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Construction Work

[Student’s Name]
[Institute’s Name]
Table of Contents
Part 1................................................................................................................................................5



Lifetime Reflection......................................................................................................................5

Holistic Reflection:......................................................................................................................5


Lean Construction Method..............................................................................................................7

Strengths of LCM:.......................................................................................................................7

1.2) Implications of Current Construction Issues in Hong Kong................................................8

International Market:...................................................................................................................9

1.3) Hotel Construction...............................................................................................................9

Greenfield Development............................................................................................................10



Brownfield Construction:..........................................................................................................11




Redevelopment a building.............................................................................................................12


Development a Building................................................................................................................13



Part 2..............................................................................................................................................14

2.1) Modern methods of Construction.......................................................................................14


Volumetric Construction:..........................................................................................................15

Panellised Construction:............................................................................................................16

Hybrid Construction:.................................................................................................................16


Part 3..............................................................................................................................................18



Part 4..............................................................................................................................................22



Part 1

1.1) There are many issues which hotel construction industry is facing in this era most of are

related to sustainability which are as mentioned below.


This is the advancement that addresses the issues of the present without settling the capacity of

people in the future to address their own issues. When dealing with this issues, numerous

individuals have hoped to relate them to procedures over which they have impact. The business

needs to utilize these chances while simultaneously facing different targets and challenges from

government enactment, planning of local authorities, changes in the Building

Guidelines[CITATION Ort09 \l 1033 ].

Lifetime Reflection: regardless of whether estimated as far as cost, carbon, social effect or

advantages. This is especially applicable in this segment where structures and foundation are

worked for quite a long time, or sometimes a decade[ CITATION Pas04 \l 1033 ].

Holistic Reflection: While there is currently a substantial extensive base on decreasing

carbon, the imputation of procedures on the more extensive scope of environment, social and

financial effects could be examined.

There is developing realization which is knowledge about Lean, with its emphasis on conveying

genuine worth while all the accomplishing improved intensity of this zone and conveying

numerous supportability goals. Receiving this way of thinking can help in a few areas and
explicitly inside the procedures that have an impact on the objectives and target of sustainability

as recorded in this guide. Key zones where lean could be more effected.

 Connect with project groups and supply chains in the manageability plan

 Empower plan and setup procedures for least waste

 Fuel development in procedure and products to decrease the usage of energy and carbon.

 Validate benchmarking and centered execution improvement.


Disappointment with building plans which don't offer some benefit for money as far as construct

ability in case of Customers dissatisfaction, their new provisions can be hard to work and

expensively to keep up profitability levels become hard to raise and there is "insufficiency to

deal with current real factors and that the disregard of buildability is simply not supportable in

the long-term face.

Fulfill the customer's needs should concentrate on the capacities they have to perform instead of

jumping to ends by taking a potential arrangements or solutions. For instance, while the need to

encourage better correspondence inside the department could be tended to by making new basic

spaces where staff can talk without fear, it may be better accomplished on regular bases.

Structure and design of building need to follow a moderately predictable procedure of

undertaking definition followed by the solution which is in detailed form. All through this

procedure, it is imperative to be clear who are partners for the new structure are and what it is

they need, and afterward to keep concentrated on fulfilling that need[ CITATION Low01 \l 1033

Lean Construction Method

Hotel Construction and Lean development have existed as two unique activities to improve

development, with particular networks and interests. Adapting lean ideas and frameworks into

development ventures is quite hard. It's a new way of thinking which should make construction

organizations reluctant to utilize it, and organizations don't know that lean ideas will deliver

benefits. Along these lines, it needs to get to furthermore, examine lean execution cases on the

general projects. Defects could be elaborate as that something is not correct on first hand but it

may lead the time and cost. Lean construction has at first a significant effect on improvement of

correspondence and coordination between participants. This framework has a great way to deal

with construction bases of what the client needs you to construct or build– what's remembered

for the plans and details. Lean development, then again, perceives that what the client's value is

more extensive than that. Lean development leads all stakeholders including the proprietor,

draftsman, engineers, general contractual worker, and raw supplier. The task group conveys what

the customer needs, yet they give guidance and help shape desires all through the

project[ CITATION Kim06 \l 1033 ].

