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Climate Change Vulnerability and Disaster Risk Assessment


Section Title
Annex A Severity of Consequence Matrix for Population
Annex B Severity of Consequence Matrix for Urban Areas: Residential
Annex C Severity of Consequence Matrix for Production Areas
Annex D Severity of Consequence Matrix for Urban Areas: Critical Point Facilities
Annex E Severity of Consequence Matrix for Urban Areas: Lifeline Utilities
Annex F Severity of Consequence Matrix for Urban Areas: Electrical Post
Annex G Severity of Consequence Matrix for Critical Point and Lifeline Utilities
Annex H Severity of Consequence Score Matrix
Annex J Indicative Likelihood of Occurrence Scores
Annex K Risk Rating Matrix
Annex L Suggested Indicators for CCVA/CDRA
Annex M Degree of Impact Score
Annex N Degree of Adaptive Capacity
Annex O Vulnerability Index Scores


(1-1.99) (2-2.99) (3-3.99)
Are there significant number of 1 what is the percentage of ≤ 5% of the total >10 - <20% of the total
population affected by hazard? the population affected population are affected total population are

by hazard? >5%-10% of the total affected

population affected

Exposure Average Score

Are there significant number of 1 Percentage of informal ≤ 5% of the affected HH >10 - <20% of the
population or Households in need settlers are informal settlers affected HHs are
of assistance? >5%-10% of the affected informal settlers
HH are informal settlers
2 ≤ 5% of the affected HH >10 - <20% of the
Percentage living in are living in dwelling units affected HH are living
dwelling units with walls made from light materials >5%-10% of the affected in dwelling units made
made from light HH are living in dwelling from light materials
materials units made from light
3 ≤ 5% of the affected HH >10 - <20% of the
are below poverty affected HH are below
Percentage below the threshold poverty threshold

Poverty Threshold >5%-10% of the affected

HH are below poverty
4 ≤ 5% of the total affected >10 - <20% of the total
population belongs to age- affected population
>5%-10% of the total
Percentage of young and bracket 0-5 and 65 years affected population belongs to age-bracket
old dependents and over 0-5 and 65 years and
belongs to age-bracket over
0-5 and 65 years and
5 ≤ 5% of the total affected >10 - <20% of the total
population are persons affected population
Percentage of persons with disabilities are persons with
with disabilities >5%-10% of the total disabilities
affected population are
persons with disabilities
6 ≤ 5% of the total affected >10 - <20% of the total
population are affected population
Percentage malnourished are malnourished
Malnourished Individuals >5%-10% of the total
affected population are
(Sensitivity Indicator) Vulnerability Average Score
(1-1.99) (2-2.99) (3-3.99)
7 Access to infrastructure- ≥20% of the affected HHs >10 - <20% of the
related mitigation have access to IRMM affected HHs have access >5%-10% of the
measures (IRMM) like to IRMM affected HHs have
evacuation centers access to IRMM
Are there any existing intervention
to assist the affected population or 8 Access to financial ≥20% of the affected >10 - <20% of the
househols? assistance Population have access to affected Population have
financial assistance access to financial >5%-10% of the
assistance affected Population
have access to
financial assistance
VULNERABILITY (Adaptive Capacity)
to assist the affected population or

VULNERABILITY (Adaptive Capacity)

9 Capacity and willingness ≥20% of the affected HHs >10 - <20% of the
to retrofit t or relocate have the Capacity and affected HHs have the >5%-10% of the
willingness to retrofit or Capacity and willingness affected HHs have the
relocate to retrofit or relocate Capacity and
willingness to retrofit
or relocate
10 Access to information ≥20% of the affected HHs >10 - <20% of the
have access to climate, affected HHs have access
climate change and to climate, climate >5%-10% of the
hazards-related change and hazards- affected HHs have
information affecting the related information access to climate,
area affecting the area climate change and
information affecting
the area

Local government have Local government have Local government

Government very high high moderate
investments capacity to invest in risk capacity to invest in risk capacity to invest in
management management risk management
and climate change and climate change and climate change
11 adaptation/ mitigation adaptation/ mitigation adaptation/ mitigation
(Adaptive Capacity Indicator) Vulnerability Average Score

Severity of Consequnce Score for Affected Population



≥20% of the 4 4 4 4
population of the total
population are

4 4 4 4 4
≥20% of the affected 4 4 4 4
HHs are informal
≥20% of the affected 4 4 4 4
HH are living in
dwelling units made
from light materials

≥20% of the affected 4 4 4 4

HH are below poverty

≥20% of the total 3 3.99 3 3

affected population
belongs to age-bracket
0-5 and 65 years and

≥20% of the total 1 1 1 1

affected population
are persons with

≥20% of the total 1 1 1 1

affected population
are malnourished

2.8333333 2.9983333 2.8333333 2.8333333 2.87458333

≤ 5% of the affected 1 1 1 1
HHs have access to

≤ 5% of the affected 1 1 1 1
Population have access
to financial assistance
≤ 5% of the affected 1 1 1 1
HHs have the Capacity
and willingness to
retrofit or relocate

≤ 5% of the affected 3 2 3 2
HHs have access to
climate, climate
change and hazards-
related information
affecting the area

3 3 3 3

Local government low

capacity to invest in
risk management
and climate change
adaptation/ mitigation
2.25 2 2.25 2


Are there significant areas affected 1 percentage of areas affected by

by hazard? hazard

What is the value for replacement? 2 replacement value per sq.m.

