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Directions: Fill up the following data below legibly in your answer sheet. Read all instructions before answering the questions and
follow conformably.

Name:___________________________ Score/Rating:________________________
Grade/Section:___________________ Remarks:____________________________
Student’s Signature:_________________ Parent’s Signature:____________________

General Directions: Read the questions carefully and chose your option that best answer the question. Multiple Choice:
Encircle your chosen answer from the choices of each given question or statement.

1. What is the name of the little girl in the story “The Wonder Tree”?
a. Zuleika b. Zuneika c. Zylvia d. Zhane
2. Who is Ali Ben Ahmed?
a. the uncle b. the father c.the servant d. the king
3. Where is the setting of the story?
a. in the ocean b. inside the ship c. in the desert d. in the city of Mon

Vocabulary-(Items 4-6)
4. misty
a. not clearly seen b. black c. fragrant d. clear
5. delight
a. very happy b. not dark c. sad d. alone
6. desire
a. wishful of something b. not satisfied c. tired d. connected
7. hospitable
a. willing to accept b. keeping intact c. miserable d. lovable

8. In the selection, “A little about Photography”, What does photography mean?

a. writing with pen
b. writing with guide
c. writing with light
d. writing about an experience
9. What is the use of the lens of the camera?
a. to collect light
b. to control light block the light
d. to give off ultraviolet rays
10. What happens to a picture when there’s too little light?
a. It appears bright. B.It appears dark.
b. It appears broken appears perfect.
11. Who is the author of “The Anatomy of a Filipino”?
a. Felix Bautista b. Feli Bautista c. Felix Monares d. Felipe Francisco
12. In the selection, “The Anatomy of a Filipino”, who wrote “Noli and Fili”?
a. Rizal b. Gabriela c. Emilio d. Andres
13. What will you feel when you hear The National Anthem being played?
a. my heart thrills
b. my blood rises
c. my stomach aches
d. my skin burns
Analyze the pictures and tell whether the people are engaged in transactional or interactional function of communication.

14. 15. 16. 17.


Items (18-21). What is Speech Choir?

Speech Choir is

Completing the Principal Parts of Verbs

Fill in the blanks with the proper form of the verb as indicated.


Form Form Form Participle Participle
22. smiled smiles smiled smiled smiling
23. work ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________
24. watch ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________
25. clean ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________
26. sleep ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________

27 Kernel Sentences is also known as ___________________________.

a. core sentence b. simple sentences c. compound sentence d. vague sentences
28 Simple Sentence is also known as ____________________________.
a. dependent clause b. phrase c. independent clause d. clause
29 What makes Zuleika sad?
a. She has no money. B. Her pet died. C. Her mother scolded her. D. She doesn’t have gift to offer
30 What does the word “ambiguous” means?
a. clear b. soft c. continue d. not clear
31 Based on the selection, “A Little about Photography” What would best describe photography?
a .It is boring. b. It is interesting c. It is simple. d. It is frustrating.
32 . You __________ too much with the PS3.
a. play b. played c. playing d. always
33 I sometimes ___________ bread
a. baking. b. bake c. baked d. baker
34 _____________________Language is used to send messages with content. It has a clear objective when asking for
information, for a refund, or making a complaint.
35 .. Speech Choir consist of how many participants?
a. 10-20 participants
b. 25-40 participants
c. 60-70 participants
d. 5-10 participants
36 . Speech Choir should follow this type of voice.
a. medium (deep voice) and dark (very deep voice)
b. small (deep voice) and dark (very deep voice)
c. large (deep voice) and dark (very deep voice)
d. extra loud (deep voice) and dark (very deep voice)
PAST SIMPLE – Encircle the past tense inside the word pool for items 37-42.



PREPOSITIONS – Encircle the prepositions inside each sentence.

43 There are so many new students this year.

44.45.46 The meeting is on Monday at 8am in the conference center.

47..From the selection, “A little about Photography” Which picture would need less amount of light?
a. stormy night b.children in the playground c.father driving a car d.mother preparing lunch

48. What is the best way to take care of a camera?

b. Expose it to sunlight. B.Keep it in a safe place c.Place it on a table. C.Place it on your bed.
49.___________________ Language is used to establish and maintain various sorts of social relationship. It
involves shorter turns, simpler and more predictable language; it and can have a measurable result.

50. Write the complete name of your G8 English Teacher ______________ .

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