Week 5 Discussion - Edited

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Week 5 Discussion


Institution affiliated

Week 5 Discussion

Part A

Hello, professor and classmates!

There is nothing as encouraging as hearing from people who have been in a similar

situation. I have always known that Strayer University is one of the best educational institutions,

but the five profiled students do more than confirm what I already knew. Their experiences are

encouraging and watching them talk about the achievements they have had in life charged me up

to chase my dreams. One quote that I picked from the video is what "when we do what we are

supposed to do, we cannot imagine how powerful we are" (Ahmed, 2012). The video also talks

about making mistakes, insisting that we cannot do anything exciting or meaningful if we are

afraid to make mistakes. Errors exist so that we can learn from them and be better. The profiled

students inspired me to do more, keeping in mind that going the extra mile has rewards. They

share their inspirational journeys, including their challenges, philosophies in life, and successes.

Every student, especially those attending Strayer University, need to watch this video.

Part B

My biggest educational goal at the moment is to excel in my studies and graduate with

excellent grades. It has been a long journey, one that I began back at kindergarten. I have

recorded the baby steps along the way, continually pausing to pat myself on the back for every

good grade I took home to my parents. While I am happy that I have come all the way, I still feel

there is more to learn. I desire to get my Ph.D. sometime in the future, which I believe will

facilitate me to achieve my dreams, just like the students in the video.

Response to Kevin

Hello Kevin, I like your post. I also found the video to be very inspiring, especially

looking at the background of the majority of those students. The five alumni talk about their

story, clearly highlighting some of the obstacles they had to go through to get to where they are.

While their messages focus on students and young people, I think everyone can benefit from

their experiences. Do you feel the video charged you further to pursue the educational goals you

have mentioned? In my case, the message in the video sort of empowered me, especially

knowing that these people were once students at Strayer University.



Ahmed, S. (2012, Jan 3). Strayer University - The Driven (Movie). [Video File]. Retrieved from


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