What is the condition of the 1

affected structures?
Proportion of dwelling units made
of light materials or salvageable


Proportion of residential buildings

in dilapidated/condemned

Date of construction

Structure employing hazard

mitigation design


1 Area coverage to infrastructure

related mitigation measures

Are there any existing intervention

to assist or to protect the affected
Are there any existing intervention
to assist or to protect the affected

Structure employing hazard
resistant building design
(Percentage of structures
employing site preparation, hazard
resistant and/ or climate proofed
design standards)

3 Capacity and willingness to retrofit

t or relocate

4 Access to information
VULNERABILITY (Adaptive Capacity)

5 Percentage of structures covered

by property insurance


Available alternative sites

Presence and adherence to

government regulations on hazard
mitigation and structural design
8 standards
(Adaptive Capacity

Severity of Consequnce Sco



(1-1.99) (2-2.99) (3-3.99) (4)
≤10% of nonresidential >20 to <40% of non- ≥ 40% of
structures are affected residential structures nonresidential
or are affected structures
≤5% of residential or are affected
structures are affected >10 to 20% of non- >10-20% of residential or
residential structures are structures are affected ≥20% of residential
affected structures are affected
>5 to10% of residential
structures are affected

replacement value is
100,000-500,000 per
dwelling unit replacement value is replacement value is
>500,000 but less than >1m but less than 2m replacement value is
1m per dwelling unit per dwelling unit more than 2m

Subject to change as necessary) 2

Exposure Average Score 2
≤5% of residential >10-20% of residential ≥20% of residential 5
Structures are made of >5 to10% of residential Structures are made of Structures are made of
light materials Structures are made of light materials light materials
light materials

≤5% of residential >5 to10%of residential >10-20% of residential ≥20% of residential 4

buildings or structures are buildings or structures buildings or structures buildings or structures
dilapidated/condemned are are are
dilapidated/condemned dilapidated/condemne dilapidated/condemne
d d

≤5% are constructed >10-20% are ≥20% are constructed

before 1992 >5 to10% are constructed before before 1992
constructed before 1992 1992
≤5% of structures >10-20% of structures ≥20% of structures 4
employing site employing site employing site
preparation, hazard >5 to10% of structures preparation, hazard preparation, hazard
resistant and/ or climate employing site resistant and/ or resistant and/ or
proofed design standards preparation, hazard climate proofed design climate proofed design
resistant and/ or climate standards standards
proofed design
(Sensitivity Indicator) Vulnerability Average Score 2.1666667
(1-1.99) (2-2.99) (3-3.99) (4)
≥20% Percentage of areas >10 - <20% Percentage ≤ 5% Percentage of
are covered by of areas covered by areas covered by
infrastructure-related infrastructure-related infrastructure-related
mitigation measures (i.e. mitigation measures (i.e. >5%-10% Percentage mitigation measures
sea walls, flood control sea walls, flod control of areas covered by (i.e. sea walls, flood
measures) measures) infrastructure-related control measures)
mitigation measures
(i.e. sea walls, flood
control measures)
≥20% of affected >10 - <20% of affected ≤ 5% of affected 5
residential Structures are residential Structures are residential Structures
employing hazard resistant employing hazard are employing hazard
building design resistant building design >5%-10% of affected resistant building
residential Structures design
are employing hazard
resistant building
≥20% of the affected HHs >10 - <20% of the ≤ 5% of the affected 5
have the Capacity and affected HHs have the >5%-10% of the HHs have the Capacity
willingness to retrofit or Capacity and willingness affected HHs have the and willingness to
relocate to retrofit or relocate Capacity and retrofit or relocate
willingness to retrofit
or relocate
≥20% of the affected HHs >10 - <20% of the ≤ 5% of the affected 5
have access to climate, affected HHs have access HHs have access to
climate change and to climate, climate >5%-10% of the climate, climate
hazards-related change and hazards- affected HHs have change and hazards-
information affecting the related information access to climate, related information
area affecting the area climate change and affecting the area
information affecting
the area
≥20% of the structures are >10 - <20% of the ≤ 5% of the structures
covered by property structures are covered are covered by
insurance by property insurance property insurance
>5%-10% of the
structures are covered
by property insurance

Local government have Local government have Local government

very high high moderate Local government low
capacity to invest in risk capacity to invest in risk capacity to invest in capacity to invest in
management management risk management risk management
and climate change and climate change and climate change and climate change
adaptation/ mitigation adaptation/ mitigation adaptation/ mitigation adaptation/ mitigation

The LGU has identified

The LGU has identified alternative reisdential
an alternative residential sites integrated in the The LGU has identified
The LGU owns an sites integrated in the CLUP and Local Shelter alternative reisdential
alternative residential sites CLUP and Local Shelter Plan and looking for sites integrated in the
integrated in the CLUP and Plan with funding for funding source for CLUP and Local Shelter
Local Shelter Plan acquisition acquisition Plan

Local government is Local government is Local government has

implementing existing implementing existing Local government has no regulations on
regulations on hazard regulations on hazard existing regulations on hazard mitigation and
mitigation and structural mitigation and structural hazard mitigation and structural design
design and monitors design structural design
compliance thereof
(Adaptive Capacity Indicator) Vulnerability Average Score 4.25

Severity of Consequnce Score for Affected Urban Areas 2.319444

3 4

1 2 1
1 2 1 1.5
5 5 3

1 2 5

5 1 1

1.8333333 1.3333333 1.5 1.70833333

3 3 3

5 5 5

1 2 1

5 5 5

3.5 3.75 3.5



Are there significant areas affected 1 percentage of areas affected by

by hazard? hazard

How much is the estimated lost? 2 Estimated Lost based on


-livestock and poultry

What is the percentage of Percentage of HHs dependent in

dependent HH? 3 the affected areas

What is the condition of the 1 Irrigation Coverage

production areas?

