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College of Information Technology

Pokhara University

Level: Bachelor Semester: Spring Year: 2020

Program: BE IT (SET-A) Full Marks: 100

Course: Telecommunication Time: 3hrs Pass marks: 45

Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable.

The figures in the margin indicate full marks.

Attempt all the questions

1. a) Explain PSTN hierarchical diagram with neat diagram. Discuss the telephone call 8
setup procedure.
b) Explain how do echoes and singing occur in transmission media? 7
2. a) Why multi-stage switching is necessary in telecommunication network? Explain 8
with suitable example.
b) Explain STM-1 frame format. How T1 and E1 accommodated with STM-1 frame? 7
Discuss virtual container in the context of SDH.
3. a) Define multiplexing and concentration. What are the important characteristics of 2+6=8
ALOHA, Slotted ALOHA, and CSMA/CD protocols.
b) Explain signaling system 7 (SS7) with model architecture. 7

4. a) Explain the function of the seven layers of OSI reference model. 8
b) What are the main sources of clock instability in a network? Discuss the basic 7
implementation of elastic store.
5. a) On the basis of Poission distribution, derive a mathematical model for lost call 8
cleared (LCC) system.

b) A group of 7 trunks provides a grade of service of 0.01, when offered 6E traffic. 7
i) What is the grade of service if one extra trunk is added to the group?
ii) How much does the grade of service if one trunk is out from service?

6. a) Discuss the basic functions of switching system in details. 8

b) Explain X.25 protocol and frame relay. Also discuss the advantage of asynchronous 7
transfer mode over frame relay.

7 Write short notes on (Any two) 2×5=10
a) Frequency selective fading and flat fading
b) Line coding

Nepal College of Information Technology

Pokhara University
Level: Bachelor Semester: Spring Year: 2020

Program: BE IT (SET-B) Full Marks: 100

Course: Telecommunication Time: 3hrs Pass marks: 45

Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable.

The figures in the margin indicate full marks.

Attempt all the questions

1. a) What are the distinctive signaling tones provided in all automatic systems? Explain 8
all of them.
b) Define trans-hybrid transformer. Als explain the echo and singing in details 7
2. a) What is multiplexing? Explain TDMA and CDMA with their important features. 8
b) Describe hierarchy of T1 and E1 with necessary data rate calculations. 7
3. a) Explain the companding process in PCM. 8
b) Generate HDB3 code for 110111000001010000011. 7

4. a) Explain different types of signaling system used in telecommunications. 8
b) How does STS switch overcome the drawbacks of ST or TS switches? Explain. 7
5. a) Describe the aim of network management. Explain routing control and flow control 8
mechanis of network management.

b) Define congestion and grade of service. In a busy hour, 200 subscribers initiate 7
calls. The total duration of the calls in 9600 seconds,
1) The offered traffic to the network by the subscribers.
2) The average subscriber traffic.
3) The carried trunk traffic if the GoS that need to be maintained is 0.1

6. a) Mention the different driving factors for NGN, discuss the layer architecture of 8
NGN system and explain it in short with RTP and RSVP protocols.

b) What is BISDN? Explain in details about the ISDN along with its block diagram. 7

7 Write short notes on (Any two) 2×5=10
1) OSI model
2) Multipath propagation
3) Electro-mechanical switching

Nepal College of Information Technology

Pokhara University
Level: Bachelor Semester: Spring Year: 2020

Program: BE IT (SET-C) Full Marks: 100

Course: Telecommunication Time: 3hrs Pass marks: 45

Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable.

The figures in the margin indicate full marks.

Attempt all the questions

1. a) Differentiate guided transmission media with radio and microwave transmission. 8

Explain signal propagation mechanism in fiber-optic cable.
b) Explain the need for multiplexing signals in communication. Define and 7
differentiate TDM, FDM, and WDM.
2. a) List out the essential features of Line Coding. Generate HDB3 and B8ZS waveforms 8
for the following bit pattern: 10110000000010000011
b) Why is companding necessary in PCM? Explain with necessary sketch. 7
3. a) Differentiate between message switching, packet switching and circuit switching. 8
Show a basic structure of Space-Time-Space switch. Also list out the advantages of
multistage switching over single or two stage switching.
b) What is ISDN? Explain ISDN architecture along with its features and applications. 7

4. a) What are the network management protocols? Discuss 8
b) Explain X.25 protocol and frame relay. Also discuss the advantage of asynchronous 7
transfer mode over frame relay.
5. a) On the basis of Poission distribution, derive a mathematical model for lost call 8
cleared (LCC) system.

b) A group of 5 trunks offered 2E traffic. 7
1) GOS
2) Probability that only one trunk is busy.
3) Probability that only one trunk is free
6. a) Discuss the importance of routing control and flow control in network management 8
b) Draw the block diagram of SS7. Explain its layered architecture in detail. 7

7 Write short notes on (Any two) 2×5=10
1) Subscriber loop
2) Flat and frequency selective fading.

Nepal College of Information Technology

Pokhara University
Level: Bachelor Semester: Spring Year: 2020

Program: BE IT (SET-D) Full Marks: 100

Course: Telecommunication Time: 3hrs Pass marks: 45

Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable.

The figures in the margin indicate full marks.

Attempt all the questions

1. a) What type of network topology is preferred in a telephone exchange are and why? 8
Explain different classes of hierarchical network for PSTN.
b) List out advantages of optical fiber. What are the different optical sources and 7
detectors used for optical communications? Explain different types of optical fiber.
2. a) What do you mean by multiple access? Compare and contrast FDMA and TDMA. 8
b) Describe the frame format for T1 for TDM basis frame. 7
3. a) Explain real time transport protocol. 8
b) Differentiate between PDH and SDH. 7

4. a) An exchange serves 2000 subscribers. If the average BHCA is 10000 and CCR is 60%, 8
calculate the busy hour calling rate.
b) A group of 5 trunks are offered 2E of traffic, Calculate GOS and the probability that 7
only trunk is free.

5. a) On the basis of Poission distribution, derive a mathematical model for lost call 8
cleared (LCC) system.

b) What do you mean by switching? Explain random write sequential read operation 7
for time switch.

6. a) Describe the aim of network management. What are the basic approaches of 8
synchronization in a communication system?

b) Explain Asynchronous transfer mode along with header formats. 7

7 Write short notes on (Any two) 2×5=10
a) Functions of switching
c) NGN

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