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Institution’s Innovation Council

MHRD’s Innovation Cell, AICTE

Idea Submission Form

PART A: Idea/PoC (Product/Service/Process)
Team Details Team Lead:
Name Email Contact no.
Mr. Gautam Thakkar 8504012502
Team Members Details:
Sr. No. Name Email Contact no.
1 Bharat Jain 7023548701
2 Vikash Kumar 7357891422
Add more fields if required

Mentor (if any)

Sr. No. Name Email Contact no.
1 Mr. Naween Kumar Jha 9950501750

Add more fields if required

Institute Name and Address: Global Institute of Technology ITS, 1 & 2, IT Park Rd,
EPIP, Sitapura, Jaipur, Rajasthan 302022

Name of the Idea/Proof of 3-axis mini CNC milling machine

Concept (PoC)

Agriculture & Rural Development


Define the problem & Nowadays with a digital control it’s became more and more useful to use such
relevance to today’s
a machine tools with a coded software. This idea will design and shows the
need (Max 100 words) fabrication of 3-axis milling machine. Computer numerically-controlled (CNC)
machine which comprise the use of Arduino micro controller to produce
pulse-width modulation (PWM) outputs in order to run the stepper motors
that will be used in this work. A milling 3-axis CNC is previously used precisely
surfaced designed for snapping of wood, plastic sheet and thin sheet of metal
alloy by using a rotating drill bit which its accuracy is much lesser than using a
lesser cutter technique this machine tool is portable and it’s controlled by
computer (PC). Design and Fabrication of CNC with precision Stepper motors
that contacted with the lead screw moment along 3 –axis.
Propose the solution to By using this idea, a small-scale 3 axis CNC milling machine will be designed and
Problem Identified (Max 100
fabricated with a low price. This proposed machine is easy to implement,
Inexpensive and comparable to the commercially available machines. The
components of CNC machine are selected to provide accuracy and simplicity
within limited budget. The accuracy of the CNC machine body parts assembly has
succeeded to achieve the objectives in precisely and repeatability goal.
Describe the The CNC machine is constructed in three stages: (a) build mechanical frame, (b)
product/process/ service and
assemble electric system and (c) install control and computing system.
write how it is innovative /
unique. (Max 100 words) Mechanical system gets necessary control signals from electronics system which
ultimately results in desired actuation of motors. Electronics system gets command
or a set of commands from software system and generates controls for mechanical
How is your proposed Present idea of computer numerically-controlled (CNC) machine which
product/ process/service
comprise the use of Arduino micro controller to produce pulse-width modulation
being different/ better from a
similar product/ process/ (PWM) outputs in order to run the stepper motors.
service, if any, in the market Previously, A milling 3-axis CNC used precisely surfaced designed for snapping of
(Max 100 words)
wood, plastic sheet and thin sheet of metal alloy by using a rotating drill bit which
is less accurate.
If your Idea is technology TRL 2: Technology formulation. Concept and application have been
based, then specify the TRL
Level (Technology Readiness
Level) and Expecting the
features of Idea/PoC.
Present technology is based on: (a) build mechanical frame, (b) assemble
Note: electric
For the Idea level, TRL 0 – 2 is
system and (c) install control and computing system.
Mechanical system gets necessary control signals from electronics system
For the PoC level, TRL 3 is
which ultimately results in desired actuation of motors. Electronics system
gets command or a set of commands from software system and generates
(Max 100 words)
controls for mechanical
Chose most appropriate TRL
level from Annexure 1
Feasibility of Idea/PoC solution (SMART)
(Check the appropriateness of the Idea/PoC)
(Max 50 words for each from a-e)
(a) Specific- Specify the Present idea of computer numerically-controlled (CNC) machine comprise of
features of Innovative
Arduino micro controller to produce pulse-width modulation (PWM) outputs in
order to run the stepper motors.
(b) Measurable- Mention the Present CNC machine idea will be constructed in three stages: (a) build mechanical
approach to convert idea/PoC
frame, (b) assemble electric system and (c) install control and computing system.
to Prototype/Innovation with
milestones. Mechanical system gets necessary control signals from electronics system which
ultimately results in desired actuation of motors. Electronics system gets command
or a set of commands from software system and generates controls for mechanical
(c) Attainable- Explain how
you are going to achieve the
(e) Timeline-
prototype development From idea stage to prototype development we need almost 4 months. It will
objective imeline
a twith the available include Research part, designing of mechanical and electric system. For
against the at
resources milestones
your disposal.
for taking Idea/PoC to Prototype to startup stage we need almost 11month to complete it. It will
Prototype Development include formation of compact designs, and testing on large amount of samples,
and (or) Commercial
level/start-up stage. testing of installing control and computing system and accuracy of product.