Strengths of LCM:

 The most important advantage of lean usage is correspondence and participation among

the project members. The sub contractor’s linkage and duty in arranging make it

conceivable to know when and what every member would do

 Lean construction has the advantage of compelling goods documentation, and

furthermore gives recorded information to qualify subcontractors for future lean activities

and besides gives quick and simple path to know the reason of fault.
LCM must be applied during the construction work and specially in the hotel management as it

required the proper building system to entertain their clients, there must not have any negligence

during the construction the site so in order to keep safe lean management is important.

1.2) Implications of Current Construction Issues in Hong Kong

The construction business has for quite some time been filling in as an incredible engine for

growth in economy in Hong Kong. From last three decades, Hong Kong has gained good picture

for creating top work in term of quality and producing creative structure arrangements. From air

terminals to profound harbor port offices, rapid railroads to cross harbor burrows, sky tower

buildings to lavish hotels and business centers, Hong Kong has developed the experience and

procured the skill to incorporate quick track plan and complex development strategies to

guarantee the quality in the stated projects. But with the passage of time HK have faced several

issues with relate to their govt policies and documentation regulation[ CITATION Gou13 \l 1033


The policies and govt regulation impacts on numerous parts of this business. In an ongoing

worldwide study, guideline was recognized as the most significant driver of expanding

complexity. The business is particularly influenced by changes in health safety majors, financial

related policies and labor laws environmental guidelines. New guidelines in any of these regions

can influence business tasks antagonistically. In the event that planned insightfully, be that as it

may, guideline can really demonstrate invaluable to organizations. Next is the issue of political

instability and bureaucracy. construction grants are quite difficult to give the industry some of
events which should not be occur are the high fees of allowing of licenses, projects are

unnecessarily postponed. Another consistent issue is that of political instability, the worldwide

community has figured out how to lessen in general degrees of violence in ongoing decades,

however local hotspots clearly endure and new ones erupt, at huge human and monetary expense.

Although HK has great knowledge regarding the construction and development projects but there

are some barriers like lack of innovation R&D is the most important and crucial aspect for the

industry but here this has received low retention due to high tariffs and other aspects.

International Market: The intra financial circumstance may not satisfactorily support the

neighborhood construction industry and specially hotel site over the long period, numerous

development related organizations worldwide have exploited their serious edges and extended

their business in abroad markets not simply to conquer the reducing development volume in their

nations yet in addition they enjoyed a consistent development in turnover and income in other

nations which is flourishing. Right now, contractor in HK have restricted inclusion in the China

markets as they don't have competitive advantage over low pricing or differentiation strategy in

term of innovation over the domestic contractors 'native law and guidelines', 'bureaucratic

techniques' and 'local conditions and situations' are distinguished as the major barrier to enter

into the Chinese development market.

1.3) Hotel Construction

Construct a hotel is an extremely distinctive and beneficial project although it’s not for those

who don't want to take risk. Development of hotel’s process need a proper vision, tremendous

strategies and seriousness toward their project, before you layout the plan smart planning is

much needed aspect required here. There are two different type of hotel construction greenfield

& Brownfield development, in this part we will differentiate both of them. At the point when
you're thinking about your investments, you'll settle on a significant decision - putting resources

into a set up a greenfield or brownfield development, when someone do the decision it's basic

that he realize what’s his investment limit is, the degree of risk you can expect, and what your

own objectives are.

Greenfield Development: Greenfield development are non-developed area, farming section

of land that are being considered for urban areas as far as construction is concern. As this

location hasn't been created upon previously, it can fundamentally decrease the charges of

clearing the site required. With a greenfield business, they're going to begin from zero. This is a

great challenge which is required, however it started with making a new and capable team. All

things considered, they have the chance to fabricate another group, they can make a new

customer after that they could be the value-added customers, and they can set the standard in

their new venture. For instance, there are no structures to destroy and no commercial and

residential streets, fundamentally, they give a totally clear canvas, as the design isn't hampered

by past turn events and can be made both effective and pleasing. i.e. A contractor want to

construct a huge structure would have the opportunity to executing the accumulate to help the

foundation of this structure, which is highly suggested for the development. There are some

advantages which are mentioned below.


 Enough space for constructing the hotel

 Due to huge space better frame of mind and planning could be apply here

 Less costly

 In future could be expend more here

 Less pollution

There are some drawbacks of this development too, from last many years the development on

greenfield area has become much limited due to many barriers, Concerns are having raised

around traffic blockage as local people drive from urban zones to their location.