Application of sustainable
production techniques/methods by
dependent households


1 Access to hazard mitigation

measures/structures (i.e. seawall,
flood control, slope stabilization…)

Are there any existing intervention

to assist or to protect the affected 2
Access to insurance system

3 Alternative Livelihood

4 Percentage of the population

engaged in production who are
VULNERABILITY (Adaptive Capacity)

aware of natural hazards

associated with climate change
VULNERABILITY (Adaptive Capacity)
4 Access to information


Institutional nancial and technical

capacity to implement hazard
mitigation infrastructure project

Institutional nancial and technical

capacity to provide local agriculture
and forestrybased extension
programs (technology and
knowledge transfer related to
climate change proofed
12 production)
(Adaptive Capacity

Severity of Consequnce Score fo



(1-1.99) (2-2.99) (3-3.99) (4)
≤5% of total production >10-20% of total ≥20% of total
areas are affected >5 to10% of total production areas are production areas are
production areas are affected affected

≤5% of the total HHs are >10-20% of the total ≥20% of the total HHs 2
dependent in the affected HHs are dependent in are dependent in the
areas >5 to10% of the total the affected areas affected areas
HHs are dependent in
the affected areas
Exposure Average Score 2
≤5% of affected production >10-20% of affected ≥20% of affected
areas have access to >5 to10% of affected production areas have production areas have
irrigation production areas have access to irrigation access to irrigation
access to irrigation

≤5% of HHs are employing >10-20% of HHs are ≥20% of HHs are 5
sustainable production >5 to10% of HHs are employing sustainable employing sustainable
methods employing sustainable production methods production methods
production methods

(Sensitivity Indicator) Vulnerability Average Score 0.8333333

(1-1.99) (2-2.99) (3-3.99) (4)
≥20% Percentage of areas >10 - <20% Percentage ≤ 5% Percentage of
are protected/covered by of areas are >5%-10% Percentage areas are
mitigation measures protected/covered by of areas are protected/covered by
mitigation measures mitigation measures
mitigation measures
≥20% of affected areas are >10 - <20% of affected ≤ 5% of affected areas 5
covered by post disaster areas are covered by >5%-10%of affected are covered by post
economic protection post disaster economic areas are covered by disaster economic
protection post disaster economic protection

≥20% of the affected HHs >10 - <20% of the ≤ 5% of the affected 5

have the Capacity and affected HHs have the >5%-10% of the HHs have the Capacity
willingness to retrofit or Capacity and willingness affected HHs have the and willingness to
relocate to retrofit or relocate Capacity and retrofit or relocate
willingness to retrofit
or relocate
>10 - <20% of Families ≤ 5% of Families
≥20% of Families dependent to affected dependent to affected
dependent to affected areas attended climate areas attended climate
field school >5%-10% of Families field school
areas attended climate dependent to affected
field school areas attended climate
field school
≥20% of the affected HHs >10 - <20% of the ≤ 5% of the affected 5
have access to climate, affected HHs have access HHs have access to
climate change and to climate, climate >5%-10% of the climate, climate
hazards-related change and hazards- affected HHs have change and hazards-
information affecting the related information access to climate, related information
area affecting the area climate change and affecting the area
information affecting
the area

Local government have Local government have Local government

very high high moderate Local government low
capacity to invest in risk capacity to invest in risk capacity to invest in capacity to invest in
management management risk management risk management
and climate change and climate change and climate change and climate change
adaptation/ mitigation adaptation/ mitigation adaptation/ mitigation adaptation/ mitigation

(Adaptive Capacity Indicator) Vulnerability Average Score 4.25

Severity of Consequnce Score for Affected Production Areas 2

3 4

1 2 1

1 2 1 1.5

5 5 3

0.8333333 0.8333333 0.5 0.75

3 3 3

5 5 5
1 2 1

5 5 5

3.5 3.75 3.5



Are there significant areas affected 1 percentage of structures affected

by hazard? by hazard

What is the value for replacement? 2 replacement value per sq.m. or

construction value

What is the condition of the 1

affected structures?
Proportion of the structure are
made of light materials or
salvageable materials

Proportion of the structure is in

dilapidated/condemned Condition

Date of construction

Structure employing hazard
mitigation design


1 Area coverage to infrastructure

related mitigation measures

Are there any existing intervention

to assist or to protect the affected

2 Capacity and willingness to retrofit

t or relocate
VULNERABILITY (Adaptive Capacity)

5 Percentage of structures covered

by property insurance


Presence and adherence to

government regulations on hazard
mitigation and structural design
8 standards
(Adaptive Cap

Severity of Consequnce


(1-1.99) (2-2.99) (3-3.99) (4)
≤10% of structures is >10 to 20% of structure is >20 to <40% of structure ≥ 40% of structure is
affected affected is affected affected by hazard

replacement value is
100,000-500,000 per replacement value is replacement value is >1m
dwelling unit >500,000 but less than 1m but less than 2m per replacement value is more
per dwelling unit dwelling unit than 2m

