A) Feasibility Study

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Software development life cycle

Once business requirements are released what are the cycles/phases existed. As per IEEE standards. This
Organization is giving standards for software documentation

1) SDLC Architecture
a) Feasibility study:

Where Business Analyst team gathering Business Requirements from the client’s environment. To

gather the requirement, they are following some important formula, TELOS

1) Technical feasibility: As per the client’s requirement company thinking software/hardware as

well as staff requirements are perfectly existed are not
2) Economic feasibility: Within the budget, can we complete this project or not
3) Legal feasibility: As per the rules of the cyber law, can we handle that or not
4) Operational feasibility: whatever the clients/users expecting for the operations can we
develop/can we explain that
5) Schedule feasibility: Within the time, whatever customer is expecting ,can we deliver it or not

Once TELOS successfully completed, once BR successfully gathered, Gathered requirements are
written in a separate document called BDD ( Business design document) where all the requirements are
at high level
b) Analysis

BDD is an input to the Analysis phase. System analyst are involved who will convert BDD to SRS

document. SRS (Software requirement specification) (Business+ Technical documents) solutions

c) Designing
SRS is input to the design phase. It is done in 2 levels
HLD- Main modules
LLD- sub modules and child modules
In this phase, document is existed which is called Technical design document (TDD) PDD

d) Coding
TDD/PDD is an input to the coding phase. Development team develop total source code on a
specific technology (Java, php, python, dotnet) like that specific area implement source code.
White box testing will be performed by developers. once done it is coming to the black box
testing. From this phase the released once is build. Whenever the development is complete and
unit tested it is handed over for testing in form of a compiled ready to test software known
as build.Unit Testing of software product is carried out during the development of an
application. An individual component may be either an individual function or a procedure. Unit
Testing is typically performed by the developer.

e) Testing: Build is input to the testing team. On which STLC will be implemented
Test designing, Test planning, Test execution, Result analysis, Bug analysis, Bug Tracking
This is called black box testing

f) Delivery and maintenance

Before delivery we will do alpha & Beta testing called UAT testing
Alpha-Testing done within the company location
Beta- Testing done at client location
Once Beta testing is done the delivery process will be closed. After that maintenance will be
The different types of software lifecycle models, so the first one is the waterfall model,
here in the waterfall model you are having different phases requirement analysis, system design
implementation, testing, deployment and maintenance so the waterfall model this is the first
software development lifecycle model to be used widely in software ensuring to ensure success
of the project so almost all the software engines are used to use this waterfall model so in the
approach the whole process of software development is divided into separate phases suppose if
any process is there if any product is there if any problem is there that problem is divided into
series of phases a different phases here the outcome of one phase acts as an input to the other
phase the outcome of requirement analysis acts to the input outcome of require a system design
input to implementation outcome of implementation is input to testing and testing is deployment
outcome of deployment is maintenance and it is input to the maintenance this is outcome
of one phases acts as an input for the next phase that should be in sequential now let us see and
one thing you have to remember that once if one phase is completed then only you go for the
next phase we told the completion of the first and before phase you are not supposed to go for
the next phase once it is freeze next go for the next phase,once it is freeze next go for the next
phase like that we have to follow it so that's why we call it as a waterfall model water first drop
here it next it comes to next stage,if you drop the water the stages will be changing from high to
low whenever we are pouring a water from terrors so first it reaching firstly 50 flow next to
fourth next third like that it is coming down so like that it has to follow like that now first see the
requirement analysis what do you mean by this requirement so here the requirement gathered and
documented in a requirement specification document so whatever the users requirements
suppose I am saying to the person means I want that these are the specifications
I need the output like this I want the product like this I am going to run app like this so you are
giving some specification and ideas to the team people okay that you call it as a
requirement analysis that will be
righted in a document and they are saved
so whatever the user requirement and
what are the customer requirements that
will be first documented after that the
system design the system design helps in
specifying hardware and the system
requirements and also defining overall
system architecture means what type of
hardware we have to use and whatever the
requirements that our system
requirements that we need and also
defining overall system architecture to
develop a complete system whatever
whatever they need that you call it as a
system design so that will be design in
this phase okay I know the documentation
I had seen the hardware components also
next they go for the implementation so
in the implementation with input from
system design so whatever the input that
we are taken from the system design the
system is developed in small programs
called units so here we are implementing
the program into small units okay so
here each unit is pasted for its
functionality and it's referred as unit
testing means we are writing it code and
we are testing that each unit by using
unit testing so that everything will
become and they under the implementation
okay my product is over and it is every
unit small programs are tested and it is
successful so that will be checking in
this testing after that deployment okay
so in testing and here you can also call
it as integration and testing let me
write one more point integration
integration and testing so here I'm
making the program small program
small programs fall unit/units
so each unit we are testing so after
that you have to combine all units that
you call it as integration all units are
integrated and tests complete product
for any faults and failures in this
phase so next they come for the
deployment peppermint is nothing but
once the functional and non-functional
testing is done okay everything was done
the testing and the functional
non-functional everything is done okay
my project is completely fit then you
are ready to deliver the product to the
customer environment or you directly
releasing into the market that stage you
call it as deployment ok I released
everything and my product is now running
in the market and my customer is using
so even though if your project is over
your product was delivered if any issues
come up from the client environment you
have to be fixed those problems and also
if they want any enhancement to that
product you have to add that and you
have to release it again that stage you
call it as a maintenance so the
maintenance stage will be occurred are
in the customer environment only your
client or customer environment so
maintenance stage will be done on the
customer environment so if issues comes
in the client environment so those will
be fixed ad that you call it as a
maintenance so these are the different
stages in the waterfall model first
requirements system design
implementation integration interesting
deployment and the maintenance now let
us see the advantages and disadvantages
of using a what a fall model advantages
so first thing it is simple and easy to
and use okay
and next it is easy to manage also easy
to manage and each face has a specific
delivery and review for process next
phases or proceed phases or proceed and
completed one at a time
so means once if if one phase is
completed then only you are supposed to
go for the next day so face your
procedure and completed one at a time
next up here the requirements are very
well understood in waterfall model
requirements are very well understood
and it is easy to arrange tasks also and
it is clearly defined stages clearly
defined stages so these are all the
advantages of using the waterfall model
now let us see the disadvantages the
disadvantages in using the waterfall
model is no working software is produced
until late during the lifecycle that is
one and the next let me write that no
working software is produced until late
during lifecycle so if you follow the
waterfall model so this is a problem
they came across and the high amount of
risk and uncertainty will be their high
amount of risk and uncertainty will be
there in waterfall model and it is not
good model for complex and
object-oriented programs not good for
object-oriented program and and it is
also complex it is not good model for
object-oriented programs and this is a
poor model for a large and ongoing
projects poor model for large and
ongoing projects so these are the
advantages and disadvantages of using
the waterfall model thank you
English (auto-generated)

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