 No proper place for those employees who will do the construction

 Extra cost due to lack of living place and eatery

 No proper arrangement for supply

 The Documentation process could be delay due to taking time from forest dept govt


Brownfield Construction: While This area is underdeveloped, brownfield development is

identified with the land that have been recently construct and later on spoil. Since this site have

challenged by environment, extra remediation costs is instruct by Environmental protection

agency (Hong Kong) and different govt officials will influence the absolute development cost

and the total expense of this project, whenever someone assessing a brownfield opportunity, they

can get to the business record and construct a powerful model from the information. do analyze

the financial records of the business meeting the group of people and exploit the business in real

life all assistance you to create a big picture one of the main benefits of this site is location and

simpler reach to the property with current development in this location.


 Currently infrastructure location

 Easy route to delivering the supplies and for the workers

 Getting tax incentive

 Locate in the center so there are many chances for job searchers

 Property could be more valuable due to nearby developments.

There are some drawbacks to developed the Brownfield, because of inactivity and negligence,

brownfield location can turn out to be expensive and complex. Keep in mind – a brownfield site

is more than only land, for example, existing structures and crops etc.


 Don’t have much space for parking for the constructing team

 Dangerous material in this site

 Permit might be received but for a limited time period

 Less storage for material

1.4) The decision between redesigning a current structure or essentially beginning without any

preparation frequently relies upon a wide range of factors. The two alternatives have their

favorable circumstances and both faced issues, which means the most ideal decision is the one

that will serve the big picture.

Redevelopment a building

At the point when talk about redevelopment, it means that there was no structure on the land at

all beforehand. Rather, either the land was empty, or filling it in with structures, or in past

existing structures were demolished or incompletely annihilated and that now somebody needs to

build something new. New building construction laws are continually changing, and almost

certainly, extra requirement have become effective since the time the first structure was built if
someone want to decide to redeveloped, they might be required to bring the whole structure up to

the current code. This can possibly change the expense, it dependent upon how old or obsolete

the current building is, and how much extra work is required to meet current construction

standards[ CITATION Cha10 \l 1033 ].


 Understanding with climate and earthquake

 Provision of additional facilities like Gym, Swimming poll etc.

 No additional Documentation required.

 Effectively usage of current infrastructure


 Make consensus among members, which is really difficult task to go for one page

 Time consumption in documentation by the officials

 History is going to be demolish

 Long legal fight between you and the civil society

Development a Building

Development, as far as land, property, is a critical procedure of organizing different activities to

modify different idea planning into physical form. As a business procedure, it includes the

financing, development, redesign or buildings and land so as to make a benefit, it’s a a lot more

extensive procedure than construction, which is basically the structure of something, for

example, a house, bridges, hotels, and so on. In any case, designers regularly deal with the

development procedure as a major aspect of the general development. Plumbing, electrical work
and development techniques including vitality and environmental effectiveness are completely

considered from the structure direction through the appliance’s alternatives. One of the most

apparent benefit is that everything related to building is new. You don't have to stress over how

past proprietors serve this spot and it won't require any advance repairing or renovation costs. As

everything is new, the purchaser has the guarantee that everything must to be of a high quality

and in ideal working environment[ CITATION Cha11 \l 1033 ].


 Great piece of planning with respect to innovation and creativity.

 Every thing including color, raw material and security system is accordingly your choice.

 Customization

 Ease of financing and documentations

 Value of the property will increase day by day.


 Cost of overrun and hidden cost which usually necessary in order to build new project

 Lack of planning or negligence will lead to be the disaster

 Too much paper work required in order to developed a new building and specially for the

hotel industry need permit from govt authority and officials.

 Element of high risk, physical harm to the worker could be the disaster for this new

Part 2

2.1) Modern methods of Construction

The demand on the private development segment are significant. When we are confronting a

lack of skills and expertise, we have expanding increase burdens of workload and desire to

convey driven development project and focuses by other modernization objectives, for

example, improving profitability. There are different kind of modern construction methods

which are as mentioned below.

Prefabrication: The assemble of building structure or their area other than the structure site.

The strategy controls development costs by conserving on schedule, wages, and materials. Pre-

assembled units may incorporate gates, steps, window dividers, divider boards, floor boards,

rooftop brackets, room-sized parts, and even whole building, this constructing part is mass-

delivered in an assembly production system can be made in a shorter time for lower cost than a

comparable component created by generously compensated talented workers at a structure site.

