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Pilot study for Competency Mapping Model for MIB

Competency Assessment tools:

 360-degree feedback

The tool (360-degree assessment) is considered in this model.

Competency Mapping is the process, which involves the following steps:

Step I- Identifying competencies
Step II- Define each of Generic Competencies
Step III- Describe Proficiency Levels for Generic Competencies
Step IV- Define Generic Competency Proficiency level indicators for each Proficiency
Step V-Decide Generic Competency Proficiency level requirement position wise.
Step VI- Generic Competency Assessment of each individual by 360 degree.

Step I- Identifying competencies

As per the feedback of industrial persons the competencies of MIB (Masters of
International Business) Students are as follows:

1. Integrity/ Honesty
2. Empathy
3. Interpersonal skills
4. Communication skills
5. Resilience
6. Lead by example
7. Vision and strategic thinking
8. Ability to plan and deliver results
9. Decisiveness
10. Timeliness
11. Analytical and problem-solving abilities
12. Motivating and developing others

13. Coordination
14. Willingness to take professional stand
15. Domain knowledge

Subsequently, meeting held in December at Joint Director’s office following

competencies were shortlisted/merged.:
1. Integrity/ Honesty
2. Empathy
3. Interpersonal skills
4. Communication skills
5. Ability to plan and deliver results
6. Decisiveness
7. Timeliness
8. Analytical and problem-solving abilities
9. Motivating and developing others
10. Coordination

Step II- Define each of Generic Competencies(based on the responses of the above

 Define and Explain ethical behavior
 Practice ethical behavior in difficult situations
 Accept others opinion and actions in a nonjudgmental way
 Exhibit non-racist, non-sexist, non-ageist behavior
 Interact with and appreciate people from diverse cultural, social and religious background
 Interact with and appreciate physically, mentally challenged individuals

 Desire and understanding of the importance to serve the society
 Focus on discovering and meeting the needs of people
 Looking at issues from people
 Honor commitments made to senior officials/public
 Attempt to made quickly to people queries/ clarifications
 Understand the feeling of others.

Interpersonal skills-
 Keep a group "on track" and moving toward the achievement of a goal
 Maintain group cooperation and support
 Interact effectively with peers, superiors, and subordinates
 Express one's feelings appropriately
 Use argumentation techniques to persuade others
 Analyze behavior or self and others in group situations
 Demonstrate effective social behavior in a variety of settings and under
different circumstances

Communication Skills
 Listen with objectivity and paraphrase the content of a message
 Use various forms and styles of written communication
 Speak effectively to individuals and groups
 Use various media to present ideas
 Express one's need, wants, opinions and preferences without offending the sensitivities
of others
 Identify and communicate value judgments effectively
 Describe objects or events effectively

Ability to plan and deliver results:

 Focus on outcome
 Setting high standards on ones past performance
 Strong personal belief to succeed
 Desire for doing one's work for competing against a standard of excellence
 Understand the steps involved with effective decision-making
 Facilitate groups in the decision-making process
 Implement sound decisions
 Take responsibility for decisions
 Evaluate the effects and effectiveness of a decision
 Be able to make decisions without feeling pressured
 Explain to other unpopular decisions

 Ability to utilize time optimally
 Stick to timelines
 Ability to plan work in advance
 Ability to prioritize activities
 Ability to delegate work to team members

Analytical skills:
 Identify quickly and accurately the critical issues when making a decision or solving a
 Define the parameters of a problem.
 Identify reasonable criteria for assessing the value or appropriateness of an action or

 Adapt one's concepts and behavior to changing conventions and norms.
 Apply appropriate criteria to strategies and action plans.
 Create innovative solutions to complex problems.
 Analyze the interrelationships of events and ideas from several perspectives.

