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Republic of the Philippines

Region IX, Zamboanga Peninsula

Department of Education
Kabasalan, Zamboanga Sibugay

Semi-Detailed Lesson Plan in English 10

(COT 2)
December 7, 2018
I. Objectives: At the end of the period, the students are expected to:

a. Note details from the story;

b. Interpret the significance of the story through varied activities;
c. Relate the values of the story to the present situation.

II. Subject Matter:

Topic: The Last Leaf by O. Henry

Learning Competency:

EN10LT-IIId-14.2: Explain how the elements specific to a selection build its theme

EN10VC-IIIb-23: Share viewpoints based on the ideas presented in the

materials viewed

Reference: Celebrating Diversity through World Literature, page 377- 380

Materials: Laptop, projector, bond papers, photos, manila papers

Value Focus: Sacrificing one’s life to save others

III. Procedure

A. Preliminary Activities (Daily Routine)

Review: Everyone Up!

All students are requested to stand and will be asked with questions related to
the last lesson. The challenge is for the students to be able to give correct
response/s for them to be able to sit.

B. Lesson Proper:

a. Drill Art and Artists: suffixes

What do you call the people who perform or create these arts? There are five suffixes that we commonly
use for artists. Be careful of spellings with some endings.

-ist -er -or -ian -ess

sculpture dance poetry

drama (acting) painting music
fashion design movie making short stories
novels photography cartoons (animation)
b. Motivation “LISTEN and DRAW”

Students will be asked to close their eyes and draw the object as instructed.

 Draw a tree.
 Draw a sun at the upper right side of the tree.

Ask: How did you find your drawing?

With their eyes open, they will be asked to finalize their drawing with most of the leaves of the tree fell into the

Ask: What season do you usually see this kind of view?

c. Presentation


A. Author Presentation Fill in the box with the correct information. Get the answer from the
information posted.
Profession “When one loves one's Art no service seems too
hard. “
Read more at:
11 September 1862

quote Other The Gift of Magi
American short story writer.

O. Henry

Birth Pen Name


1. In what date was William Sydney Porter born?

2. What is his pseudonym?
3. What was his profession?
4. What is the other work of O. Henry?
5. What is Henry’s famous quotation?

B. Vocabulary Rock and Roll

List of unfamiliar words are posted on the board. Students in their respective tables will be given
task card to work on. Each member in the group would work on the required activity for
them to have a grasp on the meaning of the word/s.

1. Scarcely Her voice is so low I can scarcely hear what she is saying.
2. Watchdog He was a fierce, man who considered himself as a watchdog and protector for
the two young artists living above him’
3. Silly Are there people in the world who are foolish enough to die simply because
leaves fall from an old vine? Why do you permit such silly ideas to her?
4. Masterpiece The painting was immediately recognized as a masterpiece.

Reading of the story.


Activity 1: ROLL and RETELL (Small group discussion for 3 minutes)

Each group will be given a die/dice. Students in every group will take turns in rolling the die and will
then discuss the questions


The O' Henry Twist

O' Henry is famous for surprise endings or "twists" in his stories. In The LastLeaf, Johnsy
seems to be dying of pneumonia when the story begins, but it is Mr Behrman who dies in the end,
while Johnsy survives.
If you were O’ Henry, what kind of ending will you have?

Write your own ending of the story.

A Sacrifice
A sacrifice is the act of giving up something, or not having something or doing
something yourself, to help somebody else. We saw how Mr Behrman gave his life to help
Johnsy in The Last Leaf. He made the greatest sacrifice anybody could make. But sacrifices are not
always as great as Mr Behrman's. We make small sacrifices almost every day.

Choose a song that expresses sacrifice and explain to the class its significance to your life.

A Masterpiece

A masterpiece is the greatest piece of art an artist creates. The Mona Lisa, for
example, is Leonardo da Vinci's masterpiece. It is simple and beautiful and the painting shows great
technique and use of color.

Illustrate the message of the story.

The Big Idea

The theme in a story is its underlying message, or 'big idea.' In other words, the
critical belief about life that the author is trying to convey. This belief, or idea, transcends cultural
barriers. It is usually universal in nature.

Come up with a SLOGAN based on the theme of the story.

d. Generalization

Showing of a commercial video clip.


 What is the message of the TV commercial?

 How will you relate the message of the commercial to the “Last Leaf”?

IV. Evaluation:

Read the following statements carefully and choose the correct option.

1. What was the disease that spread through the streets?

a. typhoid b. Influenza c. Cholera d. Pneumonia

2. What is common between the characters Sue and Johnsy?

a. They were both sisters c. They were both artists
b. They were neighbors d. They were both students

3. Near the end of the story Johnsy states, “I’ve been a bad girl, Sudie… “Something has made that last
leaf stay there to show me how wicked I was.” This line states that

a. Johnsy had realized that it is a sin to want to die

b. Johnsy has become tired of waiting for the last leaf to fall
c. Johnsy had already felt pity to Sue for taking care of her
d. Johnsy had already felt her need to paint the Bay of Naples

4. The relationship between friends, hope and sacrifice are examples of what literary term?
a. Conflict b. Plot c. Setting d. Theme

5. Why is the leaf considered as Mr. Berhman’s masterpiece?

a. It was the first art work he had ever made.

b. It was recognized by many artists.
c. It has saved the life of Johnsy.
d. It had caused his death for which he was remembered.

6. Assignment

Make a promise to your parents regarding positive changes in your life. Write the specific traits
which you want to change on the upper portion of the diagram, the plan/methods of changes which
you have to do on the wider portion, and how do you see yourselves 5 years from now at the bottom.

E.g… Stubbornness

E.g.., I will follow the advice of my parents

E.g.., I see myself as the chairman of our school sports club.

Prepared by:

Master Teacher I





Head Teacher III Secondary School Principal I

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