chapter III – Plans and Specifications

Section 17. Plans of Sewers

(a) General Plan - A comprehensive plan of the existing and proposed sewers shall be
submitted for projects involving new sewer systems or substantial additions to existing systems.
This plan shall show the following:

1) Geographical features

i. Existing or proposed streets and all streams or water surfaces and other unusual
topographical features.
ii. Contour lines at suitable intervals.
iii. Direction of flow in all streams and high and low water elevations of all water
surfaces at sewer outlets, and overflows.
iv. Boundary lines of sewer area.

2) Sewers

The plan shows the location, size, and direction of flow of all existing and proposed
sanitary and combined sewers draining to the treatment works.

(b) Detailed Plans and Profiles. - Detailed plans and profiles of sewers shall show the following:

i. Location of streets and sewers.

ii. Line of ground surface, size, material and type of pipe, distance between
adjacent manholes, grade and surface elevations at each manhole and grade of
sewer between each two adjacent manholes. All manholes shall be numbered on
the plans and profile.
iii. Locations of all special features such as inverted siphons, concrete
encasements, elevated sewers, etc.
iv. Special detailed drawings to show stream crossings, inverted siphons and sewer
outlets, etc.

The above plans and profiles shall, as far as practicable, be prepared using the following
Horizontal Vertical

1:100 1:10

1:500 1:50

1:1000 1:100

(c) Sewer Layouts - Where the magnitude or complexity of the project does not necessitate the
submission of detailed plans and profiles, sewer layout plans will be acceptable, provided that
such layouts are drawn to scale not smaller than 1:1000 and that they show location of streets
and sewers, size and material of pipe, distance between manholes, grade of sewer between
each two adjacent manholes, location of special features, surface contours and minimum cover
over sewers; provide further that detailed drawings under paragraph b(iv) shall be submitted for
all stream crossings, inverted siphons, 39 elevated sewers, special joints, and cross-sections,
inspection chambers, regulators, tide gates, sewer outlets, etc.

Environmental Considerations

In designing drainage systems, the environment should also be considered. This is

because drainage projects can have unfavorable side-effects on natural resources (soils and
water) and on wetlands and the landscape. Potential negative environmental impacts of land
drainage systems are numerous and include:

 Changes in hydrological peaks can affect downstream areas.

 The discharge of often saline drainage effluent can harm downstream areas.
 Soluble substances such as those causing eutrophication, remnants of pesticides and
herbicides, and other pollutants or toxic substances (e.g. from urban and industrial
areas) usually collect and concentrate in drainage water, notably in arid and semi-arid
regions. They may enter the food chain through aquatic life and crops irrigated with
drainage water.
 Disposal options for drainage water, such as evaporation ponds and outflow drains, and
water treatment options, especially stabilization ponds and water desalination plants,
can become sources of pollution and, thus, become hazardous.
 Banks of open drains can be eroded by water if they are not adequately designed and
maintained. Moreover, even soils in flat areas can be eroded if surface runoff is not
managed properly.
 Subsidence and irreversible desiccation of peat soils are common side-effects where
such soils are drained improperly.
 Acid sulphate soils can form where lands of tropical swampy areas with soils rich in iron
sulphate (FeSO4) are drained.
 The draining of lands adjacent to wetlands or higher-lying cropped areas can have
negative effects on their groundwater levels.
 Straight layouts of the main drainage system can alter natural watercourses and have a
negative impact on the riparian natural vegetation and the landscape.

Maintenance Consideration

Properly designed and constructed drainage systems require minimal maintenance and
repair after the first few years following installation. However, it is important that a new
subsurface drainage system be carefully inspected and maintained for the first two or three
years. Any weak spots that have developed in the lateral and main drains and any backfilled
areas that have settled can be remedied and filled in. There is some ongoing maintenance to
complete every year but this should be minimal for most systems.
It is important that the drainage system is periodically inspected and maintained over its
life span. The ideal time to inspect the system is after a significant rainfall event – when the soil
is wet and the drains are running. Prompt repair of any noted issues will ensure that the
system is always in good working order and will prevent a more serious issue from developing.
Remember to make records of any maintenance/repairs and changes to the system on
the drainage plan. This will ensure that there is always an accurate plan of the system for
future inspection and maintenance.

This section shows the formulas used to design the storm drainage system and
domestic sewerage system. The calculations and resulted values were on Excel Spreadsheet.


Based on the assumed data, the following values were calculated to design a storm
drainage system:

 Time of Concentration – the time required for runoff to travel from the hydraulically
most distant point in the watershed to the outlet. The hydraulically most distant point is
the point with the longest travel time to the watershed outlet, and not necessarily the
point with the longest flow distance to the outlet. Time of concentration is generally
applied only to surface runoff and may be computed using many different methods.
The minimum duration to be used for computation of time of concentration and
rainfall intensity is 10 minutes.