Motivating others:

 Support and praise others for achieving goals

 Collaborating skills for different projects
 Skills to motivate team members to work towards a common goal

Coordinating Skills:
 Analyzing tasks
 Identify people who can contribute to the solution of problems or task
 Identify resource materials useful in the solution of a problem
 Delegate responsibility for completion of a task
 Motivate and lead people
 Organize people and tasks to achieve specific goals

Step III- Describe Proficiency Levels for Generic Competencies

Proficiency Level Description
One who has mastered what he has learned and can
4 Leader
now impart knowledge to others

3 Promoter One who practices and can lead others.

2 Practitioner One who is practicing what he has learned

1 Beginner One who is still in the process of learning

Competency not
0 One who has yet to start the process of learning

Step IV- Define Generic Competency Proficiency level indicators for

each Proficiency levels.
Industry person decided generic competency proficiency level indicators for each
proficiency level carefully.
A few examples:

Integrity & Honesty

 Leads the organization through setting examples
 Introduces new approaches and work methods for managing
 Empower others to be responsible for leading some part of the
change without personal biases

 Teaches subordinates how to behave in difficult situations

 Learns quickly how to behave in his work area and teaches others
 Take decisions without personal biases.

 Participates willingly in meetings and listens to

 Is flexible, shows readiness to take up new/additional
 Always, keenly observes behavior
 Learns new concepts promoted by the organization in his work

 Accepts behavioral mistakes

 Talks about ethical behavior and why it is required.
 Shows some interest in learning new things.

0  Shows resistance to change.

(Competency  Rejects new ideas.
Not Evident)  Not willing to learn new behavioral dimensions.

Coordinating skills

Proficiency Indicators

• Thinks in strategic terms and builds plans, which takes a long-term perspective on
current activities.
• Sets standards and norms and plans for the total efficiency of unit/function.
• Goes beyond the existing resources to create new ones to ensure that the best
resources are always available to meet one's goals.
• Manages resource allocation in an optimal manner

• Develops dynamic plans, taking into consideration various situations.

• Develops review mechanisms in the plan through checkpoints: milestones and
• Continually develops and updates contingency plans for abnormal situations.
• Takes into consideration the needs of key stakeholders while planning
• Breaks large projects into several smaller steps, with deadlines at each step; ask for
• Prioritizes and allocates tasks appropriately and plans realistic time scales for
2 activities.
(Practitioner) • Anticipates problems and prepares counter-measures
• Communicates the plan to appropriate agencies
• Prepare simple plans
• Undertakes basic day to day planning such as scheduling and resource allocation
• Can deliver in schedule for simple work situations

• Does not plan his work.
• Always delivers behind schedule
Not Evident)

Step V- Members of the Industry Person were asked to give weightage.

Level Wise Generic Competencies Requirements for MIB Students

S.NO. Indus. P Parents FacultyAlumni
1. Integrity/ Honesty 4 3 4 4
2. Empathy 4 4 4 4
3. Interpersonal skills 4 4 4 4
4. Communication skills 4 4 4 4
5. Ability to Plan and deliver results 4 3 2 2
6. Decisiveness 3 3 3 3
7. Timeliness 4 4 4 4
8. Analytical and problem-solving abilities 4 4 4 4
9 Motivating and developing others 4 3 4 3
10. Coordination 4 4 4 4



rIntegrity/ Honesty 3.75

Empathy 4
Interpersonal skills 4
Communication skills 4
Ability to plan and deliver results 2.7
Decisiveness 3
Timeliness 4
Analytical and problem-solving skills 4
Motivating 3.5
Coordinating skills 4

Generic Competencies Gaps (example)

Name of Assessee: MIB Student Com. Name- NCR

Designation of the Assessee: Student Manager

Name of Assessor: Mrs. Archana Saini
Designation of the Assessor: Manager
Date of Assessment: 22-APR-2020
Integrity/ Honesty 4 4 0 0
Empathy 3 4 1 25%
Interpersonal skills 3 4 1 25%
Communication skills 2 4 2 50%
Ability to Plan and deliver results 3 4 1 25%
Decisiveness 3 4 1 25%
Timeliness 2 4 2 50%
Analytical and problem solving
3 4 1 25%
Motivating 2 3 1 25%
Coordinating skills 2 4 2 50%

Conclusion- With the help of the 360-degree tool, we came to know that which type of
training need for MIB students. The competencies are given below:

 Communication Skills
 Timeliness
 Coordinating Skills

These are the main topics of training for MIB students which will work in the future.

Submitted By: Amit Kumar Chauhan


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