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Guy Fawkes.

Not only are the shops crammed with tinsel, advent calendars and a general red hue splattered with
tacky silver at some shelf or other in a capitalist induced supermarket. I have to endure the
morphing of Samhain into Halloween then into some 53rd state Americanised excuse for a load of
brainwashed TV addicts to knock at my door screaming trick or treat.
I remember when Christmas was not really recognised until the Nativity performance at Infants
school. I went to an Infants school not a Primary one. So who decided that Christmas should begin
after the summer holidays? When did fairy cakes become cup cakes? They are not cups are made
from cups everyone not Americanised knows they are made out of fairies.
So, I get to my point why do we now call Guy Fawkes Bonfire night. Surely it is not an insidious
plot of the media to make us forget that Guy, yes you remember him the one who dared once to
blow up The Houses of Parliament. Now he has vanished into a pile of burning wood offcuts and
garage clearouts. The introduction of compulsory Health and Safety Insurance has led inevitably to
the demise of small decentralised Guy Fawkes displays. Our village display went up in a puff of
smoke when the Parish Council had to fork out £2000 for holding one.
Well, at least Anonymous are staging a demo on Guy Fawkes, all donning anonymous masks and
marching past the Houses of Parliament. Hopefully, burning an effigy of Cameron, not, our beloved
hero Mr. Fawkes.

So, remember remember the 5th of November gunpowder treason and plot.
Remember, remember the fifth of November
Gunpowder, treason and plot.
I see no reason, why gunpowder treason
Should ever be forgot.
Guy Fawkes, guy, t'was his intent
To blow up king and parliament.
Three score barrels were laid below
To prove old England's overthrow.

By God's mercy he was catch'd

With a darkened lantern and burning match.
So, holler boys, holler boys, Let the bells ring.
Holler boys, holler boys, God save the king.

And what shall we do with him?

Burn him!

Annette Hudspeth.

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