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1. The diagram shows the positions of A and B. The diagram is drawn to scale.

1cm = 10

(a) Use the diagram to calculate the actual distance of B from A.

Answer .................................................................... km

(b) C is due south of B.

(i) Write down the three figure bearing of C from B.

Answer .................................................................... °
2. The map of an island is shown.
N o rth

S c a le 1 c m to 5 k m

N o rth

P and Q are the positions of two houses on the island.

(a) What is the bearing of P from Q?


Answer ......................................................................°

(b) Calculate the actual distance from P to Q in kilometres.

Hamilton Community College 1

(c) A house is 20 km from P on a bearing of 130°.

Mark the position of the house on the diagram with a X.

3. Matt and Fiaz go to the same college.

The scale drawing shows the positions of their homes and the college.

N M a tt

C o lle g e

F ia z

Matt lives 2.5 kilometres due north of the college.

(a) Measure the distance on the scale drawing from Matt’s home to the college and
hence complete the statement.


Answer On the scale drawing, I km is represented by ......................................... cm


(b) What is the actual distance from Fiaz’s home to the college?


Answer ............................................... km

(c) Write down the three figure bearing of Fiaz’s home from the college.

Answer ............................................... degrees


Hamilton Community College 2

4. The diagram shows a scale drawing of one side, AB, of a triangular field, ABC.

S c a le : 1 c m re p re s e n ts 5 0 m

(a) Use the diagram to calculate the actual distance from A to B.


Answer ............................................................metres

(b) Measure and write down the three figure bearing of B from A.

Answer ......................................................................°

(c) The bearing of C from A is 130°. The actual distance from A to C is 350 metres.
Mark the point C on the diagram.
5. PQ and RS are straight lines.


N o t d ra w n a c c u ra te ly

125° y


Hamilton Community College 3
Work out the value of y. Answer y = ................................................... degrees

6. The diagram shows a scale drawing of two points, A and B, on an orienteering course.

(a) Use the diagram to work out the actual distance from A to B.


Answer ....................................................... metres


(b) Measure and write down the three-figure bearing of B from A.

Answer ........................................................ degrees


(c) The bearing of point C from A is 300°. What is the three-figure bearing of A from

Answer ...........................................................degrees

7. (a) (i) What types of angle are 78° and 144°?


Answer 78° is ..........................................................

144° is ..........................................................
Not drawn accurately

(ii) Work out the value of x.


Hamilton Community College 4
Answer x = ................................................. degrees

Hamilton Community College 5

8. (a) The map shows the positions of three places.
Scale: 1cm represents 4 miles

N o rth

L a n c a s te r

N o rth

S o u th p o rt

M a n c h e s te r

(i) What is the bearing of Lancaster from Southport?

Answer ......................................................... degrees


(ii) What is the bearing of Manchester from Lancaster?

Answer ......................................................... degrees

(iii) Work out the distance in miles from Manchester to Southport.


Answer ............................................................ miles


(b) The distance from Lancaster to London is 240 miles. Marianna takes 5 hours to
travel from Lancaster to London. Calculate her average speed in miles per hour.


Answer .............................................. miles per hour

Hamilton Community College 6

Hamilton Community College 7

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