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Luke 2 rr:Evl

n record hooks:These I6trccords were made whei Qu i us (as qcveh..ofSua
'Eleryorc had lo go lo the r o,yn home town lo !e lisled Jcseph rrad lo eale Nauareth
d Caiee and golo Belh ehen ii Judea Lonq aqo Berh ehem ha!i been (nq Dav:d s
home lovJr aid Joseph,eiilherc be.ause he was irom Davlds lam y
rMary was engaged loJoseph
and trave led tr1h h m 10 Beli ehem She was soon go
haveababy.'and\rhelheywerelrrere shegavebrlhlor.rIrslbomson Shedressed
hrm h babl.olhes ani la d h m on a b.d or rav becalse the.errs no room for lhem in
:Thal nghl
ii lhe ieds ne6r B.lhelrem some :ha.hards ,.r. ,o!ad ng lie r sheep.
al once an angercame ioLln io them lrom the Lord aid lie b'ghlie$ ol |re Lods
g ory flashed arouid thed The sheplrerds were Ir girrened ' B!tlhe aDge sa,J Don't be
ata d lhave good nels loryou \rh ch ! make everyone happy ],Th s very day n Kng
DavdshonebwnaSav@u.,asbornroryou He sClrrsltheLord.,rYo!r liowvrho
" be.. ".o.. do,roo dbeoo'o.
'Sudde^ y rany" doar lrom heav€n andlo ned n pra sng Gcc They said:
rPrase Goc in heaven
Peace on eanh b everyoie

'Anerheerqeshad eitaidgonebddklohlaren theshepirerdssadtoeachofier

Oo to Belh eiem and see whal the Lord has lod us abcul ru(ed ortand found Mary
.clo.p d'\" "r14b'b lr',0 ab"do'"
'ar a di
'.lo ,,p ! ' r1d do iqd do ooooo. - _
p "0 B ..nqaDo.d .o !o.od,q
F"oa qGoodor,nq,ood.
lings abrrlrrm Elerylh n9 lhey had seen aidrreardNasluslas lheanqe had said
: E:ghl Cals ateiJesus paEiis d d Ior h m u,hal lhe La(ol [loses commrnds Ard
!amed him Je!s lun as he ange had 10 d tlary Lvhen ire promised she fr.u ( tu!e a baby.
what;bei it Look tike for us lo p.aise God and saywonderfut rhrngs.bout
him (Luke2,20al?

Lule 2:r1 tsrts us thar Jesus ir rhe Savouaand Chln rhe

Add rhe mEsinq vowe s ro the mrds bdtutoreve,l$mp

BR-GHT lll_RN_NG ST-R 1R4earion22 16l

l\,1 /John &ss)

L_l\48 F G D rJor,, r zsr


D_V_D'S D_SC_ND_NTlrsaian fi :ro1


K NG FKK_NGS and L RD FL (Reve aron 1e 16)

G _ D SH-PH_RD (J6hi ro,ra) -RDS

Lesson 28

do eveMh nolorGodsqlory (Coossians 317)


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