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Cham Turns 18: An 18th

birthday script
Posted onMarch 3, 2015 by bluethecoloroftheplanet
(This is a script I wrote for an 18th birthday party.)
HOST: Good evening everyone! Welcome to Homitori Davao! Welcome to a night of
pastel colors in celebration of a wonderful life for a girl who is now turning into a fine
lady. All of you who are here tonight have watched her grow over the years into the
wonderful person she is now. As a jumpstart, let us all welcome and acknowledge the
ever supportive and loving family of our debutant:


       MOTHER:            MRS. CYNTHIA LAGUA
 Entrance of Family
HOST: To open tonight’s celebration, here’s a quick look of how this lovely, young
lady came about. Roll VTR, please.

AVP plays, featuring Cham’s collection of photo memories

HOST: Tonight is a celebration of adulthood and a thanksgiving of the life God has
given to our lovely celebrant. Let us put our hands together, as we welcome the main
highlight of this celebration, and as she stepped into a higher level of life, ladies and
gentlemen, our debutant, MONICA CHAMANE LAGUA!
Grand Entrance of Debutant
HOST: Wow, blooming and lovely, indeed! Saan nga ba siya nagmana? Kay Mommy
ba? Or kay Daddy? Or baka both? Evidently, before tonight, Cham has had happy
years in a very happy home. The love of a family will always be God’s greatest
blessing. Sabi nga nila, in life we can have several friends, classmates, and social
circles, but there is only one family who is always willing and ready to welcome us no
matter what. Ladies and gentlemen, to answer the question kung saan nga ba nagmana
si Cham, here’s Daddy Manuel Lagua, Jr. to welcome all of us to their lovely
daughter’s 18th birthday party.
Welcome Remarks – Daddy
Host to ad-lib based on the parent’s message
HOST: At this moment, I’d like to request everybody to please stand as we say our
prayer before meals to be lead by Tita Belle Lim.
 Prayer before meals
HOST: To fill the room with music while we are having our dinner, we will be
serenaded by City Lights Band. Bon appétit!
Music In – City Lights Band
HOST: Ladies and gentlemen, that was City Lights Band. (Introduce members).
Tonight is definitely filled with a bundle of surprises for our dear Cham. Adding up to
the list, here’s a video greeting from the people from all over the world who are
closest to our dear debutant.

AVP plays – Video Greetings

Ad-lib – after dinner talks
HOST: Like a pretty flower that attracts bees and butterflies, Cham will be surrounded
by 18 equally handsome gentlemen who will represent the debutant’s 18 carnations.
This flower equates the traditional 18 roses during debuts. For a quick trivia, carnation
is Cham’s favorite flower. Starting off with:

             18 Carnations
1. Nil Marion Badilles- Cousin (Father Side)
2. Joshua Cator– Cousin (Father Side)
3. Champ Elorde– Cousin (Father Side)
4. Nil Marc Badilles– Cousin (Father Side)
5. JiroElorde –Cousin (Father Side)
6. Xavior Rodriguez- Cousin (Mother Side)
7. RestyDela Cruz –Cousin (Mother Side)
8. Sael Rodriguez– Cousin (Mother Side)
9. Glenn Melendez – College Friend
10.Carl Manajero – High School Friend
11.Mark Millare – College Friend
12.Ivan Ricabo – High School Friend
13.Alfonso Fernandez – Community Friend
14.Christian Sulla – High School Friend
15.Franz Chavez – High School Friend
16.Vinno Serrano – High School Friend
17.Bon Salaver – Community friend
HOST: The last dance is of course reserved to the forever most handsome and most
loving guy in her life. To dance with our debutant, Cham’s 18 th carnation, ladies and
gentlemen, Daddy Manuel Lagua, Jr!
Father and daughter dance
HOST: (In the middle of the father and daughter dance) The father and daughter
dance is probably one of the most loved traditions in any Filipino debut celebration.
This signifies the daughter’s first step to womanhood and the father’s acceptance of
this period in his daughter’s life.
End of Dance
HOST: Ladies and gentlemen, sit back, and let’s groove, jive and enjoy the party with
the band, they’re back on stage, give it up for City Lights Band!

City Lights Band Performance

HOST: Thank you, City Lights Band for filling the room with music and for jazzing
up this party with your playlist! Are you guys, still with me? More party-party later
with City Lights Band. They say, memories are ways to hold on to the things that we
love, and to the things that we don’t want to lose. Sabi nga ni mareng Cynthia Ozick:
“What we remember from childhood, we remember forever.” Tonight we have 18
selected people who will share with us her unforgettable memory with our lovely
debutant. Cham, are you ready for the bukingan time?