T C =10 mins .+ ( VL × 601 min .

secs . )

Where in:

TC – Time of concentration (minutes)

L – Length of pipe (meters)
V – Velocity of flow (m/s)

 Rainfall Intensity – the rainfall intensity (i) is determined from rainfall-intensity-duration-

frequency (RIDF) charts. The determination of rainfall intensity (i) for use in the Rational
Formula involves consideration of three factors:

1. Average frequency of occurrence;

2. Intensity-duration characteristics for a selected rainfall frequency

3. The time of concentration (TC).

Note: Interpolation was made to compute for the rainfall intensities used in designing the
storm drainage system.
Figure 10 shows the assumed RIDF chart of the location of G-SIXTH Subdivision to
determine its rainfall intensity.


Intensity (mm/hr )






5 10 15 20 30 45 60 80 100 120 150 180 360 720 1440

Time (mins.)

5 years 10 years 15 years

Figure 10. RIDF Chart

 Runoff Rate – the peak storm water runoff rate from the drainage area, A, due to the
design storm of intensity, i. The Rational Method equation actually used to calculate
peak storm water runoff rate is:


Where in:

Q – Runoff rate (m3/s)

C – Runoff coefficient
i – Rainfall intensity (m/s)
A – Area of watershed (m2)

 Diameter of Drain Pipe – Drain pipe carries off the storm sewage to the outfall. To
determine its diameter, we used:

π ×d 2 1 2
× ×
4 [ ( ) × (S ) ]
3 2

Where in:

Q – Runoff rate (m3/s)

d – Diameter of drain pipe (m)
n – Roughness coefficient
S – Slope

After getting the diameter, the values were round-off to the following values:

100 mm 350 mm
150 mm 400 mm
200 mm 450 mm
250 mm 500 mm
300 mm 550 mm

For example, the computed diameter is 143 mm, it would be 150 mm. That is because
those pipe diameters were the available sizes in the market.


Based on the assumed data, the following values were calculated to design a storm
drainage system:

 Sewage Demand – sewage flow rates are highest in the morning and evening hours.
They are lowest during the middle of the night. Flow quantities depend upon population
density, water consumption, and the extent of commercial or industrial activity in
the community. It is determined by multiplying the population with flow per day per capita
of sewage. The sewage is taken as 70-80% of average water supply.

Q=Occupant × Water Demand × 0.8

Where in:

Q – Sewage demand flow rate (L/s)

Occupant – persons per lot
Water demand – lpcs

 Peak Sewage Demand – sewers are designed for peak sewage flow.

Q p=Q ×3

Where in:

Qp – Peak sewage demand flow rate (L/s)

Q – Sewage demand flow rate (L/s)

The storm drainage system was designed to accommodate the storm water and run-off.
While the domestic sewerage system was designed to accommodate the wastewater from

Figure 11. Catchment Area for Storm Drainage System

Figure 11 shows the G-SIXTH Subdivision with division lines. Those lines were used to
determine the catchment area for each curb inlet manhole. Each lot per block was numbered.
Block 1, 2, 3 and 8 consists of 8 lots; Block 9 consists of 14 lots; and Block 4, 5, 6, and 7
consists of 16 lots. There is a total of 60 curb inlet manholes in the subdivision and 2 discharge
point. The drain pipes between each curb inlets were also measured. The storm water is being
discharged into the 2 outfalls. The outfalls were connected to the main drainage line of the
location. Specific values were in Excel Spreadsheet.
Figure 12. Symbols used for Storm Drainage System

Figure 12 presents the symbols used for storm drainage system. It includes the curb
inlet manhole, curb inlet and sewer flow. Those symbols are important part of storm drainage

Figure 13. Symbols used for Domestic Sewerage System

Figure 13 presents the symbols used for domestic sewerage system. It includes the
sewer manhole, length, slope, lateral sewer, diameter, sewer line, and sewage or wastewater
treatment plant. Those symbols are important part of domestic sewerage system.

Materials Specification
The materials used for the components of both systems are important to be in
accordance to the standards and in good quality for the systems to greatly serve its purpose.

Table 8. Materials Specification

It shall be polyvinyl chloride (PVC) pipes series 1000, “netflex”,

Sewer Line
“atlanta” brand or approved equal.

It shall be Lead free, jointing shall be by solvent cement, “netflex

saniguard”, “emerald ultima” or approved equal.
The resulting surfaces shall be smooth and of uniform color with all
Curb Inlet rough spots’ projections, and form stakes removed. No plastering of
the concrete will be allowed on exposed surfaces.

Shall conforms to the requirements of ASTM C-478. The pipe shall

Curb Inlet Manhole conform to the requirements of ASTM C-76 with the minimum
thickness of 5 inches.
It shall be size to accommodate the main channel, lateral connection
channels and provide a minimum of 600 mm x 600 mm square landing
Sanitary Manhole
area beneath the step rungs or ladder for main channels up to 375

Endozo, Mark Joseph H.

Components of separate system
Fajilan, Maricris D.
Data gathering & analysis;
Design calculations;
Design specification;
Design in AutoCAD
Matibag, Marvin F.
Conceptual framework
Padjiyjiy, Rose Ann
Design Consideration

The following photos were taken from Maricris’ point of view.

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