Subject to change as necessary)

Exposure Average Score
≤5% of Structure is made >10-20% of Structure is ≥20% of structure made of
of light materials made of light materials light materials
>5 to10% of Structure is
made of light materials

≤5% of the structures is >10-20% of the structure ≥20% of the structure is

dilapidated/condemned is dilapidated/condemned dilapidated/condemned

>5 to10% of the structure

is dilapidated/condemned

Constructed in 2000 constructed in 1990s & constructed in 1980s & constructed in 1970s &
onwards & employing employing hazard employing hazard employing hazard resistant
hazard resistant and/or resistant and/or climate resistant and/or climate and/or climate proofed
climate proofed design proofed design standards proofed design standards design standards

(Sensitivity Indicator) Vulnerability Average Score

(1-1.99) (2-2.99) (3-3.99) (4)
≥20% Percentage of areas >10 - <20% Percentage of ≤ 5% Percentage of areas
are covered by areas covered by covered by infrastructure-
infrastructure-related infrastructure-related related mitigation
mitigation measures (i.e. mitigation measures (i.e. >5%-10% Percentage of measures (i.e. sea walls,
sea walls, flood control sea walls, flod control areas covered by flood control measures)
measures) measures) infrastructure-related
mitigation measures (i.e.
sea walls, flood control
The owner or concerned The owner or concerned No capacity to retrofit
administrator has a plan, administrator has the
capacity and willingness to capacity to retrofit but no The owner or concerned
retrofit plan yet adminsitrator has capacity
to retrofit but not willing
to retrofit
>20% property insurance >10 - <20% property ≤ 5% property insurance
coverage insurance coverage coverage
>5%-10% property
insurance coverage
Local government have Local government have Local government
very high high moderate Local government low
capacity to invest in risk capacity to invest in risk capacity to invest in risk capacity to invest in risk
management management management management
and climate change and climate change and climate change and climate change
adaptation/ mitigation adaptation/ mitigation adaptation/ mitigation adaptation/ mitigation

Local government is Local government is Local government has no

implementing existing implementing existing Local government has regulations on hazard
regulations on hazard regulations on hazard existing regulations on mitigation and structural
mitigation and structural mitigation and structural hazard mitigation and design
design and monitors design structural design
compliance thereof
(Adaptive Capacity Indicator) Vulnerability Average Score

Severity of Consequnce Score for Affected Urban Areas


1 3 4

2 1 2 1
2 1 2 1 1.5
5 5 5 3

4 1 2 5

4 5 1 1

2.1666667 1.8333333 1.3333333 1.5 1.70833333

5 5 5 5
2 5 5 5

1.75 2.5 2.5 2.5



Are there significant areas affected 1 percentage of structures affected

by hazard? by hazard

What is the value for replacement? 2 replacement value per sq.m. or

construction value

What is the condition of the 1

affected structures? Condition

Proportion of the structure is in

dilapidated/condemned Condition

Date of construction

Structure employing hazard
mitigation design


1 Area coverage to infrastructure

related mitigation measures

Are there any existing intervention

to assist or to protect the affected

2 Capacity and willingness to retrofit

t or relocate
VULNERABILITY (Adaptive Capacity)

5 Percentage of structures covered

by property insurance


Presence and adherence to

government regulations on hazard
mitigation and structural design
8 standards

Severity of Consequn


(1-1.99) (2-2.99) (3-3.99) (4)
≤10% of structures is >10 to 20% of structure is >20 to <40% of structure is ≥ 40% of structure is
affected affected affected affected by hazard

replacement value is
100,000-500,000 per replacement value is replacement value is >1m
dwelling unit >500,000 but less than 1m but less than 2m per replacement value is more
per dwelling unit dwelling unit than 2m

Subject to change as necessary)

Exposure Average Score
Excellent Fair Poor/Condemned

≤5% of the structure is in >10-20% of the structure is ≥20% of the structure is in

dilapidated/condemned indilapidated/condemned dilapidated/condemned

>5 to10% of the structure is


Constructed in 2000 constructed in 1990s & constructed in 1980s & constructed in 1970s &
onwards & employing employing hazard resistant employing hazard resistant employing hazard resistant
hazard resistant and/or and/or climate proofed and/or climate proofed and/or climate proofed
climate proofed design design standards design standards design standards

(Sensitivity Indicator) Vulnerability Average Score

(1-1.99) (2-2.99) (3-3.99) (4)
≥20% Percentage of areas >10 - <20% Percentage of ≤ 5% Percentage of areas
are covered by areas covered by covered by infrastructure-
infrastructure-related infrastructure-related related mitigation
mitigation measures (i.e. mitigation measures (i.e. sea >5%-10% Percentage of measures (i.e. sea walls,
sea walls, flood control walls, flod control areas covered by flood control measures)
measures) measures) infrastructure-related
mitigation measures (i.e. sea
walls, flood control
The owner or concerned The owner or concerned No capacity to retrofit
administrator has a plan, administrator has the
capacity and willingness to capacity to retrofit but no The owner or concerned
retrofit plan yet adminsitrator has capacity
to retrofit but not willing to
>20% property insurance >10 - <20% property ≤ 5% property insurance
coverage insurance coverage coverage
>5%-10% property
insurance coverage