Numerous contemporary structure segments additionally require particular tool for their

development that can't be monetarily moved starting with one structure site then onto the next.

saving the expense of material and other facility to encouraged by finding the construction

activity at a persisting site[ CITATION Lam07 \l 1033 ].

Volumetric Construction: Volumetric development is additionally mentioned as accessible

development. These units can be produced using most materials including light measure steel

outline, wood framing and cement the units are now and again utilized nearby boards in

construction of known as Hybrid, Volumetric development is most effective way of utilizing

huge quantities of similar parts, as might be found in apartments. A house is normally comprised
of four units in addition to rooftop. Units were brought into the development showcase for

constructing the hotel and for dormitory building for student’s convenience, despite the fact that

their utilization in flats and hotels are expanding. The most favorable benefit of this method is

cost effective and convenient for each and every range[ CITATION Low01 \l 1033 ]. This

strategy while altogether different, share a comparable trademark in that the two of them require

the creation of two-dimensional pieces. Where they separate is the means by which these

segments at last become a completed the process of building. In penalization, sorts are affixed

out once they show up hands in the locality. In landmark of sheltered development, these are

appended to a basic casing worked in the processing unit. This six-sided unit is then transported

to the site and joined with others to shape the finished structure[ CITATION Mas17 \l 1033 ].

Panellised Construction: Construction done in a manufacturing plant where different unit

made in three different dimensional system, these units included wall, divider, floor and rooftop

boards to make the total systemic structure shelf. Industrial facility made systematic floor and

rooftop boards which used for the well-maintained hotel or house. The panel conveyed to site

where protection from sun rises, window glasses, are fitted. Every single auxiliary part is

noticeable[ CITATION Ode02 \l 1033 ]. Boards can be auxiliary (communicating burden to the

establishments). Current practices are most inspire to part with various reactions to keeping from

the most observable strap impacts of hazard. Current practices must be made sense of how to

ensure for advancement; safeguarding and operational activities are used sufficiently, capably

and monetary bases. Rules must be pass to provide the safe environment Panellised development

is more financially efficient than volumetric development for projects with variation of designs,

the force of each board is known to verify a tackle of satisfactory limit is given (especially for
panel makers who using overwhelming materials for example, cement)[ CITATION Ort09 \l

1033 ].

Hybrid Construction: This type of development is the blend of precast and concrete.

Various materials are utilized by their qualities and shortcomings to give basic, buildable and

serious top-notch structures that offer reliable exhibition. Hybrid constructions can consolidate

all the advantages of precasting, (for example structure, finishing good, shading, electricity,

high-caliber elevators) with all the advantages of development (for example economic wise,

adaptability, flexibility, coherence and with full of animation, it is likewise referred to as semi

volume development. Profoundly adjusted areas like kitchens or washrooms can be developed as

volumetric parts, with the remainder of the home developed with panel and boards.

This solid structure gives great quality and more prominent speed during development making it

more efficient. Along these lines, cost of hybrid construction is less contrasted with typical

development. As quality wise this method is best possible for those properties especially who

want to construct a huge tallest building or luxurious hotel, which may attract the visitors very

effectively[ CITATION Pas04 \l 1033 ].

2.2) Modern construction could be clarified as the offsite variety of customary techniques for

development up to some degree yet not actually. Current development technology is an

aggregate term used to portray various development strategies. The techniques being brought

into the world house building contrast fundamentally from alleged traditional development

strategies, for example, bricks and walls. Prefabricated and precasted individuals are utilized in

this. This is the kind of development where those that give more significant productivity in the

development procedure, bringing about expanded creation, better quality, in less time and with
less waste, so lessening the natural effect. this kind of development technology is a procedure to

deliver more, better quality homes or buildings in less time[ CITATION Var09 \l 1033 ].

