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Leave it in the ground.

Last November Total carbon in known fossil fuels reserves equates to 2860 Gt CO2 if combusted,
which less than 900 Gt can be emitted up to 2050 for a 50% chance of warming being less than 2°C.
This makes the search for extreme energy pointless, At the present rate of 37Gt per year that gives
us 24 years to totally phase out fossil fuels.

How can we possibly do that without a crash landing?

The first tool we need is divestment from fossil fuels. That is the withdawal of support by big
investors such as university endowments, pension funds, cities and eventually countries. This
method has been successful in the campaign against tobacco companies and the fight against
apartheid in South Africa. It is beginning to have an effect on fossil fuels. Hopefully withdrawl of
funds in fossil fuels will lead to more investment in renewable power.

What else can we do?

Tradable Energy Quotas (TEQs) are a new form of carbon trading that brings the problem of global
warming down to the individual. This tool allocates a yearly allowance of TEQs to each citizen. The
remaining TEQs would be auctioned to industry. As the number of TEQs are reduced every year
fossil fuel use should be less. It will also ensure that when energy becomes in short supply it is
shared out fairly. A well managed TEQ scheme will help to give a soft landing when we no longer
use fossil fuels

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