Local government have

very high Local government have high Local government moderate Local government low
capacity to invest in risk capacity to invest in risk capacity to invest in risk capacity to invest in risk
management management management management
and climate change and climate change and climate change and climate change
adaptation/ mitigation adaptation/ mitigation adaptation/ mitigation adaptation/ mitigation
Local government is Local government is Local government has no
implementing existing implementing existing Local government has regulations on hazard
regulations on hazard regulations on hazard existing regulations on mitigation and structural
mitigation and structural mitigation and structural hazard mitigation and design
design and monitors design structural design
compliance thereof
(Adaptive Capacity Indicator) Vulnerability Average Score

Severity of Consequnce Score for Affected Urban Areas

1 3 4

2 1 2 1
2 1 2 1 1.5
5 5 5 3

4 1 2 5

4 5 1 1

2.1666667 1.8333333 1.3333333 1.5 1.70833333

5 5 5 5
2 5 5 5

1.75 2.5 2.5 2.5



Are there significant areas affected 1 percentage of structures affected

by hazard? by hazard

2 Attached Transformer

What is the value for replacement? 3 replacement value per sq.m. or

construction value

What is the condition of the 1

affected structures? Condition

Classification by Construction

Date of construction

Structure employing hazard
mitigation design


1 Percentage of affected Post

protected by infrastructure related
mitigation measures

Are there any existing intervention

to assist or to protect the affected

2 Capacity and willingness to retrofit

t or relocate
VULNERABILITY (Adaptive Capacity)

5 Percentage of structures covered

by property insurance


Presence and adherence to

government regulations on hazard
mitigation and structural design
8 standards

Severity of Consequn


(1-1.99) (2-2.99) (3-3.99) (4)
≤10% of structures is >10 to 20% of structure is >20 to <40% of structure is ≥ 40% of structure is
affected affected affected affected by hazard

≤10% of affected >10 to 20% of affected >20 to <40% of affected ≥ 40% of affected
EP has Transformer EP has Transformer EP has Transformer EP has Transformer

replacement value is
100,000-500,000 per replacement value is replacement value is >1m
dwelling unit >500,000 but less than 1m but less than 2m per replacement value is more
per dwelling unit dwelling unit than 2m

Subject to change as necessary)

Exposure Average Score
Excellent Fair Poor/Condemned/
Good Critical

≤10% are made up of >20 to <40% are made up of ≥ 40% are made of
concrete materials concrete materials concerete materials
>10 to 20% of concrete

Constructed in 2000 constructed in 1990s & constructed in 1980s & constructed in 1970s &
onwards & employing employing hazard resistant employing hazard resistant employing hazard resistant
hazard resistant and/or and/or climate proofed and/or climate proofed and/or climate proofed
climate proofed design design standards design standards design standards

(Sensitivity Indicator) Vulnerability Average Score

(1-1.99) (2-2.99) (3-3.99) (4)
≥20% Percentage of areas >10 - <20% Percentage of ≤ 5% Percentage of areas
are covered by areas covered by covered by infrastructure-
infrastructure-related infrastructure-related related mitigation
mitigation measures (i.e. mitigation measures (i.e. sea >5%-10% Percentage of measures (i.e. sea walls,
sea walls, flood control walls, flod control areas covered by flood control measures)
measures) measures) infrastructure-related
mitigation measures (i.e. sea
walls, flood control
The owner or concerned The owner or concerned No capacity to retrofit
administrator has a plan, administrator has the
capacity and willingness to capacity to retrofit but no The owner or concerned
retrofit plan yet adminsitrator has capacity
to retrofit but not willing to
>20% property insurance >10 - <20% property ≤ 5% property insurance
coverage insurance coverage coverage
>5%-10% property
insurance coverage
Local government have
very high Local government have high Local government moderate Local government low
capacity to invest in risk capacity to invest in risk capacity to invest in risk capacity to invest in risk
management management management management
and climate change and climate change and climate change and climate change
adaptation/ mitigation adaptation/ mitigation adaptation/ mitigation adaptation/ mitigation

Local government is Local government is Local government has no

implementing existing implementing existing Local government has regulations on hazard
regulations on hazard regulations on hazard existing regulations on mitigation and structural
mitigation and structural mitigation and structural hazard mitigation and design
design and monitors design structural design
compliance thereof
(Adaptive Capacity Indicator) Vulnerability Average Score

Severity of Consequnce Score for Affected Urban Areas

1 3 4

2 1 2 1
2 1 2 1 1.5
5 5 5 3

4 1 2 5

4 5 1 1

2.1666667 1.8333333 1.3333333 1.5 1.70833333

5 5 5 5
2 5 5 5

1.75 2.5 2.5 2.5

Very High (4) HIGH (3) MODERATE (2)

Lifeline Facilities/ Utilities Affected by Hazard

≥20% of the sturcture is More than 50% are 10% - 50% are
damaged damaged

More than 50% are 10% - 50% are

damaged damaged

82 or more posts are 27-81 posts are

affected affected

More than 50% of the 10% - 50% of the

POWER service area has no service area has no
power supply power supply

Minor roads are Minor roads are

ROADS affected & more than 1 affected & less than 1
km major access road km major access road

More than 50% of the 10% - 50% of the

WATER SUPPLY SOURCES water supply sources water supply sources
are cut are cut

Critical Point Facilities Affected by Hazard





SCHOOLS Used for evacuation Used for evacuation
LOW (1) HIGH (3) LOW (1)