Traditional construction provides materials like wood and stone, modelers, masters and planners

had been good for shave away a huge number of useless data from whole framework and inside

the system a segment of the endeavors and time, building and crate new building incorporates an

amazing course of action of time and making plans and furthermore more than one specialist

exchange to pass on your plan to life. you can interface with powerful organizers and created at

different projects who can help to complete the project. The phrase 'Traditional' is regularly used

to portray the kinds of linear development, where every individual advance isn't just built

altogether (or to a great extent) on location yet additionally should be finished before the

undertaking can proceed onward to the following stage, an off-site form of construct strategy,

during which singular parts are fabricated (or 'pre-assembled') in a manufacturing plant, move to

the site totally (or for the most part) total and collected on the spot[ CITATION Zag03 \l 1033 ].

Numerous structures right now being used have been assembled to acquire conventional

practices. As of late, the job of moderate development innovation has risen, and this pattern has

prompted the scrutinizing of numerous conventional practices. At no time are such inquiries

more relevant than when customary practices fail to a network during a disaster. Current

practices are encouraging to give numerous responses to keeping away from the most noticeably

thrash effects of risks. Current practices must be figured out how to make sure for development;

preservation and operational activities are utilized adequately, proficiently and monetarily bases.

Guidelines should be conveying secure construction.

Part 3


The client has considered your submission from the previous task but has asked for

substantiation. Present the evidence of research information & analysis in related to those current

issues, practices and modern methods of construction being selected in your proposal for the

Client’s consideration

Construction now a days is much more easier than before as there are many technologies and

software present to help and progress the construction with in less time. Besides that there are

several issues faced during construction and at construction site which need to be solved to

progress construction smoothly and end within time.

• One of the major problem at construction site in modern world is shortage of labor

.Construction industry is one of the industry which is constantly progressing and many projects

are being held side by side which needs more workers and laborers at field to work. Company

had to face several consequences if labor isn’t available such as delayed time in completion of

project and the quality work will be compromised as quality workers will not be available.

• Recruitment process in construction industry isn’t progressing as a result young talent is not

observed in construction companies with fresh and innovative ideas and plans.

• Although technology and advancement is increasing day by day with new innovations and

discoveries but construction companies find it harder to adapt these modern and new changes in

their work. Although several companies had adopted some new software and automated

machineries but the contractors are not comfortable in using those machines at construction site

which create huge technology gap among the workers. The companies who have adapted new
technologies give high competition to the companies who have not. There are many benefits of

smart adoption such as drone camera which can be used to monitor the work progress and work

of labor whenever want and it would allow safety and security of laborers and at construction


• In rising construction industry and modern times high cost is one of the major and common

issue faced while constructing a site. The price of raw material and land area fluctuates almost

every day with increased prices which impacts the construction companies specially the

companies working on small scale. The companies working on small scale and their contractors

who depend on individual and small projects have no high profit on project while the bigger

companies managed to take profit or adjust the amount in the coming projects. One of the reason

for high prices can be disasters occurring naturally which result in decrease of availability of raw


• The other issue faced during the construction is the safety of laborers and workers working

there. Construction industry shows the major industry leading to the death of laborers. This

amount is increasing with the time. Because of laborer’s lacking, precautionary measures and

safety measures are not taken properly at site of construction which results in injuries and death

or the workers. Safety of the workers should the top most priority and concern for all the stake


• Safety trainings should be the part of design projects for workers to guide them and educate

them about the safety measures which will be compulsory for them. Workers should be taught

deeply about the importance of safety at construction site or at any workplace as it can cost their

life too. These trainings should be the continue process and not the onetime thing.
• Communication plays an important role in any work withers working in an office

environment or working at site. Communication should be stronger and clearer in order to

progress work smoothly without any hindrance. Lack of communication results in missing of

task or step during construction. Project managers are responsible to define guidelines clearly

and should be compulsory for all the workers to follow proper guidelines.

• Inadequate structure is also the issue faced by the construction company which distracts to lead

the ultimate objective and reduce the efficiency. If the goals and objectives are not clear no one

can work efficiently. The goals are not defined properly because either the stake holders don’t

have clear picture and idea in their mind that what they need or they don’t decide any one idea or

goal to work on. High Performance and a clear target plays important role in construction which

should be given and explained to all the workers and will help the workers while construction.

For everyone to work properly and efficiently task should be divide with proper target and goal

to work on. As in this way everyone will have clear idea in which direction they have to work

efficiently and smoothly.

• Lack of accountability results in less quality and productive work .As it is the duty and

responsibility of the project lead to give the right task to the concerned person and should assure

the accountability of task from the concerned person. The decrease in accountability can result in

demotivation of workers and quality work will not be produced by laborers due to less

accountability which can hinder the construction and can delay in the progress of work.


