Brief History of Barangay Rubio

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During the Spanish regime, a great leader Kapitan Rubio was assigned to stay in this place which was
called Coscosnong. For a long period of time of staying in this place, he was loved and became close to the
people. Until such time though it’s hard for him to leave this place, his superior ordered him to transfer. Since
then, the old name Coscosnong was changed to RUBIO in memory of the kapitan’s goodness and great

The first residents Tinguians and Igorot Tribe found it hard to achieve good education for the reason that
schools seemed to be far from the place and only few have the courage to commit themselves for learning.
Nevertheless, some who had the edge and advantage to venture with culture were able to open the legacy of
political facet for its people. Also from these forefathers where camaraderie developed, hardworking people and
promoted the spirit of unity as well. Agriculture is made known to be the main source of livelihood.

According to the elders, Barangay Rubio has been a place of admirable leaders formerly known as
TeÑente del Barrio. He is the peacekeeper of the Barrio and Cabo as his assistant. Some of the few good leaders
had time to govern the Barrio. The first TeÑentes del Barrio were the following: Casimiro Elgamo, Agustin
Umanos, Alvaro Sublaten, Jose Sollim, and Teodoro Eleng. As Kapitan, Domingo Dalnapen (1982-1991),
Maria Gaboy (1991-1994), Margarita Dal-uyen (1994-2002), Julian Sublaten Sr (2002-2013), Reynaldo
Dungalen (2013-2018), and Nino Bacuaden (July, 2018 – present). They were the leaders who release the
essential rights of every inhabitant in the community. They were the one who impose rules and regulations in
the protection and preservation of peace &order and public safety within the community. These leaders were
always at hand to help out problems of their constituents through immediate conciliation of the group. Matters
on the works and achievements of our forefathers made Barangay Rubio a surviving feat in the society.

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