10% and below

are damaged
50% are
10% and below Earth irrigation concrete-lined Concrete-lined
are damaged canals irrigation irrigation canals
20% tof 50%
Less than 27 50% + 1 are
are timber and Concrete poles in
posts are timber and in
in poor good condition.
affected poor condition

10% and below

of the area has
no power supply

Unpaved 50% paved

Minor roads are Paved major
major/minor major/minor
affected access roads
access roads access roads

Age of
10% and below Age of structure is
Age of structure
of the water structure is more than 15
is less than15
supply sources more than 25 years but less
years old
are cut years old than 25 years

Walls, roofing
and foundation Walls, roofing
are made up of and foundation
temporary/mak are made up of
eshift/ salvaged light materials

Age of
Age of structure is
Age of structure
structure is more than 15
is less than15
more than 25 years but less
years old
years old than 25 years

Temporary Permanent
infrastructure infrastructure
Table 2. Severity of consequence sc

Severity of Damage
Severity of Consequence
Urban Areas

>20% of exposed buildings are

Very High 4 severly damaged with
compromised functionality

>10-20% of exposed buildings

High 3 are severly damaged with
compromised functionality

>5-10% of buildings areare

Moderate 2 severly damaged with
compromised functionality

5% and above of buildings are

Low 1 severly damaged with
compromised functionality
Table 2. Severity of consequence score matrix

Description/Exposure Unit

Population Resource Production Areas Critical Points

More than 20% of the More than 40% of exposed production

population are affected and in areas/means of livelihood such as
Damages leads to the
need of immediate assistance. fishponds, crops, poultry and livestock
disruption of services which
Cases of and other agricultural/forest products are
may last one week or more
deaths of 10 or more and/or severly damaged;
injuries of 100 or more.

20-<40% of exposed production

10-<20% of affected population Damages leads to the
areas/means of livelihood such as
in need of immediete assistance. fishponds, crops, poultry and livestock disruption of services which
1-10 deaths and or 10 or 100 may last three days to less than
and other agricultural/forest products are
injuries a week
severly damaged;

5-<20% of exposed production

5%-<10% of affected population areas/means of livelihood such as Damages leads to the
in need of immediate assistance. fishponds, crops, poultry and livestock disruption of service lasting for
1-10 injuries expected injuries. and other agricultural/forest products are one day to less than three days
severly damaged;

<5% and below of of exposed production

<5% of the affected population areas/means of livelihood such as Damages led to the disruption
in need of immediate assistance. fishponds, crops, poultry and livestock of service lasting less than one
Cases of minor injuries and other agricultural/forest products are day
severly damaged;

Damage leads to disruption of

service lasting one week or
more (for Municipalities) and
one day for Highly Urbanized

Disruption of service by
approximately five days for
municipalities and less than 18
hour disrtuption for highly
urbanized areas

Disruption of service by
approximately three days for
municipalities and less than six
hour disrtuption for highly
urbanized areas

Disruption of service by
approximately one day for
municipalities and less than six
hour disrtuption for highly
urbanized areas
Table 3.16. Indicative Likelihood of Occurrence Scores
Measure of Likelihood Return Period in Years

Frequent or very likely Every 1-3 years

Moderate or likely Every 3-10 years

Occasional, slight chance Every 10-30 years

Unlikely, improbable Every 30-100 years

Highly unlikely, rare event Every 100-200 years

Very rare event Every 200-300+ years

Source: Adopted from Draft Reference Manual on Mainstreaming Disaster Risk Reduction and Climate Change Adaptation in the Comprehensive Land Use Plans, NEDA-UNDP-HLURB,2012

If using a scenario based hazard maps with defined return period, there will only be one likelihood score for that matrix.

Description of Flood Susceptibility

1.       High flood susceptibility occurs in areas likely to experience flood heights of greater than 1.00 meter and/or flood durati
immediately flooded during heavy rains of several hours. Landforms of topographic lows such as active river channels, abando
prone to flashfloods.

2. Moderate flood susceptibility occurs in areas likely to experience flood heights of 0.50 to 1.00 meter and/or flood
duration of one (1) to three (3) days. These areas are subject to widespread inundation during prolonged and
extensive heavy rainfall or extreme weather condition. Fluvial terraces, alluvial fans, and infilled valleys are areas
moderately subjected to flooding

3. Low flood susceptibility occurs in areas likely to experience flood heights of less tha 0.50 meter and/or flood duration
of less than one (1) day. These also have sparse to moderate drainage density.
e Scores
Likelihood Score

hood score for that matrix.

n 1.00 meter and/or flood duration of more than three (3) days. These areas are
as active river channels, abandoned river channels and areas along riverbanks are also

00 meter and/or flood

g prolonged and
led valleys are areas

eter and/or flood duration

Severity of Consequence Score
Indicative Likelihood Likelihood of
of Occurrence Occurrence Score Very High High Moderate Low
4 3 2 1
6 24 18 12 6
(1-3 Years)
5 20 15 10 5
(4-10 Years)
Occasional Slight
Chance 4 16 12 8 4
(11-30 Years)
3 12 9 6 3
(31-100 Years)
2 8 6 4 2
(101-200 Years)
Very Rare
(>200 Years) 1 4 3 2 1

High Risk Areas

Moderate Risk Areas
Low Risk Areas
Suggested Indicators for CCVA/CDRA

Indicators Description
Residential area allocation per barangay in
Residential area
Barangay population Barangay population
Population density of the barangay derived by
Barangay population density dividing the total barangay population with the
estimated residential land area.