Analytical Techniques
Technical configuration is the stage that overcomes any barrier between issue domain and the

current framework in a managerial manner. This stage centers around the arrangement domain,

for example "how to actualize? And the answer is through the proper planning, status of current

situation which need to analyses and data used to analyze the gather information for

interpretation. There are different type of technical which are follows

Standard of Material

This could be identified as a tool in characterizing, assessing, and determining the material,

compound, mechanical, and metallurgical properties of the various kinds of usage of steel and

ceramics, which are basically utilized in the creation of mechanical segments, modern parts, and

development components, just as different features identified with them, his standard is useful in

managing metallurgical labs and treatment facilities, also usage in different kind of hotel

including 4 star and 5 stars, for product manufacturing , and opposite end-clients of steel and its

variations in their legitimate handling and application strategies to provide quality towards safe

passage and usage.

Method of Working

Numerous projects have been made to display configuration all in all, building plan and parts of

the structure designing process. Most models show the procedure at an Upper class represent as

the overall picture of the procedure which may have very limited details and narrating the whole

system with respect to the project. Business Designing activity model is a system where

manufacturer or engineers developed a design the terminology known as Total designing

module., this represent how well this module could be utilized in business for the construction-

based projects and for specially to design the structure of buildings. This model shows the
perfect picture to narrate the characteristics for the manufacturers that how to build and

developed the building for hotel or an apartment without wasting the material it may save time

and cost.

Part 4


As the development site is situated at Mong Kok, Kowloon District, there would be much

concerned about neighborhood, environmental issues and traffic arrangement around the project

site, you are requested to produce a design solution so to tackle the problems and also meeting

the Client’s requirements & project goals

While construction of any building or hotel there are several issues which hinders the project and

project goals. Some of them are environment issues, traffic issues, legal issues, performance

issue and energy efficiency issue. The major problem is environmental issue which is caused

when fossil fuels are burned such as diesel and gas. As a result several harmful and toxic gases

are emitted which have major contribution in global warming. There are some guidelines which

should be followed strictly while planning a project design and keeping in mind the risk factors.

• All the materials which are sued should not harm the environment and should be ecofriendly.

• No release of harmful gases at site of construction which results in global warming.

• All the environmental considerations and the efficiency of energy should keep in mind while

planning the building design.

• SPF roofing systems should be used which conserve the energy and less amount of energy is

used and also SPF roofing with insulation system is ecofriendly and sustainable for environment
and human beings. Through many researches it is found that the durability time of the SPF

roofing is more than 30 years with affordable maintenance price and more resistance power.

• Recently there are several models prepare using the green building principle or the green globe

which means all the materials used are sustainable and ecofriendly.

• Introducing Building information model also known as BIM .In this model almost 45% of the

waste material is reduced. By using this technology the estimation and planning of the

construction design can be made more accurately and near perfection which will reduce the

chances of error at construction sites and more labor productivity will be there with proper

monitoring on labor through project design and tracking.

• All the construction software will be automatic to consume time and reduce the use of paper

which results in decrease of waste produces. In the manner the work will be done more

accurately and efficiently through automated systems. All the needs and requirements of the

client will be there on their laptops and mobile and can be easily accessible whenever they want.

The firm can see the progress a\of the work anytime they want and can monitor and regulate the

work whenever they want.It will be less time consuming and more productive.

The construction waste should be reduced and how to get rid of all the construction waste should

be part of project designing.

• Solar energy and solar panels can be used to reduce energy.

The project should be planned keeping in mind its long term impact and durability. All the

materials should be used of high quality and high performance with long term durability.
• At the site of construction noise pollution and traffic should be properly managed before and

after the construction. For managing traffic at entrance and exits there should different gate or

entry and exit area for the pedestrians on road and for vehicles.

• Crossings should be made proper and clear for both the pedestrians and for drivers to watch

each other clearly and easily.

• Walkways should be made for pedestrians to walk easily and safely and with no hindrance or

blockage in between.

• Vehicles proper parking area and place for it should be the part of design project and planning

as this is the major cause of traffic around the building.

• Parking areas, entry areas and exit areas should be secured and monitored properly every time.

• Messages should be communicated electronically via phones between the people at

construction sites.

• Safety barriers should be fixed and installed which will differentiate between the construction

sites from traffic.