Host to call names one by one and maybe do ad-libs after every story.
       18 Pieces of Memories
1. Thea Macy Lagua – Sister
2. Valerie Barrozo – High School Friend
3. Jaya Medina – Community Friend
4. Faith Macavinta – Community Friend
5. Nicole Sai – High School Friend
6. Alyanna Fernandez – Community Friend
7. Precious Lim – Community Friend
8. Joy Oandasan – High School Friend
9. AlessaWasawas – College Friend
10.Vermari Digal – College Friend
11.Isabel Quinsay – Childhood Friend
12.MayenMayao – College Friend
13.Nicole Ingente – High School friend
14.Patrice Angliongto – High School friend
15.Alicia Dizon – One of my best friends in high school
16.Meagan Wenceslao – High School kabarkada
17.Gem Espanto – One of my best friends in high school
18.Justine Alfonso – bestfriend since grade 3
HOST: All of you who are here tonight are closest to Cham. Sabi nga nila, friendship
is a million little things. This time, I’d like to ask Cham’s dear friends this
question: “What is that one word that best describes our debutant, and why?”
Cham to change wardrobe in preparation for the dance number
HOST: Earlier, we were serenaded by the very talented City Lights Band. At this
moment, are we ready to move and groove? I can’t here you, are we ready to move
and groove? Ladies and gentlemen, here’s a dance number from our debutant herself!
Let’s put our hands together for Cham and friends!

Cham and Friends – Dance Number

(Ad-lib on the dance number.)
HOST: Matapos tayong pakiligin ng City Lights Band at napasayaw with Cham and
friends, let’s do some ice breaker! Let’s call this “How well do you know
Cham?” Gaano niyo nga ba kakilala ang ating lovely debutant? I have with me a list
of trivia or questions about tonight’s fine lady. The mechanics is just simple. I will
read the trivia and if you know the answer, stand up from your seat. Alright, let’s keep
the ball rolling!
Trivia, trivia, trivia – While Cham changes wardrobe: From hiphop outfit to cocktail
HOST: Grabeh ang bukingan ngayong gabi! Nag enjoy ba tayong lahat? Seems like
our gorgeous debutant really enjoyed tonight. From the shared memories to a game
trivia, Cham has shared a part of her growing years with all of us. At sabi nga ni
mareng Willa Cather? “Where there is great love, there are always wishes.” Because
birthdays are always new beginnings, new endeavors with new set of goals, sending
birthday messages and wishes is a tradition especially in our country, where we give
high value to family ties and relationship. Tonight, ladies and gentlemen, I present to
you these 18 Wishers for our debutant. These are the people close to the heart of our
celebrant, and whom she listens and confides to for inspiring words and friendly
advices. Starting off with the woman dearest to Cham’s heart, representing the mother
candle that will be a source of light for all the well-wishers for our dear Cham,
here’s Mommy Cynthia Lagua!
              18 Wishes
1. Helen Mozar- Tita from the Community
2. Welinda Elorde – Cousin of my Dad ( Aunt)
3. Joy Cator – Sister of my Dad ( Aunt)
4. Allan Fernandez – Tito from the Community
5. Fred Medina – Tito from the Community
6. Mariza Jaugan- Tita (My mom’s kabarkada in college)
7. Rod Aque- Tito from the community
8. Francis Rizon- Tito from the community
9. Roy Sazon- Tito from the community
10.Joan Salaver – Tita from the community
11.Marvin Caballero – Tito from the community
12.Belen Quinsay – Tita (Mommy’s kabarkada in college)
13.June Adriatico – Tito from the community
14.Paul Garcia – Tito from the community
15.Jun Lim – Tito from the community
16.Nicol Fernandez – Tito from the community
17.Melinda Lagua – Dad’s sister (Aunt)
18.Malinda Lagua – Dad’s eldest sister ( Aunt )
HOST: Many ancient cultures believed that smoke carried their prayers to the
heavens. So, at the count of three, Mommy Cynthia and members of the 18 Wishes,
let’s say “May all our wishes come true” and blow our candles together. 1, 2, and 3…

Everybody blows the candle

HOST: Let me share another good-to-know trivia to everyone on how birthday cakes
and candles came about as a tradition during birthdays. Some believe that the tradition
of birthday candles began in Ancient Greece. Putting candles on a cake was a special
way to pay tribute to the Greek moon goddess, Artemis. They baked round cakes to
symbolize the moon. Candles were added to represent the reflected moonlight.
Today’s tradition of making wishes before blowing out the birthday candles may have
started with that belief. Enough of all those did-you-know trivia because at this part of
the program, our lovely and stunning Cham will blow the candles on her birthday
cake. And to complete that customary practice, let us all sing joyfully a song I am
very sure everybody is familiar with, the happy birthday song!

Debutant makes a wish and blows the candles.

HOST: Tonight’s celebration tells me that the best demonstration of gratitude in
response to a wonderful experience like this one can be contained in an overwhelming
thank you. Maraming salamat po for making me a part of this memorable occasion.
And if there’s one person here tonight who is more than grateful to see all of you, that
would be our beloved celebrant, Cham. I’m giving the floor to our dear debutant to
give her message for all of us.

Thank you message from Cham

 HOST: The night is young, and so are we, diba? Are you ready to party? We have
just actually started. Again, thank you for having me here to celebrate with all of you.
Isang malakas na “Happy birthday, Cham! naman diyan. At the count of three…1, 2,
3, HAPPY BIRTHDAY, CHAM! Our debutant is not just a pretty face but also a very
talented lady. To get the party started, throw your hands up in the air for CHAM with
the City Lights Band! This is your host, John Irene Del Campo, enjoy the rest of the
night everyone!
Cham opens the party by a song number with City Lights Band

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