Percentage of households living in dwelling units

Wall construction materials with walls made from predominantly light,
salvaged and makeshift type materials

Percentage of young (<5 years Old) over total

Dependent population
Percentage of old (Above 65) over total
Dependent population
Percentage of population with disabilities over
Persons with Disabilities total population
Early Warning System Absence of early warning systems
Household Number of households

Informal settler households Percentage of informal settler households over

total households

Percentage of households/property owners not

aware of natural hazards and impacts of climate
Local awareness
change. (Estimate based on number of
households trained)

Percentage of the labor force who are

Households with income below the poverty
Income below poverty threshold threshold
Proportion of population with primary level
Education/literacy rate
educational attainment and below

Education/literacy rate Proportion of the population who are illiterate

Adaptive Capacity
Percentage of areas with access to infrastructure
Access to infrastructure-related mitigation
related mitigation measures (i.e. seawalls, flood
control measures)
Percentage of individuals with access to financial
assistance (i.e. Pag-Ibig, SSS, PhilHealth,credit
Access to financial assistance
cooperatives, micro- nancing institutions,
property and life insurance)

Percentage of households with access to climate,

Access to information climate change and hazards-related information
affecting the area

Capacity and willingness to retrofit or relocate Percentage of households willing and have
existing capacities to retrofit or relocate
Local government capacity to invest in risk
Government investments management and climate change

Urban Use

Total Barangay Area Allocation per land use

Commercial Area allocation per barangay in hectare

Industrial Area allocation per barangay in hectare
Average construction/replacement cost per
Construction/replacement cost square meter
Assessed value

Residential Estimated assessed value of the property (if


Agricultural Estimated assessed value of the property (if

Percentage of structures classified as dilapidated
Building condition
or condemned
Percentage of structure with walls made from
Wall construction materials predominantly light, salvaged and makeshift
type materials.
Percentage of structures constructed before
Date of construction
Adaptive Capacity
Presence and adherence to government
Government regulations regulations on hazard mitigation zoning and
structural design standards

Percentage of property owners with capacities

Capacity and willingness to retro t or relocate
and willingness to retrofit or relocate

Percentage of areas not covered by

Area coverage to infrastructure related
infrastructure-related mitigation measures (i.e.
mitigation measures
sea walls, flood control measures)
Percentage of structures employing site
Structure employing hazard mitigation design preparation, hazard resistant and/or climate
proofed design standards

Percentage of households/property owners

Local awareness aware of natural hazards associated with
climate change.

Natural Resources
Allocation per resource
Major crop produced
Rice Area allocated in hectares
Corn Area allocated in hectares
Coconut Area allocated in hectares
… Area allocated in hectares
Major livestock raised
Hog Area allocated in hectares
Cattle Area allocated in hectares
Goat Area allocated in hectares
… Area allocated in hectares
Major poultry raised
Chicken Area allocated in hectares
Duck Area allocated in hectares
Quail Area allocated in hectares
… Area allocated in hectares
Major forest and mangrove areas Area allocated in hectares
Annual production output
Major crop produced
Rice Annual production output per hectare
Corn Annual production output per hectare
Coconut Annual production output per hectare
… Annual production output per hectare
Major livestock raised
Hog Annual production output per hectare
Cattle Annual production output per hectare
Goat Annual production output per hectare
… Annual production output per hectare
Major poultry raised
Chicken Annual production output per hectare
Duck Annual production output per hectare
Quail Annual production output per hectare
… Annual production output per hectare
Major forest produce
Timber Annual production output per hectare
Replacement cost
Major crop produced

Rice Replacement cost expressed as Philippine Pesos

per hectare

Corn Replacement cost expressed as Philippine Pesos

per hectare
Replacement cost expressed as Philippine Pesos
per hectare

… Replacement cost expressed as Philippine Pesos

per hectare
Replacement cost expressed as Philippine Pesos
Major livestock raised
per hectare
Replacement cost expressed as Philippine Pesos
Hog per hectare
Replacement cost expressed as Philippine Pesos
per hectare
Replacement cost expressed as Philippine Pesos
per hectare
Replacement cost expressed as Philippine Pesos

per hectare
Replacement cost expressed as Philippine Pesos
Major poultry raised per hectare
Replacement cost expressed as Philippine Pesos
per hectare

Duck Replacement cost expressed as Philippine Pesos

per hectare

Quail Replacement cost expressed as Philippine Pesos

per hectare
Replacement cost expressed as Philippine Pesos

per hectare

Major forest produce Replacement cost expressed as Philippine Pesos

per hectare
Replacement cost expressed as Philippine Pesos
per hectare
Number of farming dependent households

Agriculture Number of households dependent on agriculture

Fishing Number of households dependent on fisheries

Number of households dependent on forest-

Forest-based based production

Percentage of production areas without access

Access to early warning system
to production support early warning systems
Percentage of farmers not employing sustainable
Farmers/areas employing sustainable production production techniques (i.e. climate proofing, use
of hazard resistant crops varieties)

Percentage of the population engaged in

Local awareness/Access to information production who are aware of natural hazards
associated with climate change