• The limits of speed will be reduced so that construction and building work can be done

properly and safely without any incident.

• All the changes in traffic routes will be communicated through social; media to all the residents

living nearby and to all the people of concern.

• All the neighborhood and local residents should be informed prior to the the construction

started and communication should be done in friendly manner to avoid any issue in first place,
• All the queries by people regarding the construction should be managed and solved earlier with

friendly behavior and on time.

• The complaint management system should be more quick and attentive to listen and respond to

all complain regarding construction and solve them efficiently.


The presentation will start with company presenting their profile within which all of their

previous projects will be mentioned. This will give the clear idea to the client that how their

expectations can be fulfilled. The main vision of the business is to provide services and

consultation through which hospitality industry projects will be catered. Looking into the

mission of the business it is clearly to focus on clients agenda and deliver optimum returns on the

investment. To ensure leverage of hotel assets, greater occupancy, and enhanced levels of service

quality and operational performance.

Above mentioned are some of the basic focuses that the business is focusing on and ultimately

works on the progression. There are different type of services offered which are divided into

three stages which are as following.

a. Project Stage

1. An Initial Start-Up Services Conceptualization of a Project

2. Design and construction phase within which the physical infrastructure is finalize and all

the facilities.

3. Planning of Technical Areas & Implementation (Drawing Board Stage) Phase – I (Pre-

Approval Stage for Town Planning), Phase – II (Post Approval Stage from Town Planning

Dept.) , Phase – III (Post Construction Stage)

4. F&B Designs & Plans – Phase I (Interior Designing), Phase II (Operations)

b. Pre-Opening Stage (Prior to opening of the project)

1. Hotel Operations and Management Services

2. Marketing Services (Only Advisory)

3. Final Touch Up

c. Post Opening Stage

1. Increasing Profit and Sales - Financial Services

2. Value Additions (Performance Enhancement & Audits)

The project stage will be a detailed analysis of the market that includes all the major details such

as location that can ensure that the current selected place is economically viable where the hotels

and resorts can be made. There has to be multiple options that is showing the possibility of

entering in the market. There can be because of the hospitality industry. Followed by that a

feasibility study is a must go that should be added in the marketing report. There has to be

different options available such as buyout or leasing available for the purchasers so that they can

get the comfort which they are desiring. Making of all around organized association and help

with development of cordiality organization. A brief on goal advancement, government activities

to take up the undertaking. We will set up a financial specialist introduction of your

Hotel/Resort. This introduction will be readied dependent on the venture subtleties given by

advertiser. This presentation include some of the basic details such as resort layout, resort

business plan, benefits for the investor or the return on investor, resort fact file, details about the

promoter and so on. Keeping the solid vision in mind, we can help you from the earliest starting

point of a task -, for example, the general conceptualization and advancement of the task, as well

as the usage and execution of the task, to the last phases of showcasing and deals of its retail land

parts. The part of consultation is also important because it focuses on advising the client over

which thing should be added and what has to be omitted. It is important that within the concepts

different commercial hotels, hotels, theme resorts and so on that is having agri tourism part as

well which is adventurous for the tourist, sports tourism, club houses, theme restaurants etc. Re-

idea of existing food and drink offices and prompting the most effective method to make it a


The next stage that is important in the construction process is physical infrastructure and design

facilities. These are mainly for the preparing preliminary design and concept that is used for the
investigation and visit of the site. Meeting different draftsmen and help with definite

determination of draftsman, auxiliary advisor, PMC (Project Management Specialist) and MEP

Consultants (Mechanical Electrical and Plumbing). Site investigation of accessible space,

utilities, traffic, stopping, and so on. Getting ready fundamental expense and gauge (BOQ) for

the venture in conference with PMC/Architect. Planning Basic venture report with financials.

Getting ready Business Plan with a guide dependent on idea. With all this presentation of idea

the main part is the approval process by the client which becomes difficult with the passing time

and in this case it is up to the contractor to convince the client in such a way that their architect

will give them the work that will be of premium quality will all of the excellent efforts. The

detailed report mentioning all of this idea is presented to the main parties with the infrastructure

plan and once everything is approved from allocation of area to the budget with the approved

document by the contractor. Exhorting and acquiring any motivating force plans from Govt –

Central and State relevant by then of time assuming any. Help with arranging significant

foundation – water, power, EPABX, RO plant, DG set with territory assignment. Help with

arranging HVAC (Heating Ventilation and Air-Conditioning). Help with settling regions and

parts of worker room alongside PC frameworks structure. Inside plan, structure particular

arrangement and freezing generally speaking ventures ideas. Designer will submit Project plan to

Town Planning dept. for endorsement and after due endorsement, development starts nearby.