Applicability of Solution 10
(Max 50 words for each from a-e)
Present prototype have the following usability -
(a) Usability: what is the 1. Machining is accurate
2. Time taken to perform a job is very less
usability of your 3. Safe to operate
innovation. (Level of 4. Number of operators required to operate a machine are reduced
(d) Realistic-
acceptance what kind
of innovation and of
its Skillset
5. No required
possibility for the
of human idea is Efficient in building in mechanical frame, efficient
skillsetamong target
of team and group)
resources 6. Reliable
in assembling electric system and also efficient in installing control and computing
required to achieve the goal in 7. Even very complex designs can also be made
specific time period? 8. Low maintenance required
9. They are versatile
10. Uniformity in designs
11. They could run for all 24 hours a day
(b) Scalability: how your We will organize:
innovation will be scalable at Host Educational events, webinars and bring guest lecturers and make them
market level. aware of present model.

(c) Economic The main objective of this proposed project is to provide following features-
sustainability: Explain 1. Machining is accurate
the potential of 2. Time taken to perform a job is very less
innovation to become 3. Safe to operate
4. Number of operators required to operate a machine are reduced
profitable or financially 5. No possibility of human error
viable. 6. Reliable
7. Even very complex designs can also be made
8. Low maintenance required
9. They are versatile
10. Uniformity in designs
11. They could run for all 24 hours a day
(d) Environment Our product will be environmentally friendly as it does not consume any
Sustainability: How type of fuel and does not create any type of pollution, it will be environmentally
your innovation is friendly as it is only working on basis of Antennas.
environment friendly or
address environmental

(e) Is there any No

Intellectual Property (IP)
Component associated
with innovation? if yes,

Define the potential market The target customers will be all industrialist because they all needed it for the
size (in terms of INR) and better production.
target customers. Potential Market size: Approx. 6.5 million.
(Max 100 words)
Annexure 1
1. Healthcare & Biomedical devices.
2. Agriculture & Rural Development.
3. Smart Vehicles/ Electric vehicle/ Electric vehicle motor and battery technology.
4. Food Processing.
5. Robotics and Drones.
6. Waste management.
7. Clean & Potable water.
8. Renewable and affordable Energy.
9. IoT based technologies (e.g. Security & Surveillance systems etc)
10. ICT, cyber physical systems, Block chain, Cognitive computing, Cloud computing, AI & ML.

9 stages of TRL:
TRL 0 : Idea. Unproven concept, no testing has been performed.
TRL 1 : Basic research. Principles postulated observed but no experimental proof available.

TRL 2 : Technology formulation. Concept and application have been formulated.

TRL 3 : Applied research. First laboratory tests completed; proof of concept.
TRL 4 : Small scale prototype built in a laboratory environment ("ugly" prototype).
TRL 5 : Large scale prototype tested in intended environment.
TRL 6 : Prototype system tested in intended environment close to expected performance.
TRL 7 : Demonstration system operating in operational environment at pre-commercial scale.
TRL 8 : First of a kind commercial system. Manufacturing issues solved.
TRL 9 : Full commercial application, technology available for consumers.

For any Query:

Write us at email: with email subject line: “Innovation Contest 2020

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