Percentage of production areas covered by

Access to hazard mitigation measures/structures hazard control measures (i.e. flood control, slope
stabilization, sea walls, etc.
Percentage of production areas without access
Irrigation Coverage
to irrigation

Percentage of production areas without access

Water impoundment
to water impoundment infrastructures

Adaptive Capacity
Percentage of production areas not covered by
Access to financing post disaster economic protection (insurance,
Percentage of population with access to
Alternative Livelihood alternative livelihood

Institutional nancial and technical capacity to

provide local agriculture and forestrybased
Government Extension Programs extension programs (technology and knowledge
transfer related to climate change proofed

Institutional nancial and technical capacity to

Government Infrastructure Programs implement hazard mitigation infrastructure

Critical Point Facilities

School Number of structure
Hospital Number of structure
Rural health unit Number of structure
Evacuation center Number of structure
Water-related facility Number of structure
Airport Number of structure
Seaport Number of structure
Barangay hall Number of structure
Municipal/city hall Number of structure
Location of the structure (i.e. barangay, street
Floor Area
School Estimated floor area in square meters
Hospital Estimated floor area in square meters
Rural health unit Estimated floor area in square meters
Evacuation center Estimated floor area in square meters
Water-related facility Estimated floor area in square meters
Airport Estimated floor area in square meters
Seaport Estimated floor area in square meters
Barangay hall Estimated floor area in square meters
Municipal/city hall Estimated floor area in square meters
Construction cost
School Estimated construction cost
Hospital Estimated construction cost
Rural health unit Estimated construction cost
Evacuation center Estimated construction cost
Water-related facility Estimated construction cost
Airport Estimated construction cost
Seaport Estimated construction cost
Barangay hall Estimated construction cost
Municipal/city hall Estimated construction cost

Wall construction materials Structure/s with walls made from predominantly

light, salvaged and makeshift type materials

Building condition Structure/s classified as dilapidated or condemned

Structure employing hazard mitigation design Structure/s employing site preparation, hazard
resistant and/or climate proofed design standards

Date of construction Number of structure/s constructed before 1992

Presence of government regulations on hazard

Government regulations
mitigation zoning and structural design standards

Adaptive Capacity
Property owner/s with capacities and willingness to
Capacity and willingness to retrofit or relocate
retro t or relocate

Insurance Coverage Structure/s covered by property insurance

Available alternative sites Available land supply/alternative sites

Existing alternative structures to accommodate
Available alternative structures current demand
Local government capacity to invest in social
Government investments support infrastructure/facilities
Percentage of the site with no access to
Access to infrastructure related mitigation infrastructure-related mitigation measures (i.e. sea
measures walls, flood control measures)

Lifeline Utilities
The general classification or use of the lifeline (road,
Classification water distribution network, power)
Road length/distance in meters
Pavement type
concrete/asphalt lenghth in linear kilometer
gravel lenghth in linear kilometer
Bridge length/distance in meters
Water distribution network length/distance in meters
Power length/distance in meters
Construction/replacement cost
Road Estimated construction cost per linear kilometers
Bridge Estimated construction cost per linear meters
Water distribution network Estimated construction cost per linear kilometers
Power Estimated construction cost per linear kilometers
Qualitative assessment of the existing condition of the
Condition distribution/access network
Structure employing hazard Proportion of structures employing site preparation,
hazard resistant and/or climate
Adaptive Capacity
Insurance Coverage Proportion of structures covered by insurance
Local government capacity to invest in infrastructure
Government infrastructure related investment related projects (mitigation andconstruction of
redundant systems)
Available redundant systems Existing alternative routes/distribution networks
Table 1. Degree of Impact Score

5A_Degree of Impact Score

Degree of Impact
Degree of Impact

High 3

Moderate 2

Low 1
Table 1. Degree of Impact Score


Estimated direct impacts in terms of number of fatalities, injuries, property

damage and loss of livelihood will be extremely high given the extent of exposure
and current sensitivity of the system. Medium to long term indirect impacts will
also be experienced which may affect development processes and will often
require significant government interventions and external assistance to return to
pre-impact levels.

Moderate direct impacts in terms of terms of number of fatalities, injuries and

value of property damage are expected given the extent of exposure and better
sensitivities. Indirect impacts can be addressed through local municipal/barangay
level government interventions within a short to medium term period to return to
pre-impact levels.

Estimated direct and indirect impacts are low to negligible. Current qualities of the
exposed units can deal with the impacts with minimal intervention to return to
pre-impact levels. Exposed units can cope with the expected impacts using their
own resources.
Table 1. Degree of Adaptive Capacity

Degree of Adaptive Capacity Adaptive Capacity Rating

Low 3

Moderate 2

High 1
Table 1. Degree of Adaptive Capacity


The system is not flexible to accommodate changes in climate. Addressing the

impacts is costly. The LGU and property owners will require external assistance to
address the impacts.

Addressing the impacts will require significant cost but it is still within the capacity
of system to adapt to potential impacts. It can accommodate within its resources
the cost for adapting and mitigating impacts.

The system is able to accommodate changes in climate. There are adaptation

measures in place to address impacts or the effort and resources need to
implement interventions can be pursued within theimmediately.
Vulnerability Index Scores

Adaptive Capacity Score

Vulnerability Index
Degree of Impact Score Vulnerability
High (1) Moderate Low (3) Range

High (3) 3 6 9 High >6-9

Moderate (2) 2 4 6 Moderate >3-6

Low (1) 1 2 3 Low <3

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