Planning of technical areas with their implementation is another important phase that is having

detailed functional planning of basic facilities. Detailed Functional arranging of all BOH (Back

of House) regions in conference with Architect. Detailed Functional Planning of all FOH (Front

of House) and Service Departments in counsel with Architect. Task development will start after

this stage. Next is the important stage that is also known as construction stage that is having
some of the vital points. Arrangement of furniture, apparatuses, and hardware particulars plan

Selection of capital gear – help with dealing with the acquirement, establishment and start-up.

Cooking and menu arranging, Kitchen arranging in entirety, welcoming gear citations and their

assessment and endorsement. (Before Kitchen structuring menu arranging is obligatory).

Greeting of citations for F&B and House-Keeping and clothing administrations. Property the

executives programming assessment and greeting of citations. Help with application for working

licenses. Choice of illustrations and advertisement structure and development of lodging site.

Printing organization determination and coordination. Coordination with the inside creator on

ideas Development of all F&B territories and planning of framework in connection with idea

Advise and realignment of designs and specialized subtleties on feeling lighting, music,

administration, seating. Hardware, subtleties of counter structures (buffet, bar, master work area

and so forth.). Planning of LPG gas go and arrangement of a rumored authorized organization.

Table top plans for every table design in collaboration with the idea. Advancement of shading

blends and points of view and idea plans. At this stage, inn development is finished in entirety.

Arrangement of menu and structure coordination with realistic advt. organization. Situation of

bought gear for kitchen, stores, acquisition of marked food stuffs and so forth. Re-arrangement

of kitchen hardware and smooth preliminaries of hardware. Getting ready buy rundown of

kitchen utensils, cutlery, earthenware, China, and so on and help with acquisition through

presumed merchants. Pretends for F&B staff. Operational arranging of food and drink

Departments. In entirety – cafés, coffeehouses, in room feasting, gathering. feast yards, business

focus and so on. Structuring of F&B controls and systems.Menu preliminaries and food tasting.

Hotel Operations & Management services

1. Designing & implementation of brand standards

2. Planning of hotel operations in & Service Departments in synergy with hotel design

3. Planning of organization chart and hierarchy, Manpower projections and planning, planning of

HR – staffing & recruitment either internally or through reputed agency, Selection & appointing

select HOD’s & staff for trial runs.

4. Planning of front office Departments, lobby, back office, admin office etc

5. Preparing exhaustive list of operational material to be purchased

6. Coordination of purchase of operational supplies for various areas

7. Setting up operational systems for the functioning of: F&B service, kitchen, purchases &

stores and sales & marketing along with trial runs or play roles

8. Preparing of SOP’s for all Departments and conducting their role plays

9. Setting up of rooms with all necessary furniture, mattresses, amenities, linen, toiletries, House-

Keeping Departments, linen rooms, laundry room etc

10. Preparation of operational policies for all Departments, press release, launching plan/trial


Marketing Services (Only Advisory)

1. (This will be executed through employed staff members so that the organization learns how to

implement this. We will not be directly involved in the marketing activity.

2. Preparing detailed marketing & sales action plan along with well-defined strategies

3. Market positioning of resort and define customer base

4. Recruitment of sales team

5. Formulating systems & procedures for sales team & Sales & Marketing Deptt.

6. Preparation of letter of introduction, finalization of tariff, resort fact file and basic


7. Appointing agencies for tele-calling, e-mails, SMS

Campaign, newspapers teasers, hoardings etc.

C. Final Touch Up

1. Trial runs for hotel management software systems

2. Pre-opening installation of efficient operational systems

3. Implementation of marketing, publicity and advertising campaigns through mkt. Staff

4. Control systems for all service Departments

5. Grand opening and handing over with 1 month of operations monitoring

8. PR parties and inviting corporate bookers and who’s & who of city

9. Suggesting Travel Agent’s FAM tour

10. Enlisting hotel on leading OTP’s (